Total respect Mohan - look forward to the day that you are thanked by those you try to help !!
@thoughtsand_flaws24945 жыл бұрын
I agree that it usually was that way in my country, Sweden . But now assaults have both increased and are in much more cases perpetrated by large groups of young strangers to the victim , from afghanistan, pakistan, Somalia, the middleeastern countries. They harass girls on buses or if they see them alone. They watch to see if they get of alone. I warn all women I know that if they see a group of foreign guys in the back of a bus watching you "like youre meat and they are hyenas", to not get off alone, or in places with no other people present. I do not think of all foreign men this way but if you have ever seen a man look at you "that way" it makes your skin crawl. Its completely different from when a guy is just looking at you because he thinks youre pretty. Trust your instincts, all you girls out there. It is another culture, where all women are disposable scapegoats and to blame for every bad thing in existence. Take it seriously.
@moostaukind29515 жыл бұрын
Could someone, please, tell me the name of the song, which is played at the beginning of most videos?