😂That was fun!! Great idea to share some love for our Maids with Mrs. Heretic! And always fun to see “The Gap” in action! 😂 We were all there at one time and it was fun to relive it with the Mrs. I hope she can go down the Pigeon hole further and enjoy all the servings the Maids have to offer. Take care and rock on 🤘🏼🔥🎼🎸🥁🤛🏼😀✌🏼
@davidornberg Жыл бұрын
Actually. They call their concerts for servings. They serve their Masters and Princesses. And those Masters and Princesses are You and me and everyone else that listens to Band-Maid. So Mrs Heritic. You are now officially a princess that Band-Maid will serve with awesome music.
@tonygriffin_ Жыл бұрын
Glad to see Mrs Heretic getting over the dresses - I wish more of my friends could do the same! They handled a man in a schoolboy costume playing guitar and three guys wearing animal-themed face paint and other distractions from great musicianship but they often have problems with the maid outfits or Lovebites' ballgowns. Or maybe it's because they're women and are always happy in their work and my friends miss the angry-faced men. It's a mystery to me! 🤘🤘Miku is the embodiment of female empowerment. She was working in a maid cafe and had a dream of being in a Rock band. As she herself has said in her succint way, "I wanted to create something like a combination of a band and maids. Thus it's Band-Maid". So she went out and did it. Now she is the founder, main lyricist (deep, thoughtful, positive words coloured by many aspects of Japanese culture, including many references to Taoist and Zen philosophy; no sugary sweetness here), rhythm guitarist and backing harmonies and occasional solo vocalist of THE best Rock band in the galaxy. For me, aged 61 and a lover of live Metal and Rock since my first gig in 1975 (Sabbath), this realised dream of Miku's, Band-Maid, is, as Tony Visconti tweeted only a few months ago after going to their NY gig, "One of the best Rock bands I've ever seen". They are, for me, at the top of a pyramid of all-female or female-led Rock and Metal bands from Japan that are making all the best, real Rock and Metal for the 21st century - Band-Maid, Babymetal, Lovebites, Nemophila, Asterism, Wagakki Band, Aldious, Lonesome Blue and many others.
@edwardallen4051 Жыл бұрын
Mrs Heretic needs to see the Don't You Tell Me MV, I think she may get it, you don't mess with our Maids. You are right though the concept works somehow as empowering and not at all demeaning which I think is partly down to knowing quite a lot about these young women. Saiki makes everyone dance to her tune, Miku is quite frankly an evil genius (in the nicest possible way), you wouldn't want to have to negotiate a contract with her as she'd have your shirt. Misa, Kanami and Akane let their talent do the talking and are held in very high esteem by many of us that grew up with great artists like Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, The Beatles, Cream etc.
@kinoshitajoey3341 Жыл бұрын
You two are wonderful. Enjoy the show. ' I don't know what a band maid is" Loved that. I was able to see them live this year in Fukuoka. Nice small venue and wonderful sound engineer!! The ladies were great as usual. First real band that made me want to see them live in about 30 years. Yes, I'm getting close to grampa age....
@roygillotti4615 Жыл бұрын
For Mrs. Heretic entire concept of the Band was from the Rhythm Guitarist / Backing Vocals Miku ( Red Rose ), she worked in a Maid Cafe and thought it would be great to form a band that juxtapose the cute maid image with the music that they play. This contrast is the draw of the band, most people on first glance would assume they play some soft pop songs and then they hit you hard. Domination is just the beginning!
@tonygriffin_ Жыл бұрын
PS There are English subtitles on that MV in case Mrs H wants to watch it again and sing along. Also, if she wants to see Akane let rip on her drums, there's always 'FREEDOM' from this same gig!
@1947dd Жыл бұрын
Heyas David and Mrs. Heretic. I am glad you introduced her to the Maids. This was the 22nd song of a 23 song set and they brought that kind of energy. I saw them live at the Fillmore in DC, and they sounded even better in person then even their live videos.
@davidcanty7903 Жыл бұрын
Mrs. Heretic found "The Gap" that Miku intended when she founded the group. The difference between appearance and performance.
@madsstavang Жыл бұрын
Mrs Heretic would be pleased to know that strong, independent women is a common theme in the lyrics. Miku is also not a straight forward lyricist; she uses a lot of symbolism.
@Space_Ranger Жыл бұрын
Misa, Bass, is wearing a Chinese servant outfit. Saiki, singer, is more like a Spanish outfit. The rest are English or French. You get past the maid thing after a while and it' all about the music. In fact it's weird to see them out of uniform like their 2021 Acoustic Concert. BTW there's more English in there but with the accent it's hard to tell lol. It helps to have the captions on and then you see it as well.
The Maids are back in the US in May playing a couple of music festivals on their 10th anniversary.
@danjoseph7515 Жыл бұрын
It's always so fun witnessing the birth of a new Maidiac!! I think Freedom would have Mrs. Heretic jumping out of her chair! Thanks again!🤘🤩🤘
@makmiskell3733 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to Band-Maid Mrs.Heretic!
@GlennWH26 Жыл бұрын
Ah, yes, the outfits. To make a short story long, Miku (rhythm guitar/backing vocals/lyricist) had worked in maid cafes and thought that a band dressed in outfits associated with sexy submissiveness playing hard, in-your-face rock would be a great hook. Kanami (lead guitar/songwriter/principal arranger) loved the idea, largely because she has no fashion sense and this way she never had to worry about what to wear on stage. Akane (drummer) thought the idea was dumb but fun, but didn't like how the costume restricted her movement. MISA (bass) hated the costumes, and almost didn't join because of them. After MISA's reaction, Miku only told Saiki (lead vocals) that they would wear 'cute costumes ' when performing. Saiki was horrified when she saw them, not because they were maid uniforms, but because they were boring and dowdy (Saiki is quite the fashionista). Eventually, things came to a head, and Akane (the leader the band doesn't have) decreed that everyone could design their own outfits, as long as they stuck to the maid theme. Kanami kept the traditional maid outfit. Miku started heading deep into cosplay maid territory, like she owned stock in the ruffle-and-flounce factory. Akane initially ditched the apron, shortened the skirt, and ripped out the shoulder seams of the blouse. Later, Miku helped her make a black and white jumper that suggests a maid uniform while leaving her limbs totally free. Saiki took a Spanish head housekeeper's uniform, sexed it up, and emerged looking like a sexy dominatrix head maid. And MISA showed up in a black dress, claiming it was a Croatian maid uniform. Or maybe Lithuanian. She finally went with Ninja maid uniform, because 'you'll never see her cleaning. ' Later, she switched to a Chinese servants outfit.
@JuanSan66 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for spread the voice!
@MrBryanwithay Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the Band-Maid family lady Heretic! I think this is a great idea to follow the old man down the pigeon hole 😁
@DavidMISAMISAMISACook Жыл бұрын
MISA MISA MISA!!!!!! Saiki (Lead singer) Spanish Maid MISA (Bassist) Chinese Maid Akane (Drummer) Bell Boy Miku (Rhythm Guitar/Backing Vocals) French Maid Kanami (Lead Guitarist) 40's Era Nurse.
@garylai363 Жыл бұрын
Maid cafes are pretty harmless. Think of them as a themed restaurant. The vibe is more cute than anything. When you order some food or a drink, the maid serving you might get you to play along and do a little magic spell to bless the food. You can also pay for extras, like taking a photo, playing a little game with a maid, etc. Sometimes they do little performances. The Maid culture is really only in this sense. They don't have maids at home as servants in Japan. It's not too different than say, Hooters, if you could interact with the servers in other ways. It might seem quirky and odd, but it works in Japan. The next level up would be what they call Hostess/Host clubs, where you go to a bar that is staffed with good looking people (men and women) and you can buy overpriced drinks and have them converse with you. You're basically paying for the interaction and companionship. Hostess clubs are more adult oriented, whereas maid cafes are more geek culture oriented.
@armynurseboy Жыл бұрын
Maid Cafes are G to PG rated. Host clubs range from R rated to XXX....😉
@garylai363 Жыл бұрын
@@armynurseboy visiting the spicy clubs i see? 😂
@armynurseboy Жыл бұрын
@@garylai363 lol
@THEDavidHeretic Жыл бұрын
@@armynurseboy Clearly a man of culture....
@Metal_Auditor Жыл бұрын
Mrs. Heretic, Miku, the guitarist with the red rose on her head, worked for two maid cafés when she was younger, and she founded the band because she thought it would be fun to combine the main cosplay with rock music.
@heroboomstudios104211 ай бұрын
Love the Aldred comparison 11:34
@toshimatyu6654 Жыл бұрын
From Japan The charm that makes BAND-MAID stand out ① They call maid uniforms battle uniforms and love that style. The opposite of the tattoos and violent style of male rock bands. They don't sell the sexiness that many women do. ② Their music has unique rhythms and melodies, and they write, compose, arrange and perform their own songs. Moreover, it continues to change without stopping for 10 years. ③ They talk to the audience on stage, act freely, and always care about their fans and strive to meet their expectations. ④ Every time I listen to many of their songs, I discover new things and grow within myself. They have attractive original songs of all genres. ⑤ They are like a family, cherishing each other and competing with each other. In their songs, all the members shine, and they enjoy it too. ⑥ Listening to their music makes fans happy and smile. It gives you strength to endure difficult situations.
@davidcanty7903 Жыл бұрын
They are coming back to the US this summer hopefully! 10 year anniversary tour. Always good to make it that far with an original line up.
@peterz4427 Жыл бұрын
They will be at Rockville in Daytona in May, another festival in Ohio (I forget when) and more to come. I'm an hour from Daytona, I'll most definitely be there!
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
@actuallynotsteve Жыл бұрын
Since finding out about the ladies, I've been so hyped it's insane. I just hope that the western boys with fragile egos can handle these ladies absolutely smoking us, because they're showing us up.
@jimcarmer1685 Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah, it would be great to watch Mrs. Heretic call the shots to Band Maid videos.
@davidmejia7908 Жыл бұрын
So much fun to watch with the Mrs., I wish my wife would react as well, I think she is jealous of me always watching 5 cure girls! I just love the music and they are easy on the eyes :)
@carlnietoweise4653 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact, when they were clustered around the drummer (Akane) they were making faces at her to try and get her to mess up....as if! Off stage they are all good friends and go out and socialize together! And it shows on stage.... oh ! and if you ever do get over to japan, especially the Asakusa ward in Tokyo, you must take a rickshaw ride from Tokyo Rickshaw Co. They have a fair number of girls pulling the rickshaws who do this by choice! some are part timers, some are college students, one is a radio personality who has been at it for 5 years because she LOVE guiding a rickshaw and meeting new people. Talk about empowerment!
@BM4-Life Жыл бұрын
🐦 *Mrs. Heretic* 🐦 Welcome to the world of *BAND-MAID* (2013 - Present) A group of 5 young ladies from Japan that will rock your world: *Miku Kobato* (Kuruppo) = Lead Vocals / Rhythm Guitar *(Po!)* *Saiki Atsumi* (Sai-Chan) = Lead Vocals *Kanami Tono* (Kanamincho) = Lead Guitarist *Akane Hirose* (A-Chan) = Drummer *MISA* (MISA, MISA, MISA) = Bassist If you wish to continue down this Pigeon Hole 😊 you will enjoy over 100+ great songs you will start saying to yourself “This is my favorite *BAND-MAID* song”. _(No joke Po!)_ Below is a list of songs that will get you started *Blooming-2019* *Dice-2018* *Choose Me-2017* *ONSET* (instrumental) *Real Existence Live (Apr. 13th, 2018)* I discovered *BAND-MAID* in 2019 and came to a realization that *BAND-MAID* more then just a rock band they are a band that does not have any boundaries and is willing experiment into different genre from (Blues, Rock, Punk and Jazz) and a lot of fans including me would say “you got to check out their live videos” from: *2017-STUDIO COAST* *2018-Zepp Tokyo* *2020-LINE CUBE SHIBUYA* *2021-BAND-MAID ONLINE ACOUSTIC* In the end I realize that *BAND-MAID* more then just a band but a band that cares about each other and their fan base and in October of 2022 I had a fortune of experiencing them live and with that *BAND-MAID* cemented their Legacy into my heart. Rock On! 🤘 *100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back…*
@sirgawain8471 Жыл бұрын
As I sit here in my MISA tee shirt. Got to see them live back in October. Fantastic show. Highly recommend.
@AntonioGraell Жыл бұрын
Very very funny reaction ;) Thanks and greetings from Spain ;)
@marcostavinga4521 Жыл бұрын
Mrs Heretic welcome to the wonderful world of Band-Maid. A cool rock band. Don't let their maid image (their own choice) fool you. Band-Maid wants to dominate the world with their music. That's what this song is about.
@zoob6510 Жыл бұрын
Her reaction was so funny that I laughed a lot too. Nice reaction!
@haggaisimon7748 Жыл бұрын
"I really like that" that what I wanted to her from her. She needs to hear Freedom, she'll like it more.
@philproffitt8363 Жыл бұрын
Saiki is indeed great. They're ALL great...and dedicated in the service of rock music like their lives depend on it. Look forward to more 👍👍 for Maid Rock from Mrs Hezzer 🤘🤘🤘
@TexasVeteranPatriot Жыл бұрын
YAY!! Was hoping that this one would happen!
@Billy333-u9r Жыл бұрын
"Hello " to the world.
@TheVleckChannel Жыл бұрын
"Are they gonna sweep the stage when they're done?" To be fair, Japanese soccer fans pick up all the litter after matches, so there's always the possibility.
@jeremydawkins8814 Жыл бұрын
The ultimate gap reaction to BAND-MAID. 👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣
@JoFa876 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction! Lots of fun seeing reactions from Mrs. Heretic.
@Metal_Auditor Жыл бұрын
Now David, they’ll be announcing another US tour soon. Make sure you don’t miss it this time.
@DAVID-io9nj Жыл бұрын
They are maids, not janitors! They "serve" kick-ass music. Also, Don't You Tell Me MV shows the maid's power.
@irwinwei73 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed watching both of you interact more than the MV itself (I’m a Madiac, I’m already familiar with their music) 😅 You’re a really sweet couple!
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Thank you and appreciate your support.
@sugaanessena3143 Жыл бұрын
Welcome, Mrs. Heretic, to the Maidiacs. It will be fun to watch your journey down this pigeonhole.
@thesuperdak7224 Жыл бұрын
Great first reaction Mrs. H! Band-Maid really is a unique band. It all started with Miku Kobato, who does the backing vocals and rhythm guitar; she started off in a Japanese idol group (think teen boy band, but not boys) but found that she didn't like style and worked in a maid cafe afterwards. That is where she came up with the concept of "The Gap" -- the conceptual dissonance of cute maids playing HARD ROCK. She recruited lead guitarist Kanami after watching a few of her videos, and Kanami recruited drummer and bassist Akane and MISA (yes that is how you must spell MISA), who she knew from music school. Miku was initially going to be the lead singer, but realized she didn't have the voice for what they wanted to do, and so "auditioned" Saiki for the role (she already knew about her, but the production company insisted on auditions). David is correct, Miku couldn't play guitar at first -- when they aired their first video, it was little more than a prop -- but Kanami brought her up to speed quickly. In case you're wondering, Kanami and Akane were all-in on the maid costumes, the other two weren't. Oh, and she is also an eight hundred year old magical pigeon. Just sayin'.
@garykeeling2275 Жыл бұрын
810 years old, to be precise! How she has managed to stay 810 years old for multiple years is something of a mystery!
@Magekenric Жыл бұрын
To be fair 'gap moe' is a Japanese term, and Miku-san understood that and used it to their advantage. Not to discount from Miku-san in anyway, as this band and her are amazing regardless.
@fifis677 Жыл бұрын
Miku didn't see the maid outfits as a gimmick. She liked music and she liked maid outfits and she thought that it would be cool to fuse the two together. There's really nothing more to it. KISS, Alice Cooper, Slipknot; for as great as the all are, used gimmicks in hopes of gaining attention. Band-Maid's band outfits all came out of Miku's previous maid cafe work and her wanting to create a maid central band before any of them ever knew each other. The music is what counts, the cuteness is just a few bonus points onto what's already a 10/10 musically.
@shirato39 Жыл бұрын
"Kawaii" things doing hard and cool things exist in pop culture such as Japanese anime, Babymetal was born from there, and I think that the production also adopted Miku's idea after the success of Babymetal. and there are many bands in Japan, and it is important that even if a band performs well, their name and appearance will be remembered. It's not mentioned whether it was aimed at being memorable, but Miku said that he aimed for the difference between appearance and performance as a gap.
@shirato39 Жыл бұрын
Ah, actually, BAND-MAID was formed before Babymetal became successful overseas, so I don't know if it influenced them.
@TomClark-Futoura Жыл бұрын
And a thing about the maid outfits, David and Mrs. David. ;-) As Fans and Maidiacs know, Miku -- the 2nd guitarist, lyricist, founder and who worked at a maid cafe -- wanted to show that everyday working "Kawaii" girls dressed as maids in high heels while having fun and smiling could rock as hard as any guy band sweating it up in their hip, poor tortured artists "outfits"... and by showing that contrast (the Gap), it would generate interest, which it so successfully has done! It also represents Woman Power (Equality), which is an important theme with the Maids. Now they show up as Maids for all band business and interviews, etc. and have created a long-lasting, unmistakable, visual band brand. Very cleaver, Miku. Your diabolical plan for world domination is working, Po! Of course, none of this would work if their music and stage performance wasn't at such a remarkably high level. Band-Maid is considered by many of their fans and Maidiacs to be the best hard rock band in the world - maid outfits and all!
@Wagoo Жыл бұрын
You gotta get Mrs Heretic a french maid outfit now 😂 The maid cafes are great fun, they pour syrup on your pancakes for you etc.. and there are singalongs and little games and competitions lead by the cute maids in there. The maids are the ones in charge!
@wickeddummy Жыл бұрын
"Are they gonna sweep the stage when they're done?" Thanks Mrs. Heretic, this reaction was good fun 👍😄 Hope you feel better and we get to see more Band-Maid reactions from you.
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Recovery from Covid first and then I might be able to get The Mister to let me on for a few more!!!
@mjelks4227 Жыл бұрын
Ok, ok, David. I was watching as a loafer for too long. Subscribed. Also, I love when Mrs Heretic is on and am glad she is on just enough to make the appearance a highlight. Thank you.
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Thank is so sweet of you I go on when I have time with my work schedule and now Covid has taken me away from gracing you guys thanks for the support!!!!
@nogarddragonkin Жыл бұрын
In regards to the maid thing. I think Saiki said it best.. we are bandmaid, we are here to serve but do not take orders lol. Maids I spoke with on my recent time in Japan basically said they do it because they worked in restaurants before but in maid Cafes people are nearly always happy, they get to smile a lot and wear cute clothes every day. It's not about servitude but about service. I'm glad Mrs Heretic enjoyed our lovely Maids music
@chesterloh7060 Жыл бұрын
Maid culture is just very common in Japan..just like the anime
@alexn4843 Жыл бұрын
Miku (rhythm guitarist) use to work at a maid cafe and came up with the idea. She thought I would be a cool visual to see them dressed in maid's uniform and play rock music. They call that "the gap". They also referred to their maid's customs as their "fighting clothes" when they did their Christmas acoustic online concert that they performed in regular clothes.
@carlosretamal1567 Жыл бұрын
A detail to contribute to the comments about the clothing, and agreeing with what David says about Japanese culture about the Maids, is that, like Kiss or Slipknot, it allows you to put on your clothes, glasses and walk like any other person wherever you want, welcome to Mrs. Heretic to de Maidiac world.
@jasonnord785 Жыл бұрын
Fun reaction! I can’t wait to see Mrs. Heretic react to more Band-Maid! 👍👍
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Me either that was 🤩 fun
@Willywin Жыл бұрын
Nice reaction. The idea behind the maid outfits comes from Miku, the founder and the one who came up with the original concept whilst working in a Maid Cafe. She envisioned a juxtaposition, 'The Gap', between the maid outfits that people saw the band wearing and the hard rock music that people heard the band playing. However I can bet there are many places and cultures around the world where the clothing worn by the likes of AC/DC, Kiss, Twisted Sister, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, The Runaways and even Goth clothing would be frowned upon, perhaps even in the States. I personally prefer the moderate and on the whole innocent Maid outfits to many of the alternatives that can be seen being worn by many other female artists. I recommend people check out their 'April Fools' joke, from a few years ago where they performed under the name Band Maiko and dressed up as trainee Geisha, even singing in the appropriate dialect. As for using the terms 'Masters' and 'Princesses' these are just words that in the context of their concerts represent the importance of the audience, and is their way of saying that as far as the band is concerned, the fans come first. I doubt the use of those words and the context in which they are used are controversial in Japanese culture. Please note each maid outfit is different and designed to reflect the individual charachteristics, pesonalitiy and likes of the wearer. Miku, (Rhythm guitar) the founder of the band is very outgoing and flamboyant, is very up front and centre stage and loves the frills and intricate layers, you might say the more the merrier - along with chunky heels and a trademark red flower in her hair. Kanami (Lead Guitar) prefers the no frills worklike look with sensible soft flat shoes, an outfit that in its way represents her hard work ethic. Kanami taught Miku to play and Miku says Kanami is a very demanding sensai (teacher) requiring up to eight hours of practice a day when learning a new song or preparing for a concert tour. Akane (Drums) has a maid outfit that is sensible and designed for the functionality of being sat down drumming, namely shorts and and loose or short sleeve blouse. The two members who have fought shy of the generic maid look with 'apron' are Saiki and Misa. Saiki, the lead singer prefers a long black 'Maitra D style outfit that is still glittery and detailed and elegant and projects 'here I am' - along with the blue flower in her hair and trade mark high heels. Misa, bassist, prefers the long black mysterious maid outfit which also complements her hair, she likes to perform barefoot - the black outfits, performing barefoot and being killer on the bass guitar have earned Misa the nickname 'The Barefoot Assassin'. These five women truly are skilled musicians and singers.
@justradhy2175 Жыл бұрын
Mr.Heretic here acting just like every band maid fan looking at first time reaction to bm video..:-)
@edwardallen4051 Жыл бұрын
I'm only 4:45 in and it's a great reaction already
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot!!!🎉
@danw4490 Жыл бұрын
Great couple! I love when you do reactions together.
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! I try to come on when I can!!!
@danw4490 Жыл бұрын
@@dhwife3962 I wish my wife would be as into music as you are! She doesn't like rock at all... Thanks for the reply! As soon as I'm able, I'm going to join the Patreon again.
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
@@danw4490 thanks for being a member of the fanbase we appreciate your support. When Dave and I got together I knew music was his life force and his love language so my job as his partner is to support him anyway I can. And since this is his passion and love language I get into it with him. I know that we support one another and this is how I show my support. I don’t have to always agree on his musical choices but I will find the best in everything!!!
@danw4490 Жыл бұрын
@@dhwife3962 Well, blessings to you and David. You're wonderful people! May you both be blessed with ultimate happiness, success and love! Blessings from Israel!
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
@@danw4490 thank you so much. Same to you!!!
@Kevin6059 Жыл бұрын
Great job, Mrs. Heretic!!
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
🙏 thank you!
@bruceveary1758 Жыл бұрын
"Two thumbs-up!" Now the Maidiacs buy you (and your husband) a drink!
@crystalbowie1212 Жыл бұрын
thank you for responding to BAND-MAID's song. Their concept is an alternative to serving customers with household chores It's about providing their great songs. Their live performances are of the same quality as their music videos and never disappoint their audiences. That's why they don't miss five hours of practice a day. In other words, they are ready to become professionals in providing music. As your reaction shows, BAND-MAID's songs are full of strong passion and energy. At the same time, there are many playing techniques, the melody is catchy, So they deprive the audience of their physical strength. As such, a song is always just under or less than 4 minutes long. Considering the fatigue of the audience on Live, it also includes the hospitality to those who value Live.
@Wonderful-cr9lv Жыл бұрын
Hi Mrs. Heretic. It is good that you enjoy band maid. I am expecting your reaction to the MV of "secret maiko lips" and "Gion cho". BTW, they have plenty of songs that can make you happy after listening. e.g. Play and freedom, no need to know the lyric.
@bruceveary1758 Жыл бұрын
Japan is the dress-up capital of the world -- that is both an observation and a compliment. (I love an innate sense of theatricality -- especially done well...and they almost always do!).
@ericifune5543 Жыл бұрын
Maid culture started as a branch of cosplay. Japan is the center of cosplay. Maids have been part of Japanese pop culture for decades.
@armynurseboy Жыл бұрын
So are priests and nuns, which is unusual considering that Christianity is a very small minority in Japan.
@billb.5183 Жыл бұрын
At least Mrs. Heretic's aversion to gimmicks didn't blind her to how great the music is. Many people write BAND-MAID off out of hand once they see the maid outfits.
@teuwii Жыл бұрын
I've got to stand on Mrs. Heretic on that one ! I discovered BAND-MAID on Spotify in their early days, big fan of their music ! When I first watched their videos, I was so uncomfortable with the maid gimmick, and I still am tbh. I wish they could drop the maid outfits, but I guess it "works" getting more people interested in them. Nevertheless, I went to every single one of their shows in Paris, it was so much fun ! These ladies are really talented. I highly recomend you to go to a live show from them, it's a blast :)
@andrewloveless3921 Жыл бұрын
I would love it if you listened to LOOK AT ME by band maid its one of my favorites from them.
@wysrayum1041 Жыл бұрын
Maid culture in japan is like a sub-culture from cosplay culture. and it's different from your perception of maid in west world. In cosplay culture they just dress as a cartoon,game or movie characters and act like them that's the essence of it and they just do it for fun. and Maid culture too. Those maid cafe he mention are just like David said they just wear maid outfit and act like maid to serve customer. they would serve you tea,cake,or food and they might even dance or act cute with you or ask you to cast the magic to the food (depend on which kind of cafe since it can breakdown more to what type of maid but in Thailand there's only a magic maid cafe here so I only know that one) just imagine grown ass man as David wearing a cat ear and cast a magic to the food it quite interesting to see hehe. and yep they make quite good money from it too. since it has additional requirement from normal waiter/waitress. so they earn much more from it. and they get quite a heavy tip per day too. so it kind of empowering in it self since mostly in this kind of cafe only female can wear maid outfit and serve customer those male who want to work in maid cafe can only work behind the shop and get paid as a normal chef or dishwasher which can't get any tip from it.
@chrissanford3783 Жыл бұрын
Wait; what was that sound I just heard? I think another "Maidiac" has gotten her wings! Great review, Mrs. H. You need to see them live - I did in Boston. Their crowd interaction is awesome; each one coming down from the stage at one point and going up to the rail the crowd was standing at. Their "schtick" is World Domination - and they make sure that the crowd knows it! At the end of the Boston show Kanami went up to a boy standing at the rail and gave him a guitar pick and Akane autographed one of her drumsticks and presented to him. If you look at Vladimir Chopin's video of "Domination" at the Boston Show (Paradise Rock Club) you will see it at the end. Can't wait for you to react to more of their songs ("Freedom" live, David :>))
@avader5 Жыл бұрын
Just so you know it's been my experience after watching reactors to Band-Maid that the only videos that get blocked or when they react to videos that come from Blu-ray or DVD discs that were included with the CD audio discs in their released albums. You can always tell they tend to have a white background.
@garykeeling2275 Жыл бұрын
Also, I actually have seen at least two artists "sweep" the stage at their shows. Rick Springfield came out pushing a broom back and forth, pretending to be a janitor just before the start of the show, so the crowd didn't realize it was him until the music started. And at a Rush concert, Alex Lifeson stopped in the middle of the show and started running a vacuum cleaner all over the stage. Both were pretty funny!
@garykeeling2275 Жыл бұрын
Technically all five are wearing maid outfits, but of different concepts of maids. Miku (rhythm guitar, backup vocals, band founder), Kanami (lead guitar), and Akane (drums) all wear variations of the traditional serving maid outfits, though their designs change every couple years, with each member customizing their own. Saiki's (lead vocals) outfit is more akin to a housemother/governess outfit. MISA (bass) is based more on a stylized "assassin maid" outfit, which is a trope in anime. Drummer Akane's outfits have always been more sleek than the rest, to afford her more freedom of movement behind the drums. She still wears a maid outfit, it's just a new design.
@armynurseboy Жыл бұрын
MISA's outfit is based on a Chinese Cheongsam dress that was popular in the 30s with both socialites and domestics.
@garykeeling2275 Жыл бұрын
@@armynurseboy I wouldn't doubt that the Cheongsam dress influenced some anime and manga fashion, and it does bear some similarities to some of MISA's costumes, but both she and the Maids have referred to her outfit as the "assassin maid" outfit, which is a common thing in anime and manga. And they've also said that her outfit is inspired by manga/anime, as she is an avid reader of manga. So if the Cheongsam dress inspired her outfit, it was more likely an indirect inspiration by way of the anime and manga fashions that it did inspire.
@armynurseboy Жыл бұрын
@Gary Keeling that interview where they called Misa's costume that was during World Domination release time, so before she switched to the chreongsam dress (which was used for Conquerer and Unseen World). Also, I've read in some posts that claim they actually called it a "Croatian Maid" but was mistranslated/misunderstood as "Assassin Maid".
@ricardo__jr Жыл бұрын
About Fn time 😁 you took a deep dive into BAND-MAID with over 100 song playlist I hope you got a life preserver or call a friend. 🎀 Maid in Japan 01/8/2014 This studio album has 10 tracks 🎀 New Beginning 11/18/2015 This studio album has 9 tracks 🎀 Brand New Maid 05/18/2016 This studio album has 9 tracks 🎀 YOLO 11/15/2016 This was a single that includes Matchless Gum and Unfair Game 🎀 Just Bring It 01/11/2017 This studio album has 13 tracks 🎀 Daydreaming / Choose me 06/18/2017 Single which contains these two songs 🎀 World Domination 02/14/2018 This studio album has 15 tracks 🎀 start over 06/25/2018 This was a single that includes Screaming 🎀 Bubble 01/16/2019 This was a single that includes Smile 🎀 Glory 01/16/2019 This was a single that includes hide-and-seek 🎀 BAND-MAIKO 04/03/2019 This studio album has 7 tracks 🎀 Conqueror 12/04/2019 This studio album has 15 tracks 🎀 Different 12/02/2020 This was a single that includes and instrumental Don't be long 🎀 Unseen World 01/13/2021 This studio album has 2 CDs and 14 tracks 🎀 about Us 2/3/2021 🎀 Sense 10/27/2021 This was a single that includes 火花 and Corallium 🎀 BAND-MAID ONLINE ACOUSTIC OKYU-JI 4/26/2022 This album has 14 tracks 🎀 Unleash EP - 21 September 2022 - 8 tracks.
@安拓-t3n Жыл бұрын
The vocalist did not have the personality to wear a maid's costume, so miku let her join the band without telling her that the band costume was a maid. So it is designed to look as little like a maid as possible. She was also not told that there were pigeons.
@phaeron Жыл бұрын
Welcome Mrs. Heretic to the rock wonderland of Band-Maid! Believe me I'm not really a big fan of gimmick bands either, and you don't have to, to like these ladies. Their music and performances speak for themselves. They are so good at that, that you actually won't even notice the costumes anymore after a very short time. If you already like the energy of this song/performance, I can really only recommend 'Freedom' or 'Real Existence (Live)'. I'm almost inclined to bet that at the latest after these 2 videos, we can welcome another Maidiac in our ranks. 🤭 Greetings from the German Maidiacs division. 🙋🏻♂🤘🏻 _____________________ 「 _'Our rock never dies ever. Forever!'_ 」 --- *BAND-MAID* 'Manners' 🕊
@invisibledave441 Жыл бұрын
Great review and true statement, Japan is very different. There is actually a uniform culture in Japan early on with kids wearing uniforms their entire school life. This then sort of continues on into work life, with most occupations having some kind of uniform. Miku, (rhythm guitar) is the founder of the band and worked for a time in a maid cafe, which is that kind of sub culture you were talking about, and the inspiration for the concept. Kanami (lead guitar) agreed without hesitation to the maid outfit but the other girls balked at first, but in the end there were compromises with Misa (bass) looking a bit more like a Ninja Assassin than a maid, and Saiki (lead singer) going all black. The girls performed a live acoustic concert during the pandemic without an audience. They were beautifully dressed in "civilian" clothes and they actually said it maid them feel "uncomfortable" or "shy". They then referred to the maid outfits as their "battle suits". The thing about uniforms is kind of in the name. They are unifying and can be empowering. Whether its an army uniform a Tuxedo or a maid outfit It says we are on the same page going in the same direction, and in Band Maid's case they go there at 150 miles an hour! Again, great review. Welcome to Band Maid! this is certainly one of their best songs IMO, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. So much truly great Band Maid music!
@grahamreed8774 Жыл бұрын
The drummer Akane, hasn't stopped wearing a maid outfit, but in 2019 she did stop wearing the tiny hat. My wife also thinks that the band wearing a maid outfit is a bit demeaning, even though it was their choice, also the band calling fans Master's and Princesses.
@Muzicman2112 Жыл бұрын
The only thing Band-Maid knows how to do is sweep that stage! You gotta see them live, it’s not like any normal concert, it is an experience you must partake in! The music will leave you satisfied
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
It was a fun reaction!!!😊
@ricardo__jr Жыл бұрын
This song is from "BAND-MAID WORLD DOMINATION TOUR - Shinka" held by BAND-MAID at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA on February 14, 2020 Please subscribe to their channel (if you haven't): kzbin.infovideos Setlist: 1-Rinne 2-Blooming 3-Screaming 4-Dilemma 5-glory 6-FREEDOM 7-Choose me 8-PAGE 9-Mirage 10-catharsis 11-Bubble 12-The Dragon Cries 13-I can't live without you. 14-TIME 15-Wonderland 16-alone 17-DICE 18-Don't you tell ME 19-Play 20-DOMINATION 21-endless Story
@SkullAngel002 Жыл бұрын
1:54 - Mrs. Heretic: "You scare me at times!" Well that's one sure way to know she's the one.
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
He scares me often!!!
@bruceveary1758 Жыл бұрын
Akane is "OK"? Oh wow, I need a drink....
@flugelhornoldman1362 Жыл бұрын
Thanks again from Japan 有難う💛。 Has Mrs. Heretic fully recovered? Even I, a Japanese guy, was confused by their outfit until I came to know they are excellent performers. In addition to the playful gimmick, they use "Maid" as puns or word plays to entertain fans. Their 1st album was entitled "Maid In Japan" and 3rd "Brand New Maid". 😄 They are scheduled to come back to US to appear at festivals. Please enjoy them live.
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
I am still bedridden with Covid it’s downright awful
@flugelhornoldman1362 Жыл бұрын
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
@@flugelhornoldman1362 I am getting a little better
@flugelhornoldman1362 Жыл бұрын
@@dhwife3962 ✌ 😄
@b766hi6 Жыл бұрын
Would like to see mrs heretic's reaction to Hanabie we love sweets
@reesereese2524 Жыл бұрын
@christopherscottdempwolf5759 Жыл бұрын
Yay! Mrs. H reacting to one of my new favorite bands! I saw them live in October and the energy is pretty close to this. Saiki's command presence over the audience is even more pronounced in person. Mrs. H, I share your passion for women's rights and from what I have seen these women are fully in charge. The Maid gimmick was meant to cause some cognitive dissonance once people heard the music because their talent is undeniable. I think most of the fan base are other musicians. I can also say that 99% of the comments I've read or heard about them are entirely focused on their musical skill. I think that in some ways the maid motif disarms those who would objectify them once they start playing. They simply command respect.
@klaymor73 Жыл бұрын
If mrs Heretic it's scared with Band - Maid, what would happen if she sees a Versailles live show. 😉
@bandmaidfanATL Жыл бұрын
Since she wasn't so impressed with the drum solo, hit her with Freedom OLV.
@Puyax01 Жыл бұрын
I don't recommend Freedom much but I think the Mrs will enjoy it very much. Love your chemistry together 🤘
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Thank you I think we play off each other!!!
@andrewawakened628 Жыл бұрын
It's hard to get some people to understand the cultural difference here. Not just in Japan, but throughout Asia in general they view serving people in a completely different way than it's viewed in the USA. If you've never visited Japan its an amazing experience - the way hotel and restaurant staff and even regular store staff approach providing service to their customers is amazing. And maybe because they don't have the same kind of legacy of slavery in their recent past the way the USA does it doesn't have the negative association with being contrary to freedom and rights.
@_previously Жыл бұрын
This isn’t directed toward Mrs. Heretic but, you started talking about stuff that I feel very passionately about when it comes to Band Maid and other non-traditional, outlandish bands. It’s kinda goofy to see that there are some rock fans who will quite literally disregard Band Maid’s music and their talent bc of the stage outfits they wear. The point of the outfits and their band’s concept is to present an interesting and jarring juxtaposition, to show that small, Japanese women in maid costumes can rock out and play just as well as, if not better than the men in the scene. I think that it’s very feminist imo. Tbvh, if how they look is all that it takes for “music fans” to write them off, it’s better they stay away. Loved the reaction! I hope you’re able to continue advocating for the diversity w/in the rock genre w your channel!
@binuses Жыл бұрын
Lo mejor de la esta reacción no ha sido BAND-MAID (siempre es lo mejor), sino ver al Sr Heretic reaccionando a las caras de asombro y perplejidad de Mrs heretic y pasarlo en grande , además de ver la complicidad entre ambos . Salud y Rock and roll Mr and Mrs Heretic ,no cambien. 🤘🤘😊😊
@dhwife3962 Жыл бұрын
Thank you and we have fun ripping on each other too!!
@takashis8268 Жыл бұрын
@hardcorechristopher9174 Жыл бұрын
Great job
@clivematthews5296 Жыл бұрын
For bass solo try Asterism, another Japanese 3-piece, playing Dawn, Church or Gunfire.
@weirdomon2 Жыл бұрын
For no reason except it being fun..Mrs Heretic reacts to Ladybaby? The old version
@septimusseverus7237 Жыл бұрын
Miku the rythm guitarist/backing volcal and Saiki the main singer, are both fond of horse races. Miku is almost a semi-pro poker player while Saiki is fond of railways and trains and is also a hard core fan of the base-ball team Hansin Tigers. Akane the drummer is the tomboy heavy eater of the band while Misa the shy bassist is keen on drinking with buddies. They are in real life very far from the cliché of maids and thiese costumes they wear are both a battle dress uniform behind which they hide their ego for the sake of the group and deceive the new comers they trap in the gap between their fancy apperance and they serious muscial talent.
@garylai363 Жыл бұрын
Akane at some point switched to shorts and not a dress. It was just easier for drumming, but it's still themed in the same black and white with frills that Kanami and Miku wear. As you said, Saiki and Misa are more elegantly dressed, but still consider themselves maids, albeit not your typical French maid.
@Metal_Auditor Жыл бұрын
Akane has moved back to wearing a skirt, but it’s a long skirt that I assume has been designed to accommodate drumming. And now MISA wears pants.
@garylai363 Жыл бұрын
@@Metal_Auditor Ah yes, you are right! I'm willing to bet it's a skort (just for practicality) but yeah, she's gone back to a skirt. Her costume is 2 pieces now too.