This show was a weekly series that aired on ABC in the summer of 1990, being paired with "Super Jeopardy" during that time. It was produced by Merv Griffin, the man originally behind "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune". The host seen here, Mike Reilly, was just a former five-time champion on "Jeopardy", and was apparently a contestant in the pilot episode for this show! The pilot, which was originally intended for syndication, was hosted by Peter Tomarken, who was best known for hosting "Press Your Luck". When not enough stations agreed to carry the show, it became a limited summertime series instead.
@paulyd24062 күн бұрын
Thank You for Explaining This to everyone 😃 I never knew this as I was only 7 yrs. old at the time Lol.
@johnnymason2460 Жыл бұрын
This needs to be brought back immediately. I love this game. Best board game ever.
@maynardcease61602 ай бұрын
If a contestant loses, there’s no need to flip the board. Because it’s WAY TOO BIG.
@BobLee-df4zh7 ай бұрын
This show is great. Rapid fire questions, no meaniness background stories and talking segments. Just a pure quiz show. I can definitely tell it was from the creators of jeopardy.
@soupafiАй бұрын
I didn't dream this show existed
@trav8028Ай бұрын
Same here! I always thought this show didn’t exist & im glad I’m wrong.. I definitely caught a episode of this when I was a kid in ‘90
@DBradshaw2518 күн бұрын
Yes, I watched it in the original run 🙂
@gldni1713 күн бұрын
Between the three different Monopoly game shows they aired or tested, the only thing that remained about the same was the bonus round of trying to move around the board one time while not landing in Jail. It was present in the Marc Summers pilot, the 1990 limited series, and the Millionaire's Club series in some form.
@pannoni8449 Жыл бұрын
If the main "Make It Or Break It" round was a Craps game, there would be four come-out winners (betting on the Pass Line of course), a point hit, and one crap.
@pitthamb385Ай бұрын
Got a Monopoly ad as soon as I clicked
@paullarue2010 Жыл бұрын
Crossword puzzle clues?!
@dorianmymryk34473 ай бұрын
@paullarue2010 Жыл бұрын
High School flashback!
@trevorpanno516 Жыл бұрын
Helen missed it on saddle but beat the buzzer on wishbone.
@kengeorgejones6855 Жыл бұрын
Thanks. I remember watching this at the time. Similar to the Trivial Pursuit game show, I realized I just preferred playing the real games.
@haveyouseenthis516 Жыл бұрын
You're welcome. This wasn't a bad show but hardly compelling enough to last as a primetime series.
@binahentz Жыл бұрын
@@haveyouseenthis516 I think the idea here was to give it a short network run before selling it into syndication, but the market was just too crowded with game shows at this time. It would have helped its chances if Peter Tomarkin hosted as originally planned.
@alexanderpytko5394 Жыл бұрын
They need to reboot this show. There's some changes I would make, Each player picks their game piece, and it's image or silhouette appears on whatever space they roll. They would roll by using a dice roller in the center of the stage on the game board with remote control(similar to that rock'n roller on Monopoly Millionaire's Club). If a player lands on FREE PARKING, they can collect the money that's in it by answering a crossword clue but ONLY the player who lands on FREE PARKING gets that chance, the others can not try to steal. Round1: (Properties) It would still be the same way they acquire properties, here. By answering a crossword puzzle clue with the first letter provided. The property will change into the color of the correct contestants podium. Round2: (Monopoly) The players add buildings to their properties. Players would roll the dice with the remote controlled dice roller and their game piece's image/silhouette will appear on what space they rolled. If they land on their own property, they answer a crossword puzzle clue to collect the rent but if they answer incorrectly, the other players can buzz in and steal that rent. If a player lands on someone else's property, they can still collect the rent if they answer correctly but if they answer incorrectly, the landlord collects the rent out of the visitor's winnings. If the player ends up in jail, they would remain there for 3 turns unless they pay bail or roll doubles. But if one of the other players lands on a jailed player's properties, the jailed player can not collect rent if the visitor answers incorrectly. If the visitor does answer incorrectly, the rent goes into FREE PARKING. Again, if they land on a railroad, they get a chance to take over another player's monopoly. Round 3: (Double Monopoly) The same as the previous round only the money has all doubled. During the break before starting Round 3, the players have had a chance to add more houses or convert to hotels. But if a player is jail when Round 2 ends, they will have to stick with what buildings are already on their properties for the remainder of the game.(As in the board game, you can not build while you're in jail) Round 2 & 3 will end when they hear a train whistle blow indicating that the round is over. Round 4: (Bonus Monopoly) The winner gets 5 rolls of the dice to try to get all the way around the board. They will literally walk around the board with the host. If they land on a property they will get money for it and the money will be 5x the rent of a hotel, so anywhere from $1000 to $10,000. If they land on a railroad, they will get a vacation. Nice prizes if they land on utilities. If they land on FREE PARKING, they will get a new car. If they pass GO, they will win $50K but if they land exactly on GO, they will win $100K. However, if the winner is in control of all 8 (colored) monopolies, they will receive $1M if they land exactly on GO but still $50K if they pass GO. If winner ends up going to jail in the bonus round, they will lose everything what they got in the bonus round but still keep the cash they got from winning the game.
@flclfan85 Жыл бұрын
that would work well with how most game shows are an hour now. You wouldn't have to rush each round and with the bonus round taking probably 5-7 minutes at best, you'd be able to make a compelling game
@alexanderpytko5394 Жыл бұрын
Thanks and yes, I forgot to mention, instead of half an hour, it should be 1 hour so there’s more time for playing and for the game to get interesting.
@davewriter1005 ай бұрын
I like what you wrote here, but instead of crossword clues with answers beginning with the first letter, I would ask trivia questions with each side of the board representing a different category (i.e.: World Capitals, Daytime Television, It's in the Lyrics, etc.) Three multiple choice answers would be given in the colours of red, gold or green, and constants can answer by yelling out the colour. If they yell out the colour with the correct answer, they get the property.
@alexanderpytko53945 ай бұрын
Maybe but I like the crossword clues better. Using categories with multiple choice answers seems a little complicated, no offense. Besides if someone were to try to steal rent with one of the 2 remaining answers and still got it wrong, the other remaining player would get it right by default because there would be only one answer remaining. I don’t like people getting the correct answer that way. With the crossword clues, there’s not really any way someone can get it by default.
@Sean-q2x3 ай бұрын
If they reboot Monopoly,they should have more time than 3 seconds,maybe 5 or even 10.3 isn't enough time on any game show,plus it goes too fast.
@HarrisonPeloso Жыл бұрын
Didn’t know this was a thing but I do know MrBeast ended up making a huge video using the game
@foxmccloud705517 күн бұрын
Rumor has it that Mike Reilly hosted this show on a dare from Merv Griffin.
@AngelaGallagher-mp1ht3 ай бұрын
It Was In The UK On S4C (That Is Channel Four Wales) (Welsh: Sianel Pedwar Cymru) For A Brief Time In 1992
@jwgreek8606 Жыл бұрын
Is this on the trading circuit?
@JoshTaylor-io1if Жыл бұрын
good morning Have You Seen This ? i am new to your channel
@haveyouseenthis516 Жыл бұрын
Welcome. I hope you find plenty here to entertain you. Thanks for commenting.
@aaronbruceladner1983 Жыл бұрын
23:55, GIVE HIM $25,000!!!
@Sean-q2x20 күн бұрын
They should've had a higher time limit because three seconds is not enough time and it goes too fast.Needs at least 5 ,maybe 10 tops.
@drummingdanny84 Жыл бұрын
Board games that became game shows: Scrabble Yahtzee Trivial Pursuit Boggle Monopoly
@bmaze35640 Жыл бұрын
Scrabble was by far the best of those.
@marcpower4167 Жыл бұрын
@bmaze35640 but there's an asterisk, the show didn't really have much to do with the board game. There were others: Taboo, Cluedo (what they call Clue in the uk, became a show there), 25 words or less, reel to reel picture show, Pictionary, scattergories, and GSN did do a pilot for Tribond but it wasn't picked up.
@drummingdanny845 ай бұрын
@@bmaze35640 That show ran for close to a decade in the US.
@alexanderpytko53945 ай бұрын
Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit have been rebooted and will air in October.
@JoshTaylor-io1if Жыл бұрын
your welcome Have You Seen This ? my birthday is coming up
@makeshiftgoalhorns8303 Жыл бұрын
@anandguruji83 Жыл бұрын
GAME OVER 23:53 23:54
@anandguruji83 Жыл бұрын
GAME OVER 23:53 23:54
@sidkrantz953329 күн бұрын
Friends and I were discussing the Monopoly TV game show online the other day. The biggest issue, in my opinion, is that it tries to cram an hour's worth of content into a half-hour format. The host doesn’t have time to engage with the players (unlike J! or WoF). Instead, we get a quick introduction from a model just before play resumes with the acquisition of the red properties, and that’s about it. Meanwhile, the rest of the show moves at a breakneck pace to fit the time constraints. Here are my suggestions for improvement: \ First Segment: Acquire all properties between "GO" and "(Just Visiting) Jail," as seen in this episode. \ Second Segment: Include a player chat segment-similar to J! or WoF-before moving on to acquire properties between "(Just Visiting) Jail" and "Free Parking." \ Third Segment: Pick up the pace slightly. Acquire everything from "Free Parking" to "Go To Jail." If there’s a mandatory fee or sponsor plug, this is a good time for it. Afterward, resume play from "Go To Jail" to "GO." \ Intermission: Allow players to buy houses and hotels. \ Fourth Segment: Use this time to focus on the big-money round, which should be the centerpiece of the competition. If needed, stretch this round across more than one segment. \ Bonus Round: This is fine as it is. If we can’t get this show on a traditional network like ABC, I can see it thriving on a streaming platform. Shows like "Pop Culture J! and "Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity?" seem to have started strong on Amazon Prime.