水滴 suiteki MUSIC&Lyrics:Meychan Arrangement:Moriya Vuri Illustration:yoru Movie:matcha ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:01 凍えた瞳に夢を焼べて この一瞬だけ私を照らしてよ Throwing a dream to the fire for my numbing eyes to see, Bathe me in its light only for this moment 0:30 鼓動が始まってから 貴方の愛を知って 体が溶け出してしまわぬ様に 下を向いて顔を隠した Ever since my heart started beating I came to know of your love But to keep myself from melting away I looked down and hid myself 0:48 お願い!まだ夢から醒めないで 迫る光が眩しくて Please!Don't wake me up from this dream just yet The light closing in is too bright 0:58 私迷ってしまったの貴方を見つける隙に 此処で待って居たら良かった むしろこのまま目を閉じってしまって I ended up losing my way In an attempt to find you I should have stayed and waited here Or kept my eyes closed like this instead 1:26 あの日の話を聞いた 鵜呑みにしていられないよ I heard what you said that day But I couldn't swallow your words 1:35 もう私の全て渡すから そのランプに火を灯して I'll give you everything that I have already So light that lamp 1:45 過ぎ去ってしまった時間も雨で流せたのなら そして潔白なこの身をその大きな手で優しく包んで 私を見て If the rain was able to wash away Even the time that had gone by Then gentle embrace my innocent self With those wide arms of yours 2:23 触れた雪が溶けて消えていく なんて儚いのだろう The snow melts and disappears with one's touch Oh, what a transient thing don't you think? 2:41 全て分かってしまったの貴方を見つける事は 故に私は雪だ どうかこのまま、貴方の体温で I finally understood everything when it came to finding you I realized that I was snow all along Please, let me stay in your warmth like this 〜3:41 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー リピート用↓ 0:01 0:01 0:01
Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 months since I found this song. A lot has changed around me. The me from 5 months ago wouldn't ever know the feeling of falling and being in love like what's happening to me right now. I couldn't sleep thinking about someone and that made me come listen to this song which is my favourite. I hope the me in the future would be a me that I right now would be proud of and happy for.