Tbh, I stopped stanning Morning Musume shortly after Sayumi left, but I still occasionally watch their music videos (this one being my favourite in recent years) and when new member joined or there was a graduation. So I'm not *that* out of touch with MM, so seeing Miki blossom from when she joined to how she is now is wonderful and her confidence and hair style is incredible! Sakura is also amazing, but admittedly I was watching Miki the entire time. I know Sakura is due to become leader soon, but I also hope Miki is allowed to stay long enough for her to be leader, I think she'd be a fantastic one.
こういうハンサム系で、ファンじゃない人が見てもかっこいい!と興味を持ってもらえるような曲をずっと待ってた! ちぇる様の貫禄、ほまめいの成長っぷり、らいりーの変化、新メンバーの即戦力感に「BRAND NEW MORNING」を初めて聴いた時を思い出していたら、横やんんんー!ってなった。 ただせっかく新メンバーをしっかり覚えようと公式サイト見ても新曲より前のリリース曲がトップに出てくるのがハロプロクオリティでもある…