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Mentor Roulette: Journey of the Crown - Episode 9

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@TacticalBear86 5 ай бұрын
Sadly you can't help those that don't want to be helped. Thanks for the video and info.
@Myrtneough 5 ай бұрын
Ah yes, the classic tactic of "What's Kardia" My staple of playing Sage.
@Sil3ntLynx 5 ай бұрын
14:38 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Miq'Ote number 5
@chipslight738 5 ай бұрын
@Sil3ntLynx 5 ай бұрын
A little bit of G'raha by my side A little bit of Yda's what I need A little bit of 'Bryeda's what I see
@aggonee150 5 ай бұрын
Hey WeskAlber! I love all of you videos! I am a Sprout to FFXIV from Xbox and your guides for rotations and skills have been invaluable to me! These Mentor Series have been great too! Your personality is fantastic and love your attitude! Thanks for the DLC alerts too so I can avoid spoilers! You're awesome, man!
@roronoa1243 5 ай бұрын
The thin air into medica II at the start of the duty in The Burn was such a cursed omen oh my god
@keiyangoshin3650 5 ай бұрын
“Half of us are mentals. Mentors.” - It’s ok Wesk, we get it. 😉
@moverandashaker1996 5 ай бұрын
"Half of us are mentals, err mentors." No, you said it right the first time.
@poweruppikawho9007 5 ай бұрын
It's bad enough when the person you're trying to help responds negatively. When someone else in your party throws a hissy fit over it, that's the true Mentor experience. I got put in Crystal Tower, noticed the ninja in my party was using doton exclusively. I'm not even sure they were using their Huton from how much they spammed doton. I said "Hey, using doton on a single target is a dps loss. Use Raiton instead." Then the Summoner in our party throws an absolute fit telling me "It's not my place to tell them how to play" and "It's just crystal tower" and that " maybe bc they are fine playing like this so just drop it". The ninja never ended up saying anything and continued to doton for the rest of the raid. Moments like this are really discouraging to mentors helping people.
@HyouVizer 5 ай бұрын
doton potency total is 480 raiton is 650 yet seeing its raw damage on a striking dummt, doton adds up to more damage than raiton. It doesnt make sense, or maybe doton potency info is incorrect.
@poweruppikawho9007 5 ай бұрын
@@HyouVizer You have to consider 3 additional factors. 1) Doton requires 1 additional mudra to execute, which means your gcd has to roll an extra time, resulting in 480 potency divided by 4 button presses (the 3 mudra plus the doton button itself) vs the 3 button presses of raiton (the 2 mudra and the raiton button). So your total damage per second output is lower on doton no matter what. 480/4 = 120 potency per button press. 650/3 = 216.66 potency per button press. 2) at 80 you get Bushin, which does 160 potency per single target attack like raiton but only half that, 80 potency for an aoe like doton. 3) There's damage variance, since every tick of doton can crit and dh. If you get a lot of high rolls on doton and a low roll on raiton, it can look like doton "does more damage". But even in that circumstance, see the above statement about your gcds per action and when you reach 90 you have forked and fleeting raiju, which are 560 potency after you use raiton, which can be used for a more direct comparison of 1210 potency in 4 button presses with raiton vs the 480 potency in 4 button presses of doton.
@PKrazorleaf 5 ай бұрын
​@@poweruppikawho9007And also the misconception about using doton on single target is (if im not mistaken) because it used to be possible to pop doton prepull and go invis to recharge your mudras, so that would indeed be a dps increase then. Now doton just disappears when you use invis.
@poweruppikawho9007 5 ай бұрын
@@PKrazorleaf Yeah, but even then doton was only a dps gain if done in the opener and if the tank actually was so kind as to pull the boss into the doton. As we've seen in this series, not all tanks are so kind to their ninjas.
@diegobrandomtg 5 ай бұрын
idk what it is Burn does to WHMs. I still remember my first run. Final boss took us half an hour to clear. 2 DCs. It was only after we finally cleared, when I definitely wasn't checking a third party tool I had forgotten to turn off, that I realized why. The entire dungeon, THE ENTIRE DUNGEON, the white mage had not done a SINGLE POINT OF DAMAGE. Like not even by accident, by walking into autoattack range. Literally 0 damage. they had spent the entire run only using healing spells (and we were still dying...) To this day I still fear running into them. They're probably out there, somewhere, and I'm terrified one day I'll get a bad spin of the roulette, and there they'll be.
@Cherryblossoms110 5 ай бұрын
I'm not trying to take away from your suffering, just wanted to provide a fun fact that healers actually don't have an auto attack Edit: and TIL, neither do any casters
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
Incorrect. Healers and Mages have auto attacks. Back in ARR you actually would intentionally try to auto as some of the mages due to it being a significant DPS increase.
@haloeightYT 5 ай бұрын
@@Cherryblossoms110 sure they do but you have to be in melee range and not casting for it to happen
@ShieleviaLysterious 5 ай бұрын
yep, i’ve encountered one of those before, was playing a tank, asked them to deal some damage, they said no, that was the end of that. run took twice as long
@IKMcGwee 5 ай бұрын
As a healer main (Sage/Whm mostly), I'm sorry you got one of those healers, I had the Burn the other day as Whm and it went just fine.
@GarnetDust24 5 ай бұрын
I had my first turtle failure in mentor roulette. We were all screaming at the tank but they refused to move or speak. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do.
@Faythe1981 22 күн бұрын
Seeing your Paissa minion hop around at random tickles my funny bone... every, single, time. LOL
@buhread7698 4 ай бұрын
Great video Mr. Wesker! I'm really liking this series so far, both for the in-duty shenanigans and informational intros. I've been a pretty active mentor on my server for a long while now, and it's nice to see some more attention brought to it as an honest discussion and not just "lol burger king crown," although today's intro definitely activated some neurons because... hoooooo boy have I had some experiences! I like your idea of using current expansion deliveries as a requirement, because I do think the fundamental issue here is that you can essentially start collectibles at level 50... you could, in theory, become a mentor while still being in ARR! But, I think another issue I tend to see is that there's a portion of people who don't ever actually learn the crafting/gathering systems - they copy/paste macros, spam leves and GC turnins, and be done with it. Which is fine for normal gameplay, but mentorship? I'm not so sure, at least.... so I think the idea of using Expert recipes as a requirement is less "do challenging content" and more of a check to see if you actually have crafting knowledge. At least, in my experience in doing experts, the challenge is one part RNG, and one part knowing what skills to use with the RNG, since you cannot reliably macro the craft. But I can also understand why a requirement like that would be seen as too difficult. The novice mentor thing really gets me the most. I'm glad to at least hear it's discouraged on Midgardsormr. I wish I could say the same for my server, but I actually get a lot of pushback whenever the topic comes up, no matter how polite or concise I try to be. Other mentors will say I'm trying to gatekeep people who want to help; then I specify that I am referring to people who only use NN as a general chat and nothing else. Then I'm called a hypocrite because I also use the NN as a general chat in between helping people. When a sprout player expresses disappointment in losing NN, there's a portion of trade mentors who will tell them to become mentors in order to get back in, because that's what they did, and if I call into question this kind of behavior they become extremely defensive. Personally, I find it... really frustrating, and maybe that's why I personally wish for harder trade mentor requirements. But at the end of the day it's a problem with no easy solution, nor much of a problem at all in the dev's eyes considering the system has hardly been touched for a long time now. ... Gah, sorry for the essay. Like I said, neuron activation. Wonderful job, looking forward to the next video! :D
@IKMcGwee 5 ай бұрын
I gotta agree, i was also expecting yall to wipe at Manor Hard, so good job.
@PKrazorleaf 5 ай бұрын
Always happens when i get that dungeon xD
@Marvelous_Jared 5 ай бұрын
I haven't actually done that version of the dungeon yet, what's special about the last boss?
@PKrazorleaf 5 ай бұрын
@@Marvelous_Jared For some reason this boss has a hard enrage. The boss will consume the add and deal damage to the group depending on how much hp the add had left when it gets consumed. Now if the boss is below 20%(i think) before the add spawns, it will immediately get consumed and wipe the group. Yeah. Nice design. Imagine getting punished for doing good dps. 😂
@IKMcGwee 5 ай бұрын
@@PKrazorleaf yeah, it's like the only dungeon boss that forces you to stop dpsing it and focus adds. If you do too much damage before dropping the adds to 1 hp, you actually phase push her into eating the adds sooner and thus stacking buffs on her. So no one wants to run it, so unless someone is running it for the very first time, it next to never shows up in roulettes. Most people don't remember how she works because of that soooo, mass wipes much rage. That last second LB saved that run. See how much damage the boss party wide did after she ate the add? Without the LB damage that would have killed them all but the tank I think.
@Ash-vu1et 5 ай бұрын
i always await these videos with bated breath because they're so much fun! thanks for another upload :D
@Lyricscroll-wz8jv 5 ай бұрын
Consider me surprised that a lvl 90 tank doesn't understand the point of USING YOUR MITIGATIONS!!! God I'm still a novice but even I know that!
@IKMcGwee 5 ай бұрын
When I first started tanking, I opened the dungeon telling them that was very new to tanking and I went about and pulled and juggled mit as much as I could through it. It went more or less fine and the at the end they said that if I hadn't said that I was new to tanking, they wouldn't have known I was because I was doing a better job miting then a lot of other tanks they've had.
@mareczek00713 3 ай бұрын
Fun fact about Haukke Manor hard - if you are a tank tell the team to NOT use limit break no matter what, tank LB I used once allowed entire team, including a SEVERELY undergeared astro, to survive despite both lancer and bard deciding to ignore the final mechanic.
@alenonimo 5 ай бұрын
10:50 For Halicarnassus, it's easier to not wipe if everyone just stops attacking the boss and focus on adds the moment they appear. Managed to do some wipeless runs this way. Halicarnassus recovers HP by eating the adds, so getting rid of them ASAP tends to solve all problems. :P
@TheFrantic5 5 ай бұрын
I like the image of you at the boss barrier just yelling across the void. "Hey! You need help? What is the boss HP at?"
@ThreeCreeperMondays 5 ай бұрын
for the DoH/DoL mentorship, i'd honestly say all you need to add is one expert crafting completion and one collectable gathered it'd allow the bar-to-entry to still be current content, it'd have you actually engage with the more challenging systems, but still have the requirement be reasonable enough that you don't have to no-life the content to become a mentor for context, i'd never even done an expert craft before i got my hammer crown
@Apollad2 5 ай бұрын
Duty 5 was SO lucky that the add spawned while she was casting something else and everyone swapped quickly, you were already below the 30% threshold for consumption when the add spawned. (For reference, every time i go there i say 'slow dps at half, swap to add as soon as it spawns which is around 40%')
@kupocakey 5 ай бұрын
Perhaps the mentorship requirements need something like an "any three of the following" section where a wider range of activities can earn you mentorship? So in the case of crafting/gathering you could set the basic requirements a little higher, but offer alternative, technically less grindy steps that demonstrate more advanced skills? It's like on the battle side of things, while yes it'd be wrong to make higher level content a requirement for every mentor, maybe it's weird that clearing it isn't an optional alternative to other criteria?
@ray30k 5 ай бұрын
Rest assured, I thoroughly enjoy the intros!
@haloeightYT 5 ай бұрын
Waitin on queue........
@ryshazeux4099 5 ай бұрын
Waitin' on queue....
@NewbDragoon 3 ай бұрын
"Why is it always White Mages?" My theory is cus it's the only "obvious" healer when starting off, so anyone that wants to heal will pick that. Every other healer you gotta go out of your way to learn a new job's worth of spells when you unlock them. This means that players who aren't particularly curious or interested in learning will just stick with WHM. Thus the job has a higher chance of being piloted by a player that's inexperienced or unwilling to accept advice, because otherwise they might have branched off into a different healer job.
@mollymillions6586 6 күн бұрын
People are also constantly telling new players to pick white mage because it's "easy".
@alexrelo9753 5 ай бұрын
6:22 you can see it for 1 or 2 frames the tank using invul maybe perhaps posibly too late
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
Problem is, they don't need to get low first for Hallowed to be good. Should use it at high HP still, especially when all of the enemies were there. It's not like they were waiting for them to group up
@alexrelo9753 5 ай бұрын
@@WeskAlber nono i mean it was funy , mainly cos i been in both ends of that xd
@liasprings6502 5 ай бұрын
Oh yeah the "I want to be Trade Mentor so I can stay in Novice Chat" does happen a few times. Leading people to an FC is genuinely one of the best options there, but I personally always feel guilty about taking up a trade mentor crown slot when I usually give more battle advice just because I don't have the commendations required for a full crown. Also very sad that you didn't get the full ARF Dualstar prog experience. It's not the same when just your two DPS bite the dust instead of DPS and Healer. ALSO: Swiftcast -> Flare is legit a good option for low level (below 60) BLM, just like spamming Thunder 3 whenever you get a proc instead of Fire 1. EDIT: Swift -> Flare is a good option as your final Fire spell at 2500 MP or less, not at 7600 MP.
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
When they're using Flare constantly though? That ain't Swift at low MP, that's just Flare spam
@liasprings6502 5 ай бұрын
Okay yeah rewatched it and saw the Flare go out at 7600 MP, nevermind on that front.
@acehealer4212 4 ай бұрын
I ran Haukke Manor hard recently. The group I was with was real nice to me as newbie tank. I was super confused when they said we wiped because we hit the boss too hard. But after we cleared, I looked up the guide and understood.
@GemmiElf 5 ай бұрын
At this point it should just be made that when you learn your Cure/Benefic 2 it should be a trait that upgrades Cure/Benefic 1 into 2 and it'd cause a lot less misery. Maybe for Scholars have pysick change into adlo? or just...remove it from summoner/scholar altogether as it doesn't really have a point in scholar anymore and it doesn't scale right for summoners to do anything with it.
@Lyu-Phy 5 ай бұрын
Great video as always, love the series!
@dff8088 Ай бұрын
As someone who has never been a mentor, the requirement to get "x" amount of commendations really annoys me. Commendations are less an indication of knowledge and skill at the game and more an indication of if you play tank and healer enough for people to give you commendations.
@Cassapphic 5 ай бұрын
These videos so often remind me of my biggest gripes with white mage, it feels very simple and linear in a way I dont enjoy compared to the other healers with more structured cooldowns and resources if you know what you're doing. But the abilities dont have obvious synergie and limitations so many novice white mages misunderstand how they're meant to play and do really silly stuff. Alongside being the only starter healer and identity as the healiest healer encourages all the people who want to be a healer who heals and only heals.
@hirudemonstrife 5 ай бұрын
Got one for ya: Dungeon: Containment Bay S1t7 extreme (Sephirot ex) Class: Dark Knight Queue pings, I groan a little because it's an obvious 8 man. Oh well. I did queue with an hour to spare, which considering, was wise. We get in and instantly a DPS drops. Healer, co tank, and at least 1 dps is new. 1 has done the unreal and figures muscle memory will kick in. One of the sprouts instantly starts going into what they've already seen and how close they are to finishing. I'll admit I haven't done this one synced before (last time we did it with 2 gun breakers and a red mage I think), so I'm working with limited knowledge. Oh well. We do get a DPS fill. DPS drops. Get another fill, and we get a pull in. I instantly fall into off tank position but very quickly have to pick up because of cleaving mechs that are rapidly starting to take people out. We're through a couple of pulls before I at least go 'Yeah, I'll main tank this okay?" Not that it's keeping either me or the other dark knight alive long but it does stabilize things a bit. The red mage is rapid fire corrections and strats, with both is and is not helping. We do start getting consistently to stage two, though we are clipping each other with Mechs, not grabbing towers, ect. Still, it's getting cleaner and we are making some real progress. Gets to the point where if we had just been able to survive a windy blast from back right, we coulda cleared it but alas. With about 18 left on the clock the sprout astro has to leave. One of the DPS starts going off about how shit mentors are, how the df is filled with cowards just wanting to have an easy roulette. Couple of us go 'Hey now' and of course get 'not you obviously.' He gripes that this is the tenth group he's dragged into this in 3 days, but is resistant to the idea of doing a PF because at least this fills in. This is on the heels of the red going 'if you could just get a consistent group you could probably have this cleared in a couple more pulls'. One dps bails with 'We're not clearing this in time'. We end up voting abandon with about 12 mins left. I was thinking of offering a pf group to help get that clear but with less than 20 before i I had to turn off the game, added with the somewhat belligerent behavior I washed my hands of this one. Kudos to that red mage.
@shirox11 2 ай бұрын
I’ve had so many tanks lately that do giga pulls and use like no mit. Not so much in 90 dungeons, but alot in lower to mid level stuff. (And before people say anything, i know what mit tanks have at certain level ranges so it’s not that they didn’t simply have it)
@selay333 4 ай бұрын
I’ve noticed a lot of tanks just won’t use mit whenever I’m on sge. I think most believe the shield is enough.
@shatteredakuma 5 ай бұрын
For haukke manor hard, I always tell the group to just completely focus the ads when they come up. It works a lot of the time and is pretty easy to follow
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
Issue is, if your DPS is too good, you can actually go from her summoning the add, to her instant killing it. So you get 1, maybe 2 GCDs.
@shatteredakuma 5 ай бұрын
@@WeskAlber yeah thats completely fair and has happened to me before, but for the most part people aren't gonna have that good of dps
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
@@shatteredakuma if there's a newbie maybe. But with the power creep of the game? You saw how close we came. ARR wasn't made with 300+ potency average GCDs and Direct Hits in mind. It's more likely than you think.
@shatteredakuma 5 ай бұрын
@@WeskAlber with dawn trail I'm sure it'll get even worse. They do need to fix that dungeon asap for sure. Stuff like that shouldn't be happening
@InnocentGuillotine 5 ай бұрын
@@shatteredakumaI've seen it happen with four sprouts. Modern dps is good enough to be a huge problem there.
@vrageanalyst2931 4 ай бұрын
So. Just discovered I'm close to being able to become a mentor. So I can confidently say that I will not be becoming one yet 😂 because I genuinely don't feel my skill level is high enough yet by my own standards to be teaching people, who I don't know, things yet. I'm teaching friends of mine some things but yeah I hate that I have the requirements almost but still don't feel as though I've learned enough myself to do it.
@MGlBlaze 5 ай бұрын
Hey, look at it this way, things went so smoothly nobody else noticed you forgot to Kardia the tank! For real though, I've had moments where I forgot to kardia the tank as well. Same as forgetting to turn on tank stance sometimes when getting synced down or swapping jobs around. And as a tank main, I... don't get how people can get to 90 and not know to use their mitigation. Trash mobs, contrary to the name, are actually far more dangerous to the tank than most of the bosses. Even Holy Sheltron, which just begs you to use it as often as you can thanks to its higher timer and regen effect in Endwalker levels.
@Crovius 5 ай бұрын
19:00 Hungry for more mentor roulette!
@lokifrostpaw2976 4 ай бұрын
You should probably try journeying into the easy mentor roulette realm that is Materia DC (oceania). I am no mentor, but that DC is kinda ded. Running a 70+ trials would require PF or else you'll wait possibly an hour or more. Getting a full party for synced old AR is just impossible.
@Robolewa 5 ай бұрын
Im fortunate enough to usuallt get haukke hard as a tank or healer, which is to say, i can delay the start pull to explain the last boss because wipe city, ARR. Also fun to note, blue mage can diamondback through the attack in question, which i learned the hard way.
@nerdicusdorkum2923 5 ай бұрын
I am an omnicrafter with the crafter mentor crown more so for the rest of the FC then anything. If anybody needs anything specific, I can make it 99% of the time. That being said, outside of the firmament, which I entirely skipped due to my... runescapian methods of crafting grinding, I would say I am qualified to help people with crafting. Be it in the barebone basics, the stat and rotation checking monster that is end game crafting, or how to grind levels and make easy money. Still, I will admit it is too easy atm. Personally, I say you're not qualified until you have crafted an entire set of IL640 or whatever the best craftable gear is. That is a genuine challenge for the uninitiated, and requires no small amount of investment, research, practically all crafting and gathering jobs at 90, and basically requires beating Endwalker. Might be a bit overkill, but anyone who has done it, I can confidently say they know what they're doing when it comes to crafting.
@tholm891 5 ай бұрын
Im inclined to agree with this. I just got all doh/dol to cap this expansion, and even though i had the gil, i still gathered, crafted, and pentamelded an entire set of both gather and crafter gear plus all tools just to say i did it. I learned a lot from the process. Mostly to just buy mats next time lol. But im still glad i did it in the end
@brandoncline9832 3 ай бұрын
Yea I’m the same in my FC, if anyone needs just about anything crafted, bring me mats and I’ll make it. I’m also a trade mentor, but I put in the effort. I made the majority of my Indagator set (FC got me started with a few gear), I pentamelded enough gear to where I can make IL640 no problem. But, this took me a bunch of collectible farming, prototyping at Teamcraft, money raising, etc before I got to being true omnicrafter. Current requirements are way too easy. Get CUL and BTN to level cap and you’re practically done. I agree with IL640 requirement.
@jamesharbor4893 5 ай бұрын
I like the hammer mentor status because I can get my newbie friends I convince to play for a bit the funny 2x exp.
@gyranix 5 ай бұрын
I did Ifrit EX last night and I told a healer that we arent in range of medica 2 when they have searing wind and are on the edge of the map. was told "you are so rude, Go touch grass."
@chestercarter6081 5 ай бұрын
Woot didn't get a notification but hehe great way to wait for going into work
@yuehonda 5 ай бұрын
I've been seein that some tanks try to force a healer to constantly heal, not through big pulls but rather being rude over missing hp. Recently my friend who was healing a dungeon and doing fine with it, no one was dying, average run but had the tank get pissy with them for letting them drop to almost half hp at the last 3% of the first boss fight then they abandoned. I heal and tank, I've let tanks get much lower and I've had healers let me get much lower so it was strange to see such an insecure tank. I do keep seeing in leveling now on dps and standing in every aoe imaginable and it sucks to heal them. I've also found a lot of tanks panic, the amount of gnbs I'm healing for who panic press superbolide at half or above, see they're at 1hp then run too far or around a corner and die is insane. I save most but I've had many who pull big and panic hard if they don't see constant heals, yet at the same time don't use any mits, can't win lmao
@wavypavy4059 5 ай бұрын
I had a terrible run of Vanaspati the other day. One dps DCed so it was a slow run anyway. But the tank would single pull until I (healer) asked them to at least double pull. Then I discovered they weren't using any mitigation except bizarrely Heart of Corundum as part of their single target opener against the bosses?!? I think they at least learnt a little pulling etiquette from my advice, but I don't know how someone gets to that high level of a dungeon without knowing basic tanking stuff, unless they level skipped I guess, but even then Heart of Corundum is the one new button they would have gotten since skipping to 80 and they weren't using that correctly.
@misawa8629 5 ай бұрын
🤣 My static literally just did rathalos ex min ilvl no echo the other day. It was great fun. Half the group cleared in about an hour, the other half cleared in about 2 hours.
@tyhjyys 5 ай бұрын
i am also addicted to unicorn overlord atm
@sirlenemodesto2665 5 ай бұрын
Wesk just wanted to ask, would you be interested in doing a guide on the relics of Eureka and Bozja? I just started doing Bozja and wanted to hear your thoughts on the bigger relic experiences since you always give context on why you think something is good or bad at the time of release and their current versions, also most guides available seem to be hit or miss.
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
I thought I would be doing it during EW and then I uh... didn't. Maybe in DT?
@tholm891 5 ай бұрын
​@@WeskAlber Don't know how much work is involved in making videos but that would have been a fun April 1st vid
@coolman5242 4 ай бұрын
No rush but I hope this series comes back someday, it was easily my favorite FFXIV content on youtube since it was both funny and educational. I know you mention in your intros that you get a lot of criticism in the comments from players who hate literally all Mentors for whatever dumb reason, but honestly I say don't let them get to you since everything you say has been fair well-thought out critique.
@WeskAlber 4 ай бұрын
The series hasn't gone anywhere. But also I don't recall ever saying that
@coolman5242 4 ай бұрын
@@WeskAlber Sorry about that, I could've sworn there was a moment in one of your intros you said something along the lines of "want proof? my own comment section!" although re-watching your intros I can't find where you said that and the most I could find was you discussing the bias that Mentors have to go through in general so I apologize for misquoting you.
@WeskAlber 4 ай бұрын
@@coolman5242 The point was that haters are everywhere
@Lanceleoghauni 5 ай бұрын
miqote 5 jumpscare
@FinnFann 3 ай бұрын
Part of me wonders how many bots you run into. I'm seeing more and more. Especially at level 90. They usually just do a rotation that """works""" regardless of level so they don't have to program it for different levels. Don't talk, use follow a lot, and may it may not break on some fights. They're just awful
@HeadshotMattosaPro 5 ай бұрын
Hey can someone explain to me what's the matter with Manor hard? I've done it a few dozen times and the boss has never been an issue Also, is there some mechanic to which you have to stop DPSing? (I don't mean any of the above with an elitist approach, just wanna learn good xD)
@InnocentGuillotine 5 ай бұрын
The final boss of Haukke hard, if your dps is too good, will immediately wipe the party before you can resolve the mechanic that kills you. This was apparently an issue even back when it was relatively current content and it's a super issue now, a party of four sprouts can trip it trivially (as they did during my first run of it, we had to actually look the solution up after wiping three times to the same mechanic without understanding what we were doing "wrong").
@Ziegrif 5 ай бұрын
This is going to be a horrible idea but a world chat would fix the trade mentor for the chatting stuff. But it would be a horrible idea just because it'd be everyone yelling at each other. As for FCs. Maaaaaan FCs are bloody silent where I'm at or only use Discord for comms. Nature of being a subscription based game, harder to find people to chat with in game consistently, hell as of now I'm on break from 14 too.
@aiellamori 5 ай бұрын
Silent FCs are a result of people just recruiting for the sake of boosting their FC count. Find you an FC where you can genuinely be friends with most of the people there and chat will be poppin. At least from my experience
@BBrawler101 5 ай бұрын
11:20 you know, as infuriating as it is to see cure 1s in Porta Decumana, I have a new respect for healers that do that. At the very least, they’re not casting cure 3 or medica 2 for single-target heals and nothing else. (Yes, I had a sprout healer doing that. I tried to tell the to cast anything else with the auto-translate tools. No response. Sometimes, you really can’t win)
@Sugar-bz5np 5 ай бұрын
As somebody with the 2k mount. It is simply far to easy to get the damn crown. Mentors don't need to mentor but they should at least know how to play the game. Instead. For 90% of mentors the crown is a passive acquisition. Only effort they need to make is unsynxhing ex. Now- if I were to change it. I'd ask the player that they must do current msq and current exes to keep the thing. I assume by then if they do they know how to play or will atheist pick it up in those exes. Other than that. Idk how else to gate it. Trade mentor simply shouldn't exist because its completely useless and serves no function other than overload nn from actual mentors wanting to help.
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
You missed the eps where I also say those requirements you list are pretty bad
@Dzyntara 5 ай бұрын
Seeing you step out of those orange AoEs last millisecond and not taking any damage is mind-boggling as a South African playing on NA... how LOW is your ping?!
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
100? I think? It's been years since I checked
@lck0ut348 5 ай бұрын
Trade mentor should require doing a majority of at least one crafter's crafting log done
@tholm891 5 ай бұрын
Problem is, that that really would only mean you know the basics. (Not that crafting is particularly hard) and if you out level the crafts, its basically 2 buttons and your done
@NBSgamesAT 5 ай бұрын
@@tholm891hell, from lvl 80 onward all the crafts that are 10 lvls below you are a joke because of trained eye. But I have completed multiple endwalker relics and have done a few expert crafts. But my biggest problem is that it just takes a long time and uses a thousand resources.
@lck0ut348 5 ай бұрын
@@tholm891 require current level expert recipes to be a portion of that then
@tholm891 5 ай бұрын
@@lck0ut348 most of those can be macro crafted with a bit of gear. Not saying you're wrong, but the more I type, the more I think maybe doh/dol don't really need mentors
@lck0ut348 5 ай бұрын
@@tholm891 welcome to endgame crafting. Everything can be macro'd except for some master-level crafts.
@soldierorsomething 5 ай бұрын
6:08 Snowcloak, that lvl 90 tank must have lvl´d it to max via PVP, since thats how i got my AST to lvl 90 and i have no idea how it plays past lvl 70 in PVE Also imagine using all of your cooldowns on trash and then you dont get TOP DPS in the boss :D
@NiallyWially 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely adore your videos. But my little ADHD brain now struggles to not hear your keyboard in recordings 😂
@crayyonnyadrav4055 5 ай бұрын
Stupdest Question: What Glams do you use for your character?
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
The job guides have them all! With exceptions of new glams like for RPR now using TOP weapon
@ProfessM 5 ай бұрын
How do you know Miqo'te 5 voice? Is there a meme too it?
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
That WAH noise? Yeah that
@umo7043 5 ай бұрын
I equate trade mentors with sprouts. I expect the same amount of crayon eating.
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
Sir, this is a mirror you're looking at.
@senso992 5 ай бұрын
From my experience people dont like being told what to do, especially if you come across as condescending.
@HyouVizer 5 ай бұрын
7.0 plz automatically upgrade Cure 1 to Cure 2, same for AST version as well. Also remove "freecure" too.
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