MORE MISTAKES to FIX and HABITS TO STOP!! | Player Guide | Warhammer 40k: DARKTIDE

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Ryken XIV

Ryken XIV

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Here are 12 more bad habits to break and common mistakes you can very easily learn to stop making! From the unspoken etiquette around Grims, to ammo box courtesy, there's much for players new and old to discover about themselves when it comes their own gaming habits and how they operate as a player!
0:00 Intro
0:44 Books
1:58 Demonhost Annoyance
3:06 Scooby-Dooing Monsters
3:59 Space For Revives
5:35 Not Rallying
6:46 Not Freeing Trapped Teammates
7:32 Not Meleeing Void Shield
8:26 Giving Up Ground
9:41 Pulling Enemies
10:44 Double Dipping
12:05 Not Looking Out
13:41 Poxburster Bust
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@animalxINSTINCT89 Жыл бұрын
When playing as an Ogryn, make sure whenever a veteran uses volley fire to stand directly in front of them
@thepiousskeleton6046 Жыл бұрын
Happens in the majority of pub games I play with Ogryns and it isn't limited to volley fire shots, it's whenever I'm taking out priority targets at ranged. Without fail, an Ogryn will step directly in front of me lol.
@rareraven Жыл бұрын
These melee focused Ogryn need to sidestep more often, I can still hit a target, in an entire mags worth of bullets.
@Wulfsbane650 Жыл бұрын
Every. Single. Time.
@ShiningDarknes Жыл бұрын
Use plasma gun to avoid this ever being a problem, allies can't block the plasma gun lol. But yeah I typically shove my back against a wall and strafe while swinging to take up as little of the halls as possible.
@fakechemicals Жыл бұрын
It's almost guaranteed that as soon as I line a shot up on an elite someone will run through me and take the bullet for the enemy.
@dabundis Жыл бұрын
Another point about poxbursters: If the whole team is shooting at a burster while it runs down a long hallway toward you, running toward it to make the heroic shove is an unnecessary risk
@coreylarcomb4879 6 ай бұрын
I face tank them as a zealot. It's just the cost of an ability charge I'll have back in about 5-10 melee swings. Which I will be doing anyways. It's better I take the 0 damage, than my team being flung off cliffs in different directions, or into hordes. Because everyone is trash but me. I don't need to keep picking a whole team up just because you can't sponge a little boom boom.
@enzime 8 ай бұрын
Someone already said it but, if you play as ogryn, walk directly through your teammates as they are shooting, so your giant back swallows up half their clip, do this over and over, and also get netted and pox pounced at every chance
@johnswift6541 7 ай бұрын
im sorry we just get so lost the sauce of meeleeing everything...
@cyberleaderandy1 4 ай бұрын
Its still happening in March 2024 as I was trying to gun down some specialists with my Veteran for a penance. Through me waltzes an ogryn and his character then tells me not to shoot him 😂 It'll always happen and I no doubt do it myself but it'll never chance i think.
@choombaguette Жыл бұрын
very helpful video! i will make sure to incorporate these bad habits into my own gameplay to aggravate my teammates even more!
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Yes, Inquisitor, it's this one over here!
@MarkSmith8357 Жыл бұрын
I not sure but I believe theres an unwritten rule that requires this to happen lol,
@ENCHANTMEN_ Жыл бұрын
One thing that's annoying is ammo boxes don't indicate that there's 4 charges. Until I found out I thought it was infinite and had a timer
@jumpingman6612 9 ай бұрын
@derek96720 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I didn't know about the charges either
@pennding3415 9 ай бұрын
I thought it was a pool like the med kit
@burnsZY85 8 ай бұрын
Yea some things just are not explained like this.
@superspies32 6 ай бұрын
Me too, so when abother vet with torrent weapon dropped it, I constant spamming bolter be caus I believed it has unlimited ammo, until I burned entire stash before he returned to replenish his gun
@Quillwell 9 ай бұрын
As a zealot, I was on a damnation high intensity mission. In the lobby before we started, I said I was going to mainly use the 'puff' from my flamer, same as the warpfire staff, to stagger the specials to make it easier for others. It was immediate co-operation and comradery, as ragers and maulers were staggered and everyone was very quick to mark the ammo for me. An unfortunate chaos spawn during a horde, combined with being focused my a mutant put an unfortunate end to the mission, but it was still amazing
@Gigawood 7 ай бұрын
I love when teamwork gels like that
@matthewhughes1950 7 ай бұрын
It's such an underrated little quirk. I run blaze force sword and pergatus flame staff with psy daggers.
@cyberleaderandy1 4 ай бұрын
A good team is a lovely thing but its truly annoying that you get a spawn, a hoard and a mutie, that goes after an ogryn, all at once, that can wreck in seconds that which was goung so well.
@jacobvriesema6633 Жыл бұрын
On this day, the 14 of May in the year of our Emporer 2023, I learned I was an Ammo Goblin. I had no idea it was charge-based. Like the endless hordes of heretics, I shall eliminate my bad habits one at a time until I am pure in the eyes of the Emperor.
@friskdreemurr1155 8 ай бұрын
Another tip, if there’s a Psyker on your team with the Purgatus staff handling a horde, there is absolutely no reason for you to be dumping mag after mag of ammo into it. If there’s crushers, maulers, or bulwarks in there, sure, but they can stagger and kill pretty much everything else without you wasting all of your ammo that would be much better spent on snipers and gunners that they can’t reach in the next room. Watch their back or even help them with melee, but please stop wasting your ammo. Follow up to this, if you have such a Psyker on your team, and you’re the guy with a good ranger weapon, prioritize the shooters. This Psyker will single-handedly keep you safe from all but the most resilient melee threats, but they are vulnerable to shooters sitting outside their fire range. It’s your duty to handle those things, particularly if you’re a veteran with a lasgun or auto gun if any sort. Do that, and the mission with be easy, I promise. Edit: I just realized you covered this already in your Malice trap video, but it’s still worth reiterating, considering how commonly I see it on Damnation somehow…
@botep5529 8 ай бұрын
This exactly this. Im a vet main and sometimes if my zealot is engaging a horde and can handle it fine ill just sit back and relax. Ill take a drink of water and keep my eyes and ears open for specials and ranged. Know your teamates jobs but more importantly know your own job
@france.the_bastard 8 ай бұрын
This for flamer zealots too. I play a lot of flamer zealot and sometimes ill be locking down a horde of trash mobs with the flamer and the other players are trying to farm kills on them while there are gunners and snipers I cant deal with harrying the party. Especially when I'm mowing down a horde and then get knocked out of my torrent by a rager that ran up on me from behind because the frontline melee members were trying to get as many kills as possible in the horde i was already handling 💀
@glitchframe6784 8 ай бұрын
​​@@france.the_bastard this 100% i just dont understand what is so hard about saying "hey my teammate has this, let me watch thier back/ they have the close range, let me handle the long range with my LONG range weapon" lol
@Bashaka104 7 ай бұрын
Tell me you are a psyker main withoit telling me you are a psyker main
@thewalrusx 4 ай бұрын
as a zealot if i see a psyker using that staff on a hord, I generaly stand near or in front of them while meleeing or ready to mele, so the psyker doesn't take any damage while charging or releasing the staff, the flames go right through teammates so you don't have to worry about blocking them
@shosroy 8 ай бұрын
Well, I did not actually know that the boss shields took 300% melee damage and took 50% range damage. So that’s nice to know now. Also, as a veteran main, I definitely learned very quickly in heretic and damnation difficulties not to Aggro enemies far away.
@Starlesslight Жыл бұрын
I wish I could find these mythical people you talk about with who stick together and use proper tactics. I can count on one hand the number of times I've played over the last six months where it felt like I've played with a group that was working like a well oiled machine. It certainly is a beautiful thing when it does though.
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
My most consistent experience of getting players like these are from the Darktide Discord! That being said, I haven't played with discord players in a long time and just chance it with quickplay, hoping the God-Emperor sees my struggles and sends me his best... (or at least, not his worst..)
@ThePutativeFrosty Жыл бұрын
As the game only gets easier you are going to see less and less of it
@BimmWPBS Жыл бұрын
I had an odd experience just the other day of the mythical coordinated pug group everything ran so smoothly it was incredible.
@FirstLast-wk3kc Жыл бұрын
Play damnation, the highest chance to see that
@mickalvelez6572 9 ай бұрын
What's yall xbox one tag
@InspectorGadget923 Жыл бұрын
The flip side of pox busters is also true. If you have someone unloading into a burster on the other side of the room, don't go charging at it to show off your leet push skillz.
@mosthole 7 ай бұрын
not really showing off its literally just saving ammo and being efficient tard
@redshiftracing7583 7 ай бұрын
I’ve got one. Ogryn players, (Ogryn player myself) just because you hit the enemy, especially if you knock them down, doesn’t mean they’re dead! Walking behind you, especially as ranged players, is the worst when half the enemies that were just on the ground start getting back up and are now surrounding you. Look for at least the red tick on the reticle to make sure they’re dead. Also most enemies that are killed rag-doll and drop their weapons when they die. If you see that falling/tripping animation then that dude ain’t dead. Bonk em again
@cyberleaderandy1 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Still learning the ropes but as you say when a team works together its a beautiful thing and so very obvious it's going well.
@DrTarte Жыл бұрын
I've been here since beta and never knew about the void shield ranged resistance and massive melee weakness (°-° )
@thewretchedpleb7484 Жыл бұрын
Same, but I learned pretty quickly that as long as I have a flamer it doesn't really matter :P so i didnt know this either. Also if you didnt know, chainaxe is ridiculously good at breaking his shield. Think the thunder hammer can insta break it with an electrified heavy attack, as well. Haven't tried it with the power maul tho.
@holokom3330 Жыл бұрын
Same. I also played up to lv 18 in the pre order beta, and have reached lv 30 3 times since, but didnt knew that :D
@rhaokros4836 Жыл бұрын
ripper gun will also shred the shield but its more fun to bull rush him to the ground than use that.
@infernityable1369 Жыл бұрын
I literally just noticed this while playing a game this weekend because I ran out of ammo, and Melee was the only option left after a month of playing the game 😅.
@williammoore2673 8 ай бұрын
As a new player I want to thank you for the video. I am trying to learn as much as possible so I can be a good team mate, one that everyone wants on their team. I have made a few of these and did not realize what I was doing now I do thank you. I will strive to be better.
@lovromaras8574 Жыл бұрын
Wasting ammo on targets, that are being taken care of.... Psyker charging the brain burst (denying the buff thingy they get), Strong melee fighters engaged in melee, as well as wasting bullets on small melee groups (non-elite/ non-specialists) ....too often I see these players running out of ammo, when they need it for specialists/elites to take care of
@brandonttimothy7389 9 ай бұрын
As a psycher nothing irritates me more than building up 25 peril for nothing
@0Dexter00 9 ай бұрын
I swear, psykers act like they fucking own the brain burst target. If an enemy is right in my life of fire, and it's an important target, then why would I wait for you to pop him when I can just brain him myself? Not to mention how not shooting at an enemy protects everyone behind him that would also be caught in the crossfire.
@Ashen_Night116 8 ай бұрын
@@0Dexter00 Don't call them out like that man! They'll start screeching and throwing a tantrum!
@vanillaicecream2385 8 ай бұрын
zelots and ogryns need chumps in melee to regain their toughness, so by killing them all you're leaving them defenseless
@Redditor6079 8 ай бұрын
As a Psyker, nothing irritates me more than seeing other psykers use BB on Pox Walkers when they could be 1 hitting the pox walkers with blaze bolts to the head.
@templargfx Жыл бұрын
I love it when you mark out the Demeonhost and a vet runs into it anyway, dies and rage-quits. (why is it always a vet!)
@thewalrusx 4 ай бұрын
if i had a dime for every time somone pulls a marked DH... SMH
@cyberleaderandy1 4 ай бұрын
Yep, we had a marked one, were tiptoeing round it and the idiot shot it from above anyway. He got annihilated by it as we couldn't get back to him. He might learn, he might not.
@bfranciscop 11 ай бұрын
Useful pox buster info. Most people shove them and then double dash back to get completely out of the blast area. Generally doable if you're not very pressured. There's an easier way to do it, but it's terrain-dependent. Any environmental object will block the blast. You can shove the buster and walk (or slide) behind a corner. Even a little waist high box will do. Or a barrel. If abuster is detonating near you and you weren't able to push it, sometimes you can just move behind a box and save yourself.
@matthewdh123 Жыл бұрын
I didn't know about the void shield thing. That alone made this video worth its weight in gold.
@Barak43 Жыл бұрын
concerning poxbusters, as a psyker who mainly use brainburst, it happened pretty often the opposite... i notice a pox far away, launch a brainburst, have to look away or lose sight of the poxbuster, and explose it... realising someone rushed it (lot of time a zealot) to late... frustrating. i won't say the other guy is always at fault, as it can be me that doesn't look correctly at where are my teammates at the time. but it'd help if other players would notice a brainburst charging more often lol
@AngelxSwift Жыл бұрын
Yeah it really drives me crazy when I clearly have it already targeted to brain burst and someone else moves towards it. You can see the blue glow what are you doing??
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Yea... this... this does happen a lot and you're always hoping that your teammates can see you've got it covered..
@ShiozakiSama Жыл бұрын
It is not so much they do not notice the obvious blue radiating hue around the head, as they want to have THEIR name on the top left of the screen making people think they are doing work. More often than not, those are the most useless or least synergetic teammates. As a psyker you have the best capability to deal with the furtherst range elites or specials. 2 brainbursts will ko a mutant. Everything else usualy takes only one BB. I just like to chock it up to, Of the burster blew up in your face? did you get flung off the map? Did you learn anything? No, probably not they will just be oblivious to it and do it again the next available chance they get.
@joevexotic Жыл бұрын
brain burst? you mean target highlighting? /s
@johndortheknight4802 9 ай бұрын
Honestly the biggest issue here is that the blue aura has absolutely no explanation Unless you play as a psyker for the longest time I figured it was some kind of passive stagger because it takes so long to kill or even damage anything.
@orums2606 Жыл бұрын
Honestly people giving up ground is one of my biggest reasons for my captures. I don’t know how many times I was lighting up a kill feed only to look around and see the team bolted in the other direction leaving me to deal with the patrol/horde. I fight hard for my choke points and people give them up for next to nothing. But honestly the biggest bad habit that encompasses many you’ve outlined is tunnel vision. Sure, main hero syndrome is annoying af, but nothing is worse than watching 3 people chase down specials and spawn points. People are very much “eyes on the action” as opposed to maintaining their sector or paying attention to the enemy back line. Another honorable mention would have to be squads with no long ranged support. A lasgun or vraks can make a huge difference in the amount of ranged fire you take. Quite often as a veteran, I just kick back and play sniper and I noticed my team(s) average health staying much higher
@gweny2494 Жыл бұрын
One thing I must correct you on about the assassins target shield! The ogryns ripper gun in particular does *obscene* damage to his shield. I think the heavy stubber does unusually high damage as well, but no where near the massacring that the ripper gun does.
@c4rnagEc4 10 ай бұрын
agree some mele will be to slow compare to automatic fast attack ratio
@coryselby7770 6 ай бұрын
I regularly chew through that shield with a krourk hvy stubber. It's a VERY effective tactic.
@Lolk266 Жыл бұрын
To add to the burster thing, I think something that should be mentioned for the other side of the issue is that you shouldn’t change the burster while your teammates are already firing at it from a distance. Had a psyker get pissy with us because he decided to sprint at it while the veteran was already in the middle of killing it from a safe distance.
@slayedslyr Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad I instinctively used the ammo boxes once then buggered off most times. Only learned recently there were set uses when someone complained about another double dipping 🤣
@tyhar7493 Жыл бұрын
Personal gripe is when you do the assassinate missions. When you enter the lift for the final boss and hear a flamer, bomber or mutant about to come in and you don't deal with it before triggering or immediately after exiting the lift. I've had plenty of folks run in and go for the captain with one or more of these at our backs.
@henriboteule Жыл бұрын
other weapons that can push bursters are : - flamer primary attack - Agripinaa Mk VIII Braced Autogun (the brown one) other than that, many weapon special attacks can easily stagger them and they cost no stamina! - any ogryn melee weapon special that involves punching of slapping - some tac axe specials - heavy laspistol special with psyker (uses a force push) I suspect many others but I haven't tried them all - any ranged weapon special attack that uses the butt of the gun like infantry autoguns, revolver, bolter...? - monitorum shovels, combat axe specials?
@johndortheknight4802 9 ай бұрын
Bolter indeed knocks em down but only use 2-3 shots once you get to five it's popping and it's most likely had a couple laz shots hit it already
@Minotaur-ey2lg 12 күн бұрын
When three of you are in the shuttle and that last person just has to solo that hoard charging you.
@johnstrickland7310 Ай бұрын
So I do feel like I am a great DT player (xbox series x), but I legit was using the ammo box all wrong. I didn't know it went off. Charges and not amounts like the health. I'm glad to have learned something new and useful. Thank u. Ur doing the Emperor's work.😊
@biblequotesdaily6618 Жыл бұрын
i know that bursters CAN be staggered by heavy guns, but you have to land a minimum of 2 shots to do so, then a third to pop it. ive noticed the agripina shotgun is really good at this, as you can dome the poxburster with a slug and follow up with a regular shell as it closes into medium range. one more shot is all it needs to pop at that point.
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Ooo... interesting to know! I'll pay attention to this the next time I've got my slug out!
@charlie2105 Жыл бұрын
8:26 I'd like to add not opening the doors to the next room while a horde just started.
@derkaiser9881 Жыл бұрын
I can't even begin to explain how much that ticks me off. Dude, we haven't even killed THIS group yet, why are you starting a new stage?! My favorite, however, is when they respond something like "get good" or "it's what pros do" like they're John Darktide lol
@Shachza Жыл бұрын
@@derkaiser9881 Or trying to trigger an airlock with a horde incoming... "We can take care of this now, OR we can take care of this in the next room PLUS the next room's adds." "I vote next room + adds! C'mon! Get in here!"
@Martin151 Жыл бұрын
Ohhh ya that is a great point. Starting events without clearing rooms drives me crazy. And it feels like it happens in 2 out of 3 games. You could have all the time in the world to clear the room first but people need to push the buttons as soon as they see them. Happens especially in the water purification mission or the espionage/virus scan mission. Why do we need to start the servoskull when there are still people missing? If everyone is ready to start you get 1 or 2 scans for free without any adds. But if the event is already triggered I´ll have to fight for 2-3 minutes before I can even think of taking out my auspex thingy.
@joeyofblades Жыл бұрын
@@derkaiser9881 I frequently see a guy named John-Darktide in the Morningstar, is that a meme or something? lol
@derkaiser9881 Жыл бұрын
@@joeyofblades It is absolutely a meme. John [insert subject, game, etc] is a joke about being the best or most knowledgeable in that space. John Darktide would be the best player in the game, a true beacon of skill! The player you're talking about I have seen, but he's in on the joke--not actually some insane perfect Darktide god.
@gamewatcher5404 Жыл бұрын
players not getting into the elevator and continue to shoot at mobs far away when everyone else is ready to go.
@Theutron Жыл бұрын
Nice video, after like 180H in the game still didnt know the captain voidshiled stuff, nor the ammo box work mechanic,well never late to learn :D Thank you!
@arthriticpterodactyl 8 ай бұрын
I found your channel again! Embarrassingly enough I had no idea how ammo boxes worked until watching your first video on this. Thanks for making another one, these are so good.
@wiaf8937 11 ай бұрын
teamwork is bliss, especially when you dont count or even expect it. I try to make it a point to make my backline like an "anchor" in my movement planning and then try and keep myself teethered as much as I can to them. It started out ofneccessity, when dying for being too agressive with my Zealot, but it goes both ways man. it feels amazing to fuck up against a special, get pinned. just to see friendly ranged fire instantly switching bases and peeling that thing of me.
@kudosbudo 8 ай бұрын
3:39 i've seen team mates run away from teh montser TOWARDS the next group of enemies and seen speed runners ignore the monster and just keep pushing forward. I;ev even seen folk CHOOSE to fight in a place wher ethey can be knocked into abyss or demonhosts instead of retreating to a safer area as a group when a monster turns up.7:01 to illustrate how fast free a trapped team is you can free em BEFORE they finish the fall animation if your close and quick enough.
@Eightfinger Жыл бұрын
Stumbled across your content, found a goldmine of good tipps and guides and data presented in a very neutral, pleasant manner, free from overhyping or complaining. Great stuff. Subscribed! :)
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Reaper-J129 7 ай бұрын
2 things that personally make me hate my team are the zealots and psykers running ahead and taking all the ammo from the veteran and ogryn who definitely can make better use out of it in almost all cases only exception being a zealot with a flamer in a horde intensive mission, The other is NOT PICKING UP PEOPLE FROM TRAPPER NETS! IT TAKES ONE SECOND AND THAT ONE SECOND IS MUCH BETTER SPENT PICKING UP A FRIENDLY THAN TO TRY AND CLEAR A PATH.
@Xariann Жыл бұрын
1. People running to PoxBursters to push them when a ranged player can kill them much easier. While people should pay attention to whether a PoxBurster is near someone who can push them, there are also times where they can be killed with a ranged weapon before they get near. 2. Standing next to barrells for too long. Okay so, you should make sure you don't shoot barrells by mistake. Sometimes though they can be hard to see (maybe someone is using a flamer). But if there is a barrell, use it or stay clear of it, otherwise you just position yourself to fail and get trolled (on purpose or not). You also don't allow team mates to use barrells when needed 3. Especially on Damnation: not coordinating the killing of the tentacles of the Daemon On Damnation in particular the tentacles regenerate really fast. If you don't hit them really close to each other you get stuck in a game of whack'e'mole that never ends.
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Ah yes... the Scooby Doo chasing for the Corruptors tentacles will always be one of those things which makes an otherwise straight forward mission into mission impossible
@oldeskul 8 ай бұрын
I haven't seen you previous video, so you might have covered these before. People who don't know how to set up a basic two-by-two covering formation or forming up in a basic firing line when a horde is rushing at the party down a hallway or through a similar checkpoint. If a party knows how to set up a basic formation, it can seriously whittle down a large horde, multiple squads of specials and even the autogun and/or lasgun wielding mobs. A basic two-by-two covering formation, or a box formation if you prefer, works even in areas where there are no hordes rushing as it allows the players to keep an eye out for gunners, snipers, flamers, bombers and even normal gun-wielding mobs that might be hanging out in elevated places, and gives every available member of the team who has the appropriate guns(i.e. lasguns, las pistols, hand canons, stubbers, rumblers, grenade gauntlets and autoguns) to put fire on their position. People who intentionally set off the explosive and flame barrels when no enemies are around to catch the other players in the blast/lingering flames. If you're in a private game with friends and you do it occasionally to dick around, that can be funny, but don't do it to people who aren't your friends. I can't tell you the number of times I've been launched off of a map to my demise or downed because someone thought it would be funny to blow up the barrel. I can excuse it if they blow up the barrel to mulch a chunk of a horde that I've found myself in, I'll just get mad for a moment and resign myself to eating that damage, or if I've outflanked a group of gun-wielding mobs that were hiding behind and rushing their position and I don't see the barrel just got touched off or if I'm hacking through a horde and my teammates are laying down fields of fire and a stray shot touches off a barrel.
@Hedgepook Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned that rumbler trick. I figured that out when playing doggo mode. Ensured that if I got pounced on by one of the many dogs, I'd immediately break myself free.
@knigt_rider_999hd6 8 ай бұрын
Thank you mate, I am new to the game I just got to level 9 and had no idea the assassination target was weaker to melee.
@TooDamnTall 8 ай бұрын
Thanks this is good info. Had no idea about the charges for ammo. I'd like to add if something heavy needs to be carried, let the Ogryn grab it. There's no movement penalty for us so we can get it to the point faster and all you need to do is cover.
@tacoface5000 9 ай бұрын
New xbox player, genuinely didn't know the bit about the Captain's Voidshield. Thanks for the heads-up
@cerberuscypher Жыл бұрын
So I just started playing about 3 weeks ago and didnt know you could push pox bursters , so thank you
@Megatraum504 Жыл бұрын
9:31 "A game of chess is like a sword fight"
@brodyoikle8739 6 ай бұрын
A little cheese i found while playing ogryn with a sheid is if the daemon host targets you. You can just back up against a wall and special fire with melee, the host will just rip at you without doing any damage and no stamina drain, was pretty funny watching the daemon wailing on me to no avail as my team punched it in the butt to death
@naychanlemew1233 10 ай бұрын
Hey! Thanks for the informative video. Sadly I've seen myself in some of these don'ts but now that i know about them I will actively try to not do them.
@overtidus 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, again a great piece of usefull content ! I want to add a special one I realized mostly since the Class Overhaul and the amount of players coming back wich is : Neglecting the effectiveness of supression. I see way to much people ignoring the power of the small lasgunners constantly spawning and placing themselves 5 meters from each others to left you no safe space. The fact is, sometimes it's better to simply shoot in the direction where you know lasgunners are hiding and showing only a ear or a elbow behind a box, or you don't have time to fully lock your aim to it because there is bigger threat. Putting this pressure on them they will keep hiding a few more seconds and give you time to replace yourself, approach them or killing them with a melee weapon (you or an ally btw). It doesn't apply to every players of course beacause not everyone have ammos for that but for the weapons with not a high range precision shooting a few bullets can save lives : - Twin Stubber, Ripper Gun (and even Kickback wich have a decent amount of ammos) - Autoguns, headhunders, Shredderpistols - Every staffs primary fire ( Expect the flamethrower ) This kind of issue can be the biggest problem when trying to clean a room in Auric Damnation when you have litteraly 2 or more people playing the famous revolver, and remember to slide to them to avoid almost every shots ( My english is not fluent, be nice ^^')
@kirenesense Жыл бұрын
Big thanks for the video! Fixed my habit to play this game entirely!
@alexthehopeless3778 10 ай бұрын
10:36 these are the in-game representation of the traitor aboard the Morningstar the "ammo goblin" is all i can think of when i hear the sounds of a recon lasgun or autopistol
@EvanSolomonBerger 6 ай бұрын
Here’s a tip about grimoires- if you pick up the grimoire and use it, you can instantly cure one wound.
@ordwinrahl6655 Жыл бұрын
As a player who is mostly deaf on Damnation, more players when it is safe need to type out what they want. Two players held a game hostage because I didn't pick up a Scripture I didn't see half a map away and never said or typed a single thing. They just stared at it and pings don't work if you are at a certain distance, which is easy to go over on vertical maps. A simple chat message would have put through the intention rather than holding up the game. Other aspect is players who expect the CC built character in the team to do the revive when they have a single target weapon such as a bolter or an axe in hordes vs the purgatus staff Psyker. The Psyker should not be the one picking up the revive because they're far more effective at keeping everyone else from being hit through stagger spam yet I constantly see other players entirely ignore the person down just to pad their kills when they are standing right on top of them and I am keeping the horde contained. The biggest issue I see though these days are players who engage Daemonhosts before the room is cleared. Easily wipes out a team because they're too eager to get that elite kill because "hurr durr, I haz shield and can infinite block" but there's still an active firefight raging in the room and constant elites spawning. The opposite spectrum is I've noticed Daemonhosts sometimes spawning in one way chokepoints you can't sneak past if they were already activated. Twice, we had to engage the daemonhost regardless because it was literally in front of the elevator and a second right at the bottom of the drop down. Another one activated through the ceiling of a vertical progression map because of psyker warp burn splash reaching it even though we couldn't remotely target it or see it over 30m further down. Ammunition hogging becomes less of an issue if players are using UI mods which list other players ammunition counts so you can actually see how much they're missing in comparison.
@dbookari 3 ай бұрын
very informative man thanks!
@huffinLeeroy 7 ай бұрын
My catch phase seems to have become "don't f-ing kill what I'm killing. Kill what's killing me!!"
@digitalwayfarer7404 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this! I'm a noob and have done some of these things.
@AngelRivera-wp9bg Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I am a casual player mainly weekends but this was so informative. Things I did not know thanks again.
@coreylarcomb4879 6 ай бұрын
My advice for everyone. Ogryn. They're your tank. If they get netted, dog pounced, or anything else. GOOD. That's their job. Take the blows for their team. Gunner. Get high ground, focus on positioning for easier shooting, understand you're a ranger, and that while you can melee, this isn't your priority. Kill the specials from far away. Zealot. You're a tanky berseker. Slash everything. Focus team revives. You're team glue. Physker. You're the mage. Stay between your front, and back line. Clear out small mobs on mass. You're horde control/single target hyper DPS. You can also focus revives/providing crowd control for others to revive, but you're squishy, don't face tank. It's this easy for the average player, but if you're actually good, do whatever you want. You don't NEED a team, they need you.
@hostilebogeyinbound 8 ай бұрын
Grims and scrips are the first thing I reroll on weeklies. If no one says they want them at the start, and I observe that no one is actively searching for them I don't bother.
@FireCat005 Жыл бұрын
One of my main annoyances is overlapping fire on the horde, especially with the Psyker. I run a Transfer III, Flurry IV Voidstrike staff, it'll annihilate a bunched or advancing horde with ease especially in the mid to long range and uses no ammo. .What I can't do too often is turn away to handle the occasional unit from another direction that suddenly smashes me in the back. I don't want to be pointing the other way either since I have the best ammo economy too since large hordes literally quell faster than it can build, so leaving the horde to others is just a waste of their ammo. Shoot or melee the ones coming in from my sides and back and let me know if the horde spawn point moves.
@Freakluke274 10 ай бұрын
same thing when 2 zealots use the flamer in the same hallway. if the space isn't very wide 1 is enough.
@HideInYou_Val 8 ай бұрын
Omg the first one. I jus started playing because my cousin bought it for me on steam and I won’t lie, I was so tilted bc I was jus tryna level up so I got super annoyed that my team mates would not help out
@legatobluesummers1994 7 ай бұрын
My Ogryn gunner build takes down daemons and plague ogryn in less than 30 seconds as long as it isn't fully focused on me. I appreciate the ammo box tip I like learning what I'm doing wrong.
@Marlarki Жыл бұрын
The hello varlets is on point!
@MarkSmith8357 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info. I learned a few things from this. One thing I don't understand is why more people dont just speak up in the VoiP, It works reasonable well. Its a game changer in the higher tiers. I do enjoy hearing the banter between the charaters that the game provides which is pretty cool but sometimes if someon sees , hears or needs something done instead of typing why not just say what it is. Call outs are important sometimes & it takes a second to do so. I know there are real reasons why a player can't use VoiP & that cool but many players can. This is crucial in the other games I play so I guess i'm use to it. Last night was a good night for communication but it was rare. Not communicating is not a game killer for me in this game but it sure makes the percentages for success much higher.
@legatobluesummers1994 7 ай бұрын
Honestly as an ogryn I had no idea i was stepping in front of someones ability I think most have no idea because being born with a large body has it's own difficulties lol I'm 6'8 and I play an ogryn I can relate better than most
@charlie2105 Жыл бұрын
7:34 This is the reason why I don't like running anything but damnation for assassination missions. I can't be bothered asking level 30's if they actually know how to fight Captains. It's socking that they reached max level without knowing this.
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Yes!! I'm terrified of quickplaying into the Chasm Station Assassination mission the most because players really need to know how to handle the boss the team will get overwhelmed from elites and specials...
@charlie2105 Жыл бұрын
@@rykenxiv Thank you for spreading the word!
@V1Z13R Жыл бұрын
Well said bro. Even learned a couple things. The Emperor protects.
@maxpower5205 9 ай бұрын
Flamer can know bursters back on the fireball mode. When no one notices I tagged one and I have to deal with it, I basically keep sending fireball at it, keeping it on the ground until it takes enough damage to blow up :)
@heftyjo2893 Жыл бұрын
My Ogryn's Ripper Gun with Blaze Away and Can Opener deals with the Boss fight better than my melee weapon. If you stand within a couple meters, the boss will switch to his melee weapon most of the time and you get max damage from mag dumping into him at point blank range. Blaze Away stacks up to +50% power, so by my 4 or 5 shot I'm taking off huge chunks of his shield strength. Then, when I take down the shields I use Bull Rush to get back into his face and special attack to apply Can Opener's, rend and brittleness, debuffs. This pretty much causes him to instantly proc his shield again after a few hits.
@paradocks23 8 ай бұрын
Shotguns are great for bursters. They knock them back as though shoved, including the explosion. All from a safe distance.
@ukaszwisniewski3607 8 ай бұрын
one more common mistake I see, mostly made by vets - using points of no return as high ground to snipe while whole team is beyond that point. Being last one before that point instantly spawn dogs and trappers, with no hope for rescue. Another one is a bug, don't remember the map name, but it's the one with air vents you have to come through. You can actually rush it and lock your teammates inside, make sure whole team is there when you leave each section.
@giorgoskal2563 9 ай бұрын
ty so much for the tips i just start the game yesterday and i gotthe assasination mision i was like ok now what :)
@88dejw Ай бұрын
Not taking cover in the dome shield. One year later, but maybe helps. As a psyker I noticed, that only me and the vet stay in the shield when I pull it up, taking out snipers and gunners. The rest runs to melle the shooters, just to get downed. Stay in the shield and give melle support there ffs.
@billyjoemuch8900 8 ай бұрын
If a psyker is head popping someone, don't kill them ,they got it and it will sometimes make them lose warp charges due to time running out.
@DonKarlioni Жыл бұрын
Don’t know if you mentioned it in the other video, but not pinging elites and specials should be on the list.
@joshuataylor5080 5 ай бұрын
Oh boy, do I got a goody for you. Imagine this: You're a Zealot trying to get the no-shooting achievement. One of your teammates gets themselves killed because they ran FAR ahead, triggered a plague Ogryn and promptly got smushed (oh honey, this is just the context, we haven't even gotten started yet). Right at that moment a hoard spawns and the now very angry plague Ogryn takes a keen interest in me. This isn't a problem because I'm very confident in my blocking/dodging/kiting abilities. HOWEVER, the dead dude is now available to be rescued like 5 miles away. My other two teammates decide rescuing him is more important than dealing with Mr. Stompy and his hoard of friends. So they run away leaving me to kite Mr. Stompy and deal with the hoard. By sheer determination (and a lot indignant rage towards my allies) I managed to stay alive long enough for the other two to trek all the way to Narnia to revive Mr. Useless and come back. The THREE of us finally take down the Plague Ogryn. Yeah, the guy they rescued, he went AFK and died again even before they made it back. The entire game kept getting downed or straight up died on cooldown because he was either running WAY ahead or stood AFK by objectives. Somehow we completed the mission and I completed my "Up close and personal" penance. Most stressful match EVER!
@fredericbrasseur7399 Жыл бұрын
I have another good one, using your flamer on Vet when he is using volley fire to kill shooters.
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
For real! Can't see anything but orange and everything is now orange!
@earlcrouchley746 8 ай бұрын
You are the kind of player I hope to encounter in my game play it has been a long road to 27 😢due to so many silly little points you make which aides no team I hope to reach 30 and play with your level of players soon…
@hoplon88 6 ай бұрын
i make these mistakes., watching this video made me realize such mistakes are no simple matter to just let through. i’ll strive to do better.,
@baronbeero2036 9 ай бұрын
Speaking from my own experience as playing a vet, consider using the Devil’s Claw swords if you are scared of being targeted by Daemonhosts. The parry counters ALL melee damage short of grab attacks (even monstrosity slams that otherwise send you flying) while also dealing decent damage towards the attacker, usually killing ragers in one or two blows. The parry also wastes little or no stamina meaning you can spam it while dodging, both blocking and dealing damage at the same time. Crowd control is also decent with the heavy attack, especially with the mk IV!
@IKeepGettingFlagged 9 ай бұрын
While this is nice to know, its probably better to resolve the issue than it is to resolve the symptom, i.e., learn to avoid or deal with Daemonhosts/Monstrosities correctly and efficiently than to bring a stopgap or crutch in the form of the Devil Claw in order to deal with them. Better to not be in that bad situation in the first place.
@burnsZY85 8 ай бұрын
i find the krak grenades do a lot of damage to them.
@zanaros2606 Жыл бұрын
1) It's rare, but I once met a random dude that triggered the DH(demonhost) and then quickly disconnect from the game, then reconnect once the DH is gone and other teammates dead. 2) Not common, but sometimes you get the type of people that will type in chat: "Speak english or GTFO". They then kick anyone who joins and speaks [][][][][][] languages in my games, lol. 3) Very often, you'll meet the more hot-tempered types of players that will always, always blame someone/something whenever he or the entire team is down. Even when he obviously made his own mistakes. But because no one can ever be a God and without the slightest long as he sincerely wants, he can and will always find something to flame about. Everything except his own flaws and mistakes in game. 4) Sometimes, you get players that are mad at someone and hold the entire team hostage with spamming vote kicks, until everyone finally accepts kicking whoever he wants kicked...because we are right in the middle of the horde, and he knows that the kick message stops all our actions in the middle of the horde. He won't stop until we all accept. (Luckily the latest patch solved this.)
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
Absolutely true on all this! In these cases, if you left the game, you aren't leaving because of your mistake - you'd be leaving because of toxic players being toxic which is totally fine to do so! We've got enough toxic, plague bearing enemies to fight - no need to add these toxic allies to the mix!
@zanaros2606 Жыл бұрын
@@rykenxiv Lolol yes, Nurgle's followers are all indeed super toxic as well! Maybe even salty haha. Well, I wish they can add ork enemies in the far future...or even the mystical eldar to fight against. Then it would be a true warhammer 40k game! Rather than just a space age clone of vermintide!
@FirstLast-wk3kc Жыл бұрын
Poxburster => you need 2 bars of stamina to push them away during run/jump. Otherwise they are gonna ignore the push. Annoying limitation cause most don't know it and hence think of the game as even more baggy
@kedolan4992 Жыл бұрын
Yet another reason to take the "peril instead of stamina loss on block" for psyker, who only has 1 base stamina (3 with force swords, for instance).
@jippy8976 9 ай бұрын
Another thing: People not using push to gather enemies into tight groupings.. or people who use knockdown effects to scatter enemies that were already grouped
@twatmere9726 Ай бұрын
I accidentally triggered the daemon host. I just VCed "Leave me, it was blocking my way."
@team5c 8 ай бұрын
i use shovel on my vet and heavy attacks all the time. sometimes i hit soundless boxburster thats hiding in the horde and it gets knocked back down and blows up just like pushing it. :) i just hear it after i hit it and dodge backwards.
@wingless62 9 ай бұрын
Alot of players do this, ignoring the hordes when a monster or a boss is active, so they can do more damage to the boss
@true4evre 7 ай бұрын
Not filling your pockets. I DO NOT understand people running past ammo/health box and stimms. Like even if you dont want the responsibility of using it, just pick it up and give it to someone else. FYI: you can give any item to anyone with an open slot by holding it and pressing the alt fire button on them.
@big-egaming8291 8 ай бұрын
I run Ogryn, and with slab shield and taunt, I can tank DH until the team kills it. Only time I run into issues is if someone runs in and smacks them with a shovel and doesn’t let me get agro, and then hit the team with “I’m A Kriegsman, it’s what we do” after we lost 😂
@rocketsocks3116 Жыл бұрын
Does the surge staff do reduced damage to the captain's void shield? I know it's ranged but lightning seems like it might be effective against shields in my mind.
@cashcrop_ Жыл бұрын
Solid tips.
@capacamaru Жыл бұрын
If a boss or a wave of hounds spawns, for the love of the Emperor fall back and regroup.
@C.O.R.E_Supermacy Жыл бұрын
12:42 Someone I played with once said something to our Orgryn player I'll never forget. "Ogryn make the best doors. And the WORST windows." Please, as your fellow little(r) man who just wants to click on Yellow/Red heads, please stand NEXT to the doors and long sightlines rather than IN them. You'll have much happier guardsmen that will gladly share their lunchboxes and ammo with you. We LOVE your Stubbers and Launchers. -Sincerely, a frustrated - but very patient - guardsman
@tellyg7985 6 ай бұрын
DRG makes the resupply pod very explicit about it only having 4 uses, fatshark should make the ammo crate have like 4 big green lights on it that turn off individually when each charge is used up.
@WakingDreamer01 Жыл бұрын
OMG, I didn't even know grims keep corrupting you after the initial 40 HP. If you go to a medstation, does it reset the continuing corruption back down to just the intial 40HP corruption? That being said, I always ask the team if they are fine with picking up grims when I come across one, if I don't know their intentions beforehand.
@rykenxiv Жыл бұрын
It cleanses away the tick damage but your health will rapidly corrupt back to the flat values!
@animemaniac6781 7 ай бұрын
The flamethrower with the stagger blessing ( I can’t remember the name) is able to stager pox burst era and push them back
@FrozenLord66 2 ай бұрын
Yesterday I made the mistake to stray away from my team as pyromancer pysker during an hunter ground but I have leanred when I gonna to stick close to the team when I'm. Gonna do hunting grond auric missions
@ismphob Жыл бұрын
Shotguns can be used instead of pushing when it comes to pox bursters I think the slug shot can stagger while they are running but I'm not sure if it does it 100% of the time
@my936586 Жыл бұрын
Did I tell you I love your videos? I LOVE your videos!!!!!
@BigmanBigham 7 ай бұрын
I had a player get mad because he went down, he blamed the rest of the group for not using the medpack and would not move forward. We ended up being soft lock until we kicked him from the match.
@themoguntian4917 Жыл бұрын
What me really bothers as a Psyker: People shoot at Enemies that are already locked by Brainburst. Just a single Nurgleboy for heating up Warpcharge and there is always that on dickhead in your team that sees a big target in the tiny blue marker. Brainburst interrupts, shots were fired, the Psyk didnt get his warpcharge, and the Veteran is proud af. Tldr: learn to lock your damn gun, when its not needed 2nd: Vets firing their Bolters into hordes while your Psyker got this with his Purge or VS Staff. Waste of ammo, appearing Bullwarks meanwhile horde? Yes, now while the Vet have to reload his f++++ Bolter Gun for ages, the Pysker has to stop horde clearing and open the Bullwarks Shield for his mates. Tldr: people need to learn when its time to chill and just overwatch
@Mondo17 8 ай бұрын
The mk 8 braced autogun also staggers pox bursters but i think it might be a perk i have.
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