Oh MY !!!! I missed him so much, I worked with him before when he working in HK those 7 yrs. He did tell me that he was teaching HK base ball team before and how he loves base ball!!! 竟然因為你哋個訪問,終於知道佢返咗嚟香港!❤請問你哋可唔可以俾佢個聯絡我? 真係好想同佢再見面
Maybe the interviewer thinks that.... he must love the job to do this, but.. in a way, we reflect the accumulative combination of our actual careers too. Commuting, and flying around to do whatever, is often the way as well.... contractors.. or gig workers have become some kind of norm.. but... Nice to see him to do that. Cos "Rounders"... is a British similar game, and not baseball... like the USA... which is, I presume the Japan's version is similar. If one day, there is an actual strong team in HK, that would be good too.