I went to American base schools in Japan,and my lunch without fail, was a dry bologna sandwich, a piece of fruit and a couple of oreo cookies. I hated that lunch so much and sometimes would actually throw it out, borrow money from the school office and buy a hot lunch that was at least a little tastier. But more than anything, I was so envious of my classmates whose mothers made them a delicious looking onigiri or other Japanese foods for their lunch. My Japanese stepmother was too busy to make Japanese obento, and I was too scared to ask her to make one for me.
I don't know why but just watching this makes me cry... such a sweet family. It's so beautiful. 私も国際結婚ママで、まだ子供が小さいのでまだスクールランチは作ったことがないのですが、こういう栄養バランス、味をしっかり考えたご飯を子供に作ってあげたいなと思っていました。Sweet Skyler wants his friends to be healthy and happy... How sweet... ママのお弁当恥ずかしくないって言っていて、安心しました!(恥ずかしいどころが誇れる素晴らしいお弁当ですから当然ですね!)
忙しくなってから前ほど拝見できなくなっちゃったんですが、前のハワイの時から見てます!😌ほんとに2人とも喋り方、トーン、使ってる日本語から、お二人がとっても優しい夫婦なんだろーなって思います!とくに、ママさんは笑顔も含めてほんとにトムさんは素敵な奥さんに恵まれてるなーって女からしてもわかります😉 ほんとにサンシャインみたいな奥さん😊 これからもちょくちょく見に来れたらと思います! Please stick to what you do!