I like this story coverage but definitely a challenging one. The discipline and the structure from top to bottom is definitely intense. It's all about getting the basics right and in whichever industry you are working in there are things that you can take from it and learn. I always appreciate the hard work that they've put in to make things happen. There is one little thing that I do not agree is that Ray quoted never say no, which I cannot agree to some extent. Yes, hospitality is all about making your customers happy but at the end of the day you can't say yes to all of the things that customers want which will be pointless.
@MeiinUK Жыл бұрын
Is it me, or... is HK actually collapsed or something ? Cos to me.. a company having a structure is very very normal ? Even a society, to have a structure is very very very normal. Even inside a family unit, you have parents and children and grand parents too. This is also very very very VERY normal. So why would you not have a similar structures as well ? In a mining company. In a white collar office. In a society. e.g. Teachers, public servants, cleaners.... lawyers... Sometimes even though there are books. It is to help us, know what to say, than to be doing the job. When some jobs, require around 10-15 years to full qualify, I don't understand how come, China, could produce SO many "qualified individuals" in a short space of time. Can they let the rest of the world know how this one works ? If people are not tied down to a job... then... how do they learn the small details, of the reason what and why they are doing what they are doing ?
@jlouie8835 Жыл бұрын
@@MeiinUK What exactly is your point? The show is about a Michelin star restaurant in HK with a French chef adopting an old French army system to run the operation of the kitchen and two blogger's interning experience in this fine dining establishment. What has it got to do with HK collapsing and the rise of China?
@MeiinUK Жыл бұрын
@@jlouie8835 : A lot of people really love this brand and this company actually... and what Jardine reflected. The point is that, their comments, are stating points like..."don't work there, cos they pay peanuts". If you read the Hans Characters, then you would know that, this entire video does not reflect the organisation in a very good light. And this also deter why there could be less of an actual customer trying Mandarin Oriental as well. Considering that I am an overseas' Brit.. I do champion... what MO is doing. Albeit... they don't necessarily reflect and embrace the British way of doing things, since their intakes are individuals from all over the world... (And sometimes, where HK is concerned as well, they often would hire Indonesians... or "American Asians" above local HK Cantonese.... Which, I personally do not agree with, per se. Cos they never used to do that. It is of no concern of HK... if the population of Indonesia has grown. The company should still employ the local Cantonese as well. (And yes, their requirements are VERY high... however... they need a strong HR team on compensation etc.) I believe in "doing well by your community" to reap rewards back. What the mainland does.. has zero to do with HK as a region, and areas. So please don't confuse those two separate region who hold their own budgets. So don't try and drag one region's budgets'... into another region's.... and the various migrant workers from other regions entering into HK, does need to be checked.. of course... as they should.. and do... however, this does not imply that HK is lacking talents. Even if it means that training programmes has to exist for this location. MO existed even before their buy out.... And to damage this brand's reputation... (Well... you could see and read the comments below.) Mill Milk picked a VERY good company to talk about... And of course the Michelin Chef is indeed very dedicated to HK as well... which I know. And many of us, of that generation, do appreciate his dedication to HK as well... (It is also the new generation, that are raised with nannies and maids, to see such work, to be beneath them as well. Cos I certainly was not, as such. ) The elders raise the children... but at some point, the children has to hold the baton.. and to carry on the good standards.. and to feed another generation... To be fair, and frank. Sometimes we spoil these children, to make them not think about their own health standards, and such like... and post war period.. many areas were damaged beyond repair.. to rebuild with clean water, and clean farms... and to carry on.... This generation born in the "informational age" (the internet and social media) is way too spoilt to some extent ?
@jlouie8835 Жыл бұрын
@@MeiinUK I see. Thank you!
@trainforvictory7273 Жыл бұрын
I suppose he couldn't have said otherwise in front of the camera.
雖然我不是廚師,可是之前進過一家 startup (現在已經很成功了) under 一個英國和法國老闆. 英國老闆就好像餐廳的樓面,法國老闆就負責coding 廚房/技術部. 體驗到他們的分工,細節,說話,管理system, 流水式流程,精準,高要求,要快可是不能出錯的文化. 那種氣氛是蠻讓人壓力,也很有成就感. 影片說的是對的,一個人出大錯會耽誤全部人. Not everyone can take it, and you can't do it forever. 很多人最多2-3年都會離開,精神狀態需要補補.
@MeiinUK Жыл бұрын
This is the first time that I have ever heard of anybody talks about that "differences between cultures"... As an ex-colleague said to me once.. "managers only manage".... Do you know that, you're expected to negotiate? You're not supposed to know everything. This is the point. But I can see how... this is not really a done thing... in chinese culture. Nobody was born to know everything... and this is why, we have to pass down everything... to show others.. when we leave the world.. so the next one knows.. and is mentally and emotionally prepared... So that they can work in an easier way. Whenever I have to train people.. I often tell them everything. I draw diagrams to show them everything. And then let them decide on the day.. and mistakes do happen.. if it was a good manager, then they have to be the "hand holder" and hold and hoover up the mistakes... and then you just repeat your tasks. That is a mentally and emotionally soothing working method. IMHO. This is why.. everybody should have a meeting... and goals, should not be too high. And it is good to reduce tasks etc. This is why many places now have "buffets". This. This. This. A. B. C. Done.
I remember this Michelin Chef. He's done very well to uphold the standards of French cuisine. 🙂 In a world where we now have so much pollution and lack of standards, I think they are upholding that banner, and that champion. To be fair. Checking the items to ensure that it's clean and keeping its temperatures is just very normal. It stops degradation, and serves the produce in its best way. People do forget how much we have advanced as a society.. but this style.. is going back to basics.. "The way things were just even in the 1960s".... Isn't it funny how.. we're... well.. I was raised with Home Economics in junior school as well. People should appreciate the standards.. and we should carry that onwards with us.
Because they globalised, that is why. And now, if you noticed, they ask for degree graduates.. but... their income is ultra low too? They are already a global brand, but I don't think that they know how to manage the financial aspect either. This is always the problem for most people. So... This is why Li Ka Shing bought out different buildings, and utilised those to focused on the domestic market. When the world needed to shrink. Then shrink. There is nothing wrong with that. I just realised who or what is Amber... it is part of the Mandarin Oriental group. Erm... in which case. I am not too impressed any more. To be honest. (They have expanded too quickly. And also incorporating other individuals and have an actual bias as well.. as you can now see the grouping of their staff. I am not impressed any more.) Even once upon a time, a hotel in Japan is full of all Japanese employees. Even if they are international groups. And why does HK, is one of the very few places whereby HK chinese, do not even get a foot in the door for such a local branded hotel ? (The entire world is full of SE Asians... and we don't even get a job.) I am no longer impressed at all or any more.... actually. While some people had to have restriction on how many babies to have.. others literally have lots of babies, and even get lots of jobs etc.. It is like.. the airline sector is just about moving THEIR children around !
It's really.. I am so shocked, and even gobsmacked at the responses. Some people doesn't know that, once upon a time, if you climbed and worked your way up, you can not just get shares of an actual hotels.. or group.. but you would become the owner of that place ! As in.. profit level shares. And not shares of a company ! lol..... I am shocked, that they are shocked. Cos how else.. would you advance ??? If there is nothing in it for you ?.... HK people come on !!! lol....
我做過fine dining,真係唔容易,Elaine同牙朗已經try their best👍🏻👍🏻
@elainewow1754 Жыл бұрын
@jordanlau2808 Жыл бұрын
@852hk Жыл бұрын
睇到好緊張🫣 So happy to see restaurant good like this here in Hong Kong 😘🇭🇰
@jasonorange1350 Жыл бұрын
間中會食FINE DINING, 睇呢條片先知原來咁難, 好好睇!
@zura3001 Жыл бұрын
我記得我18歲果陣都有做過幾日amber 炒散摺下毛巾 細個乜都唔識 d 樓面經理好撚好人,雖然唔係d咩特別事 但feel 到佢地好有耐心對我lee d 打雜仔 仲成日提住amber 係米芝蓮餐廳做炒散都要細心d 好多餐廳經理當散炒狗咁恰 CHEF 超級惡,不過好彩冇鬧我XD 勁撚認真屌d 廚房同事擺歪左,上菜急得濟整郁左少少 chef 就嬲到仆街重做 係隔離睇都服左佢地全職同事