Don't Call It Bipolar Disorder with Hannah Warren

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Metabolic Mind

Metabolic Mind

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Hannah Warren treated her bipolar disorder and put it into remission with metabolic therapies, including a keto diet. Her symptoms of psychosis and mania have disappeared, and she attributes it to a combination of metabolic interventions, including exercise, meditation, fasting, and, most importantly, ketogenic therapy, the cornerstone intervention key to treating her psychiatric symptoms and restoring her health. But even though she was given a diagnosis of bipolar 1, and she found a diet that treats bipolar, she doesn't agree with or use that term. Instead, she labels her set of symptoms as metabolic brain dysfunction - a term that more accurately described the underlying cause of her psychiatric symptoms and provided her with the agency that she can treat it. Thanks in part to how she sees the mental health disorder she put into remission, Hannah provides an inspiring example of hope for a new and better approach to mental illness.
You can read more about Hannah Warren at her website
Here are links to blogs Hannah has written at
Five Reasons I No Longer Label Myself Bipolar
Ketogenic therapy for mental health conditions: When countless people are suffering and lives are at stake, why invest time and money in Randomized Controlled Trials?
And you can learn more about Dr. Chris Palmer and his Brain Energy book at
Follow our channel for more information and education from Bret Scher, MD, FACC, including interviews with leading experts in Metabolic Psychiatry.
Learn more about metabolic psychiatry and find helpful resources at
About us:
Metabolic Mind™ is a nonprofit initiative incubated by Baszucki Group. Our mission is to provide education and resources in the emerging field of metabolic psychiatry, including ketogenic interventions for mental disorders.
Our channel is for informational purposes only. We are not providing individual or group medical or healthcare advice nor establishing a provider-patient relationship. Many of the interventions we discuss can have dramatic or potentially dangerous effects if done without proper supervision. Consult your healthcare provider before changing your lifestyle or medications.
0:00 Introduction to Metabolic Mind & Hannah Warren
2:21 Before Hannah discovered ketogenic therapy for mental illness
6:57 Why is Hannah passionate about sharing ketogenic therapy with others?
7:50 How Hannah learned about metabolic interventions for mental health
11:48 Was starting ketogenic therapy hard?
13:15 Why Hannah reframes her illness as neurometabolic dysfunction
18:38 Hannah's body-positive approach to metabolic mental health
20:45 What a ketogenic diet as a dairy-free vegetarian looks like for Hannah
22:26 How a keto diet has healed Hannah's relationship with food
23:34 Why Hannah doesn't want to be called 'brave' for talking about her illness
27:14 Hannah's continuous improvement from ketogenic therapy & other metabolic therapies
27:53 Other places to find Hannah

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@jan_ellison_baszucki 8 ай бұрын
Hannah is a testament to how being tenacious can lead to healing. I won't call her brave. Not anymore, anyway. Our son had a very similar experience of healing with metabolic therapies.
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
To me bravery is about our capacity to persist in the face of all odds, and to be true to who we truly are. To never give up on our ideals even when the light goes out in our world, and we are left with nothing but grief and despair. As Victor Frankel said, even to suffer in dignity in those moments, when we have tried everything, and a situation seems as if it can not be helped is brave. The good news is that so much of human suffering is needless. It CAN be helped, indeed! In my 17+ years as a psychiatric Nurse, I have witnessed so much needless human suffering. In a world, where pain, sickness, and suffering is normalized, as we have become disconnected from our roots, and our humanity, and lost our way, it is brave to find our way back HOME - and return to our wholeness. To claim our birthright to health, wealth, freedom, strength, grace, wisdom, and love. One of my favorite quotes by E.E Cummings encapsulates this beautifully, “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night, to make you like everybody else means, to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
@AndreasFroehlich1985 3 ай бұрын
@HappilyCarnivore 9 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with bipolar II in 2002 and with mild psychosis a couple of years later. For me a ketogenic diet isn't enough. It helps, but the only thing that puts my mental illness completely in remission is eating a carnivore diet. No plants, only meat, fish, and eggs. When I stick to that I have zero symptoms. Even my anxiety and low level depression is gone. In fact, a couple of years into carnivore I noticed that my near-life-long phobia of bees and wasps was just gone. I now just have a normal respect and fear, rather than debilitating and irrational fear that kept me spending anymore time outside than was absolutely necessary. I certainly didn't expect that change and it was a shock to walk by a bee and not instantly panic, scream, and about kill myself trying to get away. Luckily when I try adding plants back in my symptoms reappear slowly, giving me time to correct before I'm anywhere near in crisis. And luckily the bee/wasp phobia doesn't come back. I think since it took so long for that one to go away that it would take a long time of eating off plan for it to return, if at all. But I definitely still experience other symptoms when I eat off plan, whether that be a slip up of having high carbs or just having some low carb vegetables. Luckily about a week into strictly carnivore and I usually lose the desire to eat other foods. It's only during things like holidays that I start thinking about those foods some.
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
I am so glad you found something that works for you! And, that you can now enjoy time outside in the fresh air… appreciating the bees pollinating the flowers instead of hiding in fear!
@HappilyCarnivore 8 ай бұрын
@@RadiantBeasting Thank you. Me too!! It has completely given me my life back.
@martinlang9615 8 ай бұрын
Glad you, like me got a release from the torment of mental illness and especially anxiety. I remember when my chronic lower back (mainly) pain (unfortunately still have this), and high anxiety together caused profuse sweating and fear. Today I have virtually no anxiety. I’m sure 5 months on Lion mainly has helped. Please see my full description of my journey in a more recent reply to another comment. Determination, I believe has been my biggest help to stay the course as the first 3 weeks were very rough and multiple times I contemplated giving up…but then I kept thinking “what to”…”back to the way I was”-“no way”. When I was 154kg with multiple diseases I really had only this option. I too had bi-polar, but medication induced, all gone, no more meds. Tried CDB oil (THC free) for the pain, but it did nothing. It can only be managed by rest. I think back prior to starting and can remember how hooked I was on food with cravings that were powerful. Now nothing…in fact I deliberately like to get a bit hungry so that way the juicy ribeye tastes so much better. Can’t believe how long I’m satiated for, from only one piece of meat! Crazy but it works. I’ve noticed in volume I eat a bit less too. I might go to the loo for number 2 about once or twice a week which is ok with me. Stark change from once or twice a day! So glad it’s worked for you too. That’s awesome.
@stellaancimer8505 8 ай бұрын
@@martinlang9615 can i Ask you did you also have some intrusive thoughts? I am so glad meat help you so much
@stellaancimer8505 8 ай бұрын
@@Amanda_downunder it takes time..and try with small meals, and give your galblader suport
@MichaelBLive 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story! Most important thing for people struggling - there is hope. You can do better than relying on only standard treatment alone. My metabolic 2nd birthday was Dec 17, 2022. Doing better every month. I have hope instead of dread. Cheers. Michael B
@metabolicmind 9 ай бұрын
It's wonderful to hear your story of healing, Michael. Thank you for sharing.
@GlennMarshallnz 9 ай бұрын
Awesome effort Michael. 👍
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
That’s awesome! Congratulations!
@metabolicmind 8 ай бұрын
Hi Michael. Thanks again for your comment. We are doing a video series on individuals with lived experience. If you are interested in taking part, please send us an email at Thanks!
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
Indeed! That is good news for those in the throes of deep pain and suffering. I've seen what happens when a human being is deprived of HOPE. I've witnessed so many youth and adults, after having lived with unrelenting mental anguish and suffering, come to a place of deciding that their lives do not matter! I've seen them attempt and complete suicide. One of the leading causes of youth death today is suicide. How is this possible? Why are our youth feeling and believing their life is not worth living? Our inherent drive is to LIVE, not to die. So, it is incredibly desperate, lonely, and excruciating to go against every fiber of our being. However, that is what happens when a human being loses hope. Speaking up and sharing our lived experiences is like reaching in to the deep hole of loneliness, shame, isolation, and extending a hand. It is what's referred to as "Narrative Medicine". Telling our stories is healing, and so is hearing other's stories. We need one another to heal. Healing doesn't happen in isolation - it happens with lots of support, resources, connections, and love.
@martinlang9615 9 ай бұрын
I had MDD Major Depressive Disorder with medication included bi-polar since 2012. I started 95% Lion / 5% Carnivore almost 5 months ago and no longer take any meds. Only supplement I take is fish oil for the omega 3. I was prediabetic, high blood pressure, bad sleep apnea, struggled with suicide, liver function test and ultrasound showed my liver was right on the verge of cirrhosis (permanent liver damage), cravings, I was 154kg, now 115kg. So much more positive now. I had tried multiple times to finally get off my psychiatric drugs and failed, but Lion/Carnivore helped me transition in about a month after starting. Truely mind blowing how powerful this therapy is, and best of all it’s natural.:)
@litezhowey 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your story. Just to correct you a bit there, its liver cirrhosis, not scoliosis
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
That’s awesome! Congratulations!
@shyestshawty 8 ай бұрын
@martinlang9615 8 ай бұрын
@@litezhowey opps…yes indeed, had a brain lapse on that one,lol! Cheers and your welcome. My journey started before I fell off a ladder (was a linesman/electrician) falling 8.5m, this was 2012 and after 37 operations and 5 major hospitals I got more and more unhealthy both physically and mentally. I’m still amazed at the progress.
@martinlang9615 8 ай бұрын
@@shyestshawty more “hardcore” than Carnivore. See Dr Anthony Chaffee . He is one of the best to learn from. I love the simplicity. I had extreme levels of determination to get though the initial weeks (for me 3 weeks…”disaster pants”). Now everything is easy, shopping, cooking, “the what’s for dinner stress” is non existent. Nothing nicer than a juicy thick ribeye cooked perfectly. I was terrible at cooking steak before, now it’s no longer like leather. Low and slow with a lid is the trick after searing both sides on maximum heat. “Low” is about half (5-6 out of 10). I believe my success is attributed to determination…, perhaps desperation as I was in a very bad way.
@azsunburns 9 ай бұрын
Thankfully, I'm not bipolar. I have experienced post partum depression, domestic violence trauma, raised kids with Autism & experienced severe thc psychosis. I've been keto for 10 years. Getting off wheat & carbs was one of the best decisions I have ever made for my health & sanity. I've ran into so many people living keto & finding the same exact thing. Food directly influences mental health. Now I'm walking the Lipedema diagnosis path & once again, keto is being used to manage the weight, inflammation, pain, etc. Keep talking, the world of nutrition & health is a toxic mess!!
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing! You are a true warrior! So incredibly resilient! You are also absolutely correct about the world of "nutrition and health" being thoroughly confusing even for the most intelligent of human beings. We are the only species that do not know how to nourish our bodies. Every other animal on the plant knows exactly what they're suppose to eat, but we have gone off so far away from our ancestral roots! And we are paying dearly for that because our bodies remember, but our mindlessness leads us astray. Hope you're on the mend again on the Lipedema path. If you can overcome all that you've been through, nothing is impossible to you.
@azsunburns 8 ай бұрын
@@NeseretBemient thank you, but I don't feel like a warrior. I feel like a poster child of experience, a prime target for experiencing some type of political / monetary manipulation. It is exhausting navigating the politically driven food industry & a downright demonic Western medicine hell hole for my family. ❣️
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
@@azsunburns I can appreciate where you're coming from. I worked in the conventional mental health system for over 17 years. I've witnessed how overwhelming, daunting, and at times disheartening it can be to navigate the medical and psychiatric system. The one size fit all, and pushing medications doesn't work for everyone. I believe in a holistic approach to healing. There are many factors that greatly influence and contribute to a person's health and well being. They need to be explored in depth, along with medication and therapy.
@azsunburns 8 ай бұрын
@@NeseretBemient truth ❤️❤️
@donnawhitwell3944 8 ай бұрын
Thank You so much for sharing as I lost my mental capacity too after being diagnosed with bipolar 1 rapid cycling disorder!! I’m about 8weeks into carnivore and can already feel the difference!!
@Amanda_downunder 8 ай бұрын
What's your daily food intake? mostly red meat?
@donnawhitwell3944 8 ай бұрын
@@Amanda_downunder I follow a carnivore diet so I eat anything meat 🥩, eggs 🥚. I eat all types of meat.
@Amanda_downunder 8 ай бұрын
@@donnawhitwell3944 - ok thank you.
@ritazita1111 8 ай бұрын
She's a great leader for this new-ish movement...I agree, RE-FRAMING IS KEY when dealing with issues.
@martinlang9615 9 ай бұрын
Empowering talk. It puts another spin on the common saying “you are what you eat”.
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” ~ Hippocrates “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ~ Ann Wigmore
@MichaelBLive 9 ай бұрын
So happy to hear someone else explain the identity confusion. I feel like I had 8 months to get through an identity crisis. Now that I feel better it's easier to see how out of whack I can see myself sometimes. Wow. So great Hannah!
@martinpaech7613 9 ай бұрын
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! It’s great knowing we are not alone. It’s hard to lose yourself for awhile, but amazing how you can eventually develop an even stronger sense of self.
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
Who are we without our diagnosis? Without our illnesses? without the victim identity? Our limitations? Our worries? Our fears and doubts? Who would we be if we let go? Who would we become? How would we exercise our potential?
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
⁠@@NeseretBemient I would love to hear your answers to these intriguing questions…
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
@@RadiantBeasting I share my own views on KZbin. I’m happy to make a video specifically on that:) Thank you 😊
@mariden7860 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Hannah. You are going to inspire a lot of people.
@annacourville4622 9 ай бұрын
Keep advocating! I have JME epilepsy and was told not to try Ketosis. My neurologist acknowledged his error. I am doing great and tapering down to almost off all of my medications.
@kenadams5504 9 ай бұрын
Epilepsy was one of the first uses of a ketogenic diet over a century ago .There are records proving it helped greatly with reducing seizures . One hundred years later ,your medical practitioner still didn't understand what had been known about all that time ago.
@annacourville4622 9 ай бұрын
Agreed. Now they want several drugs with multiple side effects to fail. Then offer surgery on your brain before even mention a change to your diet. If they even mention a dietary change. It is now becoming malpractice. When I was 19 if someone would have said let’s start with a dietitian, let’s start with a therapist to manage sleep and stress. I would have avoided all of the nasty side effects that have taken time from my life.
@cleob9956 8 ай бұрын
That’s wonderful! I’m so glad you have a humble doctor, too.
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
I love how Hannah views the ketogenic diet, "elegantly simple." I completely agree. Food doesn't occupy much of my time anymore. I EAT to LIVE, not LIVE to EAT. There is definitely some discipline and TIME involved in a holistic approach to our health and implementing the ketogenic diet as part of that plan. However, if we don't make the time to simplify our lives, and do what we know to be best for our health, then we are forced to contend with our unwellness/illnesses; plus all the added expenses that come with them.
@martinlang9615 7 ай бұрын
Socrates said eat to live not eat to live. In implementing this mantra it’s very powerful and healthy. It’s like you are optimised, rather your body optimises your food and it tells you went to eat, rather than before when I was eating by the clock. More and more I find keeping it simple (KISS principle Keep It Simple Stupid) works better than meds, medical intervention. Of course medicine has its place and one must know at what point to seek that option.
@garyjagoe9541 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Hannah for sharing your experience and journey. I have a daughter who is struggling with this debilitating medical condition. She has had the same psychiatrist for over 12 years and progressively got worse. Began with anxiety and now progressed to bi polar. She is being treated as having a brain imbalance. She is currently in hospital having a “break”. There needs to be a complete investigation into the psychiatric “Industry “ because that is what it is. Driven by the Big Pharmaceutical companies.
@sebastianliwinski222 4 ай бұрын
There won't be more insight into it,as it's highly profitable field in medicine, especially in the US.
@gavinsymes-wizardot 8 ай бұрын
Please keep these coming Metabolic Mind, they are inspiring.
@melodiemusic9956 8 ай бұрын
Keto always helped me but I still had some issues it didn't fully work until I cut put dairy. Dairy was a huge trigger for me
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
Likewise, I have lactose intolerance and felt so much better after I cut out dairy completely.
@Eliokd 6 ай бұрын
Even goat products ? I believe they have very little lactose
@mymetaboliclife 8 ай бұрын
Inspiration story
@aprilek6003 8 ай бұрын
So happy to hear this interview. Congratulations. Thank you metabolic mind for all you're doing. The tide is truly turning much much thanks
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
Yes. Agreed. This is a beautiful quiet movement that will be such good news and provide hope for so many.
@beatamichalska6220 9 ай бұрын
Amazing person. Thank you for sharing
@krappy_ 8 ай бұрын
What an inspiration! Thank you.
@One-2-3-4 8 ай бұрын
Dear Miss Warren; Dear Hannah, "Je bent gewoon veel *te gaaf." (In Dutch) "You are just much *too awesome." This was my personal way of reframing my context: I see you as an *exceptional experiential reseacher, like me. I had twenty years of research experience with my meds; and 1,5 years without. While you were presenting the main conclusions of your experiential thesis, in the interview with Dr. Bret Scher. I was so struck by your warmth & ease in communicating such socially delicate matters with such fierce elegance. You are a great teacher to me, at this point in my life. Thank you Hannah, for being so awesome. You were able to elegantly put in *words, my personal struggle with 'mental' illness. Colloquially put: "It's all in your head, sorry." But it *really is physical rather than psychological in nature; but many don't understand this fact. Even I didn't really understand this fully, until a few days ago, while watching you on youtube, as if you were talking to me, personally. It was your warmth in tone in speaking about such contentious matters openly in an interview. Ooohh Well, I wish I knew this a bit sooner. Let's say, two decades ago. But better late than never, I guess. As the proverb goes, birds of a feather flock together.. Dear Hannah, it was your basic *goodness, that just blew me away. Thank you Hannah for being a teacher, a healer, an *exceptional experiencial researcher; being that fierce elegant force for good, for me, to want to follow in life. Thank you for putting yourself out there; fighting the good fight, like me. Each in our own way. Thank you again for your awesomeness. You are a gift to the world, dear Hannah. My gift to you: A GoogleTech Talk by the Venerable Robina Courtin: "Be Your Own Therapist." - Venerable Robina is a Tibetan Buddhist nun, who taught me, not to give into fear; and to fight that good fight, onwards. She is a *fierce speaker, of mindfull truth. Someone I look up to, to this day. And the wonderfull Jacinda Ardern: And not to forget *Stephen Colbert: But ending on a somewhat serious, but beautifully Dutch note, from my homeland. Anne Frank, her *words made me who I am, today. Yours sincerely, Inder Singh MSc - The Netherlands
@hannahwarren6255 8 ай бұрын
This maybe the kindest message I have ever received in my life! Thank you so much. I will be using "fierce elegant force for good" as a new positive affirmation/ mantra and will incorporate it into a vision board for sure. Your description of me with this powerful combination of adjectives is very validating and motivating. It truly means the world to me. I also appreciate you sharing other great, inspiring resources. I am so pleased that my message resonated with you. It makes me feel that I am on the right path and should continue efforts to spread awareness and propel this movement forward. Many, many thanks to you for being "too awesome, too." Je bent gewoon veel *te gaaf. 🥰
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
@@hannahwarren6255 That is totally fitting for a beautiful Queen like you, Hannah! I may also steal that saying, as I have recently relaunched my KZbin channel and am sharing my experiences as a psychiatric RN, in the conventional mental health system for over 17 years as well as my own journey with ketogenic diet and putting an antidepressant induced bipolar disorder in remission. In all my years as a psych Nurse, I have never come across anything that comes even close to what I experienced on the ketogenic diet. So powerful! Now, I have something of significant VALUE to offer to my clients instead of the typical one trick psychiatric pony🙂Thank you both for who you are and all that you do in the service and love of people.
@swimfit57 8 ай бұрын
Great podcast. Hannah I’m so glad the Ketogenic way of eating helped you so much.
@duckymr1 8 ай бұрын
Yay!! Thank you for sharing your journey Hannah! This is so great, I'm happy for you and grateful that you're sharing this. Though I will say, if you're a dairy free vegetarian, who eats a lot of vegetables, but is on keto and felt better when you added back in eggs.. I think all the signs are there that you'd feel a lot better if you also did meat. I highly recommend the book on vegetarianism: making an informed choice, by dr. Natasha Campbell Mcbride a neurologist and nutritionist who cured her son of autism. She has written several other books about the GAPS diet, a modified keto diet that is focused on high meat, probiotics and bone broth. I think you could heal even more, so much more, if you gave up vegetarianism! I was a vegetarian for 15 years. On the carnivore diet now and feeling so much better! Well either way, good for you. Congrats on your healing!
@davidgmillsatty1900 8 ай бұрын
I certainly agree. It is time to change the paradigm. Humans are a dual fuel species: glucose and ketones. When humans eat too many plants we become a single fuel species relying only on glucose. And there is no back up fuel. You really need meat. Humans did not domesticate an animal that could pull a plow until 6,000 years ago. Agriculture is very recent in historical terms. But once we began relying on it, we became a one fuel species. We can easily make all the glucose we need from meat, but it is extremely difficult to make ketones when eating too many plants. She still hasn’t quite figured out why more meat would be beneficial. Anthropologists tell us we lost 150 cc of brain size when we went from ample amounts of meat to eating too little. If ketones meant that much for brain size, it is easy to see how it can mean so much for other mental aspects.
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective! I know many people who believe eating meat is optimal for health. I agree that is likely true. I have been a vegetarian since I was old enough to realize meat is an animal. The idea of eating an animal just grosses me out. It’s not a judgement on anyone else’s ethical decisions, I just personally cannot do it! It’s ironic how many carnivore friends I have now as a lifelong vegetarian. They are all trying to convert me, but I doubt anyone will succeed. 😂
@martinlang9615 8 ай бұрын
@@davidgmillsatty1900 I know Keto was introduced ages ago to reduce epilepsy symptoms as it was very successful. It seems to be very good for pain health. It certainly helped my anxiety, MDD Major Depressive Disorder with medication induced bi-polar. So much so that a month after going Lion diet I had totally weaned myself (finally-after many attempts over the 11 years) or not only these meds, but all medications! Nice to be free and not a slave to them. So empowering. My full story is in reply to another comment (the longer one). Since 2012 it’s been a hell of a ride. If only I could get rid of this pain. I think it’s not only related to my 8.5m fall, but abuse I received as a child.
@davidgmillsatty1900 8 ай бұрын
@@RadiantBeastingAs an animal lover, I used to feel like a hypocrite. But I have come to grips with the fact that is what humans were mostly carnivorous for two million years. And we just never adapted to eating plants. In growing plants, we kill a lot of animals. Loss of habitat probably kills more animals than killing for meat does.
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
I don't disagree. That's why I said it's not a judgment on anyone’s ethical decisions. I just get grossed out at the thought of eating an animal and can't do it personally. For my health, the physiological state of keto is enough… I feel good on my current diet. To each his own, I think. 😊
@mvrisley 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!
@Kwaark 8 ай бұрын
Thx a lot for this !
@nictegki 3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Ben-bw9fj 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Hannah. Truly inspiring!
@drsethsr Ай бұрын
The main difference with mental illness and other chronic diseases is how the illness affects others.
@freedomwarrior5087 13 күн бұрын
Dr. Ben Bikman can teach you a lot about metabolic health especially in regard to insulin. He has a channel on KZbin and also a book called "Why People Get Sick". He will also tell you the vegan diets are the absolute worst, but if that works for you great. Wonderful informative video here, thank you.
@claudinamendezcaldeira7033 3 ай бұрын
Hanna answered my call for helpjust a few weeks ago... She save me. Her story is the same I have. Thanks to her e.mail I feel that Im not alone with this huge problem unresolved and no help or understanding from nobody at all. Not even my dr wanted to help me to start a metabolic treatment. Thanks to Hanna I take now the power to go on researching about the diet and how to start with it. I already asked for the blood study that is required and as soon as I get the results I will go to the next step....wich I do not know very well wich is going to be.... Here in Uruguay no doctors know or want to know about metabolic treatment.... I will manage some how !!!! Thank you all the también of metabolic mind and Baszucky foundation !!!! ❤
@replaceablehead 8 ай бұрын
Kraepelin believed that when the root cause was discovered it would most like be metabolic.
@vegetibilis2422 Ай бұрын
I ask people what exercise didnt work and they allways say low impact stuff like walking twice a week for 30 min or swimming once a week . if your going for dreaming every night you quickly learn what your body is asking for and its way more nutritively and physically and intellectually and environmentally than most people think.
@gilrose12345 8 ай бұрын
Prior to episode & diagnosis she was vegan. But she is now low carb high fat I guess ... vegan except for eggs.
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
That’s correct! I stick to eggs from local family farms. I love them and eat them all the time.
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
@@RadiantBeasting LOVE, LOVE eggs too🙂 They are the PERFECT food!!! I eat them everyday, and put them in my decaf coffee as a creamer. They make a delicious creamy latte!
@auroraaustralis5470 9 ай бұрын
@Amanda_downunder 8 ай бұрын
Are u on carnivore diet?
@johnmadany9829 9 ай бұрын
If doing a diet for neurologic benefit check ketones to make sure that you are have modified your diet enough. 🥚
@RadiantBeasting 8 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more!
@Amanda_downunder 8 ай бұрын
Do u use keto stix ? if so which brand is best?
@samwiseg7380 2 ай бұрын
How do we find a doctor to help? GP, neurologist, psychiatrist? It's for a young adult and I'm concerned if the wrong dr is chosen they will just prescribe medication and this vulnerable young person will go along with the professional advice before trying to change their diet and seeing what happens.
@metabolicmind 2 ай бұрын
We recognize it can be challenging to find the right provider. A good place to start is We hope that helps.
@LyslScentedLife 2 ай бұрын
Hannah is very gorgeous!
@roseskavnak6671 3 ай бұрын
Does keto help with addiction?
@metabolicmind 3 ай бұрын
It might. Here's an article that reviews ketosis as a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder. We hope that helps!
@brit4294 8 ай бұрын
I don't really see how a ketogenic is very realistic or feasible to do when you eat only eggs and not even dairy. Like literally all you can eat is nuts, eggs, and vegetables? How can you even get enough calories or nutrition eating that way? I think she would get a lot more benefits from eating a normal ketogenic diet and it would probably improve her mental health a lot more.
@jan_ellison_baszucki 8 ай бұрын
I think it's really important to respect each person's individual journey. There are many nutritional strategies to achieve the metabolic switch that helps the brain. Hannah has found one that works for her.
@NeseretBemient 8 ай бұрын
@@jan_ellison_baszucki "Consider a painting by Rembrandt or a bronze by Degas or a violin by Stradivarius or a play by Shakespeare. They have great value for two reasons: their creators were masters and they are few in number. Yet there are more than one of each of these. On that reasoning you are the most valuable treasure on the face of the earth...Never, in all of the seventy billion humans who have walked this planet since the beginning of time has there been anyone exactly like you. (No one in the Billions that walk the planet today, anyone like you.) Never, until the end of time, will there be another such as you. You have shown no knowledge or appreciation of your uniqueness. Yet, you are the rarest thing in the world.” 🙂 ~ Og Mandino, from The Greatest Miracle in the World ~ All to say, I completely agree and that we are all unique and there is no one-size-fit all approach that works for everyone.
@martinlang9615 7 ай бұрын
It seems everybody has a diet that works for them. IMO, regardless what that is, if it works for them, then that’s all that matters. The bell curve is a good example of where we all sit, some are at one extreme (through fewer in number), but the vast majority are in the middle. It’s been said that we are all on the ASD spectrum, it’s just that in the majority is so small and not noticeable.
@anonymoususer7606 3 ай бұрын
Need to know where ms. Warren gets her fat from! Is there another conversation that she shares this info?
@metabolicmind 3 ай бұрын
Most vegetarian and vegan keto diets get the fat from nuts, avocado, olive oil, olives. etc.
@anonymoususer7606 3 ай бұрын
@@metabolicmind coconut oil too?
@metabolicmind 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely, Coconut oil is another plant-based option.
@Gesundheit888 7 ай бұрын
Why call it "my" illness?
@vegetibilis2422 Ай бұрын
I wonder what was her fat sourcing for the vegan diet! its never drinking 14 nuts and seeds ect....
@metabolicmind Ай бұрын
Hannah eats a lot of avocados, nuts, eggs, and healthy plant-based oils like olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil. She also uses a lot of coconut milk.
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