hong kong is such an international city. everything is so close to everything. u are in the heart of the city yet u are able to see mother nature in about an hr or so. such an amazing city. dont know why koji speaks mandarin instead of cantonese. the atmosphere will be lot more "cozy" if koji is able to speak more cantonese.
由以前果籽追到依家MM,比較鍾意以前果籽的報導內容多元化,每次睇完片有好多資訊可以吸收,並且我會特別saved in playlist方便重溫。 MM定位風格唔通,亦明白記者好辛苦度內容約受訪者,唔知點解失去咗每日做完嘢好期待收睇的心情,好多日本內容好似特登做俾香港觀眾睇,亦反映依家香港人鍾意遊日的趨勢,但唔係嗰個觀眾都有能力遊日吧?對於日本文化或潮流冇一定程度了解感覺少咗engagement,有時某些片我用2x飛速睇完