I've just discovered your channel, so I've got a bit of catching up to do! As a matter of interest, what sort of range do you get out of a tank of fuel on your transalp? And have you run into any issues around emission restrictions in any cities that you've visited so far? Cheers.
@AdvenTrisMoto Жыл бұрын
Thank you and welcome to the channel. I hope you enjoy the content 😌. I get around 375 kms with a fuel tank. That would be riding around normal roads with full gear. Maybe around 355 if the are loads of mountain roads. But over the last year or so I have managed to keep it safe around 375 km. As for emissions I have never had problems with cities. And I have been to countries from Spain all the way to Holland , Morocco and never have I been stopped or not allowed in any city I hope this helps and once again thank you for subscribing and welcome