Just completed my book achievement. Used some of your guides and this was the last one i did, and the hardest for sure. Thanks for the help.
@LeeFowlerCU7 ай бұрын
Phase 1 took me a bajillion tries. Here are some tips I can add: 1. Use Sheilun's Gift at 10 stacks when you have some downtime to keep you and your party topped up. I used it at the end of wave 2 when I just had the Arbalest left and during the 2-soldier wave immediately after the leg sweep. 2. Let your party members kill the Arbalests when they're the last enemy alive while you make your way to the spawn. When enemies spawn immediately gather them with a Spinning Crane Kick. This will make them stack so you can benefit from incidental AoE. 3. On the 2-soldier wave make sure you're focusing the Soldier that your party members are. Killing one soldier before they do their second Knife Dance will make it a bit easier. 4. Buy the Potion of Unbridled Fury and Drums of the Maelstrom from the AH and macro them into your Summon White Tiger Statue, big dam. 5. I used Invoke Chi-Ji during Phase 1 instead of Invoke Yu-Lon and used it during the second Fixate/Enrage that the Soldiers did along with Dampen Harm. This gave the party some healing and gave me some instant-cast smart-heal Enveloping Mists. I used Cocoon on myself during the first fixate/enrage same as the video. 6. Always interrupt the second cast of Arcane Blitz from the mages. Try to interrupt at the end of their cast for maximum value. 7. The last round of adds can get pretty hectic. Try to get a Sheilun's Gift cast off before this round spawns (as the last Soldier from the round before is dying) to give yourself some breathing room here. Focus on getting the interrupt off on the mage and then Paralysis the Soldier at the beginning of Knife Dance then position well for the Arbalest's Mana Sting. It's easy to lose track of the Arbalest during this round so try to keep them in your field-of-view if at all possible. As a side note I actually DID die on the last boss at around 2% boss life left because the entire arena was covered in Fel ooze and still won/completed the challenge because my allies were all topped up finished up the boss for me! Good call on that @Mr Sho!
@bilgesargollu56117 ай бұрын
Ty for helping
@nikisek33 Жыл бұрын
I dont know ... i just cant get through a phase 1 after 15hours..... i did other 6 challenges in like 20hours but this one ..
@ClapfoshoYT Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that this one is giving you fits. I know i found that completing this challenge on any healer I had to write down which cc's i was going to use for each pack and what healing cds. That way it was repeatable each time. Very similar to progressing a raid fight. And if the timings werent working out i would shuffle them around. Best of luck! I know you can do it!
@GoodFaithGary Жыл бұрын
Next time you record a video, wait until whoever lives with you is either awake or out of the house so you can use your normal speaking volume. This was way too quiet.
@ClapfoshoYT Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your feedback! I will work on making my audio more audible :)
@gmichielon Жыл бұрын
omg.. genious!
@bilgesargollu56117 ай бұрын
Damn are you serious? There are millions of videos you dont have to wathc if you didnt like his voice AND many of people are talking with low tone which is COMPLETELY OKAY. I normally never put a comment to videos but you are such an evil and I hope you never be able to do this mage towers!