Game 書 market 回落主要係網上攻略同 KZbin 經已太普及, 亦因此令以前需要用腦玩嘅經典 game (例如 Metal Gear, Tomb Raider) 不再咁有挑戰性, 呢類型 game 過唔到關嘅話, 而家只要上 KZbin 就揾到攻略, 唔似以前玩唔掂需要買 game 書睇或者問人。所以現代遊戲視聽品質雖然高咗, 但為咗令人 keep 住玩, 連 Metal Gear 嘅開發方向都傾向注重玩家技術。
I used to work in this industry. The modification was to solder wire a bypass so it read counterfeit. The secret from how to mod was from a sony engineer working inside.