Hello 我係貓行為治療師 Fania🐈 見到大家嘅留言 似乎都同意青瓜出現得「突如其來」係原因之一 至於其次係形狀還是顏色嘅影響 呢個討論都頗為有趣 ☺ 冇錯 我哋都知道貓咪係紅綠色盲 不過正正因為如此 佢哋視覺上會比較依靠物件嘅動態等等來彌補呢方面嘅缺失 顏色變得次要 甚至行為學上會形容為「behaviourally colour blind」 更詳細內容可以參考 Practical Feline Behaviour: Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare by T Atkinson🔍📖 'Behavioural research indicates, however, that cats' colour perception may be muted or that they are "behaviourally colour blind" because they seems much more able to distinguish between differences in shape, pattern and brightness than between colours......'
Hello 我係貓行為治療師 Fania🐈 見到大家嘅留言 似乎都同意青瓜出現得「突如其來」係主因 至於形狀、顏色方面嘅影響 呢啲討論都頗為有趣 ☺ 冇錯 坊間有不少說法都認為 有可能係青瓜長條形狀似蛇而令到貓咪嚇親 應該更加係 Google search 嘅1st ranking 答案 不過貓咪係天生嗁狩獵者 而蛇其實亦係佢哋獵物之一 我仲好記得喺行為學課堂上嘅其中一個 case study 係有隻暹羅貓 Chubbins 貪玩捉咗條束帶蛇入屋 嚇到彈起嗌晒救命嘅反而係主人 我哋仲就 Chubbins 嘅肢體語言、家貓野貓活動範圍、放養貓對生態環境造成嘅影響等等作出課堂討論 唔知大家又對呢個論調點睇? 更詳細內容可以參考 Why Are Cats Scared of Cucumbers? 🔍📖 'Other experts argue that cats aren’t inherently scared of snakes. Given the chance, your natural-born predator might stalk, hunt, and even kill (and eat!) a snake. Perhaps, says Dr. Sarah McCormack, DVM, Northwest Neighborhood Veterinary Hospital, a cat’s fear of a snake depends on the snake’s width. “They couldn’t swallow a cucumber-width snake.”' Here's why your cat is so afraid of cucumbers 🔍📖 'According to Animal behaviour specialist Dr Roger Mugford, cats would be scared of just about anything you put behind them without them noticing. "I suspect that there would be the same reaction to a model spider, a plastic fish or a human face mask,"says Mumford. He suggests that it might just be fear of the unknown, and a surprise pineapple could be just as scary as a cucumber.'
@QueeN_zR Жыл бұрын
@hkrtwk148 Жыл бұрын
@laujsk Жыл бұрын
又可以睇吓 呢條片會唔會特別多人睇😘
@papapie9921 Жыл бұрын
@Wayne_Ip3 ай бұрын
@GregoryMa Жыл бұрын
@mingyiu-mi5ob Жыл бұрын
@cowcow6591 Жыл бұрын
interesting topic 🤣😂👍👍
@80sretrocartoonbyvc56 Жыл бұрын
We all guts literally are pets /animals Lover and this episode is so attractive