"Rukodiora is an Elder Dragon that is well-known for its control over magnetism. So what if a Rukodiora was allowed to live much longer than usual and completely master its control over magnetism? The result would be the powerful Zenith Rukodiora." "An old Rukodiora with abnormally developed wings, Zenith Rukodiora's skeleton has changed remarkably over the years. Most of the bones that support its wings have degenerated, leaving only two bones left, one in the front and one in the back its wings, in between thin webbing." "The two remaining bones are shaped oddly and have become larger, changing the usual shape of this Rukodiora's wings, and can absorb and disperse powerful electrical shocks. Their new shape allows Zenith Rukodiora to use a stronger version of its magnetism." "Not only has its wings gained stronger magnetic abilities, but it can also send violent gusts of wind at its enemies by simply flapping its wings. Other parts of its body have also gained stronger magnetic abilities as well." "Its scales and shell have a strong magnetic force that never fades away, even when it dies, and its claws have a stronger magnetic force than those parts, pulling flesh right off the bone without needing to physically touch its enemies." "Although Zenith Rukodiora's wings have developed heavily to better use magnetism, its horn is believed to be the main source of its power. It is thought that the horn focuses all of its magnetism and that it has its own magnetic charge, but the true nature of it is a mystery." "From a majority of its body being able to produce magnetism, Zenith Rukodiora's blood has a special material in it that helps it flow as it uses magnetism. To further enhance its abilities, Zenith Rukodiora uses a powerful variant of the dragon element." "Instead of causing normal Dragonblight, Zenith Rukodiora's attacks can cause Extreme Dragonblight (Japanese 龍属性やられ【特大】). Unlike the normal variation, this version of Dragonblight doesn't get rid of a weapon's element, rather it prevents a hunter from healing." "Their health bar will turn black, and they will be unable to heal from any external sources like Lifepowder. Also, if they heal themselves in any form via potions or otherwise, they will take damage equivalent to the healing that would've been provided." *Source: BannedLagiacrus Twitter page*