If you're always being tailgated, WATCH THIS

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Mick Drives Cars

Mick Drives Cars

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Have you ever thought about what actually causes someone to tailgate? Well that's what we're talking about today.
Driving at the correct speed isn't just personal preference - it's about ensuring the proper flow of traffic for everyone using the road. Some people can obstruct the flow of traffic my driving too slowly and if this is met with another driver that wants to drive too fast... you're going to see some tailgating.
Tailgating comes in many different forms, some worse than others, we'll talk about all of these as well as how to deal with tailgaters in this video!
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@chriscuthbertson 8 ай бұрын
I hate being tailgated in a 30, doing 30 and the person behind doesn't have the balls to overtake.
@wayland7150 8 ай бұрын
Doing 30mph in a 30 limit is fine. People should calm down. However doing 27mph and dithering about in the wrong lane would be bad driving.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
That's another level of stupid lol
@bimzz4789 8 ай бұрын
yep, same for me 😅
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
every 30 zone, ALL of them. no one does 30 in a 30 anymore. part of this getting worse is that the cars don't feel like 30@30. they feel like 15 while doing 30.
@ernestmfakudze 8 ай бұрын
In London it's 20Mph almost everywhere and even if I risk it and do 24Mph I'm still being tailgated by someone. Am still not sure what was going in the head of the person who reduced it from 30 to 20.
@christopherhume8896 8 ай бұрын
So many places where driving below 30 is appropriate. Cars parked at side of road, through residential area, near a school, anywhere where a person, vehicle or idiot on a bike could pop out. None of us like being stuck behind a slow driver but we need to judge each situation carefully.
@ExplodingCabbage 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think I am fine with mildly tailgating someone who's driving in the right lane on an otherwise empty motorway or dual carriageway, as was the first example in the video, since there they are doing something objectively wrong and can easily and immediately fix it. Everything else in the video, though, is just completely wrong IMO. Tailgating on single-lane roads is just not okay even if the car ahead *is* driving unreasonably slow (and is probably counterproductive - you may well make them feel, rightly or wrongly, that they need to slow down further to deal with the danger you're creating!). And grumbling about people driving at 26 in a 30 is just madness. For one thing an outright *majority* of roads with 30mph limits I've driven on, I don't think it's safe to be at 30 for most of the road, because there's just too much to take in to be able to mentally process all the hazards, signs, markings, and movements of other people around you while travelling at that speed. For another thing, 26mph vs 30mph is unlikely to make any difference worth caring about to people's journey times. Mick needs to chill out, let people drive at the speed they judge they're able to safely operate at (which may perfectly legitimately be slower than his, either because they're more risk averse or because they process what's going on slower than he does and actually ARE at more risk at the same speed), and get off their arses.
@-A-lm5xb 6 ай бұрын
@@ExplodingCabbage Yes, there are situations where 30 isn't entirely safe but in a modern car with the tyres, suspension, steering, safety and braking systems we have these days, if a driver can't drive safely at 30mph in most scenarios then they probably shouldn't be driving. In my experience it's generally not because they are safe drivers but because they don't have the confidence to drive any quicker, which probably means they are nervous, won't spot hazards, won't know what to do in an emergency or be able to react in time and so on. That's the real problem. People forget that many people have to drive for a living, some a tied to schedules like bus drivers while others work on delivery jobs that pay according to how much they can deliver. Others have to drive long distances and not always on a motorway route. Most of us do not have the time to spare to spend 4 hours driving 100 miles, considerably less if you take stopping and starting into account, and I can promise you that taking 10,12,14 hours to get across the country because you're stuck for much of it in needlessly slow moving traffic does not result in a chilled out driver.
@DGQ1Q2 6 ай бұрын
@@ExplodingCabbage yes, We are witness of that, special in country roads, national speed limit, what that hell, we cannot go faster than 30 Mph due the limit point of view, horses, pedestrians, or simple too many bends, too many blind spots. here in the UK, we have speed limits signs very wrong.
@jpldriver 6 ай бұрын
There are many National speed limit country roads when you can do 60 mph safely! Use of speed is common sense,and hazard perception.
@jpldriver 6 ай бұрын
The road where I live has parked cars either side,and heavy traffic.I drive at 20 for about 200 yards.,the speed limit is 30 mph.Driving at 30 mph would be fairly dangerous,with oncoming traffic so I slow down. I slow down even more as I approach the side road where I live. I am driving at a safe,and appropriate speed for the conditions.On this stretch of road 60% of cars tailgate me!
@jamief123 8 ай бұрын
I have never once tailgated someone for any reason. Interesting how these these things only affect some people and not others! There is never any excuse for tailgating. If someone is going 20mph under the limit, you stay behind them at a safe distance and overtake when you can. Or if they are in the overtaking lane, you still maintain a safe distance and patiently wait for them to cop on and move over. If they don't move over then you just continue to wait at a safe distance. Zero reason to tailgate. Have some patience. Arriving at your destination 2 minutes late is not the end of the world. And yes, I also drive as close to the speed limit as possible, and get annoyed by people going under the limit just as much as anyone else.
@thefrenchareharlequins2743 8 ай бұрын
This. No need to put my crumple zone on the alter.
@jamief123 8 ай бұрын
Also its attitudes like this "The rules don't apply to me because I know better" that causes draconian laws to be introduced such as huge decrease in speed limits in Wales and soon Ireland.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Very fair comment all round. 100% agree. It's tricky because flashing your lights for example can be seen as ''aggressive'' but is generally safer and can be done from a distance - this is usually the way I go when someone is really being ridiculous in the overtake lane.
@jamief123 8 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCars I agree. A flash of the lights to tell someone to move out of the overtaking lane doesn't seem that harmful to me, but I generally try to avoid it.
@David-um8tb 8 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCars Flashing your lights is still improper use just as much as using the claxon would be in this situation. According to the law at least.
@DanielDTUBWeinberger 7 ай бұрын
1. don't tailgate 2. don't use overtake lane(s) if not actively overtaking 3. don't try to slowly overtake, especially when others want to overtake 4. don't get angry someone is following the speed limit 5. if have issue it's a speed upper limit, not a speed lower limit or speed target, take it up with those that make the laws. 6. if have people behind you, try to make good envifoment to safely and elgally pass when able, like drive near shoulder to allow vision, and release gas when they are passing.
@babascustomlegocreations8837 7 ай бұрын
100% agree there, I’m always moving out of the way for people who want to speed & I slow down slightly when they overtake me on single carriageways to help them get out of danger quicker
@MR-vj8dn 2 ай бұрын
I agree with most of your points. 1. Agree. Those tailgating should be punished with prison time if you ask me. 2. Agree somewhat. But if there's no one behind you, eg not stopping any traffic, I wouldn't care. 3. Slow overtaking is okay and sometimes necessary. For example if the one being overtaken is increasing its speed. It is not okay to just increase and further increase the speed while overtaking. 4. Agree. 5. Agree. Oh yes please! 6. Agree. I do this, but I won't go over the dotted lines. I AM allowed to drive on the road without having to make all the way.
@mustangeroo 8 ай бұрын
I drive a ‘73 VW bus. I drive slow. Always in the travel lane. I get tailgated constantly. It is only frustrating at night when their old man headlights cast a shadow in front of me. When they finally pass, more often than not, they pass as close as they can and throw rocks. I think you are right, it bothers them that I am going slow and they are trying to get me to speed up. Most people don’t understand that I’m going as fast as I can. I think most people are drowning in life and they have to rush everywhere they go.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
That's not fun at all... I specifically made a point in this video about how someone going slowly in the travel lane should be appreciated and respected.
@ItzJNazz 8 ай бұрын
Not only do a lot of people have no idea about their cars limit, they rarely if ever understand the limit of others cars and *why* some cars have the limitations they do. Too often on my way to work and back, a lot of people try to overtake but refuse to speed up before/while changing lanes, even when they have the car for it (which is essentially 90% of the cars around here), most of these drivers just sit in the passing lane going 1-2mph below the speed limit. It's infuriating how little some people care about the safety of others (and sometimes their own). On another note, you have an absolutely based choice of car 🤌
@gravemind6536 8 ай бұрын
If I see something that ancient in front of me I know its going slow for a reason I just fly straight past it and pull in gradually you'll get no rock chips from me. I don't know why anyone cares about someone they're leaving behind anyway. No need for agression.
@mustangeroo 8 ай бұрын
Just yesterday I had a lady lose her mind at a stop light. When she got the rant out I told her I was going as fast as the bus can go up the hill (about 5 under the limit). I really think some people are drowning in life and see non speeders as moving roadblocks that are making it worse for them.
@mustangeroo 8 ай бұрын
The craziest part was that she had almost a mile long passing lane to pass me on the left.
@tommybanger 8 ай бұрын
I agree with the general concept of this video but I hope this doesn't make anyone feel pressured to always ride the speed limit of every road. Some national speed limit roads are definitely not safe to travel along at higher speeds and weather conditions should also be a big consideration too
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Oh absolutely! But when it's a wide open road with no weather and no traffic - people should just drive properly.
@damirkvajo 8 ай бұрын
Speed limits are made to be safe in the worst case scenario. The only area where I wouldn't speed is near schools.
@chrisfifield-smith 8 ай бұрын
"I hope this doesn't make anyone feel pressured to always ride the speed limit of every road" - That's clearly what this video is about.
@Hali88 8 ай бұрын
@@damirkvajo no, they are made to be safe in good conditions. In the case of 60mph country lanes, they are just there because they can't be bothered to have lots of signs giving proper speed limits even though doing 60 would almost certainly result in a serious crash.
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
@@damirkvajo I think 50 and above is ok to 'drive to the conditions' as it were. 20-40 zones often have a reason. I love to boot it everywhere but it's got to be in the right areas. I just try not to be the one holding up traffic or not paying attention at junctions etc. get to the NSL are and I'm gone
@aldoldrum9 8 ай бұрын
I’ve learned that judging bad drivers is going to take me nowhere. Instead, I focus on how I drive and how I react to situations like tailgating. There is nothing I can do about their risky behavior on the road. All I can do is try my best to remain calm and patient, and be an example to others. Thank you for sharing your tips, Mick!
@jordancarr7448 8 ай бұрын
move left and let them overtake
@Firebacon1gg 7 ай бұрын
Yup i agree as u said. but let me tell u some advice move over from the passing lane and let them pass. that way no road rage no problems and u are happy. Unless u got a ego and think oh because I'm driving the speed limit everyone should. Nah man let them pass they will forget u and they keep going on their merry day and I or in this case u do too. Unless u want to end up in a road rage by some crazy man or woman and risk injury or death if so go for that head ache end up getting rammed buy a guy with no insurance or plates or in the usa get shot even though many states have bans on assault firearms yeah criminals will follow that anyways. And it's a passing lane for a reason etc. That's why I like places and countries that enforce the passing lane thing get those speed limit drivers to drive properly and move over from the passing lane to the traffic lanes.also check your mirrors staring straight ahead is bad driving too.
@aldoldrum9 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the reply, bro! Where I live, all three lanes are "over the speed limit" lanes. If I'm lucky, the right lane is the safe lane. I try my best to let them pass (sometimes I find myself not being able to drive to the other lane because someone is already blocking it, plus the car in front of me as well). I even take the emergency lane when things get too intense. This one time, I was on the right lane; traffic was starting to get heavy. Because you need to have like 20 eyes in this island, I saw this guy in a Corolla GR driving around 65mph behind me when I was driving around 50 (because that was the speed limit of the road). I quickly (but calmly) took the emergency lane: I already planned how to react to that scenario. The guy couldn't find another lane to go to and nearly hit the truck in front of him. He drove normally the rest of the ride after he nearly got himself (and his girlfriend he was trying to impress) hurt or killed. Anyways, stay safe out there, man! @@Firebacon1gg
@-A-lm5xb 6 ай бұрын
I've learned that many of those who think the other guy is the bad driver are often worst than the drivers they are complaining about. You can practically guarantee that when you see a slow, cautious driver he will be the one who unexpectedly stops at a perfectly clear, empty roundabout with good visibility all around; be the one who signals right at the very last second or two streets too early, or not at all; tootle along on the right hand lane of a virtually empty dual carriageway; stop behind a bus that pulls in at a bus stop instead of going round it even though there's nothing coming the other way; not move off from traffic lights after they've changed to green until they're about to change back again meaning he gets through while everybody behind him is left fuming at being stuck there for another cycle of the lights; sit there forever when turning right at traffic lights well after the lights have changed so if you're behind him you end up stuck there as the traffic coming across the junction starts to come at you....and I bet they've never had an accident or a speeding ticket.
@aldoldrum9 6 ай бұрын
@@-A-lm5xb It is one of the most rewarding (if not frustrating 😂) lesson to learn: to let go of the ego. I appreciate your comment, man; take care!
@kane2734 8 ай бұрын
I have to disagree. Even if someone is going incredibly slow, you should not tailgate or flash them - it's rude and incredibly dangerous. What's best is to hold back, take a deep breath and when it's safe to overtake, do so. There is never a time when it's okay to tailgate on public roads. You have to think, if the person in front of you were to stop, can you? Maybe there's a malfunction of the car in front, a dog or child ran in the road or there's a dodgy traffic light? As for driving in the overtaking lane, you ought to return to the lane as soon as it's safe to do so. Do not cut in front of someone that you've just overtaken just because you don't want to annoy the person who's tailgating you. If you cut in front of someone and quickly realise you need to stop (something is now in the road and you didn't notice until you overtook, or your car just stops), then you're not going to have enough distance between you and the person you've just overtaken, and you'll certainly get rear-ended. Similarly, don't get up someone's arse as you begin to overtake. Imagine the person you're overtaking slows down significantly, then what? Bang! To summarise: Do not tailgate. Leave enough distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Drive with courtesy and a relaxed mind. Simple! We all want to get to places quickly. But let's actually arrive at our destinations in one piece, instead of quickly ending up in hospital.
@Matty27 8 ай бұрын
I think tailgating can be dangerous, but I think a flash is fine if they've been blocking the lane for a good few minutes. I also don't see what's rude about it, they're the ones blocking the road by not moving over
@kane2734 8 ай бұрын
​@@Matty27 Flashing is deemed as rude by most people because it translates to: 'Move over. You're going too slow for my liking. I have important things to do.'. Such behaviour displays a sense of entitlement, impatience and aggression. Unfortunately, most people don't realise that flashing can cause anxiety in a lot of people, or simply make the average person angry, influencing them to make mistakes or to retaliate. The best thing to do is just hold back, be patient and when it's safe, overtake.
@PointNemo9 8 ай бұрын
​​@@kane2734The entitled ones are the drivers who refuse to let faster traffic pass them. If someone gets anxiety because someone requests they change lanes, they probably shouldn't be driving a 1.5 tonne machine, especially if they don't know the correct lane to drive in.
@kane2734 8 ай бұрын
@@PointNemo9 I don't think so. If you wish to drive faster, wait for a safe time to overtake. Pushing people to move is disrespectful. There are many of people who are perfectly capable of operating a vehicle who feel anxious when someone is trying to intimidate them. This does not mean that they shouldn't operate a vehicle; however; I agree that drivers should be competent and calm when driving.
@kane2734 8 ай бұрын
@@PointNemo9 Also, people should not be preventing others from overtaking - that would be irresponsible and could lead to a severe accident.
@leejohnson3209 8 ай бұрын
I think if you're the kind of driver that gets frustrated at a person in front doing 26 in a 30 you're going to be a problem on the road. With 30 years of driving experience and over 10 as a professional driver the best advice I can pass on is to always stay cool and keep a safe distance. Being inconvenienced is never an excuse to tailgate and drive dangerously. Some people prefer to drive slower than I personally would in a given circumstance. But a speed limit is a maximum not a minimum speed, and everyone should drive to their own ability and reaction time. However, the elderly and people with certain medical conditions should hand in their licence if their reaction time and awareness is impaired to a degree that they feel they cannot safely drive at a suitable speed any more.
@mlx39996 8 ай бұрын
absolutely agreed! if someone in front is a bit slow, just wait behind and be patient. overtake when safe. i really dislike the message this video sends out.
@E38Bimmer35 8 ай бұрын
@@mlx39996if you’re driving slow that’s you’re given right and nobody should judge you. But: Don’t be an obstacle and don’t block other drivers and the flow of traffic.
@mlx39996 8 ай бұрын
@@E38Bimmer35 what do you mean by blocking? like intentionally preventing the car behind from overtaking?
@E38Bimmer35 8 ай бұрын
@@mlx39996 Intentionally and unknowingly by blocking the right lane. Of course i don't mean people that pass a truck for example and take a few seconds longer for that.
@mlx39996 8 ай бұрын
@@E38Bimmer35 yeah absolutely nobody should be travelling in the right lane unless turning right or overtaking
@SeanVlismas 8 ай бұрын
There is never a situation to be as close as that BMW was. If you'd needed to brake suddenly he'd have gone up the back of you and then he's not getting to wherever he's going no matter how urgent it was. I absolutely don't agree that tailgating is ever excusable. It's one of the stupidest things you can do behind a driver who is may not confident anyway and may act unpredictably. Frustration is not a reason. Is it okay for me to brake check a tailgater to "communicate" that they should back off?
@Stallzyx 8 ай бұрын
They weren't at 70mph at that point though, he was intentionally being slow, so there was better chance of the BMW stopping. The car following him in the left lane on the other hand...
@lmenus 4 ай бұрын
The solution is move to the travelling lane
@halfbakedgaming69 4 ай бұрын
How about you stop giving people a reason to tailgate you. Bad driver apologist. Get off the road.
@SeanVlismas 4 ай бұрын
@halfbakedgaming69 When faced with a bad driver, it's better to decrease risk if you're a good driver. If you're reaction to a bad driver is to increase the danger that they're causing then you're no better than they are. I'm sure we've all been tailgated while travelling in the correct lane while driving at or slightly above the speed limit. The tailgater has not been given a "reason". That's bad driving. If I brake check them and cause them to crash into me, I'm a bad driver too. I think good driving is about driving the right speed in the right place at the right time while doing what you can to keep risk to a minimum.
@lmenus 4 ай бұрын
@@SeanVlismas yes, and you know what I do when that happens? I move to the left lane as soon as I can so they can pass me
@horrourstories 8 ай бұрын
In my experience, 99% of the time tailgating and flahsing lights has nothing at all to do with people in the wrong lane doing the speed limit, but people who think you should be either doing significantly faster than the speed limit like they are, or dodging in and out of every gap so they can.
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
drug delivery
@ulysseskruger6095 8 ай бұрын
No it’s driving in the passing lane either not passing or for too long.
@wheeliewheelie1 7 ай бұрын
Just don't hang out on the overtaking lane if you're not overtaking. However fast you're going, chances are someone faster would come catch you, and you are the jerk if you don't give way because: 1. You yourself are not following the rules, 2. You're not the police out to enforce the speed limit, also considering no. 1 above, 3. You've no idea why someone's driving fast and it's not for you to find out, and 4. Blocking the fast ones forces them to weave through traffic which can lead to fatal accidents, all because you wanted to play highway Karen. Let the police catch speeders; your job is to get safely from point A to point B.
@repletereplete8002 7 ай бұрын
@@LukeAnthony-v3r god I had an obvious drug dealer in an Audi do that the other day even though I was going near 80. Flashing lights, about 3ft from my bumper. When I could safely pull into the left lane he and his buddy leaned out the window giving me the finger and proceeded to whizz off at 100+.
@imabosssorta1923 7 ай бұрын
It actually does have to do with you left lane camping or passing lane camping. You're the one with the backwards mindset that this video is specifically for. If you're in the furthest most lane not passing anyone and not moving over when you're able to do so, you're the one in the wrong.
@metal_anomaly 8 ай бұрын
This. This is what a lot of non car people can't seem to understand. Especially here in Brazil, people just seem to be wherever and doing whatever speed they want to do, because this is not taught well enough or maybe even at all in driving schools. And then some of them aggressively refuse to admit that this video is the reality of traffic. It even makes me happy when I do find a good driver who moves over 😅
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Haha it's like moving over is a submission but actually moving over and allowing the traffic to flow is such a confident move.
@axlroc 8 ай бұрын
Haha my uncle goes 150 down the BR and he always tailgates and keeps his left blinker and beeps for the other people. Just to get to the house quicker 😂
@nuttyslack 8 ай бұрын
Submission in driving can be domination.
@josephrobertson4424 8 ай бұрын
As someone who is learning to be a driving instructor tailgating is something I'm going to be dealing with allot. Although I agree with allot of what you say in the video - ANY form of tailgating/driving closer than 2 seconds to another vehicle (4 seconds in rainy conditions) is extreemly dangerous. Yes on a motorway/dual carageway you will find people who do not understand lane discipline, the problem I find is that many people are often not thought this in the first place as it is not something us driving instructors have to teach. As it is something pupils are not tested on. Only when I did my advanced driving test did I receive a lesson about driving on a motorway. For new drivers being tailgated can cause extreme anxiety and has been the cause of allot of people not continuing to learn to drive. so saying tailgating is "sometimes ok" is just not right. Going slower than the speed limit in town can be for many reasons - if there are parked cars - lots of pedestrians driving slower gives you allot more time to react to any hazard. On the other hand driving too slowly is also a hazard. it can cause people to do dangerous overtakes. Hopefully im not coming across as negative as i agree with many parts of the video as it shows how to do proper lane disapline.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind way you put this across, I really appreciate it. Learner drivers didn't even cross my mind when I was making this video. Now for a little devil's advocate... if a learner is driving slowly in an overtake lane, isn't it a good thing for someone to give them a signal to move over? Long term this should make for better drivers? Obviously without being aggressive.
@04smallmj 8 ай бұрын
I was a driving instructor until recently. It concerns me a lot when I hear that some instructors teach the bare minimum required to get someone through the test - e.g. only sticking to test routes and not bothering with the show-me tell-me questions. I always liked to take people on different roads, towns and on motorways (although I couldn't when I was a PDI), the different tyre types, how to refuel and other additional info, if possible. I am confused as to why you think that lane discipline isn't tested though as it absolutely is. Obviously not on motorways, but if a test candidate stays in the overtaking lane of a dual carriageway for no reason then they would be penalised for it.
@josephrobertson4424 8 ай бұрын
funnily enough im going ot be giving a lesson on overtaking tomorrow, although that's more to do with overtaking parked cars. For most drivers with experience we know when someone wants to overtake. but if a learner is sitting in an overtaking lane while doing the speed limit and not actually overtaking anyone I would more questions the person teaching them 🤣 @@MickDrivesCars
@josephrobertson4424 8 ай бұрын
@@04smallmj definitely there are people like that. Thankfully no one I know does that. If you properly teach someone to drive then they can drive anywhere.
@fickyrisher 8 ай бұрын
@@04smallmj if you want lane discipline you are forced to purchase the Pass +, which costs more money 🤑
@devonfuse 8 ай бұрын
Someone once said to me that you should be doing the speed limit unless the road conditions dictate that you should be slower. This has always seemed like common sense; of course, there may be other factors involved, but is generally my mantra.
@Stallzyx 8 ай бұрын
They're speed limits not speed goals though. Even someone like me who barely drives gets a feel for what speed feels right for a road, and so 25-30mph feels the right safe speed in town and then can go to 50-60 if conditions permit in the country roads etc
@LANOH89 8 ай бұрын
I have M.S and some times i have to drive a bit slower and i don't think its ever ok for someone to tailgate you. Same thing goes for the persone you tailgate! you don't know why they are driving slow! they might have a medical condition or be transporting something that might easily break. It's never ok to tailgate.
@thefrenchareharlequins2743 8 ай бұрын
As a Toyota Yaris driver who is constantly tailgated by BMWs, I agree. But it is quite funny when they catch up with the next lorry in the next 100 yards and indeed finds there is no way to safely overtake.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
That lorry probably shouldn't be in that lane either :)
@thefrenchareharlequins2743 8 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCars I mostly drive single carriageways
@Cernunn0s90 8 ай бұрын
As someone who drives a relatively fast car, sometimes I overtake just because it's fun to do so, even if I know that I will be stuck behind that lorry up ahead anyways... (talking about single lane roads obviously)
@InsanitiesBrother 8 ай бұрын
@@thefrenchareharlequins2743 The car is now ahead one vehicle. It's easier to overtake 1 lorry, than a lorry and a car. You essentially hop your way along a single carriageway road over time. Eventually getting to some junction many vehicles ahead of the one you may perceive. Even if they get to the junction just ahead of you, chances are they overtook many cars before you.
@sirmounted8499 8 ай бұрын
Safely overtake? I just send it, even in bends.
@voxy8669 8 ай бұрын
stop saying "fast lane", that doesn't exist.
@hellie_el 8 ай бұрын
one of the best driving tips i ever came across was from a vintage driving video from australia: if someone is tailgating dangerously close to you in the driving lane, slowly, slowly, slow down so that they are a) finally convinced to pass you, or b) won't crash into you if you have to suddenly brake. thank you to the now defunct nfsa, which did an absolutely stellar job of chronicling twentieth century australia.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Yeah on a single-lane road the only thing you can do is reduce your speed and increase your braking distance
@OrenTubing 2 ай бұрын
Ive been tailgated while overtaking because it wasnt fast enough in the eyes of the tailgaiter(20 mph above the speed limit). I always keep the same speed and complete the overtake at the speed im comfortable with. They can explode in anger for all i care. And if they flash the lights too aggressively, im not moving, sue me😅
@Sir-Prizse 8 ай бұрын
Cool video, it's a different story in Germany where people are glued to your bumper, because you're only going 70 km/h in a 50 zone. 🤣
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Hahaha that's a new one!
@andrejorge3422 8 ай бұрын
In Portugal it's the same 😅
@gunnern1 8 ай бұрын
Are you sure that's the reality in Germany? Because I have lost count of Germany-registered cars going well below the limit on roads in the north of Norway. Though I'm guessing it's different when you're busy taking in the view of spectacular nature as opposed to just going to work or back home again... 😝
@ninjaz5736 8 ай бұрын
​@@gunnern1 In germany the fines for speeding are laughable, so when we go into other countries we tend to pay a lot more attention to the limits, because what in Germany may only be a 20€ slap on the wrist can turn into hundreds of € and points very quickly. And of course the nature will play a part in it! It's also quite possible to be overtaken at over 100 mph, although mostly on the quieter stretches of autobahn away from the major cities, otherwise traffic becomes the limiting factor. I'm glad I wasn't the one driving though!
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
that's exactly what it's like in the UK most of the time. in all speed limits or even well beyond sometimes
@mlx39996 8 ай бұрын
please *don't* take advice from this video! tailgating is NOT okay. go watch the video by "Conquer Driving" about tailgating. he's an actual driving instructor.
@Chucklingsaneman 4 ай бұрын
Yeah he’s amazing. Mick is a wannabe racing driver who thinks he knows how to drive. In reality he promotes dangerous driving and just appears to be a twat
@TheAl2kas 3 ай бұрын
Hahahaha the dumb way people are being taught to drive defensively. Just dumbed everything down. Thats why everyone drives nowadays like braindead
@adrianplatt6328 3 ай бұрын
You are so very right. Tailgating is NEVER alright. Those who do it fail to understand the basic Highway Code lessons about stopping distances. Years ago, I hit a dog which was called out across the road, across my path. I braked, the dog was very forcibly nudged but absolutely alright. If I hadn’t braked the animal would have been flattened under my wheels. I was travelling about 26 mph in a 30, but the car behind had only given about 4m space or 13 ft as we used to call it. Both cars were a write off, the total payout exceeded the cost of replacing one new car. The driver behind, “did not give himself a chance”, I was being pushed down the street before he even realised he needed to brake.
@tabbycat406 11 күн бұрын
Driving instructors and forced to conform to the law, even when the law is not safe, example is following the flow of traffic. Don’t break the flow, and if you want to, do it in the travel lane.
@mlx39996 11 күн бұрын
@@tabbycat406 tell me then why tailgating is safe
@tinyrodent2821 8 ай бұрын
When I'm in the BMW's position, usually stuck behind someone in the 3rd lane (importantly, without anyone to their left), I do a 4 step process: 1. Wait, give them a bit of time to realise they're lane hogging, 2. move up, not sitting in their arse, but enough to get in their mirrors to get their attention, maybe dipping into their side mirrors occasionally, 3. flash, they're clearly not paying enough attention to their surroundings, better to make it obvious now, 4. Undertake, usually I'll pull into the left lane, wait a moment to see if they're going to move now, and then accelerate past them to get out of their blind spot.
@martineyles 6 ай бұрын
You should actually be in the second lane a safe distance behind, as you're not overtaking them and you need to leave a large enough gap that they will feel safe to move into.
@adamamborski165 6 ай бұрын
I think gently tailgating is like gently shooting your gun at someone.
@DGQ1Q2 6 ай бұрын
100%, they are using the vehicle as a WEAPON 100% with you
@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz 6 ай бұрын
@@DGQ1Q2No they are not. Shut up. Lol!
@Tidbit0123 4 ай бұрын
@@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz Yes they are, if youre tail gating, you are intentionally risking harm on you and others.
@Sharpshooter99100 2 ай бұрын
Its similar to a .44 magnum. They are using a weapon
@tomkocian6710 8 ай бұрын
Also, I think there are better and more safe ways to convey a message. Indicate, flash the high beams, or just wait untill it's safe to overtake, but keep your distance. Tippical human reaction time until they start braking is 1 whole second. Tailgate someone and when something happens, you might not even have a chance to react.
@DGQ1Q2 6 ай бұрын
and neither if you survive "I mean the tailgater" time to react to defend yourself in a court. how to justify that bulling behavior. lol
@tomkocian6710 6 ай бұрын
@@DGQ1Q2 Yeah. In my country we say, "What you can't brake, you can't talk yourself out off."
@richardhammer187 5 ай бұрын
@@tomkocian6710 it'd help everyone if you told us what "your" country actually is.
@tomkocian6710 5 ай бұрын
@@richardhammer187 In the Czech Republic we say "Co neubrzdíš, to neukecáš."
@John-ng3pj 8 ай бұрын
Legend. I could never articulate why slow drivers in the right lane were wrong as people would always rebut with "it's a speed limit". But this video and citing lane discipline in the highway code is how to prove the point! I enjoy driving spiritedly, but also intentionally moving back into the left lane doing 70 where possible. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible due to not everyone playing by the same rules and middle and right lane hogging. Great channel, Mick!
@Sanutep 8 ай бұрын
The most frustrating situation is you decide to overtake a car going slow in the travel lane.... And then as you are trying to do so, they match speed right when you are next to them... And then someone else comes flying up your bum behind you... And you're already at the speed limit so two cars have boxed you in... 😅
@richardhammer187 5 ай бұрын
This happens all the time on the motorway, people just can't maintain speed, especially noticeable when you're using cruise control.
@TexterEX 4 ай бұрын
You probably drove up their ass and then expected them to let you in.
@gunnern1 8 ай бұрын
I do get the tailgating in the overtake lane. But I am often tailgated in the travel lane. And to those who do tailgate me in the travel lane: don't bother, my cruise control doesn't accelerate just because some a**hat decided to ride my rear bumper. And if I'm not using cruise control, I actually tend to lift off slightly if the car behind comes too close. This seems to annoy some people to no end, using horn and lights as a rebuke rather than using the empty overtake lane to go past. But hey, if you're close enough to my bumper that you think me lifting slightly off of the accelerator in the travel lane is dangerous, then maybe, just maybe, you might be the problem?
@Slowcarfastbeans 8 ай бұрын
lol wholeheartedly agree. If that person doesn’t have the brainpower to move into a vacant lane when the density is too high in the current lane then I’d question whether that person should be allowed to drive as it’s a simple concept to self-learn and execute.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
I actually did exactly that with that ford truck. Just set the cruise to 66 until he overtook me. Really should have left that in the video but I thought it was a little boring.
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
so you are agressivly policing the roads due to your mood? doesn't sound wise
@gunnern1 8 ай бұрын
@user-yx3ih7so6d read again. If the fast lane is empty, then the a*sholes who decide to ride my bumper in the slow lane have absolutely no reason to complain even if I go 10mph below the speed limit. Get your a** out in the fast lane and overtake. That's what it's there for. I would have had some understanding for the tailgaters if I was lane hogging the fast lane doing exactly the speed limit or slightly slower, but I have neither understanding nor sympathy for those tailgating me in the slow lane when the fast lane is empty and available. If you consider it to be "policing", then I would strongly recommend that you hand in your licence.
@mlx39996 8 ай бұрын
@@LukeAnthony-v3r you don’t sound wise
@graemekeeton87 8 ай бұрын
Tailgating in town is never okay. Nor is telling people to always go the speed limit in town. If you're not familiar with the roads in the place you're visiting, or you're not as confident a driver as the spirited drivers around you, then forcing yourself to always drive at the speed limit in order to accommodate them is dangerous. Agree on the motorway tailgating, but the urban advice borders on reckless. Are you suggesting that you'd prefer less confident drivers to make themselves feel unsafe by driving faster than they would like to in urban areas?
@wayland7150 8 ай бұрын
He showed examples, you could see the speed limit is fine. Obviously you go the speed limit in town when faster would be OK and you drive slower if the road conditions require. It's not a target.
@richardhammer187 5 ай бұрын
It's only dangerous if you're a terrible driver.
@Redshoes_531 2 ай бұрын
​@richardhammer187 No, not always the case. It could be a new driver or someone who has been hit before by a speeding idiot and is cautious. A bad driver shows no consideration for such and impatiently and aggressively tailgates. Period.
@zzynbl Ай бұрын
It's reassuring to know there are people out there who are empathetic towards cautious drivers. I'm new to driving alone and was a learner for longer than usual due to anxiety. I was also in a crash right before my test, which was the other driver's fault and resulted in both cars being written off. I still tend to go slower than some people would like, but that won't be the case forever. In the meantime, I passed my test and have a right to get where I need to go. If you're pressuring me to go faster then I'm stressed, and if I'm stressed then I'm distracted. No one in their right mind wants to be following close behind a distracted driver!
@jaseman 8 ай бұрын
For the people who are getting frustrated - they have an expectation that all the other drivers should be good drivers and are considerate human beings who never make mistakes. This is a failure of judgement on their part - their expectation was not matched to reality. You will only really lose that frustration by accepting that the roads are filled with inconsiderate, terrible drivers that make mistakes and people that are totally wrapped up in themselves and care only for their own needs. You can be frustrated about it as much as you like - but it doesn't change the reality and despite all best efforts to educate people to be more considerate and to be better drivers - there will always be a certain ratio of people that are not up to scratch. When you get out on the road - that's just part of the game and you can't change it - no matter how many KZbin videos you make about the topic.
@IRVisionPrints 8 ай бұрын
Please send this to Ashley neal, I’d love to hear to what he has to say in rebuttal
@PointNemo9 8 ай бұрын
Why? Is he in favour of tailgating?
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
I would be really curious too! He's like the gold standard and will most likely absolutely hate it I'd imagine.
@stevethom4534 8 ай бұрын
Stop calling lanes "fast lane" and "slow lane" there is no such thing. You correctly pointed this out early in the video and called them "overtaking lanes" and then switched back to the incorrect description. As an advanced driver we do drive to the speed limit where it is safe to do so, it is called progression. There is never an excuse to tailgate the car in front no matter how frustrating it can be. Have you never heard of the two second rule? If the car in front has to brake suddenly you will rear end it before your reaction times will get you on the brakes, this is the most common type of accident. As for advising people to drive to the speed limit, this has to be followed with " when it is safe to do so". There are plenty of A and B roads with for instance a 60mph limit but because of tight bends, blind summits, mud on road etc. etc. driving at 60mph would be foolish. Your statement makes some people think we'll if it's a 60mph limit it must be safe to do that everywhere. The standard of driving in this country is getting worse with people driving too fast, undertaking and tailgating being the main problem followed by drivers not using headlights and fog lights correctly and when needed. Your intention to educate had good intentions but was poorly executed.
@Chucklingsaneman 4 ай бұрын
Completely agree
@Redshoes_531 2 ай бұрын
@akj2387 8 ай бұрын
My instructor told me to go 25-30 in a 30 zone. Try keep an average of around 27. It isn't easy to be steady at 30 unless you're on cruise control, in fact you might end up slipping up to 34 at the worst time in front of a camera.
@richardhammer187 5 ай бұрын
I'm surprised you passed, easy to fail by unnecessarily driving too slowly when it's safe to proceed.
@zzynbl Ай бұрын
This! I was taking driving lessons with a professional instructor up until very recently. Whether or not it's theoretically "safe" in a given situation, it's illegal to drive faster than the speed limit, and who wants to pay a fine for that? Unless you have cruise control (which my car from 2012 doesn't), it's not realistic to maintain your speed exactly. The practical option is to aim for slightly under the speed limit. Sometimes you'll end up doing the limit, sometimes you won't quite. You'll probably end up stopping at the same lights regardless. And for the record, I passed my test too - on the first attempt, with absolutely no comments from the examiner about my speed.
@wandpj 8 ай бұрын
What a load of crap. Wanting to go faster than the vehicle in front is not a justification for tailgating. And if you want to exceed the speed limit and someone is in front of you in the overtaking lane then undertake.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
See I think the undertaking is even more dangerous. You can guarantee the person that's driving slowly in an overtake lane isn't doing to realise you're there. I should have mentioned but my preferred method is to flash the lights from a distance. Might look a little aggressive but overall safer for all I think.
@wandpj 8 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCars So flash from a distance and then indicate change to the left. They'll notice you and not be surprised when you come up on the left. It's illegal in the UK but no more than speeding or tailgating.
@Chucklingsaneman 4 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCarsyour simply wrong your actually braindead
@simonmeadows7961 8 ай бұрын
The issue not addressed here is how well do people know what they are *actually* doing compared to what various instruments *tell them* they are doing. I regularly go through a village that has one of those signs which tells you your speed. It's usually about 3-4mph lower than what my dashboard says. I don't have an issue with anyone doing 26 in a 30 zone; that's not dangerous and it'd a bit petty to let that get under your skin. But that driver may well have reason to think they are are 29 or 30. Doing 45 on a clear motorway... that's a different matter.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
In the real world an indicated 26 is like 23-24... If someone's actually doing 30 that is 100% frustrating to sit behind
@richardhammer187 5 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCars correct.
@williamn3070 8 ай бұрын
The worst tailgators I get is when i am doing the speed limit to overtake someone doing a bit below the speed limit, and someone behind me wants to go over the speed limit. I wont let that driver pressure me to do more than the speed limit even if I am in the "fast lane". If you are using the fast lane to overtake someone at the speed limit then you are not doing anything wrong.
@Kahnanesgi 8 ай бұрын
Ah, but there's the rub and part of the thesis here, which is flow of traffic, safety, and *courtesy*. Sure, you can go the posted speed limit to pass someone who's going slightly under the limit and take a minute or two to do so, or you can speed up some (say 5 over in city streets or even 10 over on the highway), get past them quickly, move back over into the cruising lane when it's clear, and return to the posted limit. IMO, ff you're purposefully taking extra time in the passing lane to pass the slower moving vehicle with an obstinate "well I"m going the limit" attitude, you become part of "the problem" being discussed here in this video.
@vincentbourgon2517 8 ай бұрын
You are actually in the wrong, if someone has to brake because of you in the passing lane you are not in the right lane. Where i live we always go 20km above in a 100km/h zone in the passing lane. If you're not going 120 you gotta go simple as that
@heros2110 7 ай бұрын
@@vincentbourgon2517If you go over 20 km/h where i live on a regular basis, you will be a very poor man in a not long period of time. And a pedestrian after repeatedly doing it.
@Alexjw1234 6 ай бұрын
@@vincentbourgon2517completely incorrect and quite scary you think this. I assume you are not a UK driver. If you are overtaking and catching the person on the left of you you have every right to be in that lane.
@heinwlod3895 6 ай бұрын
@@KahnanesgiThats absurd. Non one has the right to go over the speed limit. Never. And when I'm overtaking someone else doing the speed limit, I will never ever accelerate just because some entitled a**hole behind me wants to brake the law so desperately.
@geoffpegler4506 8 ай бұрын
There is always one single question to ask yourself before any monoevre, change of lane, speed, road, or overtake, untertake, tailgate etc for any reason, that question is "would I do this, in this way, if that other car was a marked police car" If the answer is no, don't do it.
@wayland7150 8 ай бұрын
Not really because everyone drives worse near a police car.
@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz 6 ай бұрын
Depends if I would get a ticket from the pigs.
@samwisedrn7196 8 ай бұрын
on longer moterway jurneys I drive at 60 as its so much more fuel efficient but ill stick to the left lane unless overtaking
@wayland7150 8 ай бұрын
Have you actually watched the instantaneous fuel consumption reading? In my car 80mph is the most efficient.
@chop.stix_ 8 ай бұрын
Same! I do 60 on motorways/dual carriageways, in lane 1.
@chop.stix_ 8 ай бұрын
@@wayland7150 mine is a VW Tiguan diesel. 60 mph is defo more efficient than 70 mph. I have tried same route, same wind direction, same temperature, 60 gives me 58 mpg and 70 mph gave me 52 mpg. I’m sure 80 would be in the 40s for mpg, but I don’t go above the speed limit, so I wouldn’t know.
@rhudy64 7 ай бұрын
its much worse in america. you will get ran off the road of you drag your ass on the highway fast lane here. rules are similar and all but we HATE ass draggers here and most people consider it reckless driving.
@thegrowl2210 8 ай бұрын
This is why I decided to do GPS 56 on the motorway instead of 70-77, because the British public reduce the capacity of a 3 lane road to a 2 with their lane discipline. But even when you’re in lane 1 doing 56, you get some donkey joining at 40 mph, or you still get some idiot up your backside as if there aren’t 3 empty overtaking lanes.
@chop.stix_ 8 ай бұрын
I find driving at 70 stressful! Plus it uses more fuel than 60/65 which I tend to do in lane 1 which I find much more relaxing. Sometimes, I will just drive at a safe distance behind a lorry doing 56 mph.
@ryanwilliams6526 8 ай бұрын
I would say you should do at least 60 on a motorway. If you're doing 56 you are likely to be getting in the way of lorries, which then causes long tailbacks as they try to pass you.
@thegrowl2210 8 ай бұрын
@@ryanwilliams6526 Lorries are limited to 56, and due to their weight are often going slower.
@adamek9750 8 ай бұрын
@@chop.stix_ what car do you drive? Most new cars 70 feels like 40 in an old car
@chop.stix_ 8 ай бұрын
@adamek9750 a 2023 VW Tiguan. And you're right, 70 does feel calmer in this, even compared to a 2016 swift that I had. But I just find at 60, I'm usually catching up to slower moving vehicles, slowly, giving me more time to plan my overtake when compared to 70. 60 just feels like the sweet spot for good mpg, good progress and I end up feel relaxed at my destination.
@jaymakesvideo 8 ай бұрын
You tend to find people that drive at 40 on a national speed limit road when it is safe also drive at 40 in a 50, 40 and 30 speed limit.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Oh the ''general driving speed'' lol. special humans.
@Merrychristmas567 8 ай бұрын
If you’re being tailgated in the normal driving lane you should slow down to reduce risk
@Slowcarfastbeans 8 ай бұрын
lol I appreciate the deadpan delivery
@wayland7150 8 ай бұрын
I down voted but then I realised you're being sarcastic. Good one.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Some people below haven't got it - this is 100% the correct thing to do! Increase your stopping distance and slow down to encourage them to overtake. I did exactly this with the truck, just slowed to 66 and he went around
@Slowcarfastbeans 8 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCars should not be the first tactic to employ because it can have a cascading effect behind you, behind them, behind them them. I can’t tell how many people behind me while somebody is tailgating. If it persists and it’s mostly safe then gradually reduce speed.
@danbruh33 Ай бұрын
Can’t people just flash their lights while maintaining a safe distance? Best of both worlds. You can convey a message and not be unsafe.
@nathangutteridge2376 8 ай бұрын
One correction I will make. There is no fast lane and slow lane as people commonly refer to them as. The left-most lane is lane 1. Additional lanes are 2, 3 etc. depending on how many are present. The highway code indicates traffic should always drive in the left most lane unless overtaking slower traffic, or speed restricted traffic.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Yep my smooth basic brain reverted to the common man's wording for the video :)
@Francisco-j1e 8 ай бұрын
I disagree with this video. Specially at night, tailgating should be a crime.
@zosozoso2 8 ай бұрын
In Denmark you get a pretty hefty fine and a clip in your license.... but I think it seldom happens. Beeing tailgated by a Tesla is bad, they blind one totally, and then I slow down, and down, and down, so they overtake ;-)
@ebutuoycensorship8012 7 ай бұрын
Where I live it is a crime . Just don't look in your mirror . You can only control your own life.
@Firebacon1gg 7 ай бұрын
​@@zosozoso2well u do u. I usually move over let them pass. Not worth it and that one time in your tesla u slow down and the guy tries to kill u. Let them pass let your ego go and go on with your day no problem u kept driving the speed limit and had a good day. Unless its a single lane road with solid lines even then u can always veer a bit to the side and let them pass.
@Stevehab2 4 ай бұрын
And in the rain
@tristanbelmont8348 8 ай бұрын
Regardless of what lane you stay in, its always dangerous for both parties when tailgating happens. Its all down to impatience. I saw someone get run over on a crossing when the car broke sharply and the HGV was following close behind. Tailgating is Careless and/or Dangerous driving and the person should be prosecuted for it because its dangerous
@craigkearns6425 8 ай бұрын
The speed you drive should be appropriate to the road, traffic and weather conditions. If you recognise that you’re holding up traffic then speed up if safe. If you don’t realise you are preventing traffic flow then you shouldn’t be driving….
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
The ''don't realise'' crew are the problem for sure
@Tomaskom 8 ай бұрын
The worst tailgating experience I have was in summer 2022 when I drove through Hungary. Picture this: intermittent heavy rain and standing water, fully loaded two lane highway, slow lane mostly filled with slow truck traffic and fast lane filled with cars doing 80-120 km/h depending on conditions. I'm keeping a reasonable distance from the car in front of me. Then a tailgater awakes behind me, even though I'm doing about what is appropritate in the conditions and the lane is full of cars in front of me as fas as eye can see anyway. He gets some 2m behind me at times, flashing and eventually even holding his high beams. WTF do you want me to do? Fly away? I'm not going to slow down and get stuck between the trucks for you, especially since there is dense traffic all the way in front of me anyway and you are getting nowhere even if I disappeared. After about 15 minutes, a bigger gap in the slow lane appeared, so I let him pass. He proceeds to do the same wild stuff to the car in front of me. Before I thought he might be triggered by a foreigner, but the other car was a local and he did it to him just the same. Some people are so self-centric they lose sight of all the context and how their dangerous behaviour is futile and has no chance of getting them what they want.
@Sharpshooter99100 2 ай бұрын
Agree. their habitual tailgaters. they do it to you then the car in front and again so forth. Endlesss cycle to get a few car lengths further but leaving a trail of pissed off drivers
@doncastervrandvideo8956 5 ай бұрын
With the exception of speed cameras, a wise police officer once told me keep up with the flow of the trafic, if a bunch of cars are all exceeding the speed limit just make sure your not the last one in the queue😊
@filip_reznicek 8 ай бұрын
I heard a story about my friend rushing to the hospital and that opened my mid that if im not in a hurry, i will try to be as predictible and out-of-the-way as possible. Even giving signals to drivers behind me if its safe to pass.
@TonySmith47 8 ай бұрын
im still learning to drive so im curious how do you signal to a car that its safe to pass?
@heros2110 7 ай бұрын
@@TonySmith47For example, we drive on the right on the continent. If you turn your right indicator on, it can be perceived as "i checked the road ahead, it's clear" with the message "you may go". So in case of Britain, by using the left indicator.
@TonySmith47 7 ай бұрын
@@heros2110 Thanks for explaining
@Sharpshooter99100 2 ай бұрын
being tailgated in the slow lane doing the speed limit is very frustrating. I had to brake to convey a message today to this idiot. Don't like doing it but he got the message and backed off. Some people need telling/reminding its just not ok. Good analysis and break downs in the video!
@Slowcarfastbeans 8 ай бұрын
8:27 the problem is “appropriate speed” is subjective. This is even with speed limit signs to give some guidance on what should be the speed for a lane. Inevitably there will be density increases in a lane.
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
speed limit signs are exactly that. they are not serving suggestions lol
@TechBaffle 8 ай бұрын
I think people forget it's not the "fast lane" or the "BMW/Audi lane", it's the overtaking lane. So if you're not overtaking, go back to the left lane.
@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz 6 ай бұрын
I’m almost always overtaking.
@colingreen210 8 ай бұрын
The highway code is quite positive about this. You should travel in the near side lane unless overtaking.
@mikebullock76 8 ай бұрын
I would agree to most of this except on country roads where you always get that person who expects to to do the speed limit or more no matter what, approaching sharp bends or not or even in narrow country lanes where the cars the days are too big for the country roads
@eirik_halvorsen 8 ай бұрын
Hello! This is the first video on this channel for me, so I will apologize if there's already a video on it. BUT. While I am agreeing to 93% of this video I had to reflect on my own experiences. Which is; I have a GPS speedometer which tells me exactly how fast I need to go. It means that my gauge/cluster, on MY car*, says usually 5km/h higher than the signs along the road. Even though I am collecting cars behind me, every single day. Which again means that the ones tail-riding me is in fact deliberately speeding. * Worth mentioning is also that I use bigger tires than original, so when I add about 5kmh others could probably be looking at 9-10kmh over the set speed limit. Other than that, great video! You have a new subscriber :)
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
we are not on the roads to police it. this seems to be forgotten. you've got people around you thinking the same of you. it's not a fight, it's just travelling
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Thanks mate, appreciate the kind words! I actually recorded a bit about this and how an indicated 66mph is really more like 62... so if someone's doing a gps 70 there's a big difference. Ended up cutting that part because it just wasn't that interesting/too slow. Maybe a follow up video might be good.
@hoptop77 7 ай бұрын
It's all about the situation. If it's a built up area and the speed limit is 30, I'm going to do 25-27 just incase someone pops up between the cars. Same if it's a school area and try and do 18 max just incase. 40+ areas are usually safer to go the speed limit.
@golders99 8 ай бұрын
Well done, great video. I wish people would travel in the left lane.
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
there is a law against it now, but since it came in there has been 1 case brought to charges after 9 years on the statute book
@nolagatto2136 2 ай бұрын
I've been aggressively tailgaited on single carriageways in the dark (with blinding neon headlights constantly flashing) twice in the past few months. I was going the speed limit and gave them opportunities to overtake. I want them following me even less than they want to follow! I thought this video would enlighten me, but it seems that some people are just horrible
@Arrahant 8 ай бұрын
This should be mandatory learning material to any driver. The start of the video made me giggle :)
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
That's a relief to hear! So far the response has been better than I thought! Phew :)
@Slowcarfastbeans 8 ай бұрын
This video does not cover enough. It barely scratches the surface of a problem statement and its effects.
@severnsea 6 ай бұрын
Every word 100% spot on, and very refreshing to see videos from somebody who understands that driving isn't learnt from a rule book.
@MrPakstons 8 ай бұрын
i agree with you on most points however i don’t agree with you re speed limits. Especially country roads at night when raining or snowing - you wouldn’t do 60… to hit a deer it’s no joke..
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
I literally listed the reasons you would go under the limit and it's everything you just said (except snowing) :)
@MrPakstons 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, suppose need to finish watching the video first before commenting. 😅
@babascustomlegocreations8837 7 ай бұрын
I think the only reason why people get annoyed if the car in front is going slower is because the car behind will have to concentrate more to leave a suitable gap and slow down earlier etc, if there isn’t a slow car ahead you can drive at a decent speed without thinking too much, rhat said though it won’t make any difference to your journey time so trying to overtake on a single carriageway is usually not worth it in exclusion to bikes and very slow vehicles (when safe) And tailgating also isn’t safe, whilst sometimes accidental it should be avoided, it uses more fuel, more concentration and results in more risk, and sometimes can even make you slower, the point of not being behind a slow car is to get to the destination on time and not to have to concentrate as much on your speed / gap in front , tailgating does the opposite of that slowing you down and making you concentrate more!
@wutsdapoint 8 ай бұрын
been loving the videos Mick, the production and the driving has been excellent, also showcasing the lesser known tips of driving has been really beneficial.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Thanks mate! Trying my hardest :)
@1999jassim 4 ай бұрын
what's so frustratingly common in my country is that there are many drivers drive at 80km/h at a 120km/h speed limit road in the passing lane. Their logic is that if they drive at the minimum speed limit they are "safe drivers".
@arkadye 8 ай бұрын
If I'm doing 10 mph below the flow of traffic (for good reason or not) and I get tailgated I tend to find they drop back when I get up to an appropriate speed. To those tailgaters I say fair enough. But special mention to the Tesla driver just before Christmas who got really aggressively on my bumper, flashing and hooting when I was doing a little over 70mph and had an HGV alongside to the left. I have no idea what that guy wanted to me to do.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
First example is basically perfect. 2nd example is just a special individual... or someone with a baby being born.
@danielpittman889 2 ай бұрын
I live in the mountains in Colorado, in an area that gets a lot of tourists in RVs in the summer. When the roads are twisty, it's impossible to pass on the two lane road, and often prohibited and marked as such with a double-yellow center line. When the terrain opens up, there are often designated passing areas with additional lanes and signs that say "keep right except to pass" or "slower traffic keep right". But what inevitably happens is that as soon as we get to the passing zone, the big RVs will speed up a bit, but fail to move over to the right. It's illegal and dangerous to pass on the right, and the right lane usually has appropriately slower moving traffic. So then some yahoo behind me will try to pass me and the RV in front of me, on the right, and not have enough room to do so. This causes a huge bottleneck as the lanes merge back together and the RV hits the brakes to allow yahoo to pass and merge. And then ten miles up the road we're all sitting at the same stoplight, fuming because our lovely mountain drive turned into a scene from Mad Max.
@Ken_Norman 8 ай бұрын
🇬🇧 Make up your mind, is it the slow lane or the travel lane? Similarly, is it the fast lane or the overtaking lane? Consistency please!
@roguetrufflepig Ай бұрын
Boom. Why create problems? If I can let someone go past, I will. But on residential roads? Sets me right on edge.
@daveaviation8277 8 ай бұрын
Best video of yours to date! Completely correct! Exactly the same here in Spain on motorways and regular roads. Eventhough some of the lower speed limits here are ridiculously slow... Also trying to get my parents to understand speed limit vs speed target 😂😂
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Thanks dude!
@ericmiller5603 5 ай бұрын
I hate when you are close enough to see where peoples’ eyes are directed, and it’s anywhere but your vehicle! Today I was slowing for a light in my 2020 Mustang GT and the driver behind me kept closing the gap while her eyes were consistently directed down, presumably at her phone.
@tomkocian6710 8 ай бұрын
People are often saying that they are going 5-10 slower than speed limit because thay want to be safe, but what they don't realise is that actually it is more dangerous, because people behind you are more likely to tailgate and do dangerous overtakes.
@Omninfinity 8 ай бұрын
Laughs in NSW learner/P1 driver on a 110km/h highway
@jamesblair9614 3 ай бұрын
I find that once you are 100K outside any major city, everything calms down, whoever’s out at that distance is in for the long haul, and aggressive driving really wears you down, it’s very tiring. Once you are less than 100K, it’s mostly regular commuters, and the highway is just another city street, and chaos reigns supreme.
@MickDrivesCars 2 ай бұрын
I don't think there are many places in the UK where you're 62miles from the nearest city
@bennoske5924 8 ай бұрын
Perfect example of defensive driving.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
High praise! Thanks
@sl21ls 8 ай бұрын
Just like there are reasons why someone might driving a little fast, there are also reasons why somene might be driving a little slow. The car might be old and can't go up to the speed limit, the car might not be running properly and cant safely go up to or can't drive the speed limit at all, someone might be hauling something fragile and could be accelerating slowly to prevent said thing from shifting around too much. Tailgating to "send a message" isn't going to work in some circumstances. People need to be more considerate both ways. Not just people driving slow or people driving fast. Best to slow down until you can safety pass or they turn off the street. (this is assuming that the person isn't just hogging up the overtaking line when the travel line is wide open 🙄)
@miso_key5455 8 ай бұрын
agree with everything you said in this video. Great one. Really love these type of videos. Keep it up!
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Thanks mate!
@vDungeon 7 ай бұрын
Great topic! Thank you so much! When i was living in Belarus - i faced only one type of tailgating - you are at the overtaking lane and you are moving faster than the other lanes, that lane has bigger speed limit and you are moving at that limit. There is no space in other lanes and they move slower by 10-15 miles per an hour. You will be tailgated all the times. Then brake checked if possible. Now i live in Poland. 1 lane, 40 km/h limit, you have a LONG queue behind you, you may move 50-60 at the limit of 40. You will have the same - tailgated. Then here are a lot of 1 lane roads (i mean in one direction) with the limit of 90 km/h and sharp corners. You are tailgated when you drive safe. It is not only my case - i see it a lot with other cars. Main reason of car crashes i see here - tailgating in the city with the limit of 50 km/h.
@jayp25 8 ай бұрын
3:05 might of been a better idea to say overtaking lane and not fast lane, doesn't help correct peoples logic if you label it with the same ignorance they do XD otherwise great video, 100% agree and people that don't follow best flow infuriate me. Especially when merging in turn and trying to make use of the road space.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Yep, I caught myself saying this so many time in the video. I'll go through and put text on screen correcting myself. Might take a while lol Thanks for the kind words though!
@jayp25 8 ай бұрын
good on ya mate@@MickDrivesCars
@xo2quilt 8 ай бұрын
You have very little control over your car with your single hand holding the wheel at the lower side (4-8 position) of your steering wheel. If you must use only one hand, keep it at 10 or 2 position on the wheel so you can more easily maneuver and control your car. I learned from a race car driver just how important your hand position is. If a steering tire blew out on the right side of your car and you were only holding the wheel at the 4 position the wheel will be jerked out of your hand and your car would be heading for the central reservation.
@mebarkiimad8999 8 ай бұрын
Yo Mick i became such a better driver at high speeds thanks to your advice ❤️
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Love to hear it!
@jillianellis5286 24 күн бұрын
I’m a new-ish driver, and if it’s a new road for me, I’m going to be going less than the speed limit and that’s absolutely fine. The important thing is to feel and be safe and legal, it’s silly to get frustrated about it.
@pauliboo22 8 ай бұрын
You’re putting the blame on the victim, you should NEVER tailgate. I agree if the victim is lane hogging, they shouldn’t be there, but tailgating them isn’t the way to deal with that situation. You need to give yourself options, and to do that you need space & time, two things that you don’t associate with tail gaters.
@anishmahadeo5073 8 ай бұрын
Indicating right to signal your intention to pass or using the "flash to pass" feature are less aggressive and safer (imo)
@Firebacon1gg 7 ай бұрын
Then that makes me the victim and he blaming me for going the speed limit. But let me tell u some advice move over from the passing lane and let them pass. that way no road rage no problems and u are happy. Unless u got a ego and think oh because I'm driving thr speed limit everyone should. Nah man let them pass they will forget u and they keep going on their merry day and I do too. Unless u want to end up in a road rage by some crazy man or woman and risk injury or death. Then ok they hit your car and insurance debacle all thing I rather just avoid.
@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz 6 ай бұрын
I’ll just weave around you.
@travelwithjustin 6 сағат бұрын
It’s so frustrating that none of this is conveyed when most people are learning to drive. The lane usage culture is absolutely abysmal and in fact downright dangerous here in Washington state.
@Thebrainymonkey 8 ай бұрын
I was doing 19/20mph in a 20mph zone going to ASDA in Cardiff very last night. The car behind me was so up my chuff that I couldn't see his headlights. I could only see it when it was temporarily lit by a street light. If I had to brake suddenly for someone crossing the road (They always wear black to do this, so you have be on your guard), they would have gone right into me.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
I think there's probably a lot of this in Wales at the moment with the new 20mph limits
@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz 6 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCarsHow in the hell could you possibly go that slow? The UK is a commi state!!!!
@CleridwenFR 6 ай бұрын
basically; you're not a cop, you're allowed to dislike something but don't think it's worth telling people what to do. tho at the same time im not one to blame people doing a little or even a lot under the speed limit. i don't mind getting to my destination 40 seconds later. I'd rather keep my distances and overtaking when it's safe sounds safer than force someone who doesn't feel confident or maybe isn't fully able, to go faster (physical or mental conditions, injuries, or other situations that put them at a much greater risk for going faster). going under the speed limit is going to get people frustrated, and that's dangerous. but remaining calm and approaching any situation safely is what saves lives.
@RRareGaming 8 ай бұрын
why am i even watching this being in india lmao
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Loooooool you probably have someone that close from the moment you leave home
@RRareGaming 8 ай бұрын
@CoastHobbit9340 6 ай бұрын
Tip for anyone being tailgated at night - tilt the interior mirror downwards, ignore Chummy and carry on as normal, i.e. pull over into the next lane when it is safe to do so. (Which is what I've been trying to do for ages!) You can still see Chummy in the side mirrors but he won't get the reaction he's hoping for by flashing and almost entering your cargo area. Tailgaters who are stuck behind a long line of cars (where all the lanes are choc a bloc) and try to bully every single one out of the way are pond life. It's pure selfish aggression and totally pointless.
@bloodyhell451 8 ай бұрын
Preach on brother. I call them the 10 mph brigade. 50 in a national, 30 in a 40. They have no lane discipline on a motorway. Or, as you suggest, 'I'm doing the speed limit, I don't need to get back in the left lane'. When you ride a bike for your full license, you get a royal bollocking from the instructor if you do not accelerate quickly up to the limit. When you do an advanced course, if you're in a national speed limit, they basically want to see you ride as fast as is safe and to hell with 60. I drive and ride. When in the car I just resign myself to the fact that I am going to be impeded at every turn. When I ride my bike, I am going to howl past you. On the motorway, on a big bike, I am starting to hang back, choose my moment and undertake quickly. I'm gone before they know I exist. I know it's bad, but if they have no lane discipline, and if I can do it quick enough that it's safe, why should I adhere to the rules ? It's become a jungle out there and abiding by the law is not going to stop you getting wiped out. End of rant. Sorry! PS - subbed
@LukeAnthony-v3r 8 ай бұрын
speeding undertaking is never safe. if passing a moron how do you know they won't go left without looking? filtering is the same, don't do it at the speed limit lol. on fool moves and it's game over.
@bloodyhell451 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate what you are saying. What do you ride ? @@LukeAnthony-v3r
@Omninfinity 8 ай бұрын
What if mum says you're going too fast when you're below the speed limit?
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
ejecto seato cuz
@MohamedJaffer-j9r 8 ай бұрын
MY TIME HAS COME ITS CALLED A SUV , not a truck 😅 love your videos tho , taught me to balance things when driving. Definitely would recommend if you drive like you in a race
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
haha I always thought pickups can be called trucks, no? Thanks for the words though
@MohamedJaffer-j9r 7 ай бұрын
@MickDrivesCars love from south africa 🇿🇦
@rileyfurniss6333 8 ай бұрын
I agree and also when at night driving and you are the lead car, especially on single track you tend to go slower so you are more aware of if anything is around a corner, people that tailgate then are putting themselfs at risk even when the lead car is going slow
@hamishpaterson2413 8 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as a “fast lane”! What a ridiculous statement! So many inaccuracies in this it’s scary lol On a 3 lane motorway, from left to right, it’s lanes 1, 2 & 3! Btw - the speed limit is 70mph on a motorway in the UK, anything over that is technically speeding, even when overtaking! Get your facts right!
@HaroldBluetooth-uz1zz 6 ай бұрын
It’s kinda nicknamed that because that’s where is faster drivers drive in and overtake everyone else.
@ewanmcdonagh2827 8 ай бұрын
My personal rule is, if there isn't an overtaking lane, I go the limit where safe to do so. If there is an overtaking lane I can go a little under as long as I don't slow the road. Going 60mph instead of 70 can get me an extra 80 miles of driving per 40L tank so I often drive at around 60 when the motorways are quiet to help with my 60 miles per day round trip driving to university.
@maxvel0city906 8 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on undertaking being legal like is it in the US, NZ and Australia? Traffic flow seems to be better in these countries. Also lane discipline is very poor in the UK, most European countries Especially Germany could teach us many things.
@PointNemo9 8 ай бұрын
Undertaking is not illegal in the UK.
@razarraz8276 8 ай бұрын
No to undertaking!!! And putting can't drive on our roads because it's full of immigrants who do their own thing
@maxvel0city906 8 ай бұрын
@@PointNemo9 it's not illegal in certain circumstances but undertaking for the purpose of getting past a lane hogger could be considered driving without due care and attention or dangerous driving depending on the circumstances.
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
It's an interesting question... Personally I think the people driving slowly in the overtake lanes are also the ones that won't check their mirror before moving back over - potentially causing big crashes.
@maxvel0city906 8 ай бұрын
@donaldmickunas8552 8 ай бұрын
Motorway etiquette is different in the United States. Expectations are a bit different here too. I drove semi over the road for 14 years. Big trucks don’t stop nearly as fast as cars. Due to people pulling out in front of me, I started to travel down even moderately populated roads around 45 mph rather than at the 60 mph speed limit, just to give me the chance to slow down or stop. Yes, it irritated people behind me but that was better than potentially injuring or killing someone. I hear the drivers in Europe are far more courteous so I might not have had to go to those extremes there. I’ve been retired since 12/2019 and I have no desire to ever drive a semi again. It is simply too dangerous.
@andrewashmore2276 8 ай бұрын
No excuse for tail gating , you don't know what you are talking about
@DesiLife 8 ай бұрын
ur a Geek bruv
@andrewashmore2276 8 ай бұрын
@@DesiLife and you're a child , leave the life lessons to the adults
@seath46 2 ай бұрын
Ok but how about this argument. Yes cars can do above the speed limit and be the still be safe. But what about the driver? Some drivers either have slow reaction times or slow processing speeds, so going slightly slower (3mph below) is safer for everyone!
@andrepipo4542 8 ай бұрын
Conquer driving did it better
@ADZORBION 5 ай бұрын
This is such a shite comment
@bimzz4789 8 ай бұрын
if someone tailgating me, i just give them way to overtake me then im the one who tailgating 😅
@adamek9750 8 ай бұрын
nothing wrong with 26 in a 30 what u on about
@MickDrivesCars 8 ай бұрын
Told you, you wouldn't like this video mate
@skyefriel8038 8 ай бұрын
@@MickDrivesCarshe’s right tho your fat too obsessed with speed and not at all concerned with safety and the so many reasons why a car might be found 4mph less than the posted limit, perhaps they can see something the tailgater can’t?
@fullsizedwarf 8 ай бұрын
​@MickDrivesCars it's not got anything to do with liking it. You are just wrong
@PointNemo9 8 ай бұрын
Not all 30 limits are the same, some are narrow with parked cars either side, some are wide open and you could safely do 40+. It's not about the speed limit it's about the road itself
@me5969 8 ай бұрын
Not particularly but it does depend on the road. I'm a firefighter and I have actually had to cut someone out of a car fairly recently because someone was doing 26mph. In fairness this was in a 40mph road but the individual was clearly a nervous driver, although not new. He was actually an old man but the car behind was doing 40, caught up to the car in front and then a HGV went into the back of that car from what I understand. None of them were speeding or on the phone or anything but as is nearly always the case it was down to people not paying attention (not noticing the massive 40 signs), which is why on your driving test you'd actually get marked down for excessive caution for constantly driving 26mph. Granted in a 30 or a city centre or something then it's unlikely to cause a problem and if anything it's probably too quick but at the worst you are going to cause congestion but if you don't notice you're on a 40, which a lot of people don't then it can be extremely deadly. It's similar to undertaking in a way in that people just don't expect it. Should they? Perhaps but should doesn't mean do. I'm not encouraging people to speed everywhere btw but what I am saying is it's all irrelevant if people aren't paying attention and using common sense and that sometimes being overly cautious or nervous can be just as dangerous.
@flyingbrit140 8 ай бұрын
sitting in the incorrect lane on a motorway is an offence (driving without due care), the same way speeding is, the argument "its a limit not a target" is invalid
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