I think a tunnel for the capybara could be so much fun! Not sure how hard that would be. I also thought the camels could be fun on the other side as well. So happy you’re back to planet zoo! You’re one of my favorites to watch!
@blewbirdbre11 ай бұрын
I’ve had some pesky penguins get upset by the guests a lot too. Maybe a monitor would work in one. But the penguins might work if the foot traffic thins out a bit.
@nerdygeekgamer552811 ай бұрын
I haven't watched these in a while I've been playing House Flipper it's so much fun buying and flipping houses in the game
@horseboy10411 ай бұрын
Could also put the dromedary camels in one of the front habitats - they're fairly confident & spit at guests!
@SimplySavannahYT11 ай бұрын
Oooh spitting at guests is a plus!
@the_infamousssk499211 ай бұрын
So happy your back with planet zoo!!
@SimplySavannahYT11 ай бұрын
Me too! 😄
@nooboonika11 ай бұрын
I’d vote African penguin and Indian peafowl for the replacement of the stress birds for sure! I think tapir might be too shy as well, and pinguïn and peafowl are both still birds 😄
@nooboonika11 ай бұрын
I didn''t finish the episode until today, and I LOVE the idea of doing a tunnel for the capybara, that would be so cute, and they would have loads of space. Such a good idea!
@SorenMcNaughton11 ай бұрын
Hey Simply! I was wondering when/if your doing a stream again!
@SimplySavannahYT11 ай бұрын
No plans for streaming right now unfortunately! I dont want to say never, but right now it doesn't fit in my schedule
@kamelbenasroune663111 ай бұрын
I had a warthog name and I commented it 7 times and you did not put it in the game for the very last time its called Suzy.
@SimplySavannahYT11 ай бұрын
I get a lot of comments so I apologize for missing yours! Sometimes I get more names than we have animals so I don't get to use all of the names.
@kamelbenasroune663111 ай бұрын
I apologize for overreacting.😪
@kamelbenasroune66312 ай бұрын
@@SimplySavannahYT can you do another video of mesa gardens zoo because im from the future and you haven 't uplouded so please thank you savannah.