Kundalini Experience Training Bali.

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Elliott Saxby

Elliott Saxby

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TO LEARN MORE VISIT: kundalinibodyw...
Kundalini Bodywork is a holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for Kundalini to rise and supports those living life with an active Kundalini. Through body de-armouring, non-dual psychology, shadow work, and tantric and energetic practices we move through and create our own of process kundalini activation.
- Study online or in person
- Find a supportive community to practice with
- Train to be a practitioner
Kundalini Bodywork is a self-development journey that takes us from depression and traumatic states into high vibrational and orgasmic ones. The start of your journey might be more about emotional release and detoxing, healing past childhood and family trauma, but by the end a Kundalini Bodywork practice leads to a Tantric Practice, the practices of manifesting the life we desire and deserve, and the practices that support working with the collective consciousness as our own consciousness, so our outside world truly reflects our inside.
Kundalini Bodywork is not Kundalini Yoga but definitely complimentary to any yoga practice. Like Kundalini Yoga there are different styles, teachers and teachings with no one person being able to own such descriptive words.
Kundalini Bodywork is a practice, discipline and self-healing modality with freedom in how it is applied:
- which parts of the modality to use
- when to use them
- and when to combine them with other self-development practices and modalities
In the therapists of energetic bodywork we train people to be the best therapists that they can be through accessing non-dual states of awareness that develop their ego in healthy ways. In giving this work we still have an ego, personality and a soul vibration, so each therapist is unique. When training in Kundalini Bodywork, or when working with a therapist we are supported to access this non-dual state of awareness in-order to be the best version of ourself. We understand the body as our own personal mystery school and are encourage to explore it and learn from it.
When you work as a therapist in Kundalini Bodywork, or hire one, the role is to support others in self-healing instead of healing others. Kundalini Bodywork teaches us to live Tantrically, knowing that we are all one, not separate, while developing the power to shape the illusion of separation.
Non-dual awareness comes with the responsibility of caring for the dualistic experience that it contains.
MAIN WEBSITE: kundalinibodyw...
ONLINE COURSE: kundalinibodyw...
INSTAGRAM: / elliottsaxby
ELLIOTT SAXBY: elliottsaxby.com
BUY THE BOOK: polaritywork.com
About Elliott Saxby: Through learning to forgive with an open heart while maintaining a strong sense of free will and integrity, my Kundalini became active, and now stays mostly open. I feel blessed and privileged to share this experience with others who are open to it, in a helpful and transformative way.
I’m happy to have been sharing this work since 2017 and seeing it grow into an active community of practitioners around the world.
As as well creating the online course, teaching the advanced trainings, and working with clients privately, I also wrote the book, “Masculine & Feminine Polarity Work” in 2019, as a practical application of non-dual psychology and how a Kundalini rising can be reflected in the mind as a healthy integration of opposing thoughts and emotions in-order to prevent psychosis, heal a broken heart, and simply have a better relationship with ourselves and others. The book has since been bought by a bigger company and republished as “The Inner Marriage” and is being translated into various languages.
I find the mental understanding conveyed in the book to be an essential component of this work, which I hope to see move into areas such as mental health and rehabilitation programs where forgiveness and self-understanding are key and central for true healing.
MAIN WEBSITE: kundalinibodyw...
ONLINE COURSE: kundalinibodyw...
INSTAGRAM: / elliottsaxby
ELLIOTT SAXBY: elliottsaxby.com
BUY THE BOOK: polaritywork.com

Пікірлер: 167
@statesocietyaurhum Жыл бұрын
It's no kundalini awakening,it's hypnotism in don't not what. Plz use some other word for what ever you are doing, kundalini awakening is a sacred word in Indian culture.
@Mayekyogi Жыл бұрын
These people does not know the side effect of kundalini awaiking.
@videtsvet Жыл бұрын
@mrStraker888 Жыл бұрын
@ElliottSaxby Жыл бұрын
We use chi to prepare the body for an awakening and to help people heal after a premature one. We do not awaken people with Shaktipat, it's actually really responsible, kind and loving work deigned to help people find their spirituality, and yes it's different in the west but this energy of transformation we all share,
@Mayekyogi Жыл бұрын
@@ElliottSaxby There are lot of way to awake kundalini. But once kundalini awake. It create lot of problem for unknown person. I dont know what is chik. Those who want to awake kundalini take proper guidance from hindu spiritual guru.
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
reminds me of the evangelists on stage-- after they push the person’s forehead then the person starts shaking and convlusing and jumps out of their wheelchair and starts running marathons...:)
@melisaalegria Жыл бұрын
Así mismo estos son los evangelistas del yoga
@heavenlypot Жыл бұрын
Yes me too, they're doing that in India nowadays. They organise huge stage shows and bring actors and then they touch them and the person starts shaking like crazy and then they claim that their ailments are gone, while the pope rides a wheelchair. And this women is a scammer, this is not how kundalini is awakened. It's not so simple, even in India there are only a few people who can achieve it.
@EnSabahNur-ir5mw Жыл бұрын
because that was all fake
@WasBlind_NowISee Жыл бұрын
@@EnSabahNur-ir5mw every group in this world has bad people who see opportunities and people they can exploit. Isn’t this true? You should know this by now, right? From politicians, cops, gangs, school faculties, yoga, instructors, martial, art instructors, yes every sort of religion. But we can’t use that as a blanket statement or else that’s ignorant. We should be able to easily bob and weave the fake ones because truth always rises to the top. You can easily tell who is exploding, and who’s not buy their actions in the fruit that they bare. Are used to be on that side as well. Saw everyone as Looney Tunes, off their meds, liars, fairytale seekers mental nut cases, and absolute nut jobs. But it was through desperation of trying everything from counseling, treatment centers and alternative medicine from dealing with addiction of alcohol for 15 years which later evolved to opiates that also came with five years of intense, suicidal depression. I was so desperate to get any kind of help because nothing I tried would ever put a dent into my sobriety for years and years. I then just said screw it I’ll try spiritual, and one day I came home on a random night just exhausted from all of the oppression coming home to the same dark atmosphere I never left my house nor my room for five years of this depression other than grocery stores and simple errands. I just lived off the money I collected through my real estate business. I never interacted with anyone in society because I became antisocial. It was absolute the darkest moment in my life. I just stayed home and smoked opiates and did what I did. Everything went to freefall. At least I could juggle my life with alcohol but opiates. It was a different animal. One day I came home collapsed on my knees, and I said Jesus, if you are really real like they say you are please reveal yourself to me or show me a clear sign so I know you are real. I am a person who does not believe in things I do not see, nor am I superstitious or believe in stupid things like Zodiac signs in luck, etc.. Immediately, I felt the energy in the room change. It was irrefutable because it was that strong. I felt convicted out of nowhere, and I started to see things as sins that I once never stole prior to me doing this prayer. I immediately felt like there was a God that walked in the room because the presence was absolutely strong, and I started to just cry out of nowhere. Not to say, I am a macho man, but Koreans are conditioned to not cry, especially if you are a male. Anyways, I couldn’t hold back the tears and I just started to feel very sorry for everything that I have done how I treated people the responsibilities I just let go it goes on and on and I felt that the more sincere I was with my repentance, the stronger the connection became with the energy. This is not something war. It’s a small little tingle or I thought the energy was doing this or that it was actually, a very strong current pulling me in type of energy. I have never experienced anything supernatural or miraculous in my life so for me to admit to this was pretty powerful. I continue to ask for forgiveness of all my sins, and then I said Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior because there’s obviously something changing and going on right now spiritually. I passed out and a few hours later at night I wake up in the middle of the night to go get some fresh air outside. I see this bright, intense, fiery light in the form of a perfect cross, beaming straight at me, and again I was in complete shock of what I was witnessing because I have never experienced anything super natural. It was extremely powerful sense of peace, love, mercy, and grace. I know it’s weird to describe anything in that way, but it just was and that’s the best I can do. Next day, everything in my life, completely changed without me having to change anything. The music that I listen to, the movies that I watched even the jokes that I used to laugh at all, became petty and nonsensical out of nowhere, and I just lost taste for all of my daily activities. One thing I could never stop as a habit was cussing. I loved to cuss a lot especially using the F word. It just felt like I spoke with conviction. Every time I used it with every other word. Completely dissolved into the point where now, when people cuss around me, I have to leave the room because it bothers me to the core. Again I did nothing absolutely nothing as far as trying to break habits, or changing my lifestyle in any way. That is when I realized it is a complete lie to become a person of God. You do not have to follow a book of rules or sacrifice your lifestyle. Just how a boy stops playing with toys when he becomes a teenager because he matures in his taste, is exactly what happened overnight. Everything became childish that had nothing to do with serving God or glorifying him. I became obsessed at this moment because of all of these miraculous changes happening. I couldn’t refute it and I said King Jesus is absolutely real. It’s no wonder why people believe him still to this day. If there was no substance in actual real life interactions or real life supernatural experiences people would’ve ditched this a long time ago. Every time Christians used to use certain words like salvation or born again or hit with the Holy Spirit, etc. etc. I would just sit there and laugh and be like what weirdos. Now I completely understand your language because when you experience it for yourself it’s absolutely unfathomable. God is nothing like we have conditioned to think he is. The media absolutely destroyed his image. He has not some European blonde bombshell with a lamb strapped across his chest that says, unconditional love and forgiveness forever Where his hands look like they have never worked a day in his life. That is all a lie. He is a spiritual light. He is bigger than anything you can ever imagine and he is absolutely frightening, and can pour his wrath on us at any moment, annihilating us with horrendous atrocities, and in the middle of that is unconditional love, mercy, and grace. We absolutely do not deserve anything. We have. We are just not deserving of anything, but he saved us from all of this. That is how you start to feel conviction. I absolutely urge you to go into the quietness and privacy of your room tonight, and bring all of your brokenness, suffering and hardships you have endured and currently going through. Lay it all at his feet. Talk to him like he would talk to any loving understanding and merciful father. he has a gift for you and that’s the Holy Spirit but it’s up to you to have faith and reach out for it. It is not difficult at all. All you have to do is repent of your sins in the most genuine, and sincere way possible. Once you accept him as your Lord and Savior with sincerity, you will then have broken through and you will finally understand what everyone has been saying that is standing on this side. This is something you have to experience yourself just by reading or listening to testimonials if you’re like me it’s one ear out the other bunch of rubbish. I get it. Experience it for yourself because that is when he will save your soul and you completely change. Good luck tonight and God bless you.
@EnSabahNur-ir5mw Жыл бұрын
@@WasBlind_NowISee WTF
@ramsingguetaba9424 Жыл бұрын
That's not Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan ! I've never seen it. People should be carefull !
@GokulHardy7 Жыл бұрын
Then what is this
@vishavbhardwaj1704 Жыл бұрын
Sahi bol rahe ho ap Bhai ye mazak bna ke rakha hua ha
@cindyrobertson3780 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Kundalini awakening can go wrong fast
@yvonneedwards6897 Жыл бұрын
This keeps the deliverance ministries busy.
@cindyrobertson3780 Жыл бұрын
@@yvonneedwards6897 indeed.
@patricksimonx Жыл бұрын
It's the similar thing of magnetism, non verbal hypnosis, somatic experience, ribirthing, dmt Breathwork, shaktipat and others names, have alot way to do the samething
@anjanaybhalavi8089 Жыл бұрын
😂what is sankrhipet..oh my God .. u need to know it properly 🤣
@christananda947 Жыл бұрын
KundaliniYoga doesn’t belong to YogiBhajan b u t exists since long time and is practiced by many great Yogis and adepts of deep knowledge. Yogi Bhajan students should be more humble in their approach with „free KundaliniYogis“ which follow the path since long times. Kundalini is a TRUTH of existence and not sOMething which belongs to sOMeONE. 😇 AMEN Thank You for this film and Your experiences which look more like holotropic breathing. Personally I see much impulses given to the people and I prefer more what cOMes out of the unconsciousness by itSELF …. FrOM there we know what is helpful now. ALL e-goooo impulses should be avoided in traditional Yoga no matter which tradition we follow. Continue the path It’s needed for the NEW WORLD. Love and light with You ALL Cosmic DJ
@user-mr3tj2yf7n Жыл бұрын
Это Оккультизм! Дух бесовский в этих людях! Бежать нужно от этих практик!
@checkout1992 11 ай бұрын
For those who call this a practice of the demond or that is dangerous you should know shaktipat for kundalini awakening is way older than you, this comes from old knowledge from India. If you believe in love you are safe, now if you are vibrating fear you are going to find the demonds is up to you not up to others or therapies.
@ElliottSaxby 11 ай бұрын
@user-ym9tl4hw7k Жыл бұрын
I feel strong energy!
@v9_s9 Жыл бұрын
​@Smart Boy 😂😂😂
@DeepakJAT0007 Жыл бұрын
@smartboy7886 baba haramdev ji aaap yaha 😂
@AboAbdullah1400 9 ай бұрын
You feel shit bro.
@amitshrivastava2810 Жыл бұрын
Kind of exorcesim is going on
@vaibhavmishra5443 Жыл бұрын
Great work guys, lovely to see how an ancient practice like this can be made so friendly and effective. Please keep doing the good work for Betterment of society.
@user-mr3tj2yf7n Жыл бұрын
Это Оккультизм! Мерзость пред Богом! Какие добрые дела?
@tsenuashna3685 Жыл бұрын
It is not good,they give their soul to evil, evil move their body😢 sad
@vaibhavmishra5443 Жыл бұрын
@@tsenuashna3685 you don't understand what is an evil lady. Do yoga with an Indian lady if you think it is evil. Upgrade your brain. It is important.
@Mr.Miyagu Жыл бұрын
Me after doing Wim Hof...
@user-nu4rx8kr4n Ай бұрын
آيا در ايران آموزشگاه داره اگرهست لطفا اطلاع بدید. سپاسگذارم
@karmawangchen0 Жыл бұрын
Is this wat happen if root chakra activates..?. looks like they r all sexually aroused.... n so am i.
@DeepakJAT0007 Жыл бұрын
Something is rising in me.... Wait.. it's not Kundalini 🗿
@yusufmahdiyanto3037 Жыл бұрын
@ElliottSaxby Жыл бұрын
I normally delete comments like this, but you actually made me laugh out loud so thanks.
@DeepakJAT0007 Жыл бұрын
@@ElliottSaxby my pleasure & Tantric welcome 🗿
@HasLene2 Жыл бұрын
​@@ElliottSaxby Yes, he said it right.this called self satisfaction not kuldalini awaking ok, Now read my comment, laugh and delete it, You are keeping people in darkness in the name of Kundalini Awakening.
@user-zb7jg8zh7o Жыл бұрын
It's like hypnosis. People lying down. Not very conscious?
@AshleyDeAnda4JesusChrist Жыл бұрын
Yes, this is demon possession. I unintentionally had a "kundalini awakening" while doing yoga and meditation. Jesus Christ saved me from demon possession. My video is here to glorify God: kzbin.info/www/bejne/enmxYmmNrcZonrc I pray that whomever has eyes to see and ears to hear will find the truth of Jesus Christ.
@SouLbigdaddy Жыл бұрын
Kundalini is different
@competitiveprogramming7766 Жыл бұрын
I want your course
@kundanbarman7583 Жыл бұрын
It is time pass
@biju11_11 Жыл бұрын
Mortals has lost their roots already no pint of doing completed things ,instead cultivate devine practice.
@Max791-z7l Жыл бұрын
I need to learn this technique
@gregoryjones5548 Жыл бұрын
Pretty Positive thats not how you Awaken Christ Conciousness.. Seems a bit too sexual to be the act that releases all the Powers of Creation.
@ryanvan3166 Жыл бұрын
Is sexual energy not the power of creation?
@getting-on-my-nirvana Жыл бұрын
@@ryanvan3166seriously, like what..what energy does this person think literally /creates/ us??😹
@blesildacalambro9459 Жыл бұрын
​@@ryanvan3166sexual energy is the lowest form of energy...learn to meditate instead
@Twitter9999 Жыл бұрын
What is this what is happening There
@peterfoenander6234 7 күн бұрын
This is demonic . I seen heaps of people who dealing with occultism and this stuff . I know what happened to me in 2016 after I visited a temple..
@joycecheng2135 Жыл бұрын
is this same as Energetic Spinal or Body Talk ?
@TheCreativeintelligence Жыл бұрын
Waveform update
@neerajgupta9054 Жыл бұрын
Nothing will happen by breaking ur body.
@mohammadhairilfaiz7598 Жыл бұрын
What function this yoga?
@naps.natureandpeacefulsoun1930 Жыл бұрын
Awesome 👏 ❤
@albertoneri7992 Жыл бұрын
Please.. 😌
@peterfoenander6234 7 күн бұрын
If they only know what they messed with there .
@Kidscoloringfun317 2 ай бұрын
I thought they have modern thought,
@sabineschmidt7424 Жыл бұрын
Ziemlich unwahrscheinlich,das da alle eine kundalinierweckung haben Oder,verstehe ich da etwas falsch!?
@ElliottSaxby Жыл бұрын
you understand wrong. Read the links and let us know if you have questions after that. thanks
@agaking9604 Жыл бұрын
Dokładne 🇵🇱😊
@dadungteguhutama3426 Жыл бұрын
@rustylee72 Жыл бұрын
@dinarkaamericanka1320 Жыл бұрын
Hello can I learn that ?
@inembemilyune Жыл бұрын
Is it Kundalini????
@SouLbigdaddy Жыл бұрын
I don't think so
@tamarad.l8074 Жыл бұрын
No it's not
@SouLbigdaddy Жыл бұрын
@Siya you're too late sir
@Aa-sx1gi Жыл бұрын
@mrStraker888 Жыл бұрын
@deboraaguiar5443 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful ❤
@AshleyDeAnda4JesusChrist Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure what part is beautiful? The wiggling like a snake? The groin jirating? the lack of control? this is demon possession. I unintentionally had a "kundalini awakening" while doing yoga and meditation. Jesus Christ saved me from demon possession. My video is here to glorify God: kzbin.info/www/bejne/enmxYmmNrcZonrc I pray that whomever has eyes to see and ears to hear will find the truth of Jesus Christ.
@EnSabahNur-ir5mw Жыл бұрын
u seem to be a kid
@user-ty6em8te1l Жыл бұрын
@rishichandela2278 Жыл бұрын
I am living in Delhi and want to experience it. Can it be possible?
@sowmyamohan279 Жыл бұрын
These aren't kundalini. Our indian sages found it and now westerners are modifying and practicing it. Kundalini is nothing like this. If u want to awaken search centers in India and not in western countries.
@5dGypsyQueen Жыл бұрын
Where do I sign up
@damianekcichorek5589 Жыл бұрын
Ivch wolę probiren wie viel tabtas klatęn
@ocean4332 Жыл бұрын
Кундалини йога - это не йога, а магия сидхов, и кундалини мантры-это не мантры, а заговоры сидхов, которые распространили эту псевдо практику кундалини магии, для того чтобы мы не могли поднять головы от проблем. Им это удалось. Эту псевдо практику кундалини магии распространили в России и СНГ в начале 2000 годов, и все начали ею активно заниматься. Сейчас спустя 23 года можно увидеть результаты этого псевдо учения кундалини магии. Идёт война между братскими народами, люди перестали читать книги, все хотят только деньги и секс, никто не хочет развиваться духовно, власти воруют у нас на виду, а люди молчат, потому что не могут понять головы от проблем.
@bsmuadmission Жыл бұрын
It is written in Hindu scriptures
@user-yc3nk6lq4w Жыл бұрын
Этому учат в россии?
@denisalihev2793 Жыл бұрын
Я не пойму здесь бесов загоняют или выгоняют
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