More Intimate Shave Part 2

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Law Talk With Mike

7 ай бұрын

Wild Court Moments
Consensual Shaving And Update On "Wild And Stupid"
Done Dirt Cheap!
New Merch
Screaming Goat
Yodeling Pickle
The new microphone! (Blue Yeti)
Sovereign Citizens In Court Playlist
Sovereign Citizens #6 - Moor Bank Fail
Song: Xenogenesis
Artist: TheFatRat
Artist's channel:
This commentary remix work constitutes a fair use of any copyrighted materials under section 107 of the US copyright law.

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@KellieJK 7 ай бұрын
Keeping family pictures for years is normal. Keeping records of all the tiny things someone does that you don't like, for years, is definitely not normal. That's like she was expecting to divorce him at some point and spent years accumulating data against him. Kind of stalkerish.
@rsuninv 7 ай бұрын
This woman’s lawyer is insufferable
@turtleinashirt 6 ай бұрын
Her client is also insufferable.
@retreivermomx2847 4 ай бұрын
@alanakimler8025 2 ай бұрын
I am pretty sure that mom wrote all of those questions for her attorney. Mom's the one taking notes during dad's testimony. then she shows her attorney. That's why the entire time moms attorney is questioning dad, mom is just sitting there with that stupid smirk on her face. 🤢
@blittle47 7 ай бұрын
The wife's attorney must be used to jury trials. This judge is half not paying attention to her constant gotcha questions. She is terrible at them and the fact she has no other tactics shows how little she truly knows.
@perfectlyimperfect9129 6 ай бұрын
Well said 👏!!
@deannapetersson148 6 ай бұрын
This judge is driving me nuts. He snoozes off and then wakes up and tries to act as if he's been engaged the whole time. I hate him every time I see him. The last time he was a total wishy washy dip.
@lovejones72 5 ай бұрын
Sorry I know we all have to start somewhere but he’s just so young and I just can’t take that haircut seriously
@TrishaMonasco 6 ай бұрын
In my opinion this Mom is trash for the grooming and inappropriate kissing allegations. That is absolutely disgusting. As far as the Dad losing his temper and yelling at his son a few times, I refuse to throw stones from my glass house. My kids are 20, 22, and 26. I've definitely lost my cool with them over the years. Fortunately my husband wasn't following me around with his cell phone recording it to throw in my face years later. And vice versa on the occasions when he's been the one to lose his cool. That really seems very manipulative to me. As far as Dad asking for sexual favors... Wow! If she looked at my text messages, she'd say that my husband is a sexual deviant. And my husband would probably say she's a whore for handing out sexual favors to her husband's friends.... And I would agree! Are we ever going to hear any more about that situation?? Because I'm still incredibly curious about that!
@LinusK500 5 ай бұрын
I don't know how this guy stays as calm as he does. He deserves some kind of reward.
@maryhuffman3045 5 ай бұрын
Because if he does get aggravated, he is a monster. But....her holding onto stuff for 5 years, proves to me, she intended on taking him to cleaners...just my opinion
@daCubanaqt 29 күн бұрын
They are both pretty bad in my opinion in different ways.
@cheriser9181 5 ай бұрын
Her attorney thinks WAY too highly of herself. I’d bet you all the money in my bank account she’s single.
@Matthew-wn8oq 5 ай бұрын
I know it's an attorney's job to represent their clients but her lawyer is a complete lowlife.
@RightUpYours 6 ай бұрын
Her attorney thinks she's WAY smarter than she really is. She did NOT help her client at all. She looked petty and that she trusted anything her client said without question or evidence
@Oceansteve 6 ай бұрын
I was wondering if all they had was a pencil in a battle.. they waved the pencil around like a sword hoping no one noticed the eraser at the blunt end.
@changeintheair9648 7 ай бұрын
As a high school teacher - I do NOT want to see parents of Johnny who is an A student. I want that few hours to meet with the parents of struggling students and those with learning disabilities. If every parent(s) shows up, the less time I have to meet with these parents. I'd rather spend 30 minutes with a parent(s) who has a child with issues rather than forced into 10 minute slots to accommodate all parents.
@rarasnake 7 ай бұрын
I agree but some schools require teachers to try and meet with all students. I have attended them and really try to keep those meetings so short for the next parents. ;)
@changeintheair9648 7 ай бұрын
@@rarasnakeYes, our school encourages all parents to come and discuss their children. I was just saying my personal preference. As a parent (before I became a teacher), my husband and I went to every single teacher-parent conference for all 3 of our children although they were high achieving. I thought we were just doing what good parents do. BUT now that I am a teacher, I realize we were probably robbing parents of children who needed extra time to discuss problem areas.
@lovejones72 5 ай бұрын
My girlfriend who’s a teacher says the same thing. Said that by-and-large the only parents that come in are the ones who want to hear how great their kids are doing, while the ones who are dreading the teachers’ honest feedback stay away.
@lindseywaidelich9831 2 ай бұрын
Conferences are for all parents to discuss kids regardless of grades. Smh that shouldn't be and inconvenience for you.
@lizaaltizer7775 6 ай бұрын
This lawyer is so disingenuous, and I’m being generous. She’s asking questions that are obviously not true to try to make this man look bad. I’m shocked that something this obvious is allowed to happen with no sanctions on her.
@jimmyfoster8944 6 ай бұрын
Mike, real men can cry regardless of what we are told they are human !
@perfectlyimperfect9129 6 ай бұрын
Your 💯 % right !
@chineseworkethic9 Ай бұрын
That is a broken man especially when the one you're supposed to be in love with tells the police you SA'd your own kid. Like I'm surprised he isn't more upset than he is.
@dellahicks7231 7 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness, I was a stay at home mom due to a disability, which afforded me the ability to go on practically every field trip our son took in elementary school. My husband worked shift work, he was only able to attend a few, so what? He was working to put food on our table, he also coached every sport our son played, from lacrosse to hockey, football etc. (And please if she was clutching her pearls around a dressing/locker room, don't put your son in sports!) BTW, if this dad was coaching, he would have definitely attended team meetings. It is all the efforts put forward that raises a child, gives them confidence and self esteem, and shows them love. Mom's attorney is petty as hell!
@jlynn77 7 ай бұрын
exactly. my husband is a firefighter and works 48 hour shifts.. i'm lucky enough to be home 24/7... but any chance my daughter has something going on, he iwll take the shift off for the event..he even did it for his stepdaughter! i would never hold it against him. It drives me crazy when moms (some dads mostly mom) use this against their ex'es! its desperate in my opinion
@blittle47 7 ай бұрын
Mom is petty imo. Her attorney has nothing else to go on so she has to play this gotcha game. Her issue is she doesnt realize there is no jury to sell like this to.
@Starnote16 7 ай бұрын
I so so so agree. I hate that that’s thrown in so many men’s faces.
@JanesBlonde-007 6 ай бұрын
They all are.
@rarasnake 7 ай бұрын
My husband better be lucky that I still love him. If this was a way to do divorces and went to Mom’s attorney way, my husband would never see our kids ever. My husband has never went to school meetings, field trips, doctor’s appointments, etc. because he works to put the food on the table and keep the lights on. Just because you don’t attend things, doesn’t mean you aren’t in their lives. You just keep up in different ways…
@286seo 7 ай бұрын
I think the reason they are nitpicking re this is because both of these parents work full time and make relatively similar salaries, with him making about 12k more p.a, but she is the one that takes on the majority of the kids needs,e.g., school meetings, doctor appointments, etc
@Not_that_kind_of_Dr 7 ай бұрын
My mom called me a little shit approx. 132.2 times/day. She's 84 and we still talk on the phone.
@seantimmons5900 7 ай бұрын
Ny wife calla my kid an asshole when she's being an asshole. Somehow we all survive.
@aquanettte132 7 ай бұрын
Who hasn't been called that 😂😂😂 and we probably were litttle shits too😂😂😂
@tracie3 7 ай бұрын
I call my 17 year old son a little shit when he does something funny or tries to pull a fast one when he knows it won’t fly.. It’s said in a laughing and joking way.. We all laugh and we are done.. We have an awesome relationship.. I’m still happily married to his father and call him a little shit too sometimes! 😂😂😂
@tracie3 7 ай бұрын
@@NicolaMaxwell right.. It’s in a playful manner … 😂
@tracie3 7 ай бұрын
@@NicolaMaxwell right! 😂😂
@rationallyruby 7 ай бұрын
This guy is my neighbor! Never thought I’d see someone I knew on this channel. Especially in my tiny town!
@rationallyruby 7 ай бұрын
@@NicolaMaxwell nah he’s a bit sexist. Still like him and watch him but he definitely has a bias against women.
@NoobNoob1986 7 ай бұрын
I'm assuming he's a normal guy?
@rationallyruby 7 ай бұрын
@@NoobNoob1986 yup totally normal.
@roxslater1031 7 ай бұрын
​@@rationallyrubyand you will normally side with a female correct? You have to see the Courts always lean towards the female. That's not right or fair. I don't blame men for being bitter. It's an unbalanced system.
@rationallyruby 7 ай бұрын
@@roxslater1031 nope. I’m aware of my potential biases. I know the courts have leaned towards women especially in the past.
@LinusK500 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the judge is regretting his life choices, after enduring this.
@rad1ist 5 ай бұрын
He should he’s a shitty Judge
@96evoharley 6 ай бұрын
His lawyer never cleared up the wife being naked in front of the kids and body shaming accusation. What matters is the parents should not be parading nude in front of the children! That should have been pointed out!
@fanofauburn11 7 ай бұрын
Spent my teen years with s single dad… my mom died but my father never made my appointments. He worked, my nana/aunt helped to make sure we had that support.
@rhondacondo5188 4 ай бұрын
It is so important for daughters to have a close relationship with their father. It makes them very confident.
@Starnote16 7 ай бұрын
I really don’t like how they question Dad’s who work and are the main breadwinner questions about missing kids events. For instance, I handle all the appts and house hold stuff. My husband works his ass off. To go to court and act like it’s a downfall that I know medical stuff and not my husband is just gross. This whole thing is horrible.
@286seo 7 ай бұрын
I understand your point of view re this but this is a different circumstance as both of these parents work full time and make relatively similar salaries, with him making about 12k more p.a and yet she is the one that seemingly manages the majority of the kids needs, e.g., school meetings, doctor appointments, etc., rather than them both shouldering these responsibilities. I think that's why they are nitpicking re this so much
@turtleinashirt 6 ай бұрын
100%. My wife is a stay at home mom. I work 10 hrs a day. If we got divorced of course she’d know more about the school and medical stuff. If she worked 8 hrs and I worked 8 hrs and she still knew more than me, then we could say I was disconnected more than she was.
@turtleinashirt 6 ай бұрын
@@286seo12k more equals how many hours of work above and beyond what she works?
@ThemindofOZIII 5 ай бұрын
@@286seoi thought mike said he made 5 times more?
@jamjam8793 7 ай бұрын
I so dislike Moms attorney
@chasbo25 7 ай бұрын
I got divoced when my sons were young. I am fortunate, my ex and I got along just fine. We put our kids first and it worked out great. No problems over many years, decades. We are all still very close, That said, neither of us got remarried and that simplfied everything.
@rhondacondo5188 6 ай бұрын
Family Law: The more they fight the more money they "attorneys" make. That's the game!!!!
@jcwittig 7 ай бұрын
I watched the PPO and the judge actually approved the grandparents they were deemed as a neutral party
@DebraJean196 7 ай бұрын
I vote for the guy. Obviously the lawyers dog really likes him. No dog would spend that much time and affection on an even slightly bad man. And the guy is totally unaware of the fact that he is petting the dog most of the time he’s doing it. Guy has a good loving heart.
@Rezellen 7 ай бұрын
Mike, your comments are spot on it makes my blood boiled to see what this lawyer is trying to do to this man. I respect lawyers and I respect the law but her line of questioning is unreasonable and unethical. I don’t know how she sleeps at night.
@HellsCanyonGirl 7 ай бұрын
I agree with Dad on the coat issue.
@rhanBo 7 ай бұрын
My volleyball coach told me I was uncoachable in middle school and guess what? It drove me to figure it out and by high school, club and college - it was one of the things I was complimented most on. Sometimes kids need to hear certain things to be pushed. And he wasn’t wrong for saying it.
@user-dx7go4gb4l 3 ай бұрын
Oh, Mike your Chicago tough guy is showing, lol!!! I’ve seen my husband cry more than once, and I respect him more than any man I’ve ever known. My dad was a Chicago electrician (Yeah, 134)……and he cried in movies about dogs and kids and he was tough as nails. Real men do cry!!
@ann316 5 ай бұрын
I agree, her attorney makes her both look bad.
@griffisjm 6 ай бұрын
This pisses me off so bad. What kind of piece of crap would NOT want a parent involved. Its like people dont realize that kids need both their parents.
@daCubanaqt 29 күн бұрын
Unless the other parent is a complete and total mess. Not all parents should be in their children’s lives.
@griffisjm 29 күн бұрын
@daCubanaqt of course, but that's not the deal in the vast majority or cases. Many times, it's people who are hurt or have been hurt and feel like they can get their revenge by not allowing the father or mother their time, hurt them by keeping them from the child. It's crap. Kids need their mother and kids need their father. It's been proven to have a very significant effect when they don't.
@robertpeterson3372337133723371 7 ай бұрын
3 hour live?? Way to hang in there Mike!!!
@brendafleming8155 7 ай бұрын
He sounds like a good Father. Put a period to the end and go on with your life, what the hell is she doing?! The children will blame her. The separation hurts them most.
@pennypike4664 7 ай бұрын
This is the longest tooth pulling I have ever seen
@sheppardfun5360 6 ай бұрын
The kids need both their parents. I have been through this situation before, sat in the Dad’s seat, and ultimately I agree with the Dad’s position: 50/50, forget the bullshit, and focus on the children
@carolinew302 7 ай бұрын
So sad that people do this to each other. Esp. If men want to be fathers. We should embrace them. My mom fought my dad away and he was persona non grata. And I missed him terribly. And he died when I was 28.
@UnBoxLifeWithLori 7 ай бұрын
OMG $200 Coat is NOT expensive. They live where it snows and it's cold their daughter needs a nice coat!
@lindseywaidelich9831 2 ай бұрын
Um... for 3 kids a $200 coat IS expensive!
@turtleinashirt 6 ай бұрын
This judge is so lax 😂 First thing he does is take a drink and give a thumbs up like a chad lol
@chineseworkethic9 Ай бұрын
Wow, her lawyer is basically channeling her. Shudder. Run, buddy. RUN. I wanna divorce her and the lawyer too.
@dannysthoughts 5 ай бұрын
My wife divorced me. After signing the paperwork her attorney gave me a number to call for divorce counseling. What a hypocrite.
@whamsamm 7 ай бұрын
@lawtalkwithmike how can I send you a clip of what happened right before the lunch break here. I been watching the show all day😅
@brendafleming8155 7 ай бұрын
It's sickening to me because pleaded with my Son's Father to come and see him as did his Parents. Here's a Father trying to do the right thing and this attorney is beating him up. I must add a fast-talking pos.
@stevecarper4149 7 ай бұрын
The judge is getting tired I think he’s heard enough and you know I think he’s already made his decision by all day work it out 50-50 so get back to the basics people
@Starnote16 7 ай бұрын
Haha so when she does things for the kids during the marriage it’s not a joint parenting but the money he makes is both their efforts? What a joke.
@286seo 7 ай бұрын
She also works full time and apparently they make relatively similar salaries, with him only making about 12k more p.a
@perfectlyimperfect9129 6 ай бұрын
10:40 a 15 year old is well old enough to be alone and babysit !! He has to work same as she does,whats her lawyers point ?! She doesnt want him to awnser cuz she doesnt want him to tell the truth !! 😡 14:31 Everyone is late once in awhile its called life !! 31:44 I don't know about everyone else. But I don't like the mother and her lies and her manipulating pettiness. And I definitely don't like her lawyer trying to do the same thing!! It's clear that he has said. Nothing bad about the mother but they are trying To break him down as much as possible , That says a lot about both of their characters. 1:25:42 I still don't see what's so funny about a dad crying while being in a divorce with a lieing manipulative B****, who thinks it's ok to lie about something as serious as abuse and use his kids against him?! I feel horrible for the guy!
@karenbeee4568 5 ай бұрын
It’s so obvious this women is trying to get full custody because then she will get child support for the three kids. Let me say he is abusing them, this way i get full custody. They have boats, jet skis, etc… but she borrowed $500.00 from her parents for Christmas ( on Christmas Eve!?🤪) and had to pay it back? I call BS. She knew her husband had the money and that’s why they fought. She is used to a nice lifestyle and he is cheap. He said she has a hard time with money but does he know how much it costs to run a household with 3 growing hungry kids? He only knows how much it costs to be in sports. He also has no idea how much it costs to have hair extensions, Botox and one day will need her implants redone. Can’t do that on a teacher salary. Instead of uprooting your kids every week, let them take turns.
@208original 5 ай бұрын
This is a great example of emotions running the train & money flowing abundantly. The kids, the kids, the kids…what about the kids?
@Mewse1203 7 ай бұрын
So the son is old enough to have a girlfriend who has parents that consider him a douchebag, but he isn't old enough to spend an evening by himself? How old are these kids?
@Rezellen 7 ай бұрын
When lawyers put up financial obligations in front of parents who have limited means and then try to manipulate and use that against a parent who has nothing but love for their children and they want to be involved I get so irritated. I was my own lawyer in my divorce, and I had a judge who understood narcissism and family of limited means, and just because I separated for my husband who is a federal employee, and was struggling to get on my feet that was not viewed, and it wasn’t viewed in the eyes of the law as terminating factor. I hate it when lawyers are like, oh but who’s gonna watch the kids while you’re working to feed them? A lot of us parents are facing that situation you’re gonna use that against me….ugh… shame on her.
@PitifulDelay 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, she asked about who would be watching the kids and I thought, "Didn't they say the kids were teens and preteens?" Then she asks about him bribing his son with a Tacoma for his 16th birthday. In what world is an average 15-year old in need of a babysitter? For that matter, in what world is an average 15-year old unable to supervise their siblings for a few hours? Just looked it up in the middle of writing this comment. Most states don't have the age to be a babysitter written down in law. Michigan recommends that the child be at least 11 years old to be left home alone. So, yeah, I'm pretty sure big brother is capable of keeping an eye on his sisters while Dad shovels snow. 🙄
@franriding6473 2 ай бұрын
I dunno, lawyers just stoke the acrimony in most divorces. Arguing over coats is pathetic and unnecessary
@maryhuffman3045 5 ай бұрын
This ex wife..was planning this for years....
@Torsin2000 7 ай бұрын
The answer to any lawyer asking 'why is 'x' taking care of the kids during your parenting time?' is to state that it is my parenting time and how I parent during that time is at my discretion as long as it falls into the rules and guidelines the court has provided.
@pennypike4664 7 ай бұрын
Will you try to cover the Ruby Franke trial?😅
@Lovelyforlife1 19 күн бұрын
Her attorney has a joyless life!!!
@TekniQx 5 ай бұрын
@1:01:05 - "Duoh God... Now HE'S gonna start crying!?" LOL!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
@maryhuffman3045 5 ай бұрын
he was in a marriage...she was in a business agreement it seems
@rjpoppy6122 5 ай бұрын
The only reason why the ex is mad about Daniel is probably because Daniel is younger, hotter and skinnier than the ex
@derindawithabigr 7 ай бұрын
I want to see the entire hearing. Where can I find it?
@changeintheair9648 7 ай бұрын
My ex-husband worked. I generally stay at home mom or working part-time. Unless parent-teacher meetings, sports, etc was after 6 pm he was unable attend. When working shift-work, he'd sometimes be able to go to early day meetings, but not evening. SO WHAT?! He was putting food on table, roof over our heads, and paying for other expenses right down to toilet paper. Personally, I always attended parent-teacher meetings as I wanted to know everything first hand, as most moms want to. Thank God our kids were grown when we got divorced because I couldn't take the crap/twisting info/lying that lawyers do.
@vsav331 7 ай бұрын
49:25 When my ex & I were separated & headed for divorce, we both handled it like adults & joked around with eachother ALL THE TIME! It's not for everyone I guess, but my ex wld say things to me like..."Im gonna buy our daughter school clothes if you'll sleep with me" lol I KNEW it was a joke & took it as such. I wld say things to him that werent "conventional" as well. Like I'd ask if he cld swap wknds with me & I'd give him get the idea lol. This woman & her lawyer are total stiffs as far as Im concerned.
@2high2die 5 ай бұрын
he was right though... she should not be prancing around naked. ever.
@susanguyer7542 5 ай бұрын
Lentz reminded me of the attorney CUSTODY HEARING with her husband. All BS
@stevefromchicago8277 7 ай бұрын
We need the update with the decision
@michaelmills7543 5 ай бұрын
The Mother’s attorney looks dumb compared to his attorney.
@winston67 7 ай бұрын
Mike is spot on!!! He knows the deal! Haha
@amparojiminez3936 6 ай бұрын
Mike I feel sorry for the guy 😢
@auntnanny5420 7 ай бұрын
Please talk about the final decision
@stevecarper4149 7 ай бұрын
Her lawyer raking him as the bad person, can,t they just parent. Gees😅
@michaelmills7543 5 ай бұрын
How do we find out the outcome of this case?
@MAE_Nerd_Out 6 ай бұрын
Is there an update??
@Prd2B_USMC-WIFEY 6 ай бұрын
When’s the final part being released
@PitifulDelay 7 ай бұрын
I think Dad's credible and reasonable, but there's something about the way he can't really answer a question that bothers me. His attorney led him around by the nose in all of her questioning. When she _did_ ask an actual question, he would go on this long thing that didn't actually answer and he would repeat it over and over again. Like with how their roles have changed in caring for the kids since the divorce. "Is mom doing things now that used to be your role?" Yes. "What are some of those things?" Goes on and on about "it's a lot."
@karenb2149 7 ай бұрын
This judge gives me the creeps. I said what I said.
@bethmiller2565 7 ай бұрын
I so hope we can see an update to this. I think that 50/50 is appropriate perhaps favorably towards dad as Mom so worked to falsify.
@whodat417 6 ай бұрын
Anyone know if the order cane back
@danit1612 7 ай бұрын
My son always told his coaches it was okay if they swore because his mom was the best at it. 😂 I’m guilty
@derindawithabigr 7 ай бұрын
Why would there be a need for the dad to have to say put some damn clothes on???
@PurpelDewdrop Ай бұрын
In probably 90% of two parent households only one , if either, shows up for parent conferences. The same one, if space is available, goes along on field trips. All of her questions are stupid rabbit trails, attempting to make the father seem uninterested in the kids. The only bad thing I’ve heard so far, is the horrible lie that the mother made up accusing dad of sa. Nothing they say about him can be worse than that.
@jimmyfoster8944 6 ай бұрын
The judge knows what it going on.
@dannysthoughts 5 ай бұрын
Attorneys can make things worse than they are. They don't know both sides.
@DwightKSchruteIII 7 ай бұрын
I hope me and my husband never get divorced all our cash apps to each other make it look way worse than this vanilla couple.
@evelynalden7291 7 ай бұрын
You know, I've taken other people's kids to events/locations before. It never occurred to me (or them) that I was "interfering with parenting time", we just thought "hey, the kids will have fun and why should we all have to go!". I tended to take kids to museums, my sister to zoos/parks, other parents to sporting events. I had no idea I was such an awful parent/person!
@Torsin2000 7 ай бұрын
Your parenting time, should be your parenting time to be used however you want. The only reason it would matter is if 'every' parenting time was spent with someone other than yourself. Then the other parent could make the case that they don't deserve any custody.
@stephwiller9089 7 ай бұрын
I'm sorry aren't these kids like 16 and 15 and 10 or something? Why do they need someone with them at all times? Like the 10 year old needs someone, but the older siblings can babysit. Edit: As a teacher, I greatly appreciate it when my straight A students do NOT come to parent teacher meetings. It is a waste of time, unless you have a specific concern or question.
@user-hm9zw9jr4g 7 ай бұрын
Everybody looks bad in these proceedings nothing wrong with crying
@richardjohnson8942 6 ай бұрын
I hope dad wins in a landslide.
@HellsCanyonGirl 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like Mike had one hell of a divorce. 😬
@LabRat14 7 ай бұрын
Please! The plane is out of fuel!
@Axxe80 2 ай бұрын
Her lawyer knows just one trick: Ask suggestive questions on cross, limit the answer to a yes or no (didn't know she's the power to make such orders) in order to create a certain picture, to take things out of context. It's manipulative and unfair. Seems that for some reason she made this case personal - is she a friend of the woman whom's lawyer she is?
@bonniemeyer1301 7 ай бұрын
This petty s**t is ridiculous!
@distriawhirlwind7367 3 ай бұрын
When you have a woman who rocks your world, and accommodates your pervy desires, be nice, or she may go away.
@ann316 5 ай бұрын
Is there an update?
@DebraJean196 7 ай бұрын
Perfect for the hearing to end on a really stupid nitpicky question by Ms Lentz.
@csh43166 7 ай бұрын
My humble opinion - the mom and her lawyer are ridiculous... As I listen to many of Mom's attorney's questions, I think "so what?" And many of the others sound like SWS - Scorned Woman Syndrome. And the rest of it sounds like typical petty divorce crap. I'm insulted, too...
@gsmamacita 7 ай бұрын
@Lawtalkwithmike I’m on the re-watch here - you said April has this whole thing on her channel. But, (sorry!) I don’t know what channel that is. Can someone let me know? Thank you ! I definitely want to see this WHOLE MESS 🙂
@jeanchavez2952 7 ай бұрын
It seems like the judge doesn’t like the dad’s attorney ?
@roxslater1031 7 ай бұрын
I love that he's not letting this attorney run over him. This Country needs to get back to equal rights in divorce and custody. I don't care what anyone says but after watching Court hearings for years they always lean heavily towards the woman.
@rationallyruby 7 ай бұрын
This isn’t totally true. Not anymore at least. This used to be the case but most states currently have 50/50 custody default. And it’s the most common arrangement. As it should be. We still have a ways to go but it’s much better than it was.
@robertpeterson3372337133723371 7 ай бұрын
Could not find my light Sabre but all is good with the force.
@user-GodsGirl4ever 7 ай бұрын
Where can I see the wife's cross examination? Thanks,
@dublev78 6 ай бұрын
Another bitter mom with a gotcha attorney. Gross.