Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab Hero or Heretic?

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Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

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Title Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab Hero or Heretic
Seminars and lessons of Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Massari
Arabic Channel: / @tajdeed
English Channel / @al-massari
English material is available here:
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Summary of Video: Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab Hero or Heretic
What constitutes Salaf, is there a consensus? Is what the modern day Salafis consider aqeeda definitive?
Do they reflect a pure understanding to the exclusion of others? Are they warranted in calling the rest of the Ummah Mubtadi?
What is the stance on ruling? Can the ruler be accounted, is there a consensus on refraining from accounting the ruler?
Discussion on how government scholars present a selection of narrations without full context and ignore others that decisively refer to accounting/removing the rulers Mistake of Ibn Taymiyyah on definition of Ibadah Discussion on Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab and his expansion on the mistake of Ibn Taymiyyah
00:00:20 - 00:05:32 mins
Intro to Talk :
00:05:34 - 00:30:22 mins
Discussion on definition of Salaf
00:30:22 - 00:43:00 mins
Discussion on Aqeeda
00:43:00 - 00:57:00 mins
MIAW was obsessed and used by Al Saud
00:57:12 - 01:13:22 mins
Bida', Mubtadi, Ruling of General Permissibility, extremism in Deen
01:13:22-01:26:55 mins
Story of Birth of Khwarij
01:32:00 hrs
Rebelling against the Ruler
01:38:05 hrs
The Hadith of Khwarij - Khurooj is only pulling the sword and killing the people
01:46:35 hrs
Discussion on false claim of Ijma in this area
01:50:08 hrs
Ahmed Bin Hanbal ordering to strike a Hadith
2:03:54 hrs
Salafi fixation on Biddah, Mubtadi
2:10:00 hrs
The Biddah of prohibiting listening to "Mubtadi"
2:18:17 hrs
Summary of current Madkhali and salafis
2:23:48 hrs
02:29:45 hrs
Definition of Khuruj (of Madkhali's is faulty)
02:35:40 hrs
Discussion on Allegiance
2:39:00 hrs
Hadith on expiation of sins (minor) except for 3
02:49:40 hrs
Correcting erroneous opinions, Daesh rebuttal
2:52:08 hrs
Madkhali Party - Party of the Government
02:53:45 hrs
Concluding statement
#ibn_taymiyyah #Abdul_wahab #MIAW #salaf #salafi #manhaj #rebellion #khurooj #khwarij #al_saud #tyrants #banu_umaiyyah #madkhali #mubtadi #ahmed_bin_hanbal #hadith #aqeedah

Пікірлер: 98
@mujaddid40 Жыл бұрын
Constructive critique of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab leader/founder of the Wahhabi movement. Wahabism, salafiya, salafi, madkhali etc from the Najd. Contrasting perspective of Tawheed as understood by the salaf in comparison to the Wahhabi blunders.
@hamzamusa6793 7 ай бұрын
You can be salafi without Wahhabi
@DaggerSecurity 7 ай бұрын
I have been a muslim for almost 25 years and i have never heard anyone call themselves wahhabi
@roadstar12439 5 ай бұрын
@@DaggerSecurity but thats just salafis that takfeer and call anyone mubtedia, closely related to madkhalism. Of course that side won't call themselves wahhabis cause its derogatory. That's like saying certain "Muslims" won't call themselves as mujessima even tho they clearly think and show by their works that they attribute likeness of humans to Allah.
@Al-Massari Жыл бұрын
✅ GOOD NEWS: Kitab ut-Tawheed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality is available for free download for the poor (and the stingy!) 👇👇👇 🔥 🔥 ⛔⛔⛔ ✅ Kitab ut-Tawheed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality of Monotheism Paperback - May 5, 2019 🔥 🔥
@nadimdarwish2669 Жыл бұрын
That's bad news. A book that accuses Adam a.s of shirk is rubbish and not worthy of any muslim house. Unless your are KHAWĀRIJ.
@AhmedA-jh8rl 11 ай бұрын
@@nadimdarwish2669where? Bring proof the pdf is there tell me what page?
@FalkZad Жыл бұрын
This was an eye opener, jazakallah khair
@majkhan7281 Жыл бұрын
Much needed discussion. Its important to look at history and historical figures objectively.
@iahmed Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video, I watched it over few days but it’s pretty comprehensive and covers a lot. The mistakes of MIAW and his Mia definition of Ibada has caused more deaths in the Ummah of Rasulullah than any other mistake. It is still responsible for all takfir related deaths in our time. May Allah forgive him and open the eyes of his blind followers to the truth (Quran and Sunnah). He seems to have been used/abused by Al-Saud for their own purposes and he fell for it.
@Yeah_sure_ Жыл бұрын
I have paperback. So does my brother, as he said “glad I did” waiting for vol.II insha Allah
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on becoming jahmi
@headsmashingmujahid1001 Жыл бұрын
You speak Arabic? If you do then it's all out in Arabic on pdf.
@headsmashingmujahid1001 Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 madkhali munafiq
@abiriax Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 the irony of a madkhali accusing the shaykh of being jahmi!
@abiriax Жыл бұрын
We are working on it. New year inshallah.
@tkg3491 Жыл бұрын
Great work as usual
@shaykpootneyjarvis Жыл бұрын
Comprehensive video, must watch
@DaggerSecurity 11 ай бұрын
AsSalaam alaikum brother. What is the ruling on music?
@daee121 Жыл бұрын
Great vid
@rafeeqaboobacker9103 Жыл бұрын
Remember, many sunni scholars witnessed this and spoke against it! For example Muhammad ibn Abidin a major Hanafi scholar said in his - Radd al-Muhtar, 3/339-340, chapter regarding the followers of ‘Abd al-Wahhab, said that the Khawarij of our times - "The followers of M. Ibn Abdul Wahhab believed that they were Muslims and that whoever opposed them were idol worshippers. By doing this, they declared the killing of the scholars and laymen of Muslim Orthodoxy as permissible.” (Shafi Mufti in Mecca, Sheikh Ahmad Zayni Dahlan (d. 1304 H.) says in his book ‘umara’ al-balad al-haram. ”When the Wahhabis entered at-Ta’if they killed the people en mass including the elderly and the children, the honourables, the princes and the layman. They even slaughtered the suckling infants by their mothers’ breasts. They also assaulted the pilgrims to Mecca through extortion and murder.''
@snakejuce Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
Donkeys of 'Uthmani tawagheet are not scholars
@zhamed9587 Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 Itaqqi Allah brother and don't swear at the scholars of the Ummah. You can read about the horrors that the followers of MIAW did in the "tareekh najd" book by Ibn Ghannam, one of MIAW's followers.
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
@@zhamed9587 the irony of your statement
@zhamed9587 Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 It's factual. Whenever someone defends MIAW I ask them if they read the book I mentioned and almost always I get no reply.
@simplyhuman2213 Жыл бұрын
Dear Proff please listen to the questions clearly before answering
@abiriax Жыл бұрын
Mashallah excellent video
@Scuba0 Жыл бұрын
Much needed topic. We also need an episode on muawia and his crimes on this channel !
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
You're a filthy munafiq just like mass'ari
@rashidology7341 Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@kahn_319 Жыл бұрын
The crime of loving the Nabi SAW
@abdoulsy5256 Жыл бұрын
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
@Mur76ad70 Жыл бұрын
اللهم بارك في مسلمين جنوب شرق آسيا وإندونيسيا وبارك في مسلمين جنوب اسيا وشبه القارة الهندية والهند وبنغلاديش وباكستان وافغانستان اللهم بارك في مسلمين الوطن العربي والشرق الأوسط اللهم بارك في مسلمين أفريقيا اللهم بارك في مسلمين فلسطين والشعب الفلسطيني اللهم بارك في مسلمين روسيا اللهم بارك في مسلمين اوربا اللهم بارك في مسلمين أفريقيا ونيجيريا ومالي وتشاد واثيوبيا وأفريقيا يارب اللهم احفظ كل بلادنا العربية والإسلامية والشعوب العربية والإسلامية يارب اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين اللهم وحد صفوف المسلمين والعرب يارب اللهم ارنا في روسيا وامريكا والغرب وفرنسا والصين والهند وبريطانيا عجائب قدرتك يارب اللهم انصر مسلمين كشمير وتركستان الشرقية وفلسطين وغزة يارب العالمين اللهم انصر اخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان في العالم يارب اللهم احفظ مصر واهلها واعد تيران وصنافير الى مصر واعد سيناء إلى مصر واعد آثار مصر المسروقة وارزق مصر اتفاقية بحرية مع تركيا تفيد تركيا ومصر اللهم احفظ حقوق مصر والسودان والمسلمين في النيل وماء النيل يارب اللهم احفظ مصر واهلها وارزقهم قائد مثل الشهيد محمد مرسي يارب اللهم احفظ السودان والشعب السوداني واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وكون معهم وارزقهم الوحدة اللهم احفظ مسلمين إثيوبيا واقاليم إثيوبيا الإسلامية ومسلمين إثيوبيا واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم اللهم احفظ ليبيا وأهلها واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم على الاحتلال الروسي الأمريكي الغربي اللهم احفظ الجزائر والمغرب وارزقهن الوحدة فهم إخوة في الدين واللغة والدم وجيران اللهم وحد صفوف المسلمين والعرب يارب اللهم طهر أفريقيا من فرنسا ولغتها وعملائها يارب اللهم احفظ تركيا وشعبها وقائدها أردوغان اللهم قوي نفوذ تركيا في اسيا الوسطى والبلقان والقوقاز واوربا الشرقية وفلسطين وسيبيريا ارض العرق التركي والتتار والترك والشعوب التركية والطاي وياقوتيا التركية اللهم قوي نفوذهم في أفريقيا وشمال أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط وآسيا والعالم العربي والإسلامي واجمع اللهم قوي تركيا لنصرة الإسلام والمسلمين اجمعين اللهم احفظ كوسوفو وانصرهم واحقن دمائهم وبارك فيهم اللهم احفظ مسلمين البلقان وكوسوفو والبوسنة وانصرهم على الصرب والروس والغرب اللهم احفظهم اللهم احفظ مسلمين روسيا والشيشان واوكرانيا من كل شر يارب اللهم ابعد الشعوب العربية والإسلامية عن حرب روسيا واوكرانيا التي لا ناقة لنا فيها ولا جمل اللهم احفظ مسلمين الهند وبارك فيهم واحفظهم واحفظ أعراضهم وبارك فيهم وانصرهم يارب اللهم اعز الاسلام والمسلمين اجمعين يارب اللهم احفظ مسلمين فرنسا وبارك فيهم واحفظهم واحفظ أعراضهم وبارك فيهم وانصرهم يارب اللهم احفظ مسلمين اوربا وروسيا والصين والسويد وامريكا وكندا والغرب واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم واحفظ اطفالهم وردهم الى بلادهم سالمين وثبتهم على الاسلام يارب اللهم احفظ سوريا وأهلها واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم على الاحتلال الروسي الأمريكي الغربي اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم وفك حصارهم وأسر الأسرى اللهم احفظ فلسطين وأهلها ومقدساتنا الإسلامية في فلسطين والقدس والاقصى المبارك اعاده الله لي المسلمين قريبا يارب اللهم احفظ فلسطين وأهلها ومقدساتنا الإسلامية في فلسطين والقدس والاقصى المبارك اعاده الله لي المسلمين قريبا يارب واحقن دمائهم وبارك فيهم وانصرهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم على الاحتلال اللهم احفظ غزة العزة وأهلها وفك الحصار عنها اللهم احفظ اليمن وأهلها واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم اللهم انصر أذربيجان على ارمينيا والروس اللهم انصر تركيا على اليونان اللهم طهر تركستان الشرقية من الصين اللهم طهر جامو وكشمير من الهند واعدها الى باكستان والشعب الباكستاني اللهم احفظ باكستان والشعب الباكستاني والجيش الباكستاني وبارك فيهم واحفظهم واحفظ أعراضهم وبارك فيهم وانصرهم يارب اللهم زوج بنات وشباب المسلمين وارزقهم الحلال والذرية الصالحة اللهم اشفي كل الجرحى والمصابين وارفع عنهم البلاء والوباء وابعد عنهم الحرام وارزقهن الذرية الصالحة يارب اللهم احفظ بلاد الحرمين الشريفين مكة والمدينة وجزيرة العرب واحفظ المسلمين فيها وفك أسر العلماء والصالحين يارب اللهم ارنا في ..ال سلول وال زايد والسيسي وملك المغرب وحكام العرب والخليج والأسد وملك الاردن وامريكا والغرب وبريطانيا عجائب قدرتك يارب اللهم ارنا في روسيا وامريكا والغرب وفرنسا والصين والهند وبريطانيا عجائب قدرتك يارب اللهم انصر اخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان في العالم يارب اللهم احفظ كل بلادنا العربية والإسلامية والشعوب العربية والإسلامية يارب اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين اللهم وحد صفوف المسلمين والعرب يارب اللهم اشفي مرضى المسلمين ومرضى السرطان وكورونا اللهم امين اللهم ارنا في روسيا وامريكا والغرب وفرنسا والصين والهند وبريطانيا عجائب قدرتك يارب اللهم انصر اخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان في العالم يارب يارب يتوحد الوطن العربي يصبح 14 مليون كيلو متر مربع مع تشاد 15 مليون وأكثر واكبر جيش في التاريخ 3 مليون جندي وعنا نفط وغاز وكل شي اللهم انصر اخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان في العالم يارب اللهم احفظ اخواننا المسلمين في إندونيسيا وماليزيا وبرناوي من شر الغرب والصين اللهم احفظ مسلمين الروهينغا واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم اللهم احفظ الايغور واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم اللهم احفظ الكشمييريين واحقن دمائهم واحفظهم واحفظ بلادهم واعراضهم اللهم بارك فيهم واحفظهم واشفي مريضهم وجريحهم وانصرهم على الهند اللهم احفظ افغانستان الإسلامية وشعبها العزيز الشقيق واحقن دمائهم وبارك فيهم واحفظهم واحفظ أعراضهم وبارك فيهم وانصرهم يارب اللهم وحد الشعب الافغاني وارزقهن الاعتراف بهم والنمو الاقتصادي والديمغرافي .
@خالدالفرحان-ث3ن Жыл бұрын
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل واليه المصير
@babbars2560 7 ай бұрын
Ruwaibidah alert! “There will come to the people years of treachery, when the liar will be regarded as honest, and the honest man will be regarded as a liar; the traitor will be regarded as faithful, and the faithful man will be regarded as a traitor; and the Ruwaibidah will decide matters.’ It was said: ‘Who are the Ruwaibidah?’ He said: ‘Vile and base men who control the affairs of the people.’” Sunan Ibn Majah 4036
@simplyhuman2213 7 ай бұрын
Examine the evidence
@josephpa05 6 ай бұрын
@@simplyhuman2213they refuse to look at the evidence they are to deep in the cult! Remember that just as Israel was carved out of a British colonial protectorate, so too was the Saudi state. The House of Sa'ud was installed in power by the British in the 20th century after the Ottomans had successfully expelled them from Holy Cities in the 1810s. In the 18th century a tribal chieftain of the house of Sa'ud formed a compact with a student of Islamic law, Muhammad b. Abdul-Wahhab. The theology of the latter declared most of the practices of Muslims heretical, and made killing heretics permissible. This facilitated a brutal conquest of Western Arabia that was ended by the Ottomans & re-enabled by the UK.
@Mohammed-kg3kr Жыл бұрын
دكتور هذول نشوفهم في ركن المخاطبة ايش موضوعهم ما تكلمت عنهم بس في مقابلة عربية ومن هؤلاء اشوفهم دراويش 😂
@TeeTee-zm2re 10 ай бұрын
What's so funny?
@Siwahib Жыл бұрын
'بشرى سارة للفقراء الذين لا يستطيعون (والبخلاء الذين لا يريدون) دفع ثمن كتاب التوحيد (بالإنجليزية)' ... What kind of manners are you presenting here to your fellow brother and sisters
@wasimislam8435 Жыл бұрын
3 hours? From a scholar sitting in the UK? I have problems with this choice alone.
@headsmashingmujahid1001 Жыл бұрын
If someone is on the moon and speaks the truth would it be relevant that they were on the moon ?
@wasimislam8435 Жыл бұрын
@@headsmashingmujahid1001 well, depends who you are loyal to, on the moon. Who you pay taxes to and who's military efforts you actively support. guess you didn't get the obvious point.
@saihinadir Жыл бұрын
uk, usa, lozalbique or oman, its about what he says, not where he resisdes. otherwise we could say the same about all scholars who are close to arab governments.
@wasimislam8435 Жыл бұрын
Paying for the wars of the kuffar is a problem, is it not? To reside among the kuffar is a problem, is it not? Why should I listen to someone who makes these poor choices and claims some kind of scholarship?
@headsmashingmujahid1001 Жыл бұрын
@@wasimislam8435 no Muslims can live in non-Muslim countries for safety ie Abysninia. Are all Muslims living in non-Muslim countries paying for the wars of the kuffar?
@buraydahqaseem6738 Жыл бұрын
Hero or heretic? There is nothing in between? Why do you go to extremes? I say he was neither hero nor heretic. He rather was a simple man in a simple society, who had limited education and was fundamentalist in the sense that he wanted to take his rudimentary and unsophisticated society to the puritanical teachings of Islam. He was right on many things and wrong on many others, but in the totality of it he, for good or bad, caused a major change in the history of the region.
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
Because this self amazed Zindiq (Mass'ari) has the need to declare takfir on the entire ummah based on his whims and desires
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
@Mosaab twice or is it Mas'ari that claims defining something as an object of worship means you've taken it as an object of worship and given it divine attributes LOL
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
@Mosaab twice I think you might be suffering from a mental disability
@jahankhan8190 Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 where did he declare takfeer on the entire ummah
@headsmashingmujahid1001 Жыл бұрын
@@rusi6219 since when has the entire Ummah accepted MIAW 🤣. In reality it is the few cultists of MIAW who make takfir on everybody else.
@truthoverfalsehood__8757 Жыл бұрын
@truthoverfalsehood__8757 Жыл бұрын
@Mosaab twice Imam Abdul Wahab is a hero he cleansed the penensula from stobe worship and grave worship what a man.
@rusi6219 Жыл бұрын
@headsmashingmujahid1001 Жыл бұрын
Nah your just a donkey with no specific criticisms. Dismissed
@alhawal1 Жыл бұрын
You don’t know what you’re talking about, wahabism is against Islam and the profit it’s with the west protected by America and Israel yah stupid
@imranchoudhury1362 Жыл бұрын
Criticism of flawed principles that have crept into Muslims practices doesn’t equate to being an orientalist
@abiriax Жыл бұрын
this Rusi character doesn't have any useful refutation so makes takfiri statements like the father of his manhaj taught him. lol.
@Pauly_walnuts Жыл бұрын
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Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI
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01 - Establishing an Islamic State: Is it an Obligation (Fardh)?
Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI
Рет қаралды 5 М.
MEEST voorkomende fouten bij BRUILOFTEN! | Shaykh al-Fawzān
Dār al-Ḥadīth
Рет қаралды 2,2 М.
Imam Bukhari seleweng hadis al-Falaq dan al-Nas bukan dari al-Quran
Islam and the Possibility of Peace | Mohammed Hijab | EP 209
Jordan B Peterson
Рет қаралды 3,8 МЛН
Challenge Accepted Shahid Bolsen!  MBS/Al Saud Exposed!
Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI
Рет қаралды 8 М.
Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Ke Bare Mein Ulama Ne Kya Kaha ? | Maulana Salman Nadwi
Mohammed Hijab Mocking Imam Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab | Shamsi