I moved from Thailand to Canada 45 years ago, I have been to U S many times and I think the cost of living is mush higher in Canada, but the health care coverage and safety are way better. Also Canadian are better people and way more polite than those American, still don't know how two country with a border longer than 5,000km has such a different in culture.
@@tiktoth It's depend which province you live in, I lived in Alberta which has a very good paying job and no sale tax in this province. Health care still very good here, I have my family doctor and the specialist doctor to see them on regular bases, all and all no complain here.
ที่คุณบอกว่าใปหาหมอยากมากใม่ใช่ยากทุกที่นะครับเมืองที่ผมอยู่มีครีนิกเราจะเข้าใปหาหมอเาลาใหนก็ใด้ตั่งแต่8โมงเช้าถึง5โมงเยนนะครับ ผมอยู่เมือง Oroville California
เคยไปอยู่ 6 เดือนที่ LA บ้านทำเลดีเเต่ห่างออกเเค่สองบล็อค ตำรวจกับเเก็งข้างถนนค้ายาดวลปืนสนั่นลั่นฟ้าทุกๆคืน ก็เหม็นเยี่ยวทุกซอกมุมในตัวเมือง สกปรกไม่ต่างกับอินเดีย NO thanx, the US looks good only on Hollywood screen!
There is many reasons why many people from central America and Mexico want to go to USA because of domestic war or looking for job even get pay minimum wage but it's still better than no job at all in they own country. There are a lot more reason why some want to go there, this host she just talk about over all culture.