A veteran high ranking female monster hunter named Gera Flannigan VI is looking at a nearby mountain and thinking about her past: 29 years her lifelong best friend/partner in crime Jessica Robertson II had been killed in a massacre by a very sadistic human, blood, soul and spirit energy eating vampire witch named Marishka Torrin. She then used a sentient cursed hero-slaying vampire mourneblade named Kuu'Gra III to kill everyone in the village. By the time Gera arrived, the village had completely destroyed and everyone inside had be murdered and eaten by Marishka. Gera had vowed vengeance for the death of her best friend and after being chosen to wield a legendary sentient vampire slaying sacred holy sword, she avenged her best friend's death. Now that Gera is now 57 years old and a veteran high ranking monster hunter, she is still thinking about Jessica and how she will be one day reunited with her in the afterlife.