Might be easier for you to go to the "image" workbench- add image (the technical draw of the extrusion profile) than looking back and forth at drawings. You could even scale point to point with the drawing for accurate tracing (assuming the drawing is accurately drawn).
@fredstephens67934 жыл бұрын
Not sure if I am on a different version with bugs. But my construction lines move when I set the slot width (dragged ok) and when I do the first pocket through the cuboid it fails to cut. Is your project available somewhere?
@learnbymaking33994 жыл бұрын
I just put it up here: bitbucket.org/eric_at_ericturner_dev/freecad-files/raw/78b560406e9219339fb7db0e0d8f23f6b59db8e0/4040_aluminum_extrusion.FCStd . Let me know if you have any problems getting it.
@fredstephens67934 жыл бұрын
@@learnbymaking3399 Somehow when I was drawing the construction lines I wasn't automatically getting the tangent constraint, it worked when I added them manually. As to not being able to cut the pocket I had to specifically select and test the face before creating the sketch (total noob here)... In my project I needed a complete sketch to extrude for different lengths so used the draft workbench to create sketch from the finished face (which is totally unconstrained, but extrudable).