Sg do hv new water…sg who say no veg…u r wrong sg got nothing😂😂😂
@moewai7989 Жыл бұрын
诺奖委员会都瞎眼了 没给新加坡人颁发诺贝尔奖
@linhwang6651 Жыл бұрын
@Xyz-e2k Жыл бұрын
@user-ug4je2zn5f Жыл бұрын
@alice5047 Yo 'Alice' in the wonderland. 在有諾貝爾獎的美國, 可是一🔫見血。得了啦。。喝多了醋胃酸就去養胃啦! 'Nearly 75% of Chinese Americans report discrimination in past year'May 1, 2023 - Politics & Policy'
There Is no Microsoft, Apple, Google, Tesla, Honda, Sony, Mitsubishi, Samsung, LG, Taobao, Philips so school ranking is not everything for graduate to succeed big and innovative in real life…
@jqwoo9 ай бұрын
Do you know investment in education is far more important than goods? SG is trying very hard to serve everyone to earn a living with integrity. Viola!
You are not updated. 谁说只要是公民,就“必须”就读公立中小学?没得读私立学校?除非人在外国?你哪里来的谬论?我有朋友是新加坡公民,因为孩子小学时读书压力很大,他们夫妇决定把孩子转去本地的澳洲国际学校读书。之后,孩子就一直读到高中,并且去澳洲大学读法律,现在已经回来新加坡在律师事务所工作呢。
@sapphoophoon2141 Жыл бұрын
Hello, you are not updated already! 这个楼主肯定不是新加坡人,应该是中国移民吧!你的这些说法已经不到位啦!什么小四分流?分三类?这个分流制度是新加坡电影“小孩不笨”那个时期的制度,现在都不是这样的了!你最好先上网教育部查询清楚,现在新加坡中小学的教育状况,才在这个平台讲吧!😅
Students who sat the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma exams in Singapore in November 2022 have once again done well. Their average score was 39.5 out of 45, higher than the global average of 30.9 and Asia-Pacific average of 35.6.. Nearly half of the perfect scorers worldwide - 55 out of 120 - came from Singapore.
@AugustineCheng Жыл бұрын
congrate, but it is not relevant. do you understand what i wrote in chinese above?@@user-ug4je2zn5f