This gives me life. This was so well done and a lot of fun to watch. It wasn't just dancing, it had a little story to go with it and it fit the game so well!
@緋潔9 жыл бұрын
+wwhatevver-ampora you can go Nico Nico to watch ku-yaˊs vedio ,they are all very incredible>///
I always find these MMDS with Hasebe and the Dategumi amusing because it's like CCP Is always game for whatever while Kuri just has a look like, 'Oh shit what have I gotten myself into' Meanwhile Hasebe's like 'YOU BETTER WORK IT CAUSE ARUJI SAYS SO'
@destinyacedo83229 жыл бұрын
I know, right?! I find it really adorable and cute. Like, "oh my god! it should be a crime to be that cute, guys!" X3