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This video provides practical guidance to girls and women on how to manage menstruation when there are shortages of commercial menstrual products in market. It provides simple instructions for the preparation of reusable cotton cloths and pads at home and the appropriate use of those products while ensuring hygiene.
UNICEF 2019, Guide to Menstrual Hygiene Materials
GIZ 2019, Training of Trainers Manual for School Teachers on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Menstrual Hygiene Management
Columbia University and International Rescue Committee 2017, A toolkit for Integrating Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) into Humanitarian Response
Family Welfare Division (FWD) and Nepal Fertility Care Centre (NFCC) 2015, Integrating Menstrual Health Management into School Health Program
Sarah House, Therese Mahon, and Sue Cavill, 2012, Menstrual Hygiene Matters