Рет қаралды 1,254
Čudoviti posnetki krajev iz zraka in zemlje, občina Dobrova - Polhov Gradec s serijo predstavitvenih turističnih filmov pomaga domačemu turizmu v tej težki Covid situaciji.
Na pragu Ljubljane, le 25 km zahodno se vije asfaltna pot do vasice Šentjošt, ki se razprostira na nadmorski višini dobrih 600 m.
Streljaj od Možinetove hiše, ki je sama zase veličasten kulturni spomenik s 400 let tradicije in zgleden primer obnove, se lahko prepustite kulinaričnemu doživetju v le kilometer oddaljenem Gostišču Brunarica Grič, kjer je Chef Luka z družinsko ekipo prejela tudi dve Michelinovi priznanji za odlično razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno ter za lokalno pridobljeno zdravo hrano. Sirarstvo Orešnik vam odpre vrata v svet kozjih sirov, ki so pridelani na domači kmetiji in vam na voljo za pokušino in nakup. Ravno vmes pa se ustavite v restavratorskih delavnicah Kavčič in Klančar, kjer lahko po dogovoru tudi sami primete za dleto in z pozlato poudarite detajle oživelih starin! Doživite še obisk pri mojstrih domače obrti (kovačih, mizarjih, čipkaricah) in se naužijete kulturno zgodovinskih podob iz preteklosti. Vse predstavljene ponudbe lahko obiščete peš ali s ko lesom, saj v Možinetovi hiši imajo poleg klasičnih na voljo kar 4 električna gorska kolesa, tako da s kondicijo ne bo težav! Nastanitev je primerna za družine, pare in skupine, saj premore kar 15 ležišč v avtentično opremljenem starinskem okolju, ki očara. !! Iz Ljubljane je do Možinetove hiše na Šentjoštu direktna primestna avtobusna povezava, le 45 minut in vas urbana pripelje pred prag Možinetove hiše. Tam vas pričaka gostoljubni lastnik Peter s svojo družino!
Tel. za rezervacije: 041 982 860
Wonderful shots of places from the air and land, the municipality of Dobrova - Polhov Gradec with a series of presentation tourist films helps domestic tourism in this difficult Covid situation.
On the threshold of Ljubljana, only 25 km to the west, there is an asphalt road to the village of Šentjošt, which stretches at an altitude of over 600 m.
A stone's throw from Možinet's house, which is a magnificent cultural monument with 400 years of tradition and an exemplary example of restoration, you can indulge in a culinary experience in just a kilometer away Brunica Grič Inn, where Chef Luka and his family also received two Michelin awards quality and price and for locally sourced healthy food. Orešnik cheese factory opens the door to the world of goat cheeses, which are produced on a home farm and available for tasting and purchase. In the meantime, stop at the Kavčič and Klančar restoration workshops, where you can also grab a chisel by agreement and highlight the details of revived antiques with gilding! Experience a visit to the masters of home crafts (blacksmiths, carpenters, lacemakers) and enjoy the cultural and historical images of the past. All the presented offers can be visited on foot or by wood, as in addition to the classic ones, there are as many as 4 electric mountain bikes available in Možinet's house, so there will be no problems with fitness! The accommodation is suitable for families, couples and groups, as it has as many as 15 beds in an authentically furnished antique environment that enchants. !! From Ljubljana there is a direct suburban bus connection to Možinet's house on Šentjošte, only 45 minutes and the urban takes you to the doorstep of Možinet's house. There you are greeted by the hospitable owner Peter with his family!
telephone for reservation: 00 386 41 982 860