Monster Hunter Wilds : Everything We Know So Far, My Thoughts and Speculation (DEEP DIVE)

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@rurikhan 3 ай бұрын
Just a heads up, the footage for this video is just trailers and a small slideshow I did because there's no real footage of what I discuss here, so you can just slap this on your second monitor and enjoy the banter, sorry!
@drummerkingrulez672 3 ай бұрын
Its all good Ruri
@SpecLeader101 3 ай бұрын
Im playing GU right now. I dont need to see anything.
@maddo-hq9jr 3 ай бұрын
... is wild to you? Eh? Pun intended? 😂😅
@zeroarts7623 3 ай бұрын
Hey Ruri any chance you'll go over The recent boss battle showcase of phantom blade 0 with devs on ign's channel. Looks damn awesome!
@lordbacon4972 3 ай бұрын
@goose-gz2ik 3 ай бұрын
People forget that the more you mount a monster the more difficult it becomes, the people making those assumptions have not been playing monster hunter at all
@mrpersonmanthing5572 3 ай бұрын
Also even back in GU it was extremely easy to mount a monster with the right a food skill. Plus on my newest playthrough of world I find myself mounting monsters first try all the time. It's not a big deal
@baragon301 3 ай бұрын
You can literally mount an early game monster in World on the first jump, usually if it hasn't spotted/engaged you. This definitely isn't new
@Jerao 3 ай бұрын
People complaining about Monster Hunter having a story is wild to me. I've been playing since MH1 and Capcom have always had this vision of this super immersive hunting world. It's always been about telling a story. Even way back then
@hueyyang10 3 ай бұрын
Yes it is...wild.
@kingofflames738 3 ай бұрын
Most of those people probably never played 4U's story. That's peak Monster Hunter (for now).
@nickdiz9512 3 ай бұрын
As long as the gameplay isnt impacted by the story focus I am all for a really good story.
@trombonegamer14 3 ай бұрын
This is (maybe on purpose?) misconstrued. People aren't objecting to it having a story at all, just worried that it'll be very "cinematic" and the story is going to be poorly written. Which considering Capcom, is a fair worry to have. They're not exactly known for their riveting narratives. MH world also had a bad habit of forcing you to experience the story through cut scenes, which can really harm the pacing of the core gameplay loop.
@carlbaconjr2115 3 ай бұрын
I see what you did there 😂😂 Nice wordplay
@Lexgamer 3 ай бұрын
There's was a survey some years ago asking about what I wanted from the series, and I was like, "Ok guys, real talk, the story is meh, I know everyone says this is one of those games you don't play for the story, which is 100% true, but that doesn't mean the story HAS to suck. A better story can only be a positive." So since they went this route, I must not have been the only one.
@soyUsernameWasTaken 3 ай бұрын
"don't play monster hunter for the story" is definitely a defense. Not something that the community brags about.
@solomon9655 3 ай бұрын
A lot of people agree they nailed it with 4U. Is it the best story ever? No. But it’s the best I’ve seen from Monster Hunter. A globe-trotting odyssey helping every town you come across while dealing with a catastrophic rival monster is just an interesting premise. A lot of MH stories are similar but they lack the sauce. World’s story isn’t just dull, it’s upsetting if you pay attention. It shouldn’t be that difficult to hype players up to fight monsters but here we have a story that constantly paints the animals we’re fighting as sympathetic since we aren’t defending ourselves most of the time, we’re going out to hunt monsters minding their own business in a land we’re not supposed to be in. They even have a plot beat where they discover Nergigante did nothing wrong and basically go “Yikes” and move on. Like? Why did they write it like that? Did they realize they wrote the hunters as colonists or was that an accident of bad writing? Based on what we’ve seen, Wilds at least has a better premise. We’re actually helping villages that are frequently attacked by monsters, similar to 4U and Rise, which is all you need really.
@Realblack_m0nster 3 ай бұрын
id rather they focus on the gameplay first but if they want to tell a good story and they have the capacity to do both well, why the heck not
@VoraciousHeart 3 ай бұрын
I think that increased story is actually a very good thing. The story has always been the weakest part of the games, every other aspect has been polished to a mirror shine and doesn’t really “need” to be focused on anymore. Getting the story up to an above average level would only launch Wilds even higher into the stratosphere.
@VoraciousHeart 3 ай бұрын
Adding these as I watch. No quest timer doesn’t mean infinite time necessarily, monsters could “leave the locale” if you take too long killing it or leave it alone for too long. Timers never made much sense in the first place.
@crowzet0 3 ай бұрын
​@@VoraciousHeartthere's still a timer tho, it will only start as soon as you hit the monster
@VoraciousHeart 3 ай бұрын
My theory for Focus Mode is: A.) highlights the wounds you have previously inflicted. B.) gives access to special moves that “break” the wounds for extra damage. I think the wound will also be able to be destroyed outside of focus mode but without the benefit of the special move damage. This would make the teams comments about helping beginners and making veterans hunts more efficient.
@VoraciousHeart 3 ай бұрын
@@crowzet0 oh, I must have misheard then. Thought he said there wasn’t a timer. My bad.
@RoaringTide 3 ай бұрын
I'm with you on the story. We already know MH's gameplay is awesome, so why not improve one of the weakest aspects? Couldn't hurt to have a story (or AT LEAST characters) that people can get invested in, even if it's just simping for Gemma. I also support making cutscenes skippable though, just for those who really can't care about story.
@Beagle5793 3 ай бұрын
My theory is that people haven't necessarily cared about story in MH precisely BECAUSE it hasn't been a major focus for the franchise until now. I don't think MH fans are inherently uninterested in a story, they've just gotten used to writing off the story aspect of the franchise as irrelevant. It's way easier said than done, but all Capcom needs to do to get MH players invested in the story is write a story worth being invested in, which seems like their priority here.
@soyUsernameWasTaken 3 ай бұрын
Before World, people used to say "don't play monster hunter for the graphics" (because most of them were in handhelds) Now monhun name is equivalent with lush jungles and breathtaking environments.
@L-Man-Gaming 3 ай бұрын
You and Gaijin have to do another podcast, I didn’t think we would get this amount of information but here we are.
@kingofflames738 3 ай бұрын
You know what would be awesome? With quests that have certain scenarios (take for example a caravan got attacked or a monster attacked a farm) we see the monster in the actual situations of that quest (broken carriages or dead farm animals near it).
@jockpackage1770 3 ай бұрын
yeah instead of reading the quest text about this stuff you can just stumble on it in town as it's happening. They could also be cheeky with it and go like "what the hell man, you protected my farm the last couple times it was attacked, busy with a hot date or something?"
@jason_a_rodriguez 3 ай бұрын
I hope they do something like the Lunagaron quest in Sunbreak. I loved how silent everything was with all the endemic life hiding and how there were dead monsters.
@DavidPD555 3 ай бұрын
Okay I know we aren’t getting _full_ combat while mounted….. but lance had better be AWESOME while mounted.
@spacewhalemilk 3 ай бұрын
Needs a charged poke!
@jockpackage1770 3 ай бұрын
@@spacewhalemilk or like the constant ticks of damage from the lance charge while mounted.
@Tri4ce1 3 ай бұрын
Jousting should be a given for a lancer on a mount
@dregnoff9361 3 ай бұрын
U forgot apparently we don't have to commit to taking off mantles when they're exhausted anymore
@sevthetryhard 3 ай бұрын
As someone that doesn't care about the story, I don't mind cutscenes at all, specially when they good. The issue is unecessary bloated dialog getting in the way of the fun.
@6FootVampire 3 ай бұрын
Especially when youve played the story many times. I like starting a new save sometimes
@riemaennchen 3 ай бұрын
Man I can't wait to play this! Just about everything revealed so far sounds so good.
@KenTenko 3 ай бұрын
I just wish they'd make it so after you've viewed a cutscene you can skip it account wide, I feel like most people don't mind the story or cutscenes it's just when you have to slog through it again on replays or when getting friends into the game after you've beaten it.
@ArdynSol 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been wanting a more lore driven MH for awhile. The breadcrumbs are cool but give of some cool lore on Hunters and some of these wild monsters ❤
@heyimurchin6575 3 ай бұрын
For me, just like the souls series, you can only have one genuine first playthrough. I want that playthrough to be special. If MH is just a boss rush, skipping everything to get to the end game is a deservice to the experience. I want to have a solid story for once.
@TornaitSuperBird 3 ай бұрын
Almost an hour long video from Rurikhan? Hell yeah!
@lyotesharaia4829 3 ай бұрын
There kind of HAS to be multiple villages. Confirmed to not be a singular open world, there will be different locales. But also confirmed to be seamless from village to hunting locale. Indicates strongly that each locale will have its own village associated with it. Given the 4U inspirations so far, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
@jockpackage1770 3 ай бұрын
that's also how you do it so the game doesn't break for month after release, especially on the poor souls that have a Series S, that thing from a company Japan forgot existed that's a stone's throw from a switch.
@tburgess3426 3 ай бұрын
That was my thought too. If you have multiple massive environmental zones you can't expect players to spend 10 minutes hiking over to zone 3 from zone 1 for example.
@boredseal1317 3 ай бұрын
Im actually extremely curious about the story this time around. After playing world, rise and going back to experience old gen in gu, I have nigh absolute confidence that the devs will be able to sell me on whatever new gimmicks they have up their sleeves, the story however is a whole other beast that I don’t think we’ve ever seen the team truly try to tackle. I want to see if they can pull it off. If not there’s always the hunt that’s the main draw of the franchise, but it would be really cool if they could. I do hope that cutscenes will be skippable though. I will also be watching every single one but I usually use up all of my character slots in these games, so I’d prefer the option to skip be there for when I decide go for my other playthroughs
@TornaitSuperBird 3 ай бұрын
I don't think the cutscenes will be skippable if Capcom is going for a seamless game concept.
@johannesnagengast7643 3 ай бұрын
At least not the first time. I mean you could skip the Magdaros CS after you did it once.
@QuadraticSquared 3 ай бұрын
Regarding "hunt vs boss-fight", I think you're going to see the first phase of Wilds will put much more emphasis on "hunting", with a gradual shift toward arena fights as we go through update cycles. The reason is because the "staying power" of the game beyond a few hundred hours comes from combat mechanics, not exploration. The same was true of Rise/Sunbreak, where petalace runs were fun for a while, but not after 500 hours, and what we saw was a finale where all special investigations could be in arenas if you wanted. I'm thinking more use of fast-travel mechanics will creep in over time, to shrink the world that we've finished exploring.
@mechadebzilla 3 ай бұрын
Hundreds of hours into MH games, i'm still exploring. Remember that MH is 20 years old and that means there are a lot of us fans who are older, have jobs and families. We don't have all day long to speedrun through "content" and finish everything in a week. I'm not even in Iceborne or Sunbreak yet. Maybe ironic, but having less free time makes me want to slow down and enjoy the game more, not boss-rush through it. I want this to be a deep, rich experience in a world I will never get tired of. If there's fast-travel and some super efficient farming methods, I won't be using those. I would like a farm where I can grow stuff though.
@jockpackage1770 3 ай бұрын
i do not envy the update team, they are always third fiddle in the games and sort of given the impossible task of "hey so we made a game, you guys fix it for us and give it more endgame... oh but don't you dare go too far, we have an expansion coming so stick to that end of high rank sweet spot and don't add too many new things or else. "But your time and budget is really bad because this is free content." "you like having a job, right?" they have to fix the main team's mistakes or at least deal with them in some way before they are fixed. Think alatreon, the elemental damage balancing is trash, even after the ysaid they fixed it in Iceborne and their hubris demanded that a fight be built on it only. Some weapons *cough* IG *cough* *cough* did not function in that fight at all. That's because of how shoehorned in that was and how little time they had. There was no reason for the only elemental hit zone to be his feet.
@floofmeister52 3 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@jockpackage1770there isn’t a separate team for updates, the content that comes in those updates is decided before the game releases, they just have to complete the finishing touches in time for the updates. Not sure if I misread that or not but IG absolutely obliterates Alatreon so idk how you came to the conclusion that “IG doesn’t function in that fight at all”
@jockpackage1770 3 ай бұрын
@@floofmeister52 no, the team was working on Iceborne when the base World updates were going and with Iceborne the quality wasn't much better, maybe when the guiding lands wasn't finished that was a special case but no, updates were post launch when it came to actually making them. Also something like fatalis could not have been planned, they said as much, that the plans shifted when people were obsessing over the fatalis render. forced ground play is not IG, if you have to use a weapon in such a way that it's concept is ignored, no shell gl, ground ig, gs without charging, etc. it's not the real weapon. you can't areal his feet with any consistancy what so ever.
@renadestroyer7999 3 ай бұрын
Has anyone considered that the quest board is where you pick up quests like side missions, you bring up the map and select which quest for the monster you're going to hunt (aka multiple doshaguma quests, picking which one will mark as complete or maybe it just completes them all!), and then the moment you hit the monster, quest time starts. Triple cart means you need to go back, re-apply for the quest, and re-navigate? Seems to be the best explanation so far.
@drztopgun 3 ай бұрын
I'm agree with rurikhan Monster Hunter. is not an easy game to get into or master but boy, when it clicks, it is the best thing you can play. I couldn't get into MHW when I first tried it, I found it difficult to land hits on the monsters. Started with the hammer until I got used to the way the game plays, then switched to greatsword, and wow, those meaty chops are priceless.
@zythesly 3 ай бұрын
Id say they definitely need to focus on tutorializing different aspects of the game better. I just talked one of my friends into playing world for the first time and there were alot of things i had to tell him about because the game does such a poor job of it. Managing your inventory, what different gatherables do and how to use them, weapon combos, etc. A couple basic quests would really help with the onboarding process for new players. Ex: the herbalist needs some more herbs to make healing potions. Go and gather enough to make 10 potions and the herbalist then teaches you how to use the crafting system and rewards you with some extra potions. Or the new cadets need someone to demonstrate how to use the sword and shield in combat. Then the game tells you which inputs to do with the sword and shield to do different combos like the perfect rush.
@mechadebzilla 3 ай бұрын
I agree. Older games had a string of tedious gathering quests with this in mind. You definitely learned how the game works. I think we will need some tutorial quests since Wilds is likely to be pretty popular.
@mechadebzilla 3 ай бұрын
People complaining about story and worrying about whether they can skip a cutscene need to re-evaluate their gaming life. Story gives purpose, meaning and core motivation. Without purpose, life is a collection of empty mechanical activities. Enjoy the story of the game.
@SorenBlueHammer 3 ай бұрын
Purpose: make cool hat out of the calamitous monstrosity. Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to a more story focused mainline MH game. Very excited.
@Zulban48 3 ай бұрын
Being able to skip cutscenes is important... just as being able to _pause_ cutscenes is important. If you have seen a cutscene before (especially if it's a long one near the beginning of the game for example) you might not want to sit through it, but if you haven't seen it before and you get distracted by something in real life being able to pause it is a nice option. I assume that cutscenes can't be paused in this game, which is where the ability to re-watch them at the housekeeper comes into play.
@obrunofreire 3 ай бұрын
Consider people like to replay these games and the reasoning behind people wanting to skip cutscenes should be clear.
@trombonegamer14 3 ай бұрын
People are allowed to value gameplay higher than story lmao
@PandaUkulele 3 ай бұрын
@@Zulban48 Replaying World, where I've already seen every cutscene and already know the story I really wish I could skip the cutscenes. Especially since its keeping me away from playing with my friends.
@Amethyst_GG 3 ай бұрын
Quick correction- There IS a quest timer, However it only begins ticking down once you engage the monster in combat.
@InquisitorReid 3 ай бұрын
Something I'd love to see with the npc hunters that show up from the SOS flare is if it worked similar to the old Hunter for Hire system, and pulled the npcs from your list of guild cards.
@johannesnagengast7643 3 ай бұрын
Yeah like we have in world with the Palicos. Either you get a Palico on a quest from someone you have the guild card. Or send them out to an expedition. Just like a combination from world and Rise
@BahamutCeroX 3 ай бұрын
​@johannesnagengast7643 or we could just get the 4U hunter for hire system back since it was way cooler to see hunter whose guild cards you had gotten in the offline hub
@johannesnagengast7643 3 ай бұрын
@@BahamutCeroX oh, I forgot that my brain really getting old
@-Boone Ай бұрын
Great breakdown! So exciting. I'm interested to see how they handle skills considering the weapon swap mechanic. Also, gotta say, the Palico holding onto the Serket tail is the cutest thing ever. 😂
@armedwings6664 3 ай бұрын
I love the podcasts and videos, definitely my go to for monster hunter and gaming news
@razor-wing-1582 3 ай бұрын
This guy spitted facts and had an argument with him self... subbed
@floofmeister52 3 ай бұрын
One correction about the thing with Kulu in World. Oftentimes in world you would first have to sight the monster in an expedition before you got a quest, and when you sight the monster you got a cutscene and it gives you an objective “slay XX monster”, like pink rathian or diablos. You can choose to just stay out in the expedition and hunt the monster, and it would count it as you progressing the story and it would mark the quest as complete, but it would still technically be like doing an expedition because you only get expedition rewards. Whereas if you end the expedition and take the quest back at astera/seliana officially then you get rewards like a normal quest, so you still technically had the insensitive to go back and handle it like a regular quest, unlike now where you get a prompt to start an official quest while just out exploring.
@gorehunter2510 3 ай бұрын
I absorb every detail at the moment feom wilds, i would love to play it myself even if its a small demo to get the feel of it. I have no doubt that it will be the best monster hunter game they ever made. I hope it's outsells world over time, so we can get an even bigger game 😂❤. Ty for the videos ruri.
@zeroarts7623 3 ай бұрын
@Rurikhan i really think the seemless part of the locales is kinda like how MH4U where each place you go unlocks a new locale. So maybe with that idea in mind the team expanded it by having each locale be 2-3 time larger with a village located somewhere near the same map.might mean we are getting multiple villages.
@normalichu 3 ай бұрын
The dead body of a monster having collision could benefit someone, actually: Gypceros. It will be a bit less obvious if he's dead or not haha
@MrSkizzem 3 ай бұрын
Liked and commenting for your algo. I love all this info, thanks for your time putting it together
@rechelieu 3 ай бұрын
Talking Palicoes are great. I don't know how many times I missed their cues, like, the monster is ready for capture even tough the skull is still not around. Stuff like that. I am also excited about the followers. Scaling is OK if you ask me. They help tremendously.
@JacobB-kr5em 3 ай бұрын
Story is never a bad thing! It doesn’t mean that the core gameplay of monster hunter won’t be there!
@deviljoegaming 3 ай бұрын
The timer is good. Quests that lower the timer below 50 minutes are bad
@chrislewerercalcapone9385 3 ай бұрын
i don't thing all monsters would have herds. IRL not all animally trivial in herds! now rathian and rathalos may have a nest and have babies!
@jockpackage1770 3 ай бұрын
they said minimum 2 types per map will have herds.
@4thofClubs 3 ай бұрын
Interesting concept, with that expedition into a hunting quest. Maybevit can be like Kirin, where we can run into it but then it's wounded because a rajang attacked it and bam, we get the rajang tracking quest option. Or see a new monster and when we go to investigate/attack it, Alma tells us that one has been seen near by where we found it that frequently attacks neighboring camps, so we gotta take care of it to prevent it from continuing to do so
@Northern_Silverbird 3 ай бұрын
37:56 Yesss man! The HH was my main in World/Iceborne; didn't like the feel of it in Rise. Real happy to hear this.
@ManlyPicnics 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, Focus Mode letting us target parts directly is a god-send. If I'm grinding for specific parts, I want to be hitting that part, not some other unrelated part that is flailing about blocking my attacks occasionally. Hitting wings can be a pain in the ass on downed monsters, even on a standing monster, they will be slightly out of range from my horizontal swings.
@sanguinetales 3 ай бұрын
They say its not a continuous game because they don't want people to assume prior knowledge is a requirement. Even 5 was a sequel to 4 but you didn't need to play 4 to know anything about 5.
@TornaitSuperBird 3 ай бұрын
Take Gemma for example. If a newcomer to the series is playing Wilds, they won't get the references to MH4 in her character design, but she'll (hopefully) still feel like a compelling character regardless.
@hugo-pg5tv 3 ай бұрын
The logo for wilds still have multiple connections with the tale of the 5 from world tho. Same with the possability of being played out in the new world.
@TornaitSuperBird 3 ай бұрын
@@hugo-pg5tv Already deconfirmed. This game takes place in the Old World, in the Forbidden Lands.
@hugo-pg5tv 3 ай бұрын
@@TornaitSuperBird where was it confirmed that the forbidden lands is in the old world?
@RoaringTide 3 ай бұрын
I am UNREASONABLY hyped for this game man. I still get excited for games in general, but MH just ticks so many more of my boxes than most other games. I'm happy about almost everything we've seen and heard so far. Only thing that concerns me even a little bit is OP mantles possibly coming back, but even that's fairly minor to me. There are also unknowns that could dampen things, like how does the new armour system work? How is the endgame? And most importantly for me, how is the performance? All that aside though, this could easily be one of my favourite games ever.
@AlessandroParisi95 3 ай бұрын
Guys this MH wilds will be an enormous step forward for the series, much more than world was. There are improvements in any aspect, but the core is still there, don’t be afraid. This will be game of the year
@matthewalvarez6884 3 ай бұрын
That's a lot of confidence for a product you've never played or seen an actual live demo.
@AlessandroParisi95 3 ай бұрын
@@matthewalvarez6884 you will see
@khaild7856 3 ай бұрын
Monster hunter is not a boss rush freaking soul like game. LET US DEFEND THE VILLAGE!!!
@legion9173 3 ай бұрын
I think the zones and biomes is just going to be a HUGE Guiding Lands style, that would be rad tbh.
@devv197 3 ай бұрын
It really feels like the Guiding Lands was Capcom testing the waters for an open world style monster. I spent so much time in the Guiding Lands so I can’t wait to see how it works in Wilds.
@Sylentmana 3 ай бұрын
I always worry about a franchise I like going mainstream because not only does it often become dumbed down, but it also provides an opportunity for DEI to wrap its tentacles throughout it. So far, Monster Hunter has mostly avoided these issues. I can only hope it continues this trend of improvement rather than simplification.
@MysteriousStranger50 3 ай бұрын
Yes it’s called sanitisation and homogenisation. Making games tamer and similar to all other modern popular games. Sacrificing artistry and core fans for mass appeal and sales. Still the game looks solid and doesn’t at all appear to be hopping on the evil white man trend so, I think it’s safe to say this is still monster Hunter. Global homogenisation, aka globohomo is a dangerous thing for the customer but a great thing for the wallets of the companies. It needs pushback for our sake
@HealyHQ 2 ай бұрын
Had me in the first half, but screw off with the DEI hate; Monster Hunter has ALWAYS been diverse. Get over it.
@hueyyang10 3 ай бұрын
I just hope you can skip cutsceneses becauae replaying world and not being able to skip anything is prob the most frustrating thing.
@hueyyang10 3 ай бұрын
Also hyped for the new village music. Ahhhh so much to look forward to.
@6FootVampire 3 ай бұрын
You can, i believe they said this
@mathieu499 3 ай бұрын
imagine how crazy cool it's gonna be to see your friend carving on the top of the monster while u r taking the tail, and he suddenly stand up on the dead body, put his arm straight to the sky with a smile and then u got that lil shiny effect that appears, even looting is gonna be epic in this game i swear
@ENDtredecim 3 ай бұрын
Idk if they would show off a new weapon right away, that awesome boomerang thang from a past game wasn't immediately revealed from what I remember long ago. Not saying that, that means a new weapon will drop but I am saying they've always done things out of the box when showing off their surprises. Could be possible since this game is such a new thing for the franchise
@tannukiiruukii 3 ай бұрын
I gotta say I'm gonna miss loading screens, it may sound crazy but I just like loading screens in monster Hunter. Going back to the village after a well prepped hunt always feels so cozy, it feels as though I'm returning from work to sit down and prep for the next day. Maybe camping will be so immersive that it feels like a village, but what I picture with this news sounds mobile gamey(?) maybe not we shall see. Lastly with focus mode, I want to miss!!! It makes aiming and actually hitting feel earned but I could also be a masochist, finally timing that tail hit on anjanath and chopping off it's high and annoying hitbox is so satisfying!!
@LordRegal94 3 ай бұрын
Glad I'm not alone on not being on board the "seamless" hype train. So much of the identity of the series to me is the full loop. Pick a monster, go hunt it, feel accomplished for a minute as the victory music plays, then go back to base, see what you can make/do, and then start again. The concept of "well, you just killed the Balahara you were working on but a Rathalos showed up towards the end, so now you're still in active combat but low on materials so hope you're ready to play your ass off (and hope the corpse doesn't disappear!) to not cart and lose your entire stash of rewards!" is scary in a way I wasn't expecting to feel about the game. ...maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic in an Old Man Yells at Cloud kind of way, but it feels like they're really changing the primary gameplay loop in a manner that's going to fundamentally alter some of the base experiences. Guiding Lands and expeditions worked because they were intentionally separate making it feel fresh, while lessening rewards from hunting that way beyond what you carve/capture and carts impacting your other loot rather than money, which worked as a secondary system. Making it the base experience deeply worries me.
@tannukiiruukii 3 ай бұрын
@@LordRegal94 I started to think on it after a while, maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Perhaps the mindset they're trying to gear us into is a hunting adventure, we as a guild member must stay out in the wild and stick with nature. With the day night cycle existing it might be a, "every hunt is a different day" type of scenario, you can lose alot in the day or sit down and enjoy the bonfire with your hard work. But don't be too pessimistic because the best thing about monster Hunter is that going back to other games is part of the fun! I'll really have to see how I feel once it's played, but at least it sounds like they want that new experience to be as immersive as leaving and returning from the village.
@rubhan94 3 ай бұрын
41:57 To me the way they explained focus mode is how the Lock On skill in Monster Hunter Now works. It allows you to focus in on a single point to break it faster by simply focusing your attacks on that part.
@renex250195 3 ай бұрын
Fastest open of the year
@ravagerlizard9800 3 ай бұрын
You know what would be really interesting, in this story for monster hunter wilds have a character death by a savage monster! Make it an impactful/emotional scene too, that draws you further into the story! I do not think monster hunter has ever done that before! They can build up a character that you started to like and have a connection in a way them, then later in the story they are killed or eaten by the flagship or flagships! Also captured monsters! I hope you can release them back into the wild with a cutscene or something
@Teagster3000 3 ай бұрын
With all the talk about immersion I wonder how capturing monsters is going to work
@RoniDraws 3 ай бұрын
quest list/board still has its uses, filtering for SOS requests, specific monster farming, event quests, i dont think they would take it out just because of the overhaul to the main hunting experience
@AlessandroParisi95 3 ай бұрын
I’m a super fun of MH. I have watched many video people talking about wilds but you are the one who I agreed with more. I believe the game will be very similar from how you are describing it. Very smart theories
@Lexgamer 3 ай бұрын
With lance, you had your poke, your upward angle poke, your side hops, etc, all in the name of positioning and hitting what you want. I imagine focus mode bringing up a retical, allowing you to straif, as well as point and poke-poke-poke exactly where you want, which seems glorious to me. It'll feel great.
@blobeyeordie 3 ай бұрын
I hoping the story(s) during hunts/quests will play out similarly to the collaborative Witcher and RE quests in MHW. Those were super cool and fun. They also added alot of dynamic, immersion and substance to the game. I always felt like those type of quests had so much potential for a more adventurous experience but sadly we didnt really get anything beyond those.
@gabrielturcato1235 2 ай бұрын
THIS 15:37 I'm with you, my favorite thing about Monster Hunter is that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Opening CG 02, which was my MH dream all along, all that preparation to hunt a Diablos, the fact that the hunters wait a whole day at camp, placing traps earlier on the map, knowing Diablos would eat there, this always makes me wish for an MH animated series like the Star Wars: The Clone Wars one. But maybe I'm just weird too 😂😂
@gabrielturcato1235 2 ай бұрын
I kind of wish there was more "hunting Role-Play" in the game, like using different meats, different traps and all that, but with the Souls-Like influence on gaming, MH has just become a different boss fighting game, I still like it, but I want more hunting systems, like tracking the monster and setting things up, don't hunt in the desert in the middle of the day because it's too hot, look for the monster with your binoculars and bla bla bla, not the "jump into the arena and kill the Rathalos in 3 min" quest, then return to the lobby, maybe it's just me
@Raika63 3 ай бұрын
to be fair, in world you could often get the first mount on the initial jump. HH didn't seem complicated to me in world, so it seems weird they'd make it simpler.
@riemaennchen 3 ай бұрын
Yeah one Jump Slash from SnS and you usually start the first mount. Or just one R2 off a ledge with Hammer.
@6FootVampire 3 ай бұрын
Depends on weapon. Some weapons almost never got a mount. Guess you used the same weapon alot
@honeychonav4027 3 ай бұрын
@@6FootVampire Right. Like the Bow and Bowguns usually never see mounting. However back in world I did gain a reputation among my friends for being the "Mounting Queen." I started with a Bugstick and made my way through the other weapons, but thanks to that. I always found opportunities to just jump on the monster's back because most of my friends don't like mounting, but I freaking love doing it. With the exception of Bows and Bowguns I've always found opportunities to pull off a mount for the team while using a martial weapon. XD
@6FootVampire 3 ай бұрын
@@honeychonav4027 thats great! I dont really like mounting either same as your friends.cuz with hammer it happens all the time so it gets boring
@revonfyll 3 ай бұрын
I'm really worried that all this open world type of gameplay is gonna introduce a lot of downtime and dilute the core gameplay loop.
@topshelflycan 3 ай бұрын
I use all 14 weapons because I like variety so I'm glad our mount can carry an extra weapon, I like variety and maybe cool combos with certain skills can be unlocked, as a classic ps2 OG MH fan since then I have loved watching each Monster Hunter get better, Wilds is looking awesome and bring back Bloodbath Diablos!
@attacpowdergaming7098 3 ай бұрын
Figure that a reason why people don’t care about the story in monster hunter is because the stories have never been compelling outside of a roleplaying standpoint. I love the ecological mystery style of their storytelling but that’s extremely niche. The majority of people will consider stories with compelling characters as a more engaging story and I don’t see them pulling that off, or even trying to pull it off per se. If they did, those complaints about story would likely go away entirely.
@DJWeapon8 3 ай бұрын
Exactly. Even in my "Ideal Monster Hunter design document" I never made the main narrative a grandiose thought provoking cinematic story because such themes are not fit for MH's gameplay loop. World tries this with the "circle of life and bioenergy" theme it has going on, but it since most characters are flat, dialogue only goes one-way, and the gameplay is "KILL-LOOT-REPEAT" it becomes a case of ludo-narrative dissonace and falls flat on its face. What I came up with for my ideal MH is "You and your crew of stranded Guild personnel must survive and thrive in an unknown and inhospitable land." That's it. Instead, the effort for the "story" is given to creating questlines for the AI hunters you can bring along to hunts (like the Followers in Rise), expansive dialogue (you can actually ask questions and reply rather than being told or preached at) for NPCs at main base that adds and changes as you progress the main story, and general visual and written worldbuilding and lore.
@jamielee5695 3 ай бұрын
I thought Maximilian dood said the quest timer starts when you attack the monster now?
@bicks4436 3 ай бұрын
With monsters having collision, there's a cut in one of the trailers where it looks like a large monster throws the corpse of a small-mid monster at you. Maybe that's because of the collision just interacting an attack and not actually a hard coded move (or something they can do when they detect a corpse etc)
@iamrathercool12121 3 ай бұрын
Soul sacrifice delta had an unbelievable story. Stories in these games work. Bring back soul sacrifice
@princekanbatsu2301 3 ай бұрын
There are only few things i'm worried about. The story being the main focus is not bad at all, but if the story is again poorly written i hope they didn't focus too much budget into that. I'd rather have that budget on the monsters and the environment etc. Also i really love the idea of being able to start a quest on the go, not being forced to go back to village etc. Immersion, ecology and all of this stuff really is what i needed after playing rise/sb The only concern is not having a quest board. I hope that is just false information, because when you reach endgame you probably want to use it, i'd rather have the option to select from the quest board when you're in the village. Also about the village, i'm 150% sure we're getting more than one village, since the first one seems to be very scarn compared to world or rise. If that's the case, i hope one of the villages, maybe the last one, could be a whole little city, maybe where the main guild is, that would be sick. It would remind me a lot of MH2
@wesjturnerturner2161 3 ай бұрын
Not going to lie, I had a shiteating grin when I heard the HH was going to be more "crunchy" in the interview last video. I think I'll be okay if they end up simplifying the songs so newer players can pick up and enjoy HH. My gripe was with how light and unimpactful the hits felt. Adding the fact that in Rise the default performance will autopay songs. The weapon didn't feel the same at all, no tactile preparation for songs or performance. I hope they nail the new adjustments.
@Honest_Grifter 3 ай бұрын
This is my number one, most anticipated game of this 9th console generation, hands down... I hope its as impressive of a graphical/world design overhaul that we saw going into world. I think capcom can absolutely pull this one off and hopefully wow a whole new audience of fans... My only fear is the voiced palico might sound too "cute anime animal sidekick" for me... I much enjoy the cat puns, but don't think I'll enjoy them shouting canned phrases during combat
@thevermillionjacket7225 3 ай бұрын
Even though Raths don’t herd I really want to see a Rathalos and Rathian roaming together and sleeping together and just being “parents”
@ZedoGabrilla 3 ай бұрын
Hi Ruri, how are you ? I know it is not the video topic, but will you upload Wayfinder guides ? Your beginners guide videos are always nice to watch.
@baldbishop1667 3 ай бұрын
The first time i played MH was because i saw a trailer about hounting and a great world where you can gather. And the first time i got to played the game i was so impressed by the environment. Like the world could really exist. That keep me playing until i learned all items, crafting, mechanics of the game. Couldn't beat fatalis. But i got to solo alatreon.
@grokashrimp 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. So much hype!
@parcevaI 3 ай бұрын
I almost expect multiple villages. Joe also always said „a village“ not „the village“, when you spoke about it. But maybe I’m over interpreting
@Lexgamer 3 ай бұрын
Note that marketing people will also never say, "No new weapon," even if true, and even if they were allowed to. Why? Cuz it has a negative impact. Any question that is asked, they will find a positive spin for it. So, new weapon? "What we can say is that each of the 14 weapons has new moves and tweaks!" yeah, no new weapon.
@Zulban48 3 ай бұрын
Okay I have barely started watching the video but... I _just now_ noticed this... regarding the trailer when the hunter initiates the 'clashing blades' type maneuver against the Doshaguma (putting the sword against its jaws to hold it back)... I could be completely mistaken but it looks almost as if Doshaguma's attack that connects with the hunter's block actually displaces a shallow crater of sand. I can't be 100% sure about this because it looks like the hunter is standing in front of said small crater before the attack lands but I swear it's a brand new crater formed by the monster's attack because he's partially standing inside of it when the smoke clears. At least said crater looks like it was 'elongated' from the first crater he was standing in front of. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but if what I'm seeing is accurate then it looks like a really neat detail.
@anon3118 2 ай бұрын
The footage makes me want to play GS! Its changed so much compared to the old days
@firstdondiego 3 ай бұрын
When I heard all these KZbinrs and media outlets talking about monster Hunter worlds the very thing that came to mind of how it's going to play based on how they described it was that it was going to be almost exactly like the guiding lands in monster Hunter world. So when they said that there will be no timer for the fights, my assumption was that after a certain amount of time the monsters will run away from the field to where they're completely inaccessible which is the same way it works in the guiding lands.
@TommyBoi760 3 ай бұрын
So hyped for this game. Been playing since the original game and it amazes me how much work they've continued to put into each iteration.
@goose-gz2ik 3 ай бұрын
If there’s no timer then I need a stopwatch of some kind, because a big part of monster hunter for me is speedruns and seeing how much stronger I can get over the monster
@hugo-pg5tv 3 ай бұрын
There is a timer but it only starts when u hit the monster.
@Balkoth07 3 ай бұрын
from what I have seen/heard: Wounds just happen during the fight if you hit certain parts often enough. If you have problems hitting that certain part then you can go into focus mode to aim your attacks more accurately. Once there is a wound you do more damage on that part (a bit like clutchclaw tenderizing) or you can go into focus mode and do a punisher to pop the wound instantly. Or something like that 😁
@Inksternonimous 3 ай бұрын
The only time the quest timer ever came up for me in any game was, as you mentioned, special quests like Fatalis and the Kulve or Safi sieges . It's an outdated/unneeded system for any regular hunt where the point isn't the time challenge. They can still do the same thing without a "quest failed, look sad and get teleported back to camp" by having the monster flee after the set time or whatever. Alma could even give cues about it, like "The monster will flee if you don't deal with it" and such
@onyxxninja3262 3 ай бұрын
One thing I’ve wondered (and it may be a feature or covered already, newer player here) is being able to carve specific pieces of monsters. Need more claws? Carve where they actually are instead of a rare or common drop in the carve pool. What do you guys think?
@theplatinumnarwhal9886 Ай бұрын
curious to see how they "modernize" the series with this one, it's natural to be worried about mh losing some of it's charm but if they pull it off this game will be extremely unique
@jahelfelicie1770 3 ай бұрын
I don’t think they’re going to add a skip due to most cutscenes transitioning directly into combat but if they manage to do it I hope it’s “press and hold” 😅 I don’t want to accidentally skip scenes
@waynemawston7806 3 ай бұрын
Seeing all the scenes will be awesome cannot wait to play this. I NEVER pre order but I'm changing my mind on this game.
@1QUOTE1 3 ай бұрын
Monster Hunter having a story isnt the problem, the fear is its implementation and what gets sacrificed for it--having to wait for friends to watch cutscenes is a bad time for everyone involved, and I couldn't care less how good the story is if we have to wait for the entire hunting group to experience it before we can all play. Having cutscenes before or after hunts worked perfectly fine since it rarely interrupted anything. Having mid mission escort/railroady segments feels like they're fixing what historically was never broken in an attempt to be more like other single player games. Rise gets a lot of flack, but I respect it for being dedicated to getting players into the real meat of the game as smoothly as possible. I really want to be wrong about it and I hope they have their priorities in order this time around.
@ripxdoc 3 ай бұрын
Shields up Rurikhan! Thank you
@beckysecretyoutube 3 ай бұрын
ranged weapons being superior needs to remain in order to keep the sense of realism
@aner_bda 3 ай бұрын
I think a cool take on a quest timer, instead of having a hard limit, then the quest fails, it would be cool to have it so that if you don't kill a monster under a certain amount of time, the monster would run away and leave the locale. Again, similar to how it was in the Guiding Lands. That could also fit in well with the seamlessness of what they're going for in Wilds.
@dudemunking2543 2 ай бұрын
I can't wait to see how mounted lance/gunlance will be like
@jogoat588 3 ай бұрын
people complaining about MH having a story and expanding on lore, making these changes, is so weird. i love my time solo with MH since Freedom Unite, but when Wilds came out and I tried to see what the community is like, i realized how most of the people here are so spoiled and picky. would be a good choice to stay away from these from now on
@dinocharlie1 2 ай бұрын
Its anecdotal, but in my experience, its always your 2nd monster hunter game that gets you into it. I played MH4U with my firends back on the DS, but never got into it. I played MHW and that's the one that got me
@aner_bda 3 ай бұрын
I have to agree, the bowguns are OP. In both Iceborne and Sunbreak, my gameplay was going through the game with a melee weapon, and once it got to the endgame farm, I switched to bowguns once I had enough materials in my storage that farming ammo wasn't a thing and I could just put together the best build. It meant I could just do the endgame farm while listening to a podcast or something else to make the grind that much easier and less boring.
@vezrabuto7496 3 ай бұрын
this open world feels a lot like the Dragons Dogma 2 world. i would love if they were at all similar, monsters randomly popping into the village, large monster ambushes etc. even the camp system feels a lot like the dd2 campfires
@kai9755 3 ай бұрын
With monster hunter, a good story is just the cherry on top. If we get a bigger cherry with an amazing game is win in my book!
@johnortiz9775 3 ай бұрын
I think people hear focus mode having a lock-on and every veteran gets super defensive about the game getting easier without fully understanding what it is. Monster hunter is know for not having a traditional lock-on and the skill comes from postioning. Yes having a lock-on for the current weapon movesets will make the game easy, but people forget focus mode will have its own moveset while in it. Its not like i can go focus mode with great sword and now do a true charge slash on the head without missing or go striaght into a SAED thats locked on. They will tailor new moves and balance them specifically for the use of focus mode and being able to choose parts to hit. May that be laggy and hard to spam, or less overall damage but inflict more wounding damage like a partbreaker effect. Seeing how capcom is attempting to listen to critizim from world I believe in capcoms ability to balance mechanics. Hopefully focus mode will just be a new tool in our kit like what clucth claw potentially could of been or mounting where you TECHNICALLY dont need to use it but you can gain alot from it. Theres some weapons that dont really benifit from those mechanics compared to others like SnS having alot of mounting options compared to others so it gets more mounts Obviously if it will be clunky or not and fun to use is a completely different story.
@ErenYager-v3k 3 ай бұрын
Certain monsters, like Jho in world, would have an animation to where if you hit it while it was doing that specific attack you’d automatically knock it over in a cinematic way. I think focus mode will make these trades easier once you learn the monster animations along with much more applications we have yet to discover.
@Sted916boy 3 ай бұрын
Love that you're giving props to Dear gamer you know it's hard being a content creator let alone a black one on KZbin
@KingOfMalevolence 3 ай бұрын
I don't think people disliked the concept of the guiding lands but rather the way it was implemented, for example, the fact that you needed to grind so much for some materials. You couldn't just go hunt a high level monster, you needed to first farm monsters from specific areas to level them up several times and then you would lose levels on other areas.
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