As you pass the Toutle River on I-5 you see the 30 ft. high hills to the immediate west that were formed out of the ash they dredged out of the river. I met a man years ago that survived not only the boat from Mt St Helens, but also the great Alaskan earthquake of 1964.
@barbarawashington8448 жыл бұрын
*BLAST, not boat. Dang auto correct!
@barbarawashington8448 жыл бұрын
Wow. The energy equivalent of one Hiroshima bomb going of every second-for 9 hours. And that's just your everyday, average volcano. Nothing like Yellowstone, or Mt. Mazama (that left us Crater Lake in Oregon) or that big one in New Zealand by Lake Taupo (I think). When those go, the whole world will feel the effects.