The moment Eclipse said “stupid astrals” our brain queued up Taurus stepping out the theater to “get in the water” 😅
@EnbyRiv2 ай бұрын
Eclipse saying "thanks" at the end when Ballora left is really telling of his character. He really does want to get closer to people but he's so used to being the enemy that he just automatically pushes people away, acting callous and cruel is easier for him. He's learning, slowly but surely
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
i feel bad for eclipse though its good that he is getting better with how he interacts with others
@leiarobinson35492 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm happy that he's slowly getting better at getting along with people and wanting to be closer :3
@ezequielmoralesmedina75012 ай бұрын
I think he like hers in my opinion or it just me?
@EnbyRiv2 ай бұрын
@@ezequielmoralesmedina7501 It's possible but I think Ballora has more interest in Sun and Moon
@MewMewBomb2 ай бұрын
The fact that Eclipse kinda chuckled a little bit at Sun around 1:54 ish makes me way happier than it should
@sleepy_xbox2 ай бұрын
1:40 I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that Solar would be appreciative of Eclipse saying "That's not another me."
@WafflesssFalling2 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree!
@sleepy_xbox2 ай бұрын
@@WafflesssFalling ^^!
@Estgolego2 ай бұрын
8:27 Sun gave Eclipse PTSD right then and there- ALSO the fact Sun and Ballora both said that he was a good guy now right after he said he tortured people with an unimaginable power is actually crazy, that probably surprised Eclipse.
@Estgolego2 ай бұрын
@TheCandycornTwink_Simp Yup😋
@Nightshade_SAMS_WOF_FAN2 ай бұрын
@TheCandycornTwink_Simp And Solar in your Profile pic
@SolarEclipseOGMoon2 ай бұрын
Eclipse already has ptsd :/ Its why I relate to him and Solar and now OG Moon.
@Estgolego2 ай бұрын
@@SolarEclipseOGMoon I meant that he just triggered it 😭
@Celeste_Rosebush2 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh, Eclipse is showing more and more emotions! Before you know it, he'll be able to express them in a healthy way! Edit: Why's this got so many likes?! THANK YOU!
@Silly-Little-Starlight2 ай бұрын
"Eclipse breaks down in vrcha-"
@weatherversse2 ай бұрын
this is pure comedy😊@@Silly-Little-Starlight
@Autism_Gremlin2 ай бұрын
Nyuuuuuu! Not the baby! TT
@Solar_superstardaycare2 ай бұрын
I agree with you!
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
@@Silly-Little-Starlight i won't we surprised if that does end up happening
@burntime80842 ай бұрын
Sunshine wants to see magic SO BAD, why don’t we just invite Sun over he’s literally a wizard in training. He could turn someone into a goose or something! Also AW that ending was so wholesome ❤️
@Glitch_Girl27032 ай бұрын
That's what I said in the first time Sun (and Moon) asked about magic I just don't understand why they don't just invite Sun over to their dimension to show Sunshine (and Moonlight) some magic
@25shadow11Ай бұрын
Also, despite Ballora and her.....vanity, ego, and stuck upness, she.... actually cares. She cares about her or who she thinks are, her friends. She actually takes the time to learn about others, not something you'd expect from her, considering her personality . And she can be very... patient and motherly, oddly enough.
@zzstacy_flowerzz92882 ай бұрын
Ballora is like a god damned older sister to Sun and Moon I swear to god. I love their friendship. I love her.
@ACelestialsHaven2 ай бұрын
Can't blame eclipse. Taurus is scary, especially if you used to misuse their power. 10:18 Eclipse turns into a poet in VRchat 21:12 "Thanks..." Eclipse is SLOWLY getting along with people. I'm glad ballora and him are getting along!
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
i understand why eclipse is scared of taurus he is really strong
@cmavc2 ай бұрын
@@moonrizer-qb5do only Earth stands a chance against Taurus, but even then that’s only if he’s not trying!
@CharlieWey-Thomas2 ай бұрын
Ballra’s acting like a parent. A good parent
@jinxxedXD2 ай бұрын
Especially not the rich divorced wine aunt with no kids that she acts like most of the time
@CharlieWey-Thomas2 ай бұрын
@@jinxxedXD I mean, when they get sober they are either really good people or really bad people
@My_amazing_drawings2 ай бұрын
5:12 the way her voice became so serious when saying that really means she cares about eclipse
@lemonessence43012 ай бұрын
I'm so proud of Eclipse opening up lately much more. First it's healthy. Second he just needs support even though he may think otherwise after everything he went through in the past. Past demons will haunt him but good he starts to finally see the bad in his past actions and wanna show that he can do better right now. Plus I think Taurus would understand if he showed remorse over those actions eventually but I know going back there bringing lots of heavy feelings.
@ot_serinea89142 ай бұрын
I love Eclipse, man, he's the best. EDIT: Let's just take a moment to appreciate how close Eclipse and Ballora are. Like she's one of the few people he doesn't insult. EDIT 2: OMG the little "thanks" at the end. I didn't hear that before Eclipse I'm so proud of you.
@Niff_Niffty2 ай бұрын
He seems to only get along with AFAB people I swear-
@Sky-vt9cu2 ай бұрын
@aimeecarrasco45332 ай бұрын
It seems like he only gets along with women tbh
@ot_serinea89142 ай бұрын
Have you guys noticed that most of the people he gets along with are women.
@I0.Ducky.0I2 ай бұрын
@@ot_serinea8914 Bc he’s ⭐️zesty⭐️ (lol)
@Eclipse172552 ай бұрын
wow... this shows so much character growth from Eclipse and Ballora... maybe her knowing she's not the only one made her want to be better, be the best Ballora ever... and Eclipse finally used manners!
@fireelixir842 ай бұрын
8:50 Ballora being like a mother-figure and parent to Sun in this video was so wholesome. 10:16 What he's saying is that he was God for a few months. 13:50 He did used to have magic, not anymore. And to be honest, it's probably for the best. 15:01 Sunny, Taurus and the Astrals are god-like comic entities, they doesn't use tech or social media! 16:27 Our Sun fears magic, this one is interested in it. 17:26 Only 10 bottles in one day.....and he used it all. How much money is that..... 19:36 Eclipse I think you should not have mentioned the Star. What if Ballors tells that to Moon and Monty and then they'll try to do that too, or have they all ready did that with the disco balls? 20:47 Eclipse you're making progress as you go on, don't give up. 21:12 DID HE SAY THANKS!
@Probably_A_Glitch2 ай бұрын
Sun fears magic because of what he's done you know killed Moon his brother that he always regretted about it. This Sun never experienced it before so that's why he is so interested in magic since he's still learning and new from our sun who's 3 years apart from this dimension
@EmilySpiritExT2 ай бұрын
XDDD Now I'm imagining Sunshine being on a toddler leash his size, and Eclipse has to hold him from running off XD
@MarsHeadspace2 ай бұрын
Someone needs to make fanart of this!
@EmilySpiritExT2 ай бұрын
@@MarsHeadspace I wish I could see it!
@VisionTheFox2 ай бұрын
aww ballora is so sweeet! how come the "mean girl" is more capable to talk sense and calm Sun down that anyone else!! gosh I love her! also loving how more open Eclipse is for the right people! how he clearly feels and lets out more emotions!! in neat!! finally he's saying what he did and is wonderfull no one is punching down on him for the past!! finally someone listen to the dude!
@edwardclark-dg6nq2 ай бұрын
12:12 YAY! Ballora finally said puppet's name right!
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
hope that means that they can be friends
@edwardclark-dg6nq2 ай бұрын
@cmavc2 ай бұрын
@@edwardclark-dg6nq same
@cmavc2 ай бұрын
They said it before in the girls night video, and from that point forward I thought Ballora referred to Puppet as Puppet!!
@edwardclark-dg6nq2 ай бұрын
@@cmavcoh, heh, I kinda forgot
@rok_the_crow12682 ай бұрын
Anyone else getting mom and dad energy from Ballora and Eclipse
@DebsZN1472 ай бұрын
Sorta noticing that Ballora is Earth in their demotion. 😮 Her favoriting both Sun and Moon than any animatronic, getting along with eclipse very well, and having a thing? With the Monty there sorta in a way
@Evelyn-kk3ds4 күн бұрын
His best friends are so alike lol
@25shadow112 ай бұрын
Eclipse, wanna make sun stop wanting to go to your dimension? Easy. Just have him talk to Dazzle, then after a long talk, *tell him who she is/was* . See how he feels after that :3
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
that would work though i have a feeling if eclipse did do that it would traumatize sunshine
@25shadow112 ай бұрын
@@moonrizer-qb5do yeah
@Lazuli_Starlight2 ай бұрын
That’s so evil. And I wanna see it.
@25shadow112 ай бұрын
@@Lazuli_Starlight lol, it'd stop him, at least.
@vickit91902 ай бұрын
Oh no no, tell Sunshine how Puppet magically made Freddy just by thinking about it.
@pushingcoyote2 ай бұрын
AWww Ballora is very sweet with Eclipse ^^ im happy she start to change slowly in good way
@KatK1t_.2 ай бұрын
Eclipse beig scared is surprising, yes.. BUT HE'S SUCH A CUTIE IN THE THUMBNAIL, AWWW!
@Jupiter_1st2 ай бұрын
@COSGUK2 ай бұрын
Solar and Eclipse are switching slowly I swear. Eclipse is becoming nicer and Solar is becoming more of an ass? I dunno XD
@gundamgamer70602 ай бұрын
Well, Eclipse was made from Solar's "nicer" code, and Solar was brought back with half of Eclipse's soul, so I'm not surprised they're both starting to act more like each other and sorta... meeting in the middle, so to speak?
@COSGUK2 ай бұрын
@@gundamgamer7060 Oof! If Solar ends up Evil they'll lose another brother. I really hope not.
@gundamgamer70602 ай бұрын
@@COSGUK I don't think it's gonna go _that_ far, especially after seeing how Moon 2.0 turned into Nexus. I think it's just that he's not bottling stuff up and actually venting his emotions more now.
@kikiblue71692 ай бұрын
@@gundamgamer7060 eclipse admitted he lied about using his own "soul"
@ElysianEyes2 ай бұрын
@@COSGUKOh hi Cos, lmao
@dreambig34342 ай бұрын
Eclipse? Scared? Whoa...
@Fandom_Frenzy-o2u2 ай бұрын
He’s gaining emotion :3
@Sky-vt9cu2 ай бұрын
Fr :d
@TheFoolOfSpades2 ай бұрын
19:36 Eclipse, don’t mention the star around her, she’ll bring it up around Monty or Moon or something and then it’ll just spiral out of control again
@Estgolego2 ай бұрын
I noticed that too and was like 😃 to 😨
@Lunar_1213Ай бұрын
@Lunar_1213Ай бұрын
@JennaBrock-m9d2 ай бұрын
Eclipse has been becoming more of a better person every episode
@EmilySpiritExT2 ай бұрын
Makes sense Eclipse would be afraid of Taurus beating his ass for what the previous Evil Eclipses have done!
@Starr_062 ай бұрын
Well Eclipse doesn’t need to worry that much, as long as he stays in THIS universe it’ll be fine- :D *watch a few days later Eclipse goes back to the other dimension 💀✋*
@Jupiter_1st2 ай бұрын
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
what if eclipse went back to the main dimension and straight away meets by taurus
@IntelligentBiscuit2 ай бұрын
I like how paitent Ballora is with Eclipse here, it's nice and that 'thanks' at the end kinda proves he appreciates how she was considerate. I think he's also thankful for how Ballora talked Sun out of wanting to go to Eclispe's original dimension.
@CheeseVA562 ай бұрын
Omg Taurus is there 0:43 love how sun is so pure 1:34 he way too self aware 3:06 oh God pls no 3:36 her trauma 3:44 that because of trauma 5:35 well close he is running and there is someone hunting him 6:35 just do it send them to there 7:40 ruin killed so many 8:27 stop sun oh my god stop 9:54 don't force it Sun 11:03 eclipse shhhh 12:54 yeah it's true 13:45 man don't break his dreams 14:52 don't mumbled Sun 15:13 pls stop my head is hurting 16:45 thank God Taurus is not here yet 17:07 what the helll oh God 10 bottles of bleach 17:47 thank God our sun is not like this anymore 18:21 what omg he spending more then Ballrola 19:45 oh God stop talking about the star 21:16 friend ship achievement
@FNAFhomie2 ай бұрын
Lmao So pure sun🫶
@Gamer_catz2 ай бұрын
I agree about the star omg
@aimeecarrasco45332 ай бұрын
I like how all of his friendships and relationships with women are platonic :) idk I think it's just cute/sweet to see like interact with women In such a pure platonic and nice way :)
@mossyhills2 ай бұрын
I think at this point Eclipse is just tired of existing
@tegandumpleton33602 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice that everytime Eclipse talks about his trauma, the lower and more gravelly his voi e gets?
@M00nsia-s2q2 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Ruin actually killed more that a trillion. He killed 40,000,000,000,000 tredecilion (idk how to spell it lol) 13 zeros. I actually did the math lol.
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
thanks for telling us that
@jasonjohnson46462 ай бұрын
oh shoot, you actually did the math
@M00nsia-s2q2 ай бұрын
@@jasonjohnson4646 The boredom and curiosity got the better of me
@AngryDinoRawr162 ай бұрын
I’d be scared of an astral body after doing what Eclipse has done too
@TheFoolOfSpades2 ай бұрын
If Eclipse won’t let Sunshine go to the other dimension because it’s too dangerous (I agree with Eclipse FULLY on this front), and Sunshine is too stubborn to give up on seeing magic, then why don’t we give Sunshine and Moonlight access to Eclipse’s, or even give them their own, inter-dimensional contact with the other Sun and Moon? Sun can show Sunshine magic and Moon and Moonlight can continue talking to each other
@lugia02152 ай бұрын
Clips said thanks under his breath at the end there!!! Character development whoooo
@raya_moon2 ай бұрын
Wait wait wait... scared?! He's scared of something for once?!
@Jestertheprankster2 ай бұрын
He’s taking about ruin
@cmavc2 ай бұрын
@@Jestertheprankster Is he talking about Ruin? I thought it was Taurus!!
@VisionTheFox2 ай бұрын
he is been showed scared before, sad too, just need to re watch the old eps in the sun and moon show! mostly the star arc! he is capable to feel. just he rather hide it away , he is a moon at the core!
@raya_moon2 ай бұрын
@@VisionTheFox ya, i get that, its just odd to see for once, its been a while
@VisionTheFox2 ай бұрын
@@raya_moon a loong time really! so I get the feeling! is just also funnt seeying people hearing Eclipse capable of fearing and being suprised haha
@Thatchaoscreator2 ай бұрын
Rip Eclipse, lets hope Taurus doesn't scare him too bad... Or worse.
@fnaffreak_872 ай бұрын
"It was at that moment that the king felt fear for the first time" ah video 😭 (but fr i don't blame him for being scared of Taurus lol)
@Goose8312 ай бұрын
@Levi-The-L3viathan2 ай бұрын
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
eclipse has become a better person and I'm proud of him
@Gerogigi2 ай бұрын
Is Emperorvalentine okay?! I hope he is, get better soon! Edit: Ballora is a top dog today with Sun! She's pretty good at handling the spontaneous nature of his personality!
@wildfoxstyle902 ай бұрын
Boy oh boy, eclipse sounds like a dad recalling his youth, when he was in his prime. To two youngster (aka Sun and Ballora). (ngl kinda reminds me of the old Rockstar Freddy that Davis use to play in Bryan's MC Fnaf series). XD But man it makes sense, one of the reasons eclipse went to this dimension was to escape from having to deal with the repercussions, the consequences, the punishments he would receive for his past discrepancies/ actions. I don't blame him for not wanting to go back, nor wanting to stay either. But glad to see he's more open and getting better!❤❤❤☺
@Jestertheprankster2 ай бұрын
6:35 he’s talking about ruin cuz of the knows what is dangerous
@New3DSLuigi3642 ай бұрын
BTW. . . I Wonder when we'll get to see either: 1. OUR Andrew talking to the Andrew of THIS Dimension 2. More of The Glamrock Foxy that originates from THIS Dimension[the one who OUR Foxy, aka His Imposter that he stole the job of] 3. Seeing more progress of Eclipse Building a New Body for OUR Andrew, The Andrew of THIS Dimension, and the Body of Jake 4. Getting to meet the Woman in Room 1280[aka Wanda Afton]
@violedominguez23462 ай бұрын
I never thought eclipse would be scared of Taurus
@Jupiter_1st2 ай бұрын
Same here blud
@violedominguez23462 ай бұрын
@@Jupiter_1stwelp ig he is gaining emotion
@Bonniethebunny2 ай бұрын
He's always been scared of the astrals. Even v2 was terrified of the astrals.
@RattTheChaosGremlin2 ай бұрын
@aimeecarrasco45332 ай бұрын
Ballora really feels like this dimensions earth in this episode 💕
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
i hope earth gets to meet Ballora that is if they haven't already met
@Dingle-Berri2 ай бұрын
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
hopefully that means that they are slowly becoming friends
@chippybug2 ай бұрын
I’m scared of Taurus too, Eclipse:( You’re not alone on that one 12:27 aww
@OynxWolf112 ай бұрын
"Nami na na Yo yo yo" Rockstar Foxy: Eh, Sun. I love you to pieces buddy. But no one understands gobbledygook.
@Silly-r3r2 ай бұрын
Sun acts like a child while eclipse is the father 1:11
@MossGreen192 ай бұрын
Dear God, we have Davis to the fourth power here. What were they saying about cloning tech 😂
@Clarabara-u1j20 күн бұрын
2:07 sun: what’s the crap?💩
@Clarabara-u1j20 күн бұрын
8:30 technically ballora is correct science is sortof like magic💡
@VisionTheFox2 ай бұрын
THATS LAST SECOND OH GODNESS!! Ballora Ilove you so much!! she is so considerate and kind!! so patient and knows when to step out!! godness!! this is the type of friend Eclipse needs!
@tiredcatmei2 ай бұрын
Eclipse has different emotions other than hate and anger WOW
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
i wonder if we will ever see eclipse happy
@IvyDoggins2 ай бұрын
12:10 I don't see why Foxy and FC can't take Sunlight and Moonlight. Chances are Sunlight will be too focused on wanting to see magic to simp for him.
@Fandom_Frenzy-o2u2 ай бұрын
@FNAFhomie2 ай бұрын
@Jupiter_1st2 ай бұрын
@Fandom_Frenzy-o2u2 ай бұрын
@FNAFhomie2 ай бұрын
@@Fandom_Frenzy-o2u YE AND FIGHT
@Jupiter_1st2 ай бұрын
@@Fandom_Frenzy-o2u lol we all say in union- FIGHTTT
@Starlightlove12 ай бұрын
Wow that is surprising I thought eclipse was one of those people who aren’t scared but now we know who he is scared of :> ❤
@lovins742 ай бұрын
I think EmperorValentine is on break maybe sick but if you've noticed they aren't acting here
@FNAF_SQUAD5672 ай бұрын
0:29 Sunshine: Hiiiii Eclipse Eclipse: What do you want? 1:23 To be honest, Sunshine, there's many things out there in his Dimension. Death happens almost every corner and things that you shouldn't put yourself in danger cause there are people from different dimensions that go there and cause trouble 1:58 - Eclipse: You really wanna know what's going on over there cause you really don't wanna know and get yourself concerned over there 5:13 Ballora: Are you running from Something? *Eclipse looks away mad* 5:46 Eclipse: I. Don't. Want. To. Go. There. 6:00 It's not really that peaceful. Eclipse is somewhat right about that/how dangerous everything is/dangerous people there are 6:46 - 8:08 *Eclipse explaining many things that has happened because of Ruin* 8:18 Sunshine: They said that they have Magic where there From! Eclipse: *Signs* *Annoyed* 9:40 Sunshine just drop it, it's really dangerous, and I love how Ballora is trying to warn Sun about what could be in Eclipse's Dimension, sunce they really don't know anything/what's going on 11:38 Ballora: I believe he's Change Sunshine: But Eclipse is Good [I love how they see him as a Godo Person, even if he curses or gets made at them Sometimes]🥺 12:19 - 12:23 *Sun crying/Getting on the Ground* Sunshine: I want to see Magic.🥺 12:43 Ballora is really trying to avoid and tell Sunshine that it's Probably dangerous and that they both don't know anything 15:42 Ballora: what did We just say, It's a Bad Idea Sunshine: It's a Bad Idea 17:27 - 18:02 Sunshine, sweetie, why are you using so much Bleach for Cleaning, like every Detail🤯 19:18 - 20:26 *Eclipse explaining everything about Himself of how He died and is still here, but only has the Memories* In general, I don't like talking about how he's a Cloen and only has the Memories since it just sounds Rude in a way and I don't see Eclipse of how he was back then, but a Good Person and his Own Person🖤🧡 21:13 Eclipse: Thanks [Even if he doesn't say this to their Faces, he appreciates Them/Cares] I love how Ballora wants to know and understand more about Eclipse, and towards Sunshine, she was like No, We don't know anything about their Place and the minute Eclipse told them a bit about what has happened there, She was like NOPE! And decided that she isn't gonna go there nor wants Sunshine to go there and that they should be Lucky that nothing has happened to them We all understand why Eclipse would be scared of Taurus, since back them he used Star Power and used it for Bad, but at the same time, he only has the Memories of doing that, he technically didn't do it, it was really the Original and even if Taurus hurted or even Kill Eclipse for anything that he has done or hasn't since he ain't the Original [Technically] I would Cry, I would probably Hate Taurus for a Long Time and if Earth found Out she would be really Upset, cause that's her Friend, and sometimes or I do feel like Puppet would be upset too and try to defend Eclipse [Like when she tried to make sure that Cringe Foxy didn't throw him against a wall or anything] I also just love how Ballora was in this Video, how she was talking to Sun about how dangerous the Dimensions can be, since Eclipse explained somethings and then wanting to know more about Eclipse and sees him as a Good Person, Sunshine also said that, and is there if He needs her🥺❤️
@Crazyandysworld2 ай бұрын
Not ballora being a big sister to sun
@Mapl3_is_tired2 ай бұрын
Eclipse being scared is interesting but every episode he becomes better at his emotions I’m happy that he’s getting better every episode and will be able to show them in a healthy way :D
@branisaradojkovic67872 ай бұрын
Eclipse is scared of Taurus… I didn’t even saw Taurus. 17:40 Sun : Then the ceilings. Eclipse and Ballora : The ceiling!? What do you mean the ceiling Sun?! You can’t even use the rope thingy to fly up!
@kdepp902 ай бұрын
Ballora: "I'm sorry that you died. Im gonna give you some space just now, bye" Eclipse: "... Thanks..." 😐😕
@vcsurti2 ай бұрын
@DadethBorres-wq1rq2 ай бұрын
Purple guy: I all ways come back eclipse: I all way come back
@Darkstary-l2h2 ай бұрын
Everyone loves ✨️eclipse angst✨️
@Jupiter_1st2 ай бұрын
IM HERE EARLY FOR ONCE HELLO EVERYONE ANYWAYS ECLIPSE SCARED?!? Never knew Taurus would go to eclipse and puppets dimension 🧍
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
hello i hope you have a great day
@New3DSLuigi3642 ай бұрын
OH GOOD. . . We Don't even have to worry about Taurus; Because Eclipse is NOT Taking Sunshine OR Bellora back to that place; Because Taurus would OBLITERATE HIM FOR WHAT HE DID!! I Just Hope that Molly Gator doesn't cause THIS Dimension's Taurus to destroy the Planet of THIS Dimension because of her creating THAT BLASTED STAR
@RaleighStansell2 ай бұрын
Ballora is like a mom to Sun
@Ace_Of_All_Cards2 ай бұрын
Yeah, honestly, it was about time. He got that talk. Also he’s showing more and more emotions each day now and it’s interesting.
@tabithaelledge90382 ай бұрын
Okay I totally heard clips say "thanks" at the end and also ballora is just like Earth like what the heck ballora could be eclipses Earth and not to mention since Earth can't be around eclipse all the time so like this is just the best time I've ever had so far!
@Sam-dew2 ай бұрын
... reasons why ballora x eclipse might happen (I cant be the only one who sees it happening tho) 1. He's never insulted her 2. She's closer to him then earth 2a. He insulted earth at most twice but never ballora 3. He said thanks to her (at the verry end of the vid 21:09)
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
i would love if that happens it sounds so cute
@Sam-dewАй бұрын
@moonrizer-qb5do ikr but it got squashed by monty liking ballora 😭😭
@yumi3962 ай бұрын
I feel like sun gonna go on an adventure due to the positive one or maybe eclipse will take sun to the magic tree moon seen...
@Mumei_silly2 ай бұрын
Never thought I’d see the day Eclipse is genuinely scared of someone
@Calypso-QWEEN2 ай бұрын
@AndrewSheldon-wx2xc2 ай бұрын
It is very surprising for Bellora of all people to be the voice of reason in this.
@Inky_Kuro2 ай бұрын
That tiny thanks at the end :'3
@Melanie-hx2zj2 ай бұрын
Eclipse is scared? Woah thats new, i mean its kinda normal to be scsred of Taurus but its quite new for him to be scared. He doesn't really show that emotion
@aleferquiroz15602 ай бұрын
Taurus don't hurt him he's changed please! Don't hurt him 😢😨
@moonrizer-qb5do2 ай бұрын
i feel like eclipse is going to need to show taurus that he has changed that he is no longer bad like how og eclipse was
@aleferquiroz15602 ай бұрын
I'm scared I'm hoping Taurus won't hurt him he's being good throughout these weeks
@justMoon-1102 ай бұрын
1:54 omg did eclipse just giggle?? thats so cute🥰
@Z_Doggi2 ай бұрын
Eclipse being afraid? That’s a shocker.
@Sillymoon112 ай бұрын
Ballora is gentle parenting sun 😭🫶
@EmilySpiritExT2 ай бұрын
Sunshine has least brain cells than Jack I swear!
@LilaBean722 ай бұрын
I’m actually crying rn, he said that’s like he meant it actually and sound in his voice ⭐️😭⭐️
@nickdavis62372 ай бұрын
He said thanks!!
@lemonvegas2 ай бұрын
Ballora is so nice, she definitely in my top favs now
@SkittleShark272 ай бұрын
Who isn't at this point??? Eclipse imma hide behind you in fact . . .
@courtneydowns29172 ай бұрын
Eclipse was very general of her as a friend because She actually cares for her and worries about him.And all that tries to help him out with sun They had like a Rocky relationship in the start. But it seemed like more of the time they spend, the more they start to like each other. I don't think as romantically. I see them as good friends.
@MOLTEN-Freddy2 ай бұрын
He's going through the stages of grief guilt now fear but the question is who is he grieving
@ERINCHAMPION50002 ай бұрын
But of course Sun wants to do some dimensional travel, my guy I'm sorry, but I'm with Eclipse on this one. There's stuff over there you do NOT want to mess with. Star power, Astrals, the Creatore, Nexus, Dark/Negative Star power.. honestly, just a whole load of bad stuff you don't want a part of. Glad Ballora was able to convince Sun to not pry so much into dimensional travel, it's for the best. But dude- at the end of this video I nearly fell off my chair- Ballora establishing she genuinely cares about Eclipse and sees him as a friend was so sweet. But what threw me off was Eclipse saying "Thanks" at the end. He's opening up more! I'm so happy for him!
@The_Lost_puppeteer2 ай бұрын
Woah I never thought eclipse would be scared of bull man
@LightBloodmoonshow2 ай бұрын
Can't blame him,I'd be scared too
@sephypsycologist2 ай бұрын
Ballora's actually growing on me. She's trying to be a good friend to sun and eclipse. that's nice.
@KanaTokisho2 ай бұрын
I mean Eclipse should be fine so long as he stays away from his dimension. Sunlight wants to go back to talk to Sun and Moon more :3 Eclipse: It's not me, it's not another me I mean technically Solar IS another Eclipse soooo Ballora: Why do you hate the dimension so much? Trauma...And Taurus...But mostly trauma. Sunlight is so innocent and sweet, he thinks it'll be easy for Eclipse to say he's all good now. I mean TBF pretty sure Castor said that because he's technically not the same person he can't be judged in the same way. More likely Taurus will just want to give a warning to Eclipse. Why can't Eclipse just like call Earth and just set up a playdate for Sunlight? If he's so insistant then like surely it wouldn't be an issue, plus Sun has magic and so Sunlight will be happy I love how Ballora is kinda very sweet to everyone, almost motherly but not like exactly. HE WHISPERED A THANKS! LOOK AT HIM! SO PROUD!
@Estgolego2 ай бұрын
Wait what episode did Castor say that???
@KanaTokisho2 ай бұрын
@@Estgolego It's 'Eclipse is confronted' in TSAMS. He said that if he was the same Eclipse he would have been tried and judged instantly but he's technically not, but also is at the same time? Eclipse is kinda weird.
@Estgolego2 ай бұрын
@jellytastesgood-ux1tv2 ай бұрын