MSFS 13 Stream Deck Switches using Axis and Ohs

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Keith Butcher

Keith Butcher

Күн бұрын

This video shows more details of the stream deck software. It looks at profile and plug-in managment.
It shows installing the AAO plug-in and examines some of the tools.
It demonstrates creating a number of switches for the C172
IMPORTANT: in video 5 at around 9:30 I show that you need to enable web API on port 9080.
A number of people haven't seen that video. Look in the tools menu! The stream deck will not respond unless you enable this.
UPDATE : the API port is now 43380
00:00 intro
01:51 stream deck in depth
08:25 AAO tools explained
13:00 Beacon switch
23:10 Landing lights
26:50 Taxi lights
29:42 Nav lights
31:25 Strobe
33:15 Fuel pump
39:45 Pitot heat

Пікірлер: 29
@Keith_Butcher 7 ай бұрын
Please note the WebAPI port is now 43380 by default
@scottishrebels Жыл бұрын
This video is super useful to a new streamdeck user like myself to better enable its functionality in MSFS. Thanks for taking the time to do this. You gained a new sub :)
@CrashEd1664 Жыл бұрын
Excellent tutorial, many thanks Keith.
@richavery66 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really enjoying this series - thank you! I've been using Lorby AAOs with the Stream Deck for a few months now and feel quite proficient with it. Still, I have learnt some good tips from you - for example, I had no idea you could drag & drop image files over the Stream Deck app to load them; I have always used the drop-down arrow and browsed. Your method is much quicker! Having watched your videos, I'm considering investing in an X-Touch Mini, as having rotating dials would be very helpful in the sim and would also save quite a lot of space on the Stream Deck (replacing a number of 'INC' and 'DEC' buttons) … I have created profiles for the Just Flight Warrior and Turbo Arrow using AAOs, trying as much as possible to replicate the dials I cannot see when in the default view in the cockpit. I have steam gauges using backgrounds I have created myself with rotating needles displaying the engine RPM, alternator amps etc. Some of them took a while to 'calibrate' (i.e. to adjust the position of the needle, the multiplier required to give as accurate a reading as possible, the starting angle of the needle), and some I have had to write RPN scripts for - the scripts I have included in the gauge itself where normally an event or variable would be. If I were ever brave enough to share them them on FlightSim to, do you know if people who downloaded a copy would have the gauges calibrated on their PCs as well as they are on mine, or would the angles, positions, multipliers etc. have to be re-calibrated for their machines?
@Keith_Butcher 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. I've not got very far with creating my own gauges. I have downloaded a few from and some of these use RPN scripts. These scripts were zipped alongside the profiles and had to be imported into AAO. Indeed they also had an XML file mappng BVARS to LVARS. These had to be imported and then there are entries in the 'extras' menu in AAO to map the BVARS to LVARS and then to allocate it to a specific aircraft. I haven't got anywhere near that level yet. To see this in action, look for the TBM profile for AAO on All I can say is that I can't see why there should be any re-calibration from one PC to another. I've never had to make any changes when I have used a guage I have downloaded.
@richavery66 2 жыл бұрын
@@Keith_Butcher Thank you. If I do upload them, I think I'll just keep the scripts in the buttons but have an external file to add if users are having issues. I'm sure you're right regarding the calibration of gauges - if users had problems with that, they'd have to try to work it out themselves and that would be a headache for everyone.
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
IMPORTANT: in video 5 at around 9:30 I show that you need to enable web API on port 9080. A number of people haven't seen that video. Look in the tools menu! The stream deck will not respond unless you enable this.
@2684dennis 11 ай бұрын
holy freaking moly, this so awsome, this helped me start up with axis and ohs. i got stream deck xl and plus, and since there are no packs for the boeing 747 i have to make one my self. i got a couple of questions, when i start up: watch simulator events, even when i turned off my yoke, rudder and throttlequadraint. inputs stil flying thruw. any idea what that is, in your vid i see nothing accept when you hit a switch, next question, not all buttons in the 747 gives out an event for example, when i toggle the main 1 fuelpomp it send an event happening, but when i hit the main battery there is no output. what does that mean and is there a way so it does give an event output? i want to program my deck so i can completely configure the plane via streamdeck, but if half of the buttons dont give out an event its not gonna be worth the time, also turning the auto pilot dial knobs for altitute, heading and speed dont give a event. kind regards
@2684dennis 11 ай бұрын
I also want to add, i just switched to the cesna skyhawk g1000 and when i flipped the beacon, it didnt register a event, but with you it did, is there mabey some kind of setting what is different?
@Keith_Butcher 10 ай бұрын
@@2684dennis Hi. I've been away from flight simming for a few months. Hope to be back at it in month or so. There is a way to highlight an event and then ignore it if you are getting a lot of 'noise' from a yoke or throttle. I get it sometimes from my logitech, I think it's a dirty potentiomer. I had a quick look at the events to see your problem and it looks like something has changed and it's not showing all the events it used to in the 'watch events' panel. But there are lots more events available to assign to buttons and scripts. I hop to be back on it again soon and I'll see if I can make progress here. There is a support forum at might be worth seraching or asking here.
@2684dennis 10 ай бұрын
@@Keith_Butcher thank you for youre answer, iv been there on avsim but they didnt really gave me clear answers, but what you say makes sence. meanwhile i made the jump to spadnext, there are good vids and discord help me good, so im progressing there. and there it was explained there are a lot of H events that are not showing in the watch event window, so you have to go to find them in the plane file in the official maps or poke arround in msfs developer mode behavior tool. thanks
@paulycomtois Жыл бұрын
Your videos are great! I purchased a Stream Deck XL because of them. I can get the stream deck to work with key strokes but when I follow along with this video, it doesn't work in the sim. You don't mention anything about adding "Assigned Buttons" in this video. Do I need to do that in addition to what you did here? AAO has a green connection light and recognizes the aircraft, so I believe that is connecting to the sim ok.
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! Always a good way to get some support. I can't be sure what's wrong. I've never had that problem. I put the keystroke example just to show some basic stream deck usage, but this is not the way forward. Key strokes only work if the SIM has the focus. I have other software running e.g. flight charts on a second monitor. If I click on these to find a frequency for example, that will have the focus. If I forget to click back in the SIM all my key presses, whether they are from the actual keyboard or from the stream deck, will go to the last app I clicked on and not the SIM. The correct way to use AAO is to download the stream deck profile from and use the AAO tools from there. These write direct to the SIM variables even when the keyboard input is directed to a different app. This also means you don’t have to use ‘assigned buttons’. Not every event appears in the list of buttons you can assign! So, things to make sure you have done. I’ll try and be complete, so excuse me putting in the obvious! 1 install AAO 2 in tools, make sure enable web api on port 9080 is active 3 install aao profile on stream deck 4 Before running msfs use the aao option in the scripting menu menu to read hvars and bvars 5 With the sim running use the option in aao scripting menu to read the lvars You need to do steps 4 and 5 every time you add a new aircraft or is there has been an update msfs or aao so it can find any changes. The lvars is pretty static. These are variables that have been around for a long time and are well documented. Hvars and bvars are quite new and developing quickly. These are variables designed to work with the graphic interface, e.g. when you mouse click on a switch on the panel. This allows developers to add more graphical items and interact with msfs by sending html code. These are not well documented as the a/c developer can make things specific to their own product. In fact, the advice is to click on every button and switch in an aircraft that you haven’t used before to activate the hvars or they won’t be found when you do step 4 above. So I do that , exit msfs, read the hvars again and then restart msfs. You only need to do that the first time you use that a/c or if there is an update to it, not every time you fly it. In fact, I do a couple of flights and get to know the a/c and what I want to put on the Stream deck or X-touch and the best layout before I start programming it, So I will have tried every function first. If you have installed the stream deck aao profile and it doesn’t appear check video 13 at about 8 mins in to see how to enable it. I can’t think of anything else. If anything here helps, please tell me what worked so I can add it to my list of solutions. If it doesn’t work, get back to me with more details and I’ll try again.
@paulycomtois Жыл бұрын
@@Keith_Butcher This is an incredibly cogent and thoughtful response to a terribly asked question (from me)! It's working great now, and I'm off to start building my first profile to learn from. Thank you very much. Do you have a Patreon? I'd be happy to contribute.
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
@@paulycomtois thanks again. Glad things are moving forward. When I started this project I decided not to monetise it or to proved any product eg not give completed profiles. First is my ‘pay back/pay it forward’. Second it ‘give a person a fish they eat for a day. Teach them to fish. Etc’ I have been given time as I have had a cancer diagnosis so will be confined to home for 9 months. I realised that 40 years of flight sim, programming, electronics and teaching gave me some unique knowledge that no one in my family is remotely interested in. I thought it better to make a coherent resource rather keep repeating myself on forums If you anyone feels the urge to contribute there are 2 charities that have been a great help to me And If donating internationally is a problem then I’m sure there are similar charities locally.
@paulycomtois Жыл бұрын
@@Keith_Butcher I will do just that. Thank you again for your time and effort in helping others learn!
@EclecticTastes Жыл бұрын
Has something changed? I followed your link to video 5 around 9:30, and watched through to about 11:30, but saw no reference to enabling web API on port 9080.
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
It’s in this video 9:28 or thereabouts. Tell me if that works (or not).
@nigelmorris4769 Жыл бұрын
Just found your glad yoh are helping with the series. Many times ive tried,failed and given up. I have learned lots. But can you help on the stream deck im doing a trim page for the tb30.. pitch trim works fine but when i do aileron trim it movers very slow that it hardly moves. Pitch multiptyer is set to 1 and i have set ailron to 1 and upto 1000 and there is no change. It fails to move like when you use the keyboard short cut. Ctrl 4 or 6. Any ideas.
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
I haven’t dug far into the TBM yet. I’ll take a look and see if it’s obvious. I’ve got commitments over the weekend and won’t be near my pc. So give me few days and I’ll get back.
@nigelmorris4769 Жыл бұрын
@@Keith_Butcher ok thanks for the reply.. ill keep trying my end..i have emailed the developers but no reply as of yet...
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
@@nigelmorris4769 just had a quick look. The TBM starts with the aileron trim disabled. Look at variable A:AILERON TRIM DISABLED. It is on. I created a toggle button Write a K event AILERON_TRIM_DISABLED_TOGGLE send value 1 and read variable A: AILERON TRIM DISABLED, Bool with on value as one. Once the trim is enabled I could then increment and dec the trim. I was only using the on screen buttons and watching values. Didn't try to create a stream deck button. I can't see how you are meant to enable the trim from the cockpit.Hope that helps. Tell me how it goes
@nigelmorris4769 Жыл бұрын
@@Keith_Butcher I will look into the AILERON_TRIM_DISABLED_TOGGLE event but im not using the TBM The aircraft im making the buttons for is the TB-30 epsilon, a french trainer that was released a few weeks ago on the store page.. I find its a lot better than the pilitus pc21. Would be great if we cound get the raf Beechcraft Texan T MK1 or the Tucano T.Mk 1 variants..
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
@@nigelmorris4769 sorry. I read your post too quickly. And the TBM is next on my list to explore so I jumped to conclusions. TB 30 looks interesting. I’m trying to work through all the msfs default planes first but was tempted by just flights piper arrow. I might break my rule and add the tb30 to the list.
@brenttrek Жыл бұрын
I've probably watched this 4 times over and I still can't get a simple light switch to work. Found correct observed variable/watched event for Beacon, for instance, but when I hit the toggle I create, nothing happens. Made sure to save changes. At the stage of pulling my hair out.
@Keith_Butcher Жыл бұрын
In the tools menu. Is web api on port 9080 active?
@SnoDawg 7 ай бұрын
It would be great if you could keep a single train of thought in the video. Bloody hell
@Keith_Butcher 7 ай бұрын
Fair comment. I had only just started to get to grips with both AAO/Stream deck and creating videos. Far too much content. Tried too hard to give the complete picture in one episode.
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