Can you share the repository and the document. Clear and easy start to learn appium. Thanks!!
@prodbug108 Жыл бұрын
hope it will help to start .... pls refer code from videos ....
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
@@prodbug108 This link is not working well
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
Just I was asking How to autoselect the checkbox Option in the web or browser part of the App and I am able to fix that issue using the class name👍
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
How to launch Appium Inspector or Chrome ?
@prodbug108 Жыл бұрын
Hi...Appiun inspector open using exe shown in video ..... And try to find xpath in Chrome browser in Desktop same as when we automate Selenium scripts and use them in Mobile automation script
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
@@prodbug108Can you explain me in little brief
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
Which exe
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
@@prodbug108 Where can I see the values or token Ids or access tokens for the Email address and Password entered and How during the Appium automation testing process? Is it on console? Or command prompt? Or Appium Inspector?
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
@@prodbug108 Please help me with source code for the following situation My main motive is to click on Sign In button provided second in the list after Create Account in the First screen ie Create your account. F I R S T S C R E E N Sign In. (N A T I V E) Email address SECOND SCREEN (web view) Password SGN IN App Main Page. THIRD SCREEN then it switches to WebView or the browser (my public url) , then Again Two fields with Email address and Password are shown in the Second screen and I (user) has to SIGN IN with the correct login credentials , then it should come back Switch back to my main application in the Third Screen
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
atleast your pom.xml I am seeeig the following error "Launching main class... Source:Debugger for Java Extension" it is not compliing
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
Please share code for switching to webview and login with Email address and Password
@prodbug108 Жыл бұрын
public static void nativeToWebToNative() throws InterruptedException { System.out.println("Current Context: " + driver.getContext()); System.out.println("Current Handles: " + driver.getContextHandles()); System.out.println("Go to WebView"); driver.findElement(AppiumBy.accessibilityId("Webview")).click(); Thread.sleep(5000); System.out.println("Current Handles: " + driver.getContextHandles()); //Get All available Context - [NATIVE_APP, WEBVIEW_com.wdiodemoapp] Set handles = driver.getContextHandles(); String webContext = new ArrayList(handles).get(1); System.out.println("Fetch WebContext: " + webContext); // Native to WebView driver.context(webContext); System.out.println("Current Context:" + webContext); Thread.sleep(1000); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[aria-label='Toggle navigation bar']")).click(); Thread.sleep(2000); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[aria-label='Close navigation bar']")).click(); Thread.sleep(2000); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("[class='buttons_pzbO'] [href='/docs/gettingstarted']")).click(); Thread.sleep(2000); // WebView to Native driver.context("NATIVE_APP"); driver.findElement(AppiumBy.accessibilityId("Login")).click(); Thread.sleep(1000); driver.findElement(AppiumBy.accessibilityId("input-email")).sendKeys(""); Thread.sleep(2000); }
@prodbug108 Жыл бұрын
pls check video for any clarification
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
Thank you please help me with the imports too@@prodbug108
@Kumar2k12 Жыл бұрын
imports not found in the video @@prodbug108
@prodbug108 Жыл бұрын
@@Kumar2k12 sorry I missed to show imports in video import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy; import demo.helper.AppDriver; import demo.helper.AppFactory; import demo.helper.AppOptions; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set;