Gotta say your channel has become my recent favourite!!! Really appreciate the witty ways of how you tell the stories. You and your team have done so much research on the tedious facts and then simplified them into what we can easily understand. 其實自己去過咁多個城跡都係睇到一舊雲咁,宜家終於明哂呢堆人名嘅關係啦! Japan is really one of the funnest places to learn history at the sites. You get to collect stamps and they often hold events and introduce historical figures through animated characters. I really hope you will continue to travel through Japan and share your adventures and put them into many episodes of Japanese history because there are really a lot more than just ramen, manga and shopping. You may even be able to open a whole new series about everything Japan and I guarantee it will be your new hit! 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
Ming jai, 精青及認真製作的一集,值得讚。 但建議對日本戰國時期出嘅片,多參考一下一個叫月翔兵長的台灣KZbinr嘅片,我之前睇日劇家康怎麼辦,跟住佢嘅KZbin片解讀,了解咗好多歷史嘅說法以及坊間嘅傳文。日本嘅歷史學家非常講究,到今時今日,對戰國時代嘅歷史嘅推測同印證未停過,仲繼續推出新嘅觀點,月翔兵長對傳統歷史或者係新嘅歷史解讀的可信性,都提出咗好多睇法,值得參考