Michel Sardou / I accuse Bercy 1991 - REACTION

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@pierre.from.france 2 ай бұрын
"J'accuse" is a reference to the writer Émile Zola during the Dreyfus affair. The theme of the song has nothing to do with it but it's in the same spirit, denouncing hypocrisy through a polemical text.
@EiffelNord 2 ай бұрын
The song ("J'accuse") date from 1975. "Bercy 1991" is the name of the concert tour. Bercy (in Paris) is/was the largest concert hall in France... now it's called Accor Arena.
@jeg454 Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your interest in my videos.
@Barbu_Deluxe 2 ай бұрын
You know, in french « les hommes » means « men » but also « humans » … the meaning depends on the context of the sentence. Here I think he means « I accuse humans » but your general reflexion is interesting too 😊
@raptusjulius 2 ай бұрын
Hello, Sardou has powerful songs but he seemed to see interesting connections between Sardou's sermon and higher sources, here are some that are quite obvious, just like in other songs as well, "which my soul has sought repeatedly, but I have not found. One man among a thousand I found, but a woman among all these I have not found" (Eccl. 7:28). Or …13For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression. (1 Tim. 2). So, if man is guilty of so many things, as everybody knows, women have become the saintly kind among foolish people who seem to believe the victimization ideology turning victims into blameless saints, going so far as saying blacks cannot be racist, by nature and the whites are racist at birth or something to that effect. Feminism is definitely surfing on the same wave of madness and sentimental foolishness, one could definitely say to this generation, "O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified among you..." (Gal. 3:1). Blessings and grace, may God save Americans!
@jeanlouis1266 2 ай бұрын
More Michel, YESSS !
@LucasGaudichon 2 ай бұрын
Hi, I was born in 1985 and I discovered Michel Sardou while listening to the CD ofthis concert and this song was the opening of this concert. I must admit that I listened to it for hours and hours without getting tired of it. This song was released in 1976 in an album which could be a compilation of his best songs. You've yet made some videos about two of them (Je vais t'aimer, La vieille) and you have true gems to discover (Un roi barbare which contains three kinds of orchestrations, Rien which ends by an unexpected violin part). You wondered why Michel Sardou got a very bad reputation in France. The answer is contained in this album, in two songs. The first is "Le France" (beautiful boat which was sold and rebranded "Norway"), the second is "Le temps des colonies" (a song which was considered by a few as an appology of felony, I'm not one of them). Thanks for your videos.
@KrokisMtl 2 ай бұрын
I would say it's more Je suis pour and Le temps des colonies than Le France, this one was more consensual :) Sinon je suis de 78 et cet album live qu'est que j'ai pu l'écouter aussi. Il dépoussiérait d'anciens titres comme celui là de manière exceptionnelle.
@pierre.from.france 2 ай бұрын
​@@KrokisMtl Pour Le France je suis d'accord, l'opinion était très défavorable au désarmement du paquebot, c'est surtout Giscard qui a dû grincer des dents en écoutant la chanson 😁
@luciennescarano8330 Ай бұрын
Sardou ,le meilleur.❤❤
@lepagneul3214 Ай бұрын
Il vient de faire ces adieux à la scène, il est une image incontournable de la France
@idealsimple657 2 ай бұрын
Bercy91, such a good idea😊sardou in his best
@fredcarcopino9253 2 ай бұрын
zardou is great and there is again a lot of sobgs to discover and react
@Calypso1906 Ай бұрын
🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻 Quand Sardou parle des hommes bêtes à croquer la pomme, il parle ici de l'être humain en général, tout simplement. Et le titre de la chanson est "J'ACCUSE" qu'il chante lors de son spectacle à BERCY (Nom de l'endroit) en 1991... 😉
@morphilou 2 ай бұрын
110 000 000 of records sold but unknown in the USA
@Fed47 2 ай бұрын
Le titre est "j'accuse" Becy est la salle de spectacle (palais omnisport de Paris Bercy, renomé en Accord Arena)
@flotristval 2 ай бұрын
I'm not saying the world would be perfect, but it would certainly be better than it is today. It's a beautiful song. 👋🏻🇫🇷
@raptusjulius 2 ай бұрын
Hello, Sardou has powerful songs but he seemed to see interesting connections between Sardou's sermon and higher sources, here are some that are quite obvious, just like in other songs as well, "While my soul was still searching but not finding, among a thousand I have found one upright man, but among all these I have not found one such woman" (Eccl. 7:28). Or …13For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression. (1 Tim. 2). So, if man is guilty of so many things, as everybody knows, women have become the saintly kind among foolish people who seem to believe the victimization ideology turning victims into blameless saints, going so far as saying blacks cannot be racist, by nature and the whites are racist at birth or something to that effect. Feminism is definitely surfing on the same wave of madness and sentimental foolishness, one could definitely say to this generation, "O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified among you..." (Gal. 3:1). Blessings and grace, may God save Americans!
@sandracool3576 2 ай бұрын
@galier2 2 ай бұрын
Bercy is also sometimes referring to the French equivalent of the IRS. Here in this case it is more likely that it is simply a missing punctuation. The song is J'accuse. The concert being in the Bercy concert hall 1991.
@michelditomaso3104 2 ай бұрын
Bonjour, BERCY est un complexe, pour les spectacles , concerts et compétitions sportives.
@quaresma9003 2 ай бұрын
Ah bon !! Je croyais que c'était juste les impôts
@quaresma9003 2 ай бұрын
Accor Arena maintenant
@julienlenormand1983 Ай бұрын
This tour was his peak in his vocals.
@PIEbla84 2 ай бұрын
Bercy is just the name of the monument where the concert takes place 😊
@Wyrd1975 2 ай бұрын
Bercy is a famous concert Hall in Paris
@frenchpatou Ай бұрын
Bercy is a famous venue in Paris for concerts/events (Bercy 1991)
@maloryp4 Ай бұрын
"Hommes" in French can mean either man (grnder) or human beings. And here, I think Michel Sardou means "hommes" as humanity.
@tenkohan 2 ай бұрын
Je pense quil faut plus comprendre homme comme Homme (avec un petit "h" cest les hommes/men, avec un "H" majuscule cela conserne l'humanité et je pense ici les adultes plutôt)
@pierre.from.france 2 ай бұрын
C'est bien ce que je pense aussi, il n'est question nulle part de mysoginie dans le texte... Il aurait peut-être été plus explicite de le dire au singulier, j'accuse l'homme au lieu de j'accuse les hommes 🤔
@LetsChillPage 2 ай бұрын
"J'accuse les hommes, un par un et en groupe…", "J'accuse (…) de se repaître de sexe et de sang pour oublier qu'ils sont des impuissants." C'est bien des "mâles" qu'il parle.
@KrokisMtl 2 ай бұрын
​@@pierre.from.francemoi je l'ai toujours compris au sens de l'humanité aussi, ça me semble clair mais maintenant qu'on en parle.. :)
@pierre.from.france 2 ай бұрын
​​@@LetsChillPage C'est pas faux ça m'avait un peu échappé, d'ailleurs en relisant je trouve aussi d'autres vers évoquant le machisme... Alors c'est peut-être un peu des deux parce que la majorité des paroles, sur l'écologie par exemple, n'évoquent pas spécialement les hommes vs les femmes. Il aurait pu dire par exemple que les mâles sont responsables de tous ces maux parce que ce sont eux qui sont au pouvoir (surtout à l'époque), mais il n'en fait pas mention. Bref ma conclusion c'est que... je sais pas trop 🤔😁
@karinec.8037 2 ай бұрын
in french, "les hommes" is a generic word for humanity... so they go in war, and they bite apple!
@mariolamazur9814 2 ай бұрын
@petro3556 2 ай бұрын
Pour moi, dans le sens de la chanson, dans la phrase j'accuse les hommes ce n'est pas pas pareil que j' accuse les Hommes , traduire en Human, ils parle de la race humaine et pas du genre homme/femme. Pour ce qu'est de Bercy voir aujourd'hui Palais omnisports de Paris-Bercy - Accor Arena
@LetsChillPage 2 ай бұрын
"Le matriarcat, une utopie ? Non, réalité d’hier et d’aujourd’hui" à lire sur Axelle. 😉
@antoineelieH Ай бұрын
@vincentraymond444 12 күн бұрын
26 janvier 1991
@raptusjulius 2 ай бұрын
Hello, Sardou has powerful songs but you seemed to see interesting connections between Sardou's sermon and higher sources, here are some that are quite obvious, just like in other songs as well, "which my soul has sought repeatedly, but I have not found. One man among a thousand I found, but a woman among all these I have not found" (Eccl. 7:28). Or …13For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression. (1 Tim. 2). So, if man is guilty of so many things, as everybody knows, women have become the saintly kind among foolish people who seem to believe the victimization ideology turning victims into blameless saints, going so far as saying blacks cannot be racist, by nature and the whites are racist at birth or something to that effect. Feminism is definitely surfing on the same wave of madness and sentimental foolishness, one could definitely say to this generation, "O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified among you..." (Gal. 3:1). Blessings and grace, may God save Americans!
@carolefroment1028 Ай бұрын
@misswolfzg9426 2 ай бұрын
@Reactions by D Ici quand il dit j'accuse les hommes veut dire les humains comme les droits de l'homme veut dire les droits des humains !
@eliseprevost2233 2 ай бұрын
Completely agree with you, women are more diplomatic than men. No need to use force and fear to get things done. The song dates from 76 and some lyrics were changed in 91 because they were too controversial because originally the lyrics said "I accuse men of believing hypocrites / Half fags half hermaphrodites" and have been changed by " I accuse men of believing they have no limits / I accuse men of being hypocrites".
@raptusjulius 2 ай бұрын
Hello, Sardou has powerful songs but he seemed to see interesting connections between Sardou's sermon and higher sources, here are some that are quite obvious, just like in other songs as well, "which my soul has sought repeatedly, but I have not found. One man among a thousand I found, but a woman among all these I have not found." (Eccl. 7:28). Or …13For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression. (1 Tim. 2). So, if man is guilty of so many things, as everybody knows, women have become the saintly kind among foolish people who seem to believe the victimization ideology turning victims into blameless saints, going so far as saying blacks cannot be racist, by nature and the whites are racist at birth or something to that effect. Feminism is definitely surfing on the same wave of madness and sentimental foolishness, one could definitely say to this generation, "O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified among you..." (Gal. 3:1). Blessings and grace, may God save Americans!
@yokoyoko6579 2 ай бұрын
Les femmes sont comprises dans la chanson, Hommes (avec un grand H) au sens être humain. On est tous dedans lol
@astrobot5813 29 күн бұрын
Oui surtout que des exemples de femmes avec du pouvoir ça ne donnait pas mieux qu'un homme lol. On peut aussi voir ça chez les bonobos où on a un système matriarcal et où elles en ont fait une société de terreur et de torture dès qu'un mâle n'obéissait pas. Bien sûr la propagande néo-féministe essaie de faire croire que c'est un paradis pour maintenir la supercherie de leur idéologie, mais les gens qui cotoient les bonobos disent le contraire. C'est pas mieux du tout. Le problème c'est pas une question homme/femme, c'est la capacité à ne pas se faire écraser par le pouvoir et le vice qui va avec.
@gribouille63 4 күн бұрын
Bery est une salle de concert
@67Daidalos Ай бұрын
Interesting.. I'm not a huge Sardou fan. Actually, I came to his songs on the late, when I was past 20. And though this one is one of my favorite of his, there is a couple of verses I was never fond of (if you know, you know... and for those who don't, let's just say quickly it was a bit homophobic). But I didn't knew that as early as 1991, he already has changed those lyrics. Cause let's face it, in 91, it wouldn't have provoke a tenth of the offense it would have provoke now. So good for him. I should now learn that modified version.
@haralddutertre2094 2 ай бұрын
Il a changé "j'accuse les hommes d'être des hypocrites", dans la version originale c'était "moitié pd moitié hermaphrodites".
@thierrysanchez3161 2 ай бұрын
Au moins un qui l'a remarqué ...
@pierre.from.france 2 ай бұрын
​@@thierrysanchez3161 Moi aussi, mais en googlant parce que je me demandais pourquoi cette chanson est censée être polémique, sans cette phrase homophobe elle ne l'est pas beaucoup...
@thierrysanchez3161 2 ай бұрын
@@pierre.from.france Oh oui, il y a beaucoup de métaphores ... Beaucoup de messages messianiques ... qui a était aussi bêtes pour croquer dans la pomme ? C'est Eve ...
@thierrysanchez3161 2 ай бұрын
Pardon, d'abord Eve goute et ensuite elle pousse Adam a croquer dans la pomme ... C'est Eve la garce ... La femme ...
@thierrysanchez3161 2 ай бұрын
Il accuse les hommes de crimes sans pardon . C'est l'enfer alors ... Il n'y a même pas de purgatoire dans la religion Sardou ... J'arrête .. Il y a trop d'exemples. Mais on écoute sans comprendre le message de cette chanson qui relève de la scientologie ...
@davidlehen7782 2 ай бұрын
Don't forget Margaret Thatcher!!!! Bonne continuation à toi.
@jean-francoisribauville9065 2 ай бұрын
Imagine a world ruled by women like Maggie Thatcher, the "Iron Lady". Is that what you want ?
@Carmel-nk3eb 2 ай бұрын
"hommes" means in french "humankind"
@crowblank1 2 ай бұрын
La plume acerbe de Michel Sardou et le génie musical de Jacques Revaux, que du pur plaisir. Pour conforter D dans l'idée qu'il se fait sur les femmes au pouvoir, peut-être devrait-il écouter "Miss Maggie" de Renaud 😁.
@DarthShayanTool. 2 ай бұрын
les paroles sont à l'origine de Pierre Delanoe même si 3 autres derrières dont Sardou, ont fait les arrangements.
@marc-gj8sx Ай бұрын
bonjour monsieur j ai pas compris vos videos sur la france pour qu elle raison de qu elle nationalitee etes vous merci
@Nazydbeat278 2 ай бұрын
Sir, can you react to the song from HERO 284 - HANOMAN? This song has the theme of human concern for nature and the environment
@ericattal2454 Ай бұрын
Bonjour mon ami ,je pense que les femmes seraient meilleures comme dirigeantes
@Jerome-pr5jz 2 ай бұрын
si vous cherchez sur internet JACQUIE et MICHEL ......precisez les SARDOU!!! sinon ,c est pas eux que vous verrez
@CROM-on1bz 2 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂C'est Jacki I Et Michelle E ou JackiE et Michelle E? En tous cas la référence m'a fait rire.
@333amoromniavincit9 2 ай бұрын
@@CROM-on1bz Merci qui? 😄
@CROM-on1bz 2 ай бұрын
@@333amoromniavincit9 LOL
@CROM-on1bz 2 ай бұрын
It is man in the sense of homo Sapiens sapiens; the species
@federalisteconstitutionnel 2 ай бұрын
homme (humain) veut dire (malheureusement) aussi homme (mâle) en français ! ... Je suis un mâle, et cela m'a toujours choqué ! .... mais on peut dire humain à la place " homme " (ce que je m'emploie à faire)
@quaresma9003 2 ай бұрын
J'espère que lui même s'inclus là dedans (Sardou) , car les "artistes" si on commence a fouiller dans leurs vies privées sa doit pas être jolie jolie
@morphilou 2 ай бұрын
si sardou etait de gauche comme 90% dans les media et le showbizz ils serait ton idole alors qu ils sont 10 fois plus hypocrite
@JulienBARÇON 2 ай бұрын
Un hypocrite c'est une personne qui dit le contraire de ce qu'elle pense, lâ il est honnette, il accuse les hommes , et Sardou est un homme , il parlent de destruction par la polution , l'arme nucleaire , trouver un chanteur qui dennonce l'utilisation de l'arme nucleaire . En revanche que vous n'aimier pas , sa personne , je peux comprendre, mois j'adorre les chansons ,mais c'est vrai, il a un fichu carractère et le reconnait.
@didiers62 2 ай бұрын
je peux pas le voir en peinture
@morphilou Ай бұрын
il fait cela a tout ceux dont le QI est inferieur a 80
@Franck-ju5zu 2 ай бұрын
Love to watch your video.particularly about french artists but don t pass to much time on this xenophobic misogine one .he ruined mt childhood We only had 3 channels.but thanks to him I discovered Anglo saxons artist!!!
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