花生友: 國安法的訂立不是永遠可以使到國家更安全, 從目前很多實例証明國家安全與否, 跟國家元首或主要領導人有著直接的關係, 2019年初香港修訂引渡逃犯條例引起大風波, 事后證明是可以勸服疑犯自首, 根本就不用修例; 最近美國川普話要出動軍隊平亂, 原來只要控告疑犯二級謀殺罪和川普自己出少句声就可以, Covid-19 肆虐死得人多, 原來只要強制人民帶口罩就可減少感染, 從很多事情發現人禍, 人為錯誤, 是導致大規模的人命和財富的損失, 有拿破倫和希特拉就有戰爭, 只要消滅他們就有和平, 法是人們立的, 要根治就除去他們就没有了災害, 而事實也證明匆匆立的法例, 每每欠缺事前充分討論和諮詢實在弊多於利, 當今上, 最多立這些匆匆法例的國家可算是委內瑞拉, 其次是非洲國家, 如果國家話事人突然失智, 如金正思, 有可能撳錯核彈制,整個地區的安全就會有問題, 是否立了國安法也是無補於事。 Bing translation : Peanut Friend: The establishment of the National Security Law is not always able to make the country safer, from the present many examples to prove national security or not, with the head of state or major leaders have a direct relationship, in early 2019 Hong Kong's amendment of the extradition of fugitives regulations caused a storm, after the fact proved that the suspect can be persuaded to turn himself in, there is no need to amend the law; Recently the United States Trump words to send out the army to calm, originally as long as the suspect suing for second-degree murder and Trump himself out of a few words can be, Covid-19 raged to death more, the original as long as the force people wear masks can reduce infection, from a lot of things to find man-made disaster, human error, is leading to large-scale loss of human life and wealth, there is a war, as long as the elimination of their peace, the law is people's law to remove the law Every lack of adequate prior discussion and consultation is really more harmful than good, today, the most of these countries to enact these hasty laws can be considered Venezuela, followed by African countries, if the national people suddenly lost their minds, such as Kim Jong-se, it is possible to draw the wrong nuclear bomb system, the security of the entire region will be problematic, whether the national security law is not helpful.
@pingsangyu55084 жыл бұрын
@yatwahsiu91714 жыл бұрын
@vicklam64644 жыл бұрын
Speechless! Dr. Wong Ask your dad and mom about The Communist!! haha Good luck Guys
What happened to those rich people who stayed put in Shanghai after Communists take over in 1949? Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it. Listen to this fool at your own peril!