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@wilmarhurlebaus38363 жыл бұрын
Try putting a pallet or sheet of plywood where you want them to cross. Then when you want to move them take it down and they will see that the physical barrier is gone and are way easier to move.
@verncook15283 жыл бұрын
I’m from Florida but living in a nursing home in Brandon Mississippi I watch you to live vicariously through your blood sweat and tears! Thanks chuck
@FreeAmerican3 жыл бұрын
North Alabama. Cows, hogs, chickens, fish, large garden, trained dogs and plenty of ammo. I enjoy your show.
@nedhill12422 жыл бұрын
I’m Ned, from Charleston, SC. My mom grew up on a farm that was over 1000 acres of farmland where my grandfather raised soy beans, corn, and cotton. Anytime I didn’t want to cut the grass when I was a kid my mom would start telling me stories about picking cotton as a little girl. Naturally I would go cut the grass. Lol My grandparents also raised all types of animals but that was more to be self supporting because the cash crops were the revenues. I loved sitting in my grandfather‘s lap to drive the tractor when I was little. There were also two large farm ponds that we used to enjoy. And of course we did plenty of hunting on the farm. Ducks, squirrels, deer, rabbits, turkeys, quail etc. I’ve always wanted to have my own farm and Homestead and for the past year or two I have been watching a lot of KZbin. Discovered your channel about a week ago and have been enjoying it. I’m employed as a mortgage broker so I can move inland and buy farmland in South Carolina and still have my day job while living on the farm. I’m already looking at land to get ideas and hope to buy a piece of property sometime next year. Regarding your pig problem. The pigs not wanting to go where that electrical wire was strung. That is a major problem. Justin Rhodes has a great video filmed on Joel Salatin‘s farm Showing how they move their pigs. They use a wooden fence gate in one section of the paddock. The pigs will rub against that to scratch themselves and know that it is not electrified. When they are ready to move the pigs to the next paddock they open that gate and the pigs will go right through.
@robdye21922 жыл бұрын
Western Australia - just got my first 2 pigs.
@batpherlangkharkrang79762 жыл бұрын
Hi..... Thank you 🏡🎥👍👍👍
@hopewellfarmer53323 жыл бұрын
From South East Ohio we have a 3 point carry pen on tractor we just drive into the paddock put the feed in it and wait doesnt take long for the pig to go in to eat and i shut the door and haul them to the nxt location
@thomaswatson11002 жыл бұрын
Be happy your wife helps mine wants nothing to do with my cow's pig's or chickens and I'm upstate ny
@CoastGuardLeo3 жыл бұрын
I'm a total city middle-aged guy with a pet lizard here in Portland, OR. I watch because it's interesting to see how you guys do things, and I respect you for it.
@chrisbergeron8602 жыл бұрын
Im from central Louisiana and grew up having grandparents who farmed chickens 'n cows. I love just watching yall run your farm. It reminds me of days gone by when we helped with chores. It just kills me every time I watch yall try 'n move or load pigs. Lol
@brianblackburn52383 жыл бұрын
Let start off by saying I have no experience with pigs, but this is what I would do if I were trying to move pigs. I would make the alleyway more narrow and have one of y’all holding a pig board while following behind to prevent him from turning around and going back the other way. Good luck on getting Hamlet moved. Can’t wait to see how y’all get it done.
@mikka8113 жыл бұрын
I’m from Eastern Ontario just next to the NY State border hey! Just a farm kid that grew u In age in the corporate world and missing the farm every minute! I raise Beagle and own over 50 of them. I train them to run rabbits and put them in trials in Canada and Northern states.
@karenfrye805 Жыл бұрын
From Ohio Just getting started with 60 birds can't wait to get into pigs!!! Love your show!!
@Big_Guwop7133 жыл бұрын
you had me dying saying Sandra wanted to play linebacker, she had a good stance tbh. Only reason I'm laughing so hard is because I went through the same thing with a new manglista boar I got but I got down on the ground and wrested w/ him. Sandra is a tank!!
@verncook15283 жыл бұрын
I did just laugh when he took Saundra out she was doing a good job of cutting him off! You need some small plywood to heard hogs
@dione.c.34323 жыл бұрын
G'day from Northern Australia. When we want to move a single bull we get a small mob of cows and put the bull in with them and then move the whole mob. The bull herds with the cows like a little lamb with no issues. Maybe I'm talking through my hat here but...separate Hammy with a hot wire within the boar paddock and then herd the gilts down the laneway and then move the whole mob back to the gilt pasture. Works for bulls. Might work for hogs.
@stavabrumley23153 жыл бұрын
Hello from Oklahoma, I am just getting started raising pigs and trying to learn as much as possible
@amberadair1903 жыл бұрын
Hope she is okay! I have experienced that more than one occasion. I do appreciate that my daughter trained our pigs to a show whip which makes moving our big boar easier
@kevinnicholson55563 жыл бұрын
I’m in Hillsborough about 30-45 minutes away from you. I just raised my first two hogs this year. I enjoy the content and have learned a lot. Thank y’all.
@caseman82143 жыл бұрын
From central Illinois. Just got my first pigs a month ago. Got 5 of them to raise for us and family. Also got a few laying hens
@roberto.peterson99173 жыл бұрын
This just shows that that some hard and fixed lanes and holding pens have a place even with free range there comes a time for moving ,loading , or just working them for health , and ect
@edwinfaglie9413 жыл бұрын
Ft. White Fl. When I was young we raised lots of pigs outdoors. Thanks for ypur work
@lightning92792 жыл бұрын
I had to laugh....true farmers. Wife just takes a header into the ground and husband quietly ask 'you alright' as he walks by. 😅
@SheratonParkFarms2 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣 yep. She’s pretty tough too. Thanks for watching!
@richiebrashears70953 жыл бұрын
I am from East Tennessee. Grew up on a small farm. We fatten out a couple of hogs a year to kill around Thanksgiving at papa's farm. Love your videos.
@waynewhiteday84313 жыл бұрын
We live in rural Oklahoma we have pigs and chickens and rabbits. Y’all need to use moving boards for the pigs make things alot easier love y’all’s videos keep on keeping on
@denmillheritagefarms21683 жыл бұрын
I'm in Arkansas. I'm on my first group of red wattle hogs. I appreciate your videos. They're very helpful to me
@harryfallius74703 жыл бұрын
Harry, I'm retired in Thailand, considering raising pigs up north in Chiang Rai and love your channel!
@markstelson85823 жыл бұрын
I wonder why you dont have any pig board. It’s a basic tool & worth every penny.
@billhall67382 жыл бұрын
Your very lucky that he did what he did. I've seen them go 3 days with no food before crossing where a wire was. Enjoy y'all
@christymartin94043 жыл бұрын
We're in Yadkin County, NC & have a small homestead. We have chickens, ducks, quail, pigs & one tom turkey (he's getting a girlfriend soon). I love the way you use electric fence for your pigs. We used electric fence for our feeder pigs & love it. The pigs we have now are rescued potbelly pigs & the two females had litters about three weeks ago. We're trying to find pet homes for them as they are very sweet. If not, we might keep them as breeders for feeder pigs. I know potbelly pigs aren't very big but there's only three of us so they'd be a good size for us to process on our own. I'd rather find homes for them but if not, they'll have jobs on our little homestead. Thanks for great content 👍
@joannlamberti18213 жыл бұрын
I am from Ontario, Canada. I like pigs, and your channel.
@jamiebrandon42563 жыл бұрын
Hello from Mississippi. I have a few pigs and when I watch shows like this, I realize I don’t want to expand. 🤣
@MissieSauder3 жыл бұрын
Ervin, Sterling Alaska . Have hogs wanting to do more . Tip for moving hogs, take a hog panel , make it in a tear drop shape and tie the ends together. Then drop it over the pig and walk it where you want it to go. May need a person on each end
@johndeere82803 жыл бұрын
I'm from Lisbon NY. Just started getting into homesteading. We have laying hens now. Getting ready for pigs next spring and meat chickens and going from 10 laying hens to 20 or 30.
Oklahoma...My city boy husband I retired 2018 and started a farm. Started raising pigs 4 months in. Started with chickens, added ducks, and now geese. Love the farm life.
@randybutler4772 Жыл бұрын
Good luck with your effort. Thank you for sharing.
@tcook5643 жыл бұрын
From Utah former pig farmer love watching your videos.
@philbledsoe90913 жыл бұрын
Watching from Indiana. Subscribed after watching a couple videos. I raised hogs in confinement in the 80s. I never thought it was the right way to raise an animal,and always thought the way you are doing it would be so much better. It put food on the table for my family, and I only did it for three years. I agree with the commenters that say you need herd boards and an actual gate to move them through. Once a physical barrier is removed they will usually move through. If you’re trying to move them where a hot wire was they are hesitant. I hope your wonderful lady is ok. I still have a knee injury that haunts me from 34 years ago by doing something similar. I tried stopping a 220 pound gilt trying to get past me. It kept going and took my knee with it. So please be careful.
@robertduree11773 жыл бұрын
Interesting been on The rear end side myself from weatherford Oklahoma when a pig moves threw you more times than not your going down got a good chuckle though
@Mountainport3 жыл бұрын
If you have to get a pig to cross the fence line, I've found putting down a piece of plywood or even a pallet helps then to get over their fear of the electric fence.
@williampatterson95703 жыл бұрын
We are from Just Grow For It Farm just up the road from you in Bullock, NC! We just had a farrowing with our American Guinea Hog and we kept the boar in with her the entire time! They are always together! Tried to separate last time and they were both so miserable we gave up! He has been awesome with her and the babies!! VERY protective! Good luck with the next try!
@ChrisLascari3 жыл бұрын
Hart, Michigan. I have pigs and chickens. I enjoy watching you guys, very fun channel!
@Gatorgolfusa3 жыл бұрын
Wisconsin! Feeding the wild birds squirrels and a few feral cats and kitten's! Glad Sondra is okay. 😇 🐊🇺🇸🦅👍
@minnickfamilyfarm3 жыл бұрын
Jamestown, Ohio here. Have pigs chickens and ducks with hatching. Looking to breed pigs soon. Love your show. Learn a lot from you guys. Couldn’t do what I do now without your help. Thanks so much and please continue your ways!
@pamelamercado69023 жыл бұрын
My pigs come when called by there names but if I've had them on a wire fencing for a while That at times has been a problem The guys I bait them with one of the gals that I know is in heat it seems to work every time I'm so glad Sondra was not injured I've been bruised more that once chasing one or more down.
@poppypower19703 жыл бұрын
I live in Wales, UK and I just love watching what you do . Thank you 😊💓
@yeagerxp3 жыл бұрын
Regardless of the fact that the hog did not co-operate Excellent work👍👍👍. Thanks for sharing. I am from Ontario, not a farmer. Your channel is one I subscribe to because no BS, just the reality of what it takes to raise animals for food.
@arnievandenberg52753 жыл бұрын
Hi... just like watching you guys & ladies, takes me back when I was young on the farm doing the same things (fun times). Watching from Victoria BC Canada. Keep them coming.
@timothylambert6234 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Southern WV, was raised butching a couple hogs a year for sustaining our family. Gonna get a couple pigs in March and start raising and butchering our meat again. I'm 61 and haven't raised and butchered hogs for 30 years.
@grantblakely59083 жыл бұрын
How come your good lady always seems to be the 1 doing all the hard work chuck 😂😂😂. I had to luagh when as u walk past sandra u say are you ok without checking and keep on walking 😂😂😂 if you did that here in australia you'd be sleeping on the couch 😂😂😂
@austinsensenig94113 жыл бұрын
From northern Illinois. Used to farrow but job has changed so now I just get feeder pigs pur bred berkshires and feed them out and usda process and sell pork per pound off our farm, do about 40 a year
@clintfrenette36543 жыл бұрын
From Michigan. New to pigs. This is great.
@johnhall70163 жыл бұрын
Enjoy watching and listening to your blogs. Retired greenhouse production and landscaping business. Also had stables and raised Belgium and Morgan’s retired from New Hampshire now living in Florida
@toddcaskey99843 жыл бұрын
And God bless you and for sneezing
@tr78743 жыл бұрын
NC- raise hogs farm sod, soybeans and small grain. Get some sorting boards from hogslat
@gunsmith199719972 жыл бұрын
Neat trick for u if u see this make a wood gate 5 foot wide and a pipe hinge that u just pound in the ground in one spot on your pens they know that that spot won’t shock them and they never have a problem crossing we’re the door was at
@SidJohnson2 жыл бұрын
How does this work? Do you run the electric fence behind the gate?
@davemount26073 жыл бұрын
Western NY I raise egg layers, meat chickens, and hogs. It’s nice to know where your food comes from. Also learned a lot from your videos. Keep up the knowledge for us beginners thanks
@leerozeboom92513 жыл бұрын
Northwest corner of iowa. We Rais red wattles and this year we are trying are hand in bottle calf.
@reannejarvis70983 жыл бұрын
From Tasmania in Australia. My family raised pigs for food many years ago.
@hampneel45892 жыл бұрын
I live in Crossett, Arkansas . I have 3 hogs , I believe they are durocs .I am 62 , I have raised hogs on and off most of my life . I watch to try to get some ideas
@jamesdias58882 жыл бұрын
Hi. Just like watching I'm 78 from New Bedford, Mass.
@theycallmelos87213 жыл бұрын
Out of troutman nc I raise pigs. You have a great channel👍🏽.
@schooleyacres82283 жыл бұрын
Alberta, Canada. First year with pigs, rotational paddocks through our woods. Loving it so far!
@DoTheTwist7108 ай бұрын
Tylerville ny new to pigs but I love having them ... My true passion is the birds I love taking care of them😂
@bluegrassridgehomestead27173 жыл бұрын
Live in Rhode island just bought 20 acres in south east Kentucky to start homesteading looking to have pigs and chickens will be moving down around August
@howlinhairyontheprairie82613 жыл бұрын
Mindenmines, MO. We need to get some of those shirts as well. Took our first 2 barrows to the processer 5/20. Fairly easy load only took 2 hours.
@kippevans46533 жыл бұрын
Hi this is Kipp i live in Marion, Iowa.I am picking up 12 registered purebred Berkshire gilts on 5/31. They will be 50-70 lbs. Will breed them around the 1st of the year.
@valeriejames63162 жыл бұрын
I'm from Oklahoma. Just got a pig a month ago. Never dealt with anything but a couple of potbellies before. This gal is a Duroc/landrace cross. She got her first dose of ai today. I've been watching a lot of your videos and learned a LOT! I don't plan on keeping any boars. Ever. LOL I'll stick with ai, but I don't plan on having more than 2 girls.
@mirceapirvu18513 жыл бұрын
Melbourne Australia love your work
@raymundcastillo578724 күн бұрын
Hi am Raymund from Brentwood California, and am trying to start raising pigs and I hoping to learn from your experience thank you for sharing
@lowespringacres78382 жыл бұрын
40 Acres in Marshfield MO. Currently have dairy goat's and chickens. Wanting to add pasture pigs and more gardens. Lowe Spring Acres
@mikaelolsson71803 жыл бұрын
Sweden, loves the pig handling. We watch every video in bed before sleep.
@marccormier13843 жыл бұрын
Florida i raise and breed mini pigs but yall videos help alot thank you
@lylskeets3 жыл бұрын
Portland, Texas (south Texas). No pigs. Like watching you and Saundra.
@briantilton40253 жыл бұрын
Amherst, VA ( about 2.5 hours north of you on RT 29). Just got our first group of feeders a month ago. Learned so much from you all and a few other channels. Thanks for all the effort you put into sharing information
@theoroseboom-ranch-rimbey6636 Жыл бұрын
From Rimbey ALberta Canada, just starting out with 12 sows
@davidfuller52592 жыл бұрын
I'm from Rhode Island, currently running 53 laying chickens 12 hour a day free range. I have a piece of my property85X35 thinking about trying a few heritage pigs for the family & friends. I'm looking to buy more land and start an actual farm.
@bodleresainvil1497 Жыл бұрын
Beau from atlanta georgia: future homesteader love your vidéos, very informative 👍🏾
@chrisploutz31933 жыл бұрын
Catskill Mountains, New York. got our first gilt along with 2 feeders this spring. Hope to have piglets next year
@donaldfear76393 жыл бұрын
West Melbourne Florida! Hoping to relocate someday soon to Tennessee and buy some farm land and raise pigs and cattle
@edwardmedlock71373 жыл бұрын
simpsonville south Carolina lived on farm when growing up
@donaldstaggs16873 жыл бұрын
About an hour south of Ft Worth, Texas. Closing on our 15 acres on July 18th.
@deneallh64913 жыл бұрын
We live in Washington state outside of Seattle. We have layer hens right now. Want to do some pigs in the future. Thank you for sharing your ups and downs with us.
@1christylynn3 жыл бұрын
Just starting a new place in Sidney, NY. Love your channel.
@ronaldclemons55203 жыл бұрын
Well, been there and done that. I believe using a stock trailer and gates would help. Let them get hungry, feed in trailer. Boars are super strong, and can hurt you bad. Praying she is ok. I live in Murfreesboro Tn, and use to raise York’s, Hampshire and Duroc. Your boars looks more like a Berkshire. Blessings, and enjoy your videos🙂🙏🏻
@andrewwilliams19033 жыл бұрын
Good looking hog. I have three of my own. In East Texas outside of Tyler
@4obsequey3 жыл бұрын
7 Acre Ranch, Keota Ok. Could you feed Hamlet in the piglet weaning box and move him with the tractor instead of the trailer? He was so close!! Best of luck y'all!
@dspfarms72993 жыл бұрын
Philadelphia Tennessee, looking to get a few Pigs, love the videos Thank you
@johnwood7383 жыл бұрын
What is your Hampshire boar crossed with? Hampshire have a white belt and upright ears, nice boar looks like he might have Duroc in him.
@masonmcknight58663 жыл бұрын
You could do how Joel salatin does it, I install small wooden gates on each Pattok, because the pig will never cross if there’s been a hot wire, but with the fence, he can rub on it and touch it, so when it’s gone, he knows he can pass through safely.
@hillsidefarm73553 жыл бұрын
Ashville, Alabama. We have goats now will be getting chickens soon and thinking about pigs also.
@carinakaarli47842 жыл бұрын
Sweden, my dream is to start a farm, and having pigs. And your videos are very informative!
@dutchmiller7043 жыл бұрын
Please please build you a cage that fits on your tractors three point hookup. Less stressful and cheaper than a hospital visit. Advice from a old hog farmer
@WobertWinaldo3 жыл бұрын
hello from sweden! no farm or animals yet, exept from my dog. But I will hopefully take over my dads small farm and then raise some pigs and some chickens. Great channel! 🤩👍
@CliffsideStables3 жыл бұрын
We live in northern TN a few miles south of Pine Knot, KY. Enjoy learning from your channel as we prep our place for a couple of pigs and some chickens. Tim
@bropow713 жыл бұрын
I live in the just outside the Savannah Georgia area, I don't have a farm, I enjoy seeing the content with all of the animals especially the hogs/pigs.
@cwomo91473 жыл бұрын
Hello from the north central Arkansas Ozarks.. I only have 2/3 of an acre but will be planting an orchard next year.. Currently have a small garden..13 chickens and a kune kune boar who needs a lady friend
@541lambert3 жыл бұрын
Amity oregon. Love your videos good information on raising pigs