In case there are English visitors to this amazing video, here are some translations for the dialogue leading up to this unexpected victory. (It won't let me add subtitles.) 0:12 Wow, this cow (Alistar) is about to manhandle four all by himself! The backline is about to explode! Ezreal goes down, spider (Elise) goes down... 0:37 This play doesn't seem like it's Alistar's fault. Looks like the backline just got instantly wiped by Gragas' ult. They can take the inhibitor... Naw, it looks like a GG to me. Oh, right, it's already late game, 46 minutes in. Seems to be over, they're pushing strong and fast. 1:05 Oh, there's a flash Q! It's a last stand! Let's see how Kaiwing will defend this. But how will he even defend this? Yeah, he just got knocked back! He can't even reach them! Sent two of the members upwards, but they take down the Nexus turret, down goes Alistar, straight into a GG... AY? AY?!?! AY?! WAHH! OH MY GOD. THEIR NEXUS EXPLODED! MY GOD. In my two years of playing League and three years of shoutcasting, I've never seen such an ending to any match! WTF is this?! I thought just now that when HKE was about to win, they purposely surrendered!