Monster Monday: Storm Giants

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Arcane Forge

Arcane Forge

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Welcome back to another Monster Monday: A series where I'll be drawing a monster from Dungeons and Dragons while I talk about it's lore, history in the real world and what they're like to use as a DM or fight as a player.
In this video, I talk about Storm Giants; The most god-like of giant-kind!
If you want to use a Storm Giant in your game, or find out more, you'll need:
- The Monster manual:
Find out more and contact us on our social media:
The music in the background was "Wizard Wave" by Fish. which you can find on his channel, here:
/ starmannabimusic

Пікірлер: 23
@895Ace 3 жыл бұрын
I have one of these as a lord of a realm with in my steampunk campaign, he and his wife each wear a necklace that allows them to take on the large size so they can be able to interact with people in thier kingdoms and work with the other lords. It is exciting for when and or if my players ever go to talk to them to see more of thier personality and who they are as they are not like any othsr storm giants. The video was awesome and amazing with this info it adds more flavor to them and making them even more interesting.
@SSG-mi3mq 3 жыл бұрын
Sign the petition to make "Danny Devito" an official unit of measurement
@joshuazane3210 3 жыл бұрын
These lads have tons of potential as NPCs. Beautiful illustration, mate!
@steveharrison76 3 жыл бұрын
How tremendous! I've never really paid much attention to Giants before. I have a culture in the frozen south of my setting that are essentially Animist in nature, worshipping animal spirits and spirits of the elements. I think that, somehow, I need to work the Giants into the fringes of their society as legends about prophets and questing-goals. Given the complicated and rather toxic relationship the Ordning has with the All-father, it seems fitting to me that, perhaps, The All-father's scions would consider this somehow 'normal' behaviour? Perhaps they act as distant mythical oracles and demigods for the tribe-kingdoms of the southerners, given their relationship with the elements; keeping them at arm's length, but never missing an opportunity to manipulate them. With their elementally-aligned 'flavours', giants feel like a good fit for these tribes. I think I need to re-write some stuff! This is a magnificent piece, boss - She's beautiful. The outfit is awesome; very classical east- and central Mediterranean. And that spear of coherent Lightning is amazing! I think that Giants (given your other videos about them) are fast becoming a race that I have found a new interest in, especially since a lot of them would seem to be a perfect opportunity to not have just another people-sized NPC, but instead have something a little more interesting.
@MoonbornUwU 3 жыл бұрын
I love the Corinthian styled helmet
@davidhall9194 3 жыл бұрын
Could you do a Glabrezu sometime
@iratami 3 жыл бұрын
Cotton candy hair... I like it. Always enjoy listening to the lore while watching the art coalesce from nothingness. Recommending the Mishipeshu again. Though like usual I think a more homebrew version would fit better given their mythology. Would also like to see a kitsune though that's mostly because it's what I'm currently playing as. Autumn leaf colored hair peppered with specks of red and yellow. Just such a cute menace to the party.
@reecejones9296 3 жыл бұрын
The time for the hippocampus will come eventually. 😢
@thejurassicshow5928 3 жыл бұрын
In my world the Storm Giants are slightly scaled up, being 28 ft tall rather than 26. Also I did not know about that translucent skin thing so I will definitely include that as feature that their young have until they physically mature so thanks for that. I’m my world their clothing is not just just green inspired but it has influence from ancient japan and with a dash of Celtic. the great war with the the dragons the Storm Giant where on top of the ordning however that has changed with the appearance of the new giants and now they must share their spot with the fiery and extreme Sun, the eerie and cold Moon Giants and the Eclipse Giants which are the best and worst of both for the top spot on the ordning. Surprisingly they act the decently compassionately towards the humanoids that share their land and consider it rude to step on them unlike the smaller giants who have little patience for them. I would like to suggest the Nue from Japanese mythology.
@BeaPlot 3 жыл бұрын
I cannot believe it took two years to get these guys onto this channel. Very happy to finally see these big boys (and girls)
@trashywyrm7905 3 жыл бұрын
This looks amazing! I love how the starry skin looks.
@wyvernnemecek595 2 жыл бұрын
An army of maddening things stood under him, his brainstealer dragon flying high above the insane horde, barking out orders in preparation for this raid. Illithids made from giants were under his sway, his shouts becoming frantic howls which rallied his troops under his command. Flesh reshaped into living tools, he pulled out a Winxie Pistol with the slightest grin. Bandersnatch riders ready to cut enemies at the knee, stomach and throat at the beck and call of his brother; Neothelids enslaved to his sister’s whims; chimerae tamed to the servitude of a lamia who aligned with their forces; displacers and blink dogs trained at gunpoint to obey; all of these beasts and more turned into his army with his armaments made from the flesh of their dead. Necromancy was so pale in comparison to the power which he wielded, turning all meat into his service. Now he planned a raid upon the all mighty, the makers of the behir which he’d beaten into submission! Now he turned his eyes to the storm high above and knew his army would be undefeated. For now, they rallied and marched in the dark of the night. Tomorrow, in morning’s wake, he’d see Storm Giant flesh become his paint with which he could create tapestries untold~ Daybreak finally assaulted the storm giants’ eyes as they deafened the monstrosities below them, passive for the time being. “What do we do?” Spoke one, a philosopher almighty among the mortal races. “What can we do?” Replied another, the finest of chefs upon the continent. “We prepare.” Answered one amongst the crowd of seventeen. “Gathered brothers and sisters, we face an enemy whose name we’ve forgotten. We face an enemy which ignores the rules and laws which dictated our reality. Where chaos exists, they discombobulate and devastate. Where order is, they sew discourse and disharmony with existence itself. They are a cancer in need of excision!! Tonight, we must be more than record keepers, more than scientists, more than intellectuals. We are the greatest of our race, and though we’re not warriors, we must fight. We’ll bear no arms, we’ll harbor no hatred, and we shall survive!” A silence fell over their crowd, not a one of them comfortable in each other’s company, let alone with the idea of facing fellow giants-contorted or otherwise. The answer, however, came without warning when an unnatural shriek pierced their ears and in swooped a tentacle-faced draconic beast. “I dare say your words were wise!” Said the thing on that beast’s back, trailing clouds with its mount’s wings. “And I deeply encourage the effort. I’ll even give you the chance to fight back, in exchange for-“ A panicked Storm Giant’s hand swung, making the pair dive through the cloud-carven floor, a pair of termites which chewed through the building material in an unseen pattern. The die was cast, now it rolled! Up through the floor came siege fire, courtesy of the Giant Illithid cannoneers. Boulders of raw ore and mountain stone were fired through the ground, demanding attention from the increasingly frightened Storm Giants. “You should’ve run when you had the chance!” Said the thing riding its mount, coming out of nowhere with a blade made from the bastards of whores to cut a scar across one giant’s eyes. This cloud fortress became no more than a storm itself, all of the Ordning’s finest fleeing for their lives. No longer rallied, they let loose a flurry of lightning and wind around them. Without their warriors, those reclusive bastards, these few were nothing more than prey for the slaughter. “UVARJOTUNEN! UVARJOTUNEN!” Called from below a female Daelkyr, her Neothelid and Purple Worm slaves ordered to rocket high only for both to find themselves petrified, amassed into a gargantuan rope ladder for the tentacle-faced giants under her sway. She hopped on one’s shoulders, arm wrapped in a tentacle as she led the charge higher. “COME OUT TO PLAY~~~!!!” Challenged she with madness in her eyes, hearing the excited whooping and hollering of her brother. Only a couple of her servants could reach the fortress, all others thrown off this ladder by wind as well as lighting, the screaming of her vermiform pets meaning nothing to her. She’d force that meat to a better use later, what did she care?! All the while dipped and dived the brainstealer dragon with its rider, chasing after the scarred giant whose use of runes meant nothing when madness itself was clamoring after it. Through the walls, floor and ceiling did its pursuer give chase. Blind flashes of Light did nothing when there was a fresh brain’s reek for the draconic monstrosity to pursue, insane cackling as the Daelkyr’s card to greet his victim. Slash! The giant’s sole was now bleeding, hurt so shallowly there would be no way to ignore the wound properly. Were it deeper, this Uvarjotunen wouldn’t realize the injury, yet now was where it couldn’t walk properly without crying out greater pain. Boulders from below, fliers through the walls, spells were becoming ineffective. These were Storm Giant warriors, they were scholars and artists coming together to formulate a plan, and even that was betrayed. Blades of bleeding meat, steel woven around bone, fanged feet-nothing made sense as it came down upon these usually solitary creatures. WHAM! Her slave was forced back with a shove, tearful eyes in the attacker’s eyes making her growl at being inconvenienced. The Jotulithid barreled forward, shielding her as it pushed back the bigger creature by only a few feet. A Mothman coming in hot, she drove her thoughts into the squid-faced freak’s mind, getting her launched via a tentacle into the air. Fingers to her mouth, she whistled, the diving mothman snatching her in one motion. “Take me higher, I want to gleen her scalp off~!!” She hissed in malice, snickering cruelly when she was brought high and dropped on her target, Jotulithid now faltering as the bandersnatch cavalry arrived. Into the giantess’s hair she dove, a couple daggers slipping out of nowhere to drag out a severance between skull and skin. The blue-grey skinned female’s scream shaking the fortress and making the Daelkyr female’s organs vibrate painfully, a gleam of life filling this alien creature’s eyes. “Oh absolutely you are-SHIT!” Without warning, enormous hands came together, crushing her into a paste with only the singular clasp. She died. Oh well. As for her brother, there was more fruitful fun to be had, not looking for anything more than to toy with his prey. Their army was huge however came many a struggling beast to sustain itself against beings which were so large as well as strong, not to mention scared. For he and his sister, there was no greater goal. No finer game at play! Simply the entertainment of childlike interests which just so happened to be debilitating for all other forms of life.
@wyvernnemecek595 2 жыл бұрын
As his cackling ceased, he simply set his steed to clamber across the ceiling, stalking the cornered giant whose aim for attacks was frightfully off point except on rare occasions where the duo had to dodge. Dropping from the ceiling as a gust of wind hit them, their chances of being hit with a bolt of lightning weren’t high, yet fate had other things in mind. Looking up at his frightened prey whose eyes were filled with tears, he gawked as he found an electrical bolt about to collide with his face. BULLSEYE! Spasming in such an intense way as to launch himself off his steed, he hit the floor, stunned. The dragon wouldn’t return, it dare not approach the master’s body without permission, instead slipping back into the cracks and crevices of the cloud-carven structure. It wanted this giant’s brain for dinner!! “YOU VILE THING!!” Cursed the Storm Giant, hearing how chimerae were lording over hounds which teleported across the fortress in search of the frightened giants. So what if they all knew how to use a sword, not all of them wanted to! Not all of them had any to use without their smiths, the Jotulithids now acting as their assailants. That damned ladder down below was uncannily sturdy, resisting them with psychic prowess and sheer fortitude, each Jotulithid carrying a swarm of monsters if none could fly. “I’LL KILL YOU!!” Snarled the tear stricken giant, bleeding and scared as it felt the malicious intent radiating off the corpse. Even without these present present, there were intelligent life forms among the army. Life forms ready to continue the horrible things they’d been doing for so long! As he slowly succumbed to death, he chuckled, eyes on his target. “I had fun…” Sighed the amused Master of Madness, his steed no longer shifting between the planes nor polymorphing to fit in the smaller spaces of this place. No, as the giant turned, a sudden gout of psychic energy enveloped his mind. Within his mind’s eye flashed trillions of images! Kaleidoscopic landscapes, mountains screaming in laughter, ocean’s boiling in ecstasy, a sky made from goopy remains, aberrations filling every environmental niche. Among these images did he see two voids, two god-shaped holes simply admiring his panic. “We’ll be back.” Said one of them, scores of their kind filling his vision to speak as one. “We’ll be back!” They repeated, facets of the same, apathetic consciousness or a conglomerate of individuals working in unison purely to distress him further…None could say, least of all him. As his eyes returned to the present for a nanosecond, he knew the brainstealer’s intentions, finding his head engulfed in the tendrils which assisted in this creature’s eating habits. A brain so filthy rich with knowledge would keep it fed for decades, tentacles clamoring for spaces under his skin to work at the seams of his skull, finally managing to remove his brain like the contents of a cracked egg. Magic, power, history, even more was swiftly churned up in the abomination’s mouth before it felt the power surge. “I AM WHOOOOOOOOOLE.” Cried out the former steed. And far away, in another plane of existence altogether, there remained two Daelkyr. Formless to human eyes in this, their natural habitat, the god-shaped holes tilted to one another. “That really was fun, brother.” “We should do it again. This time, we do what the horny one did and get a partner.” Said the more masculine one, circulating himself in this mind wreck of a trainfuck dimension. “Why not make a harem?” Replied his sister, both of them postulating the untold possibilities for fun in their future. At least their brother was having fun as the victor, even if there were unforeseen consequences. // Sorry for the delay. Also, I hit KZbin’s word limit again 😬
@snazzyfeathers 3 жыл бұрын
How the hell do you fight something that large? You can't just run up and smack it in the ankles when they can just pick their foot up and crush you. Man combat mechanics are so weird.
@raykendo 3 жыл бұрын
By the time you're fighting one of these, hopefully you have boots of flying or a wizard that can cast the Fly spell. Even then... Good luck.
@Frostmute19 3 жыл бұрын
These videos are making me sad of my decision to have the dragons win the war against the giants in my region. I do intend to have at least one storm giant still around, as a melancholic prophet, foreseeing the doom of the mortals to the dragons if they do not find a way of bringing back his people. Is he lying just to get his people back? Do you want to gamble that? up to you :D
@Squigglyline52 3 жыл бұрын
This Allfather as an asshole take is new to me, it never occurred to me to interpret their lore as anything other than a straightforward story of the giants failing and their god reasonably expecting them to get it together before he returned. Yours is both more interesting and more morally sensible I think. 'S neat.
@taigerus4418 3 жыл бұрын
Eyyyy PERUN represent. Hype of Slavic tribes #ПерунGang
@RoadRunnerAldrin 3 жыл бұрын
UGH!! Who disliked this video? Who are they? Where can we find them?!
@NWLR-tv 3 жыл бұрын
Love the giant videos, can't wait for Stone Giants which are my favorite due to there lore
@raykendo 3 жыл бұрын
Great job in both art and presentation. Love the style of these giants.
@lordhogwash8393 3 жыл бұрын
Aka- best giants lol
@JustGeorge770 3 жыл бұрын
very cool
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