Movie Park Studios on Parade 2024 - Erste Parade - Movie Park Germany 22.03.2024 Hollywood on Parade

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Movie Park Studios on Parade 2024 Erste Parade - Movie Park Germany 22.03.2024 Hollywood on Parade movie park germany parade 2024 Song IMAscore MPG Hollywood - Komplette Show (4K / UHD) Der Movie Park Germany startete am 22.03.2024 in die neue Saison. Um 15 Uhr hieß es dann wieder Movie Park Studios on Parade. Die tägliche Parade zog durch die Straßen des Freizeitparks und dazu gab es den 2023 neu erstellten Paraden Song von IMAscore. ► Noch mehr Videos aus der Movie Park Saison 2024 gibt es hier: • Movie Park Germany - D...
Movie Park Germany started the new season on March 22nd, 2024. At 3 p.m. it was Movie Park Studios on Parade again. The daily parade marched through the streets of the amusement park and there was also the 2023 parade song by IMAscore.
Movie Park Germany startte het nieuwe seizoen op 22 maart 2024. Om 15.00 uur was het weer Movie Park Studios op Parade. De dagelijkse parade marcheerde door de straten van het pretpark en ook was er het paradelied van IMAscore 2023.
Movie Park Germany a lancé la nouvelle saison le 22 mars 2024. À 15 heures, c'était à nouveau Movie Park Studios on Parade. Le défilé quotidien a défilé dans les rues du parc d'attractions et il y avait aussi la chanson du défilé 2023 d'IMAscore.
Movie Park Germany comenzó la nueva temporada el 22 de marzo de 2024. A las 3 p. m., Movie Park Studios volvió a estar en Parade. El desfile diario recorrió las calles del parque de diversiones y también se escuchó la canción del desfile 2023 de IMAscore.
#movieparkgermany #moviepark #freizeitpark #parkvideo #amusementpark #parade #IMAscore #MovieParkParade #MoviePark2024
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Logo: Movie Park Germany

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@anthonycasola8729 10 ай бұрын
Rainy day parade
@WorldofparksTV 10 ай бұрын
Yes, unfortunately. But there were also times when the parade was canceled altogether, so it was nice that there was one at all.
@karimben2839 10 ай бұрын
Danke für das viedeo gehe in 1 Woche oder so in den mobile Park meine Karte muss noch gemacht werden
@WorldofparksTV 10 ай бұрын
Gerne doch und schon einmal vorab viel Spaß bei Deinem Besuch.
@vincentpetit9725 3 ай бұрын
Améliorez la parade !!!!
@anthonycasola8729 10 ай бұрын
4:30 dogs 🐶 2?
@WorldofparksTV 10 ай бұрын
On the way back from the fountain, the rain that had already started was getting heavier, so actors were taken out.
@anthonycasola8729 10 ай бұрын
4:00 who?
@WorldofparksTV 10 ай бұрын
On the way back from the fountain, the rain that had already started was getting heavier, so actors were taken out.
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