We were robbed I'm not going to stop fighting for rise I'm not giving up on rise until we get at least seven seasons and you earned yourself a new subscriber
@viperizer02 ай бұрын
@@Dinocorn_peace Thank you so much! I love Rise to bits and will never be happy with what was done to them…
People are watching that old Mikey analysis because we liked hearing your thoughts and telling you our thoughts also
@viperizer02 ай бұрын
@@MorganWenninger That’s fair! It’s just funny to me because that was like the first video I made that blew up… and I look back at it and I can see how much I’ve grown already!
@nightshadowsstudios2 ай бұрын
YES Mikey is a golden boy. He was made for destiny He is the one who Never gives up And has hope He is also the one Who unlock his powers in the first episode. His mystic chains are Epic He throws a cargo ship At the shredder and a Building at the krang and he is the Last one in the last ronin He is so Overshadowed underrated.🥺🗣✨️
@viperizer02 ай бұрын
@@nightshadowsstudios He’s definitely underrated! I wish he got more, but I’m still glad that we at least got what we got!
@PandoraCUTEY-n5j2 ай бұрын
ILY Vids I watch your vids s much
@viperizer02 ай бұрын
@@PandoraCUTEY-n5j awww! Thank you so much! That means so much to me! 😭🫶
@rise.-mikey2 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to look more into Mikey again because I was not a fan of the first analysis you made about him :,> I kin him and some stuff felt wrong the first time I heard it, even made my accounts dedicated for him and wrote down about Raphael and Mikey's relationship as a whole because Mikey has been pretty misunderstood by the fandom (People out there thinking he hates Raph, like no). One thing that bothered me a lot was the fact people just went with Mikey and Raph not being close anymore because of something that happened when they were kids (Someone please give me the source to that) because I don't really believe it, especially after I read that the creator said Raphael's fav brother is Mikey and i'm pretty sure Mikey feels the same way about Raphael. The hints may be small but clearly Mikey does care a lot about Raphael, very much so he has put Raphael in a way too high pedestal (He got irritated at Raphael the strongest guy in his eye, be afraid of a plushie) it's just that Raph being overprotective was too much for him to handle. Mikey wants to be trusted by Raphael and Raphael just can't trust him, it hurts Mikey a lot, like their relationship isn't just 'we drifted a part because something that happened', it's pretty much right in front of our face :,>
@viperizer02 ай бұрын
That's fair! Personally, I see a difference in not being close to each other and not liking each other. You can really like someone but not be close to them. Also, there was an episode planned that went back and explained that something happened... I left a video in the description of someone who has more information than I do, and if you want to check that, feel free.