You are correct. Also, when they gave it back, it was to guarantee that the Panama Canal will not fall into any adversaries’ hands. It seems like China is trying hard take control there. Trump is doing the right thing.
Mr. Shiu, you are completely clueless when it comes to Western politics. The US can quit WHO, UN, or even NATO as it pleases, and immediately create another organization of stricter standards, with other like-minded nations.
possible. The Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal is commonly known as the "Neutrality Treaty". Under this treaty, the U.S. retained the permanent right to defend the canal from any threat that might interfere with its continued neutral service to ships of all nations.
When Carter gave Panama the canal, the US reserved the right to use the military to keep the canal neutral. China is building a 'harbor' there. Will that act be considered neutral?
點止呀 佢仲話加拿大係美國第51個州,杜魯多係州長 啱啱重提美國要買起格陵蘭島(Greenland) 如果呢啲說話係出自拜登口中,啲侵粉一定有撲出嚟話佢老人癡呆,但係由特朗普講出嚟,佢哋又如痴如醉,大呼過癮,佢哋嘅行徑真係笑死人 仲話 make America great again,令美國成為國際笑柄就真