Moving Abroad Was the BEST Decision I Ever Made

  Рет қаралды 60

Rooted Diversity | Dewi Kreysa

Rooted Diversity | Dewi Kreysa

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@ThePynnFoolLife Ай бұрын
thank you for sharing. my life was realy EZ. had a great family and support. also being in the US the options are open if you want to work for it. For myself it was my self holding me back from improving myself. the little voices saying your to stupid you're to old to learn new things. you don't have the time. you're too fat to do that. until finally I said shut up to myself. and you will never succeed if you don't try. you might feel So, try something different or find someone to help. I would love to live abroad of a Year or so. just to experience a different lifestyle and culture
@Dewikreysa Ай бұрын
@@ThePynnFoolLife what a journey!! I totally get this self critics, its the worst! But you are brave and strong that you can beat those thoughts. Yess living abroad gives you a lot of things, it opens up your mindset. I am sure you will manifest your dream living abroad soon! Believe it and work towards it 🙏🏼
@JakobFischer60 Ай бұрын
As it looks now with our economy, people speaking mandarin and knowing the chinese culture soon will be in high demand in Germany. Welcome to Germany. Don't underestiate small cities and the countryside. That is where the jobs are in Germany and rents are affordable.
@Dewikreysa Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I think the demand of chinese language has been in spike for over a decade, that was also the reason why I learned it..:) now i think more the integration of the culture which is always a challenge everywhere... and yes, small german cities are good too, low cost of living and peaceful living too... :)
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