Mr Graves look into the reverse system they fitted to sum it up in one word USELESS it have the features but don't work on hard rock ,so it's back to old school ,STOP and tie a chain around rock REMOVE
@loganreddy19722 жыл бұрын
Hi Mr Kelly Graves I don't like the pre screening system on the mc 110 evo ,you guys fitted a conveyor belt ,the fine can't move on it ,it's a terrible design worst I ever seen ,I think u should look into it ,the evo 02 u demonstrating now looks to have similar system, it doesn't work on site please look into it ,, reply pls
@KLEEMANNGmbH2 жыл бұрын
Hello Logan Reddy, Thank you for your feedback on our machines. We have forwarded this information to our product management. We are always looking for valuable customer feedback. If you like to give us some more, please visit our official feedback website