Muhammad in the Bible in response to Swaggart - Deedat (English - Full)

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A day after the great debate with Jimmy Swaggart at Louisiana University in the USA, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat in this lecture answer a question addressed to Jimmey Swaggart that “Is the bible says anything about Muhammad?” and Jimmey's answer was "No!". Here is Sheikh Deedat's Answer.

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@ahdjuanda3279 Жыл бұрын
l never bore to listen his speech about the truth.. May Alloh give him good place in Jannah❤
@jamaalcmc9764 5 жыл бұрын
This is what KZbin won’t recommend to Americans 😂😂
@hassanadhikarie Жыл бұрын
@ibrahimsakho2044 Жыл бұрын
They’ll never recommend it 😂
@timothyflynn1927 Жыл бұрын
This man was and still is amazing. Im not a muslim yet but im getting closer everyday because of clear and concise teaching from God blessed teachers like Brother Deedat. Islam is definitely the only Abrahamic faith that makes sense and isnt full of contradictions.
@JustBhuna Жыл бұрын
May Allah Subhanahutala (SWT) guide you to the truth my brother.
@raminahhas8345 Жыл бұрын
how is your journey going brother?!
@As-go6ho Жыл бұрын
May Allah guide you to the truth
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
Ahmed Deedat referred to Matthew 7:21 claiming that those who call Jesus as Lord will be cast away. But he was lying by twisting Jesus words out of context. What did Jesus really say? “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." Matthew 7:21 Does it say that 'who call Jesus Lord will not enter heaven', as Ahmed Deedat claimed? No, it does not say that! On the contrary it is one of the two conditions to enter heaven. The other condition is THOSE WHO DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER will enter! And the will of the Father is: "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:40 SO THOSE WHO SEES THE SON AND BELIEVE IN HIM will have eternal life and will enter heaven. Mr. Deedat was lying in this one-way 'lecture'.
@Diver_CV Жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum bro do let us know about where your journey is now we would love to know.. may Allah guide you
@islamicrays3127 2 жыл бұрын
I shout out; "Anyone who loves Ahmad Deedat, I love you for loving him!"🥺🥺🥺
@realnightowl908 Жыл бұрын
I love you + I love Ahmad Deedat so much
@taliaha8053 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE HIM TOO. HE WAS THE REAL DEAL . May Allah SWT reward him with Janna. Say Amen!
@RoyalBlue292 Жыл бұрын
My Love for Deedat is inestimable! I just can't get enough of him, his every lecture is wisdom and knowledge for the listener!
@taliaha8053 Жыл бұрын
I love him and I love you too 💕
@taliaha8053 Жыл бұрын
@@RoyalBlue292 so true and I love you for your love of Him
@Musee5 5 жыл бұрын
This man was the greatest BIBLE scholar ever... he know the bible from cover to cover by heart, and he interprete it without any fault. When you listen to him and you go to cross check him in the bible, we can never find any flaw in his interpretation. We need more great scholars like him.. this man showed me how to read the bible.. am a happy muslim ☺️☺️
@ishakumusa7853 2 жыл бұрын
May almighty grand him al jin na
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
What a nonsense. Deedat was not even officially educated at all. Then who is layman Deedat to make such statements? So was Deedat also no scholar in classic Hebrew. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat only fooled his ignorant and gullible audience.
@jamalsinjab5137 Жыл бұрын
@@reneenjohanyou are jealous of his knowledge
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
@@jamalsinjab5137 Who's knowledge? Deedat's knowledge? Lol ha ha ha ha ha. Deedat was not officially educated. Just look on the internet for his education, and you find something like this: 'Deedat was born in the town of Tadkeshwar, Surat, Bombay Presidency, British India in 1918. His father had emigrated to South Africa shortly after his birth. At the age of 9, Deedat left India to join his father in what is now known as Kwazulu-Natal. His mother died only a few months after his departure. Arriving in South Africa, Deedat applied himself with diligence to his studies, overcoming the language barrier and excelling in school, even getting promoted until he completed standard 6. However, due to financial circumstances, he had to quit school and start working by the time he was at the age of 16. ..... ... He started attending Islamic study classes held by a local Muslim convert named Mr. Fairfax. Seeing the popularity of the classes, Mr. Fairfax offered to teach an extra session on the Bible and how to preach to Christians about Islam. Shortly thereafter, Fairfax had to pull out and Deedat, by this point quite knowledgeable about the Bible, took over teaching the class, which he did for three years. Deedat never formally trained as a Muslim scholar.' Source Wikipedia. So Deedat had no formal education, let alone education in the classic Hebrew language. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or lexicon and never did He refer to a high valuated Hebrew scholar to prove his point. But in front of an ignorant and gullible audience, he made up the unproven conspiracy that the Hebrew מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים, ‘ma-kha-madim’ is wrongly translated. And his audience in their ignorance and gullibility believed him blindly. Also did he pronounce the Hebrew מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים not as 'ma-kha-madim’ but wronly as ‘muhamaddim’. Also here in the same way his ignorant and gullible audience believed him blindly. And also made Deedat the deceptive false premise the Hebrew ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים' as a name, meanwhile it is not a name. And also here his ignorant and gullible audience accepted this lie blindly. Clearly Deedat was a showman, a liar and a deceiver. But if I'm wrong, then please correct me with clear evidence. Just show me one high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon which clearly states that the Hebrew מַחְמַד is a name and pronounced as 'Muhammad'.
@AyKuTRyu 6 жыл бұрын
An Atheist asked Ahmed Deedat: ''How would you feel if you died and discovered that the Hereafter was a LIE? Ahmed Deedat: ''Not worse than when you die and discover that the Hereafter is the TRUTH.'' Ahmed Deedat, what a great lecture and honorable teacher Mashallah!!! Thank you very much for your sincerity and may Allah grant You a place in Jannah.
@nuri300 5 жыл бұрын
Very good quote!!
@AyKuTRyu 5 жыл бұрын
​@Tony Ang First of all who is your God? Jesus??? The Father himself Yahweh... or the Holy Spirit... what is his name... Casper??? Who is your God? Or do you believe in a God which was described and told by several anonymous person or different scholars or maybe church fathers or Paul during the decades. Who is your God? Why do you say God of the bible? Did you know that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are 'abrahamic' religions. That means that all of them are from the same root. Did you know that, you child? Do you have any clue what the bible is and how many books it contains... By the way you are believing in a book which was translated so many times and even though the language was aramaic, later greek and then latin and finally english and then maybe in your own mother language. Look at this: In the standard Protestant Bible there are 66 books, in the Roman Catholic Bible 73 books, and in the Eastern Orthodox Bible 78. Almost all Christian churches agree on the same 27 books of the New Testament. Who are you following really? You are defending something what you even do not analyze. What a shame... Don't you have your own opinion? When I read your name... then i guess your country has a past with a colonized background right? So as a result, you just carry the white man's own creation of faith. I mean, ask only yourself this question. By who was Jesus sent... by himself??? and to which people was Jesus sent? Tell me... Whole humanity or only Bani Israel (Children of Israel)? So smart aleck now answer to me with facts and please give me your respond without the Holy Spirit ok.
@AyKuTRyu 5 жыл бұрын
​@Tony Ang I didn't read everything about your nonsense but your anger shows me that you are really confused and that you don't have any clue about the religions. And of course does the bible need no defense like all the other religious books but you can still look critically at them. By the way which bible is your bible? If you are talking about the Injeel then I have no doubts. But which bible is your bible and how do you call yourself? Christian? Unitarian or Trinitarian? Maybe Protestant or Orthodox? My, my... I am dealing with a child... As a student of knowledge I study every religion. I am impressed by people like you who are ignorant and so blind and yes, you are right with your statement: 'I am tired of repeating myself'... Indeed, just stop writing comments with nonsense. I don't need to proove you anything about the truth... just go and do your own researches... What a lazy douchebag... Next time teach yourself some manners, learn to be kind in the future and just think twice before you make a statement or any comment. But before I leave this idiotic dialogue, I leave it with a last message to you without using any islamic statement or background... Even before the time of Islam, Attila the Hun (395-453) said to the Pope: 'You are all confused! God has a son? He is only One.'
@AyKuTRyu 5 жыл бұрын
@Tony Ang By the way the Quran is not only a book. Research, research and research you lazy douchebag. And ask yourself this: How many people did memorize the bible and now tell me how many people did memorize the Quran? The Prophet was the 'Walking Quran'. So here is your answer. The roots of the word Quran is from the arabic word qara and means to recite. There were 4 steps as it was finally finished as a book by Othman. 1. Step: Allah's revelations to Muhammad (PBUH) then 2. Step: The Prophet reciting the revelations to his followers and further to all people. 3. Step: The people recitating the Quran and finally 4. Step: the Quran as a book where every Muslim agrees on it without any doubt. The book is just a reminder for people. So before i start explaining that to you. I gave you some hints and now go do your own researches on it.
@AyKuTRyu 5 жыл бұрын
@Tony Ang Still nonsense... Yeah, you are definetly right. I am wasting my time to be sincere. God bless you and I hope, you will be a kind person some day.
@edwinnick2217 2 жыл бұрын
Shiekh ahmad deedat, your legacy is still alive for us..
@thesprint3239 2 жыл бұрын
So many years but still the best stuff on youtube.
@atiqullaharsallah3058 6 жыл бұрын
Very great Speech Masha Allah May Allah give you Janna-tul-firdaus Insha Allah ..........
@eljumaidilbinahmad2464 2 жыл бұрын
No Christian scholars ever beat Ahmed Deedat. He even taught them the Bible.
@kamalazmi4654 5 жыл бұрын
We muslim world lost the one and only precious diamond Ahmad Deedat.he is lion of Islam that show millions of people to the truth of Islam
@eboucamara7679 5 жыл бұрын
Alhadullilah..I learned a lot from this man.
@kadirsapian5395 5 жыл бұрын
I wish he is still around to attend his lecture.
@dienablack9258 6 жыл бұрын
great debater, great lecturer, smart, funny n i love you soooo muuuuch may Allah grant you jannah. thanks to everyone who posted his videos. wish more people will realize n see the truth
@fx0.z 6 жыл бұрын
That is correct Jesus (Peace be upon him) is the truth
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Deedat is in hell today the same please you are going when you died if you don;t accept Jesus as your lord and saver now that is a guarantee....
@hamidhim9101 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 hhhhhh. why you kill your sekf and go to paradiz . jesus save you like you side
@javierkunting4230 6 жыл бұрын
Ahmad deedat really was a great debater smashing all opponents. He speaks the truth so clearly and convincingly in all the subjects or topics being discussed. He is a legacy to many of us to many of our new generation of debaters in Islam. James wood the christian apologist is so lucky that he never had a chance to meet Ahmad Deedat otherwise this apologist could be smashed and un masked his lies his style of lying in a debate.
@javierkunting4230 6 жыл бұрын
If you mean jesus is a messiah then its true but being god or son of god you are misguided. As an advice plesae open your mind, read the quran especially chapter maryam and surah Iklas. Just be true to yourself read reflect and seek the wisdom the guidance from one who is all wise all knowing all seeing and the best of the guide. Who is he ? Allah the one and only, the iternal, who begets not nor was begotten and who is uncomparable to anything that you can imagine
@NJ-lv6fh 5 жыл бұрын
Seems like Jimmy Swaggart didn’t want to do debate
@olingaericosman9265 2 жыл бұрын
I think he thought he was supposed to preach instead of debating.
@stepbro4978 2 жыл бұрын
They are misled by earlier people who had no real knowledge of original text.They are emotionally attached to the ideas they were taught.They have no desire to learn from someone else.
@redzuanhashim1193 2 жыл бұрын
he doesnt know his own bible
@mohamedameen4526 5 жыл бұрын
beautiful lecture by sheik ahmed deedat
@rizwankhan3023 5 жыл бұрын
Mashallah .....may Allah will gives him a good place in jannah and I really missing him and I wish Allah Hu subhanawatala will gives same strength and taqwa..... What Ahmed deedat have.
@islam-ui8bc 2 жыл бұрын
@geeman7032 5 жыл бұрын
This many is blessed by God many will be calling but only few will answered may God guide and choose us to be what we supposed to be done
@gujjar4uall 6 жыл бұрын
Beautiful starting of the speech subhanallah alhamdallilah Mahshallah
@md.jamalsheikh4826 6 жыл бұрын
My beloved Teacher...Thr lion....My inspiration...May Allah s.w.t grant him jannah tul firdaus...summa Ameen....
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Md, jamal Sheikh: you will see him again in hell. The same place you are going if you don't except Jesus............................ I will pray for you...
@md.jamalsheikh4826 6 жыл бұрын
income daily Sir keep on dreaming in what u said about...Ohh please i don't want advises and leactures and pray from pagans and idol believer....And we know about your Christianity where God got killed by his creation and there is no explicit concept of God...And the Book which was written by 36 scholars and nobody doesn't know each other...keep on praying for yourself for goodness during the close arival of Jesus christ to correct U U...not us...Matthew 7:21-23....Ohhh i see u guys have no relation of intellectual understanding or studying of your Holy Bible but your Church Fathers ..yessss of course your cheap Salvation is dependent on blindly following them....lolz😂😂😂
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
@@md.jamalsheikh4826 : Its your choice to except or reject the message of Jesus. All I've done is share it with you. Why are you mad at me did I say something wrong? (Remember this), You are following a dead man call Muhammad and you are worshiping that spirit that attack Muhammad in that cave. And we both know that was not Gabriel.....It was Satan dress up as a Angel of light. And how I know, is because of his message. He said that God has know son.... This message came 600 years after the real Gabriel said that he does have a son Call Jesus the Christ. This is what convince me that your Muhammad was a false Prophet and the Koran is the work of Satan. Now its your turn now to defend your belief in your false prophet and your so call god that you call Allah. Remember Jesus is still waiting for you.. Let's become true brothers in Jesus the Christ .... The father of Jesus loves you.......
@md.jamalsheikh4826 6 жыл бұрын
income daily not at all...i am not mad at u all i am just saying the reality that's all...i have nothing personal with u or your belief...but when people come to poke us irrelevantly and unnecessarily then we can't help but replying but in most deserving and suitable ways...sir tell me if i planed to invent a i need to be a machine to see how it works or write down a instruction manual.? ? ?
@md.jamalsheikh4826 6 жыл бұрын
Sir...It is your choice to except it or not it is upon u nobody is imposing u as" Quran says there is compulsion in the religion.."Allah s.w.t and his prophet Isya a.s loves u... come to the right track before it gets tooooo late....
@planthearium908 6 жыл бұрын
I missed this man.
@jopkolk9639 6 жыл бұрын
nurmini sala me too
@malcolmfernandezxacts7793 4 жыл бұрын
@botakozm 2 жыл бұрын
Great lecture! I admire Ahmad Deedat, I’m listening everyday.
@nusratsharminkhan996 6 жыл бұрын
No one can won with Ahmed Dedat because he defend" the truth".ALHUMDHULILLAH.
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
I can bet him in any kind of debate.....
@nusratsharminkhan996 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 ha ha ha realy brother??? Then go to Malaysia,ALHUMDHULILLAH there you can find his student Dr. Jakir Naik and debate with him .
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
@@nusratsharminkhan996 : I and christian Prince both try to get your Dr. Nalk to debate... He can't leave there because The country of India will put him in prison ...For stealing...
@nusratsharminkhan996 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 ah you know many things!! Don't you know yet Ahmed Dedat died ,so why you commented before you want to debate with him? And what ever you wrote about Dr Naik if you truly believe that I would say you are absolutely fooled by those government who conspired against him to stop his dawah work.As a Bangladeshi we know the truth. I don't understand how people feel proud themself while to win they have to embrace" lie"! If any one start practicing lie against Islam or against muslims we Muslims don't feel disturb at all because we know world is not a place where we have to win by telling lie because ultimate success will determine by The Supreme Justice. He will solve every matter on his determined day.sorry for my bad English.
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
@@nusratsharminkhan996 :Sir you are very demonic. Listen to me well the India government will soon caught up to this thief ,,,They are the best in the world when it come"s to finding criminals Like your Dr.Naik.....
@iMshadab 6 жыл бұрын
7:45 Song of Solomon, Chapter 5, Verse 16: Hikko mamittakimm vee kullo MUHAMMAD-im zehdudi behra-yi baina Jerusalem.
@iMshadab 6 жыл бұрын
SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam Blessings and Peace be upon Him and His Family
@ainulkhan29 6 жыл бұрын
Masha allah too good . May allah swt grant you jannatul firdaws mr deedat .
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
In Quran it says the original copy of the Quran is in heaven.Really? My question is if the holy Quran is in heaven why did your Allah has to give the Torah (old testament) and the injil (new testament) so that man could change his holy words and blame the Jews and Christians for changing his word. Then send a prophet without prophecy. Your Allah himself claims he is the great deceiver. Quran 3:54 and Quran 8:30 . The Bible says devil is the great deceiver. Even Muhammad told his followers to tell lies for the sake of islam
@Synocra 5 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 the injil and the tawrat was changed by the people, Allah sent the correct message. He did not think it needs to be preserved, so he did not preserve it. And the Qur'an is not in heavens. Its preserved in the heavens, in a place called laohe mahfuj( also the place where everything that will happen, and has happened is written.) .It is people's fault that they changed the word of Allah for a worldly gain, it was a test from Allah and they failed. Stop twisting the word of Allah. *The disbelievers planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners.* Quran 3:54 Allah talks about disbelievers who planned to crucify Jesus. But they crucified someone who resembles Jesus as we know. And Jesus was raised up to the heavens. I can already tell you read a translation of the Qur'an translated by Christians. *And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieve plotted against you to restraint you or kill you or evict you (From Makkah). But they plan, and Allah plans(to save Muhammad). And Allah is the best of planner.* Quran 8:30 When the disbelievers tried to kill Muhammad but Allah saved him and ordered him to leave Makkah. And made him invisible to the eyes of disbelievers when the disbelievers were waiting outside his house to kill him. Read the original Quran, accept islam. It is for your best interest. Salam
@incomedaily2350 5 жыл бұрын
@@Synocra : You Are living in dream land, son The demon in the cave with Muhammad that never told Muhammad its name. Is now lying to you. ( Here is the big question) Why did your false prophet Muhammad say that Jesus did not died on the cross , Because Allah save him from death by taken him to heaven.( Koran 4:157-158) Please tell us why didn't Allah save Muhammad and he let him die by a painful death?....This is another reason why Islam is a religion base on deception. Take a look at this new information about your Koran..... This is the oldest Koran older than Muhammad: But now historians say the Quran’s parchment may have been produced between 568 and 645 A.D., the Daily Mail reported. Muhammad’s existence is often believed to be between 570 and 623 A.D., according to the Daily Mail. “It destabilizes, to put it mildly, the idea that we can know anything with certainty about how the Quran emerged - and that in turn has implications for the history of Muhammad and the Companions,” historian Tom Holland told The Times. Muhammad is believed to have verbally received the Quran’s words from God, which he used in his teachings, Breitbart News reported. After his death, his companions wrote the Quran based on his teachings, Breitbart reported. But if this book existed before Muhammad was born, it would mean the religion was created years earlier. This would radically alter the edifice of Islamic tradition and the history of the rise of Islam in late Near Eastern antiquity would have to be completely revised, somehow accounting for another book of scripture coming into existence 50 to 100 years before, and then also explaining how this was co-opted into what became the entity of Islam by around A.D. 700,” Holland said, according to Breitbart. Mr. Synocra would have you believe that The Koran was eternally in heaven. But now we all see that was just another Islamist lie. Please stop lying and making up excuses about your false prophet. You should be a shame of yourself... We will keep the light on for you, Remember Jesus love you and Allah hates you.Amen
@Synocra 5 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 You are living in the dreamland. The angel in the cave was "the holy spirit" gabriel as you call him. And as Allah calls him. Allah saved Jesus because they were about to KILL Jesus. And as our prophet tells us "we are tested 2 times more than you, we endure double the pain than you do". As we can tell from his life. His father died before his birth, his mother died 6 months after his birth, his uncle who took care of him after his mother and father passed away. Then at the age of six his grandfather who took care of his upbringing also died. His first wife Khadijah [RA] gave birth to prophet's sons and daughters. All of the sons died and only the daughters were left. Then few years after his prophethood his wife Khadijah died. When our prophet was on his deathbed, one of his companions sat by him. Then he put his hand on his leg, his hand literally burned. That is how bad the fever was. Allah let our prophet die a natural death, and moreover his work was of spreading Islam was finished. All of the prophets endured twice the pain and suffering than compared to normal people including Jesus. And how can the quran exist before prophet Muhammad pbuh? How does anyone believe the "daily mail" which is a british news source and I believe is a christian/atheist news source. And breitbart is an American news source, which again is a christian/atheist news source. They have no knowledge about Islam and they post only what they believe is good for harming Islam. And Islam was there since humanity existed not before or after prophet Muhammad. The Qu'ran did not exist before our Prophet Muhammad. It's people cooking up stories. The media is corrupted. Let me give you an example. The shooting in New Zealand mosque was conducted by Christians, but none calls them "Christian Terrorists" They call them "terrorists". But when so-called "muslims" cause terrorism they are called "Muslim Terrorists" not just "terrorists". That is how the media portrays Islam. Muhammad receives revelation from Allah through the "Holy Spirit" Also known as Gabriel or Jibrael/Jibreel. Allah's most loyal angel and the first creation of Allah that had a soul or the ability to think. And after the prophet's death the Qu'ran was written word by word and preserved in one book. You might be wondering "Well, how did they write the Qu'ran after the Prophet PBUH died?". People memorized the whole Qu'ran at the time when the prophet lived. Also they used to write the Qu'ran on trees,stones and various other things. Also the prophet's teaching are recording in the Sahih Hadith not the Qu'ran. The Qu'ran is from Allah, and it's Allah's word. There is not a single verse of the Qu'ran that Muhammad made up, all of it is revelation from Allah through Jibrael. People love cooking up lies about Islam, because it gives them the most clout. You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting lies. You are among the people who are ignorant, arrogant blind to the truth. *You shall certainly be tried and tested in your wealth and properties and in your personal selves, and you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you (Jews and Christians) and from those who ascribe partners to Allah, but if you persevere patiently, and become Al-Muttaqun (the pious) then verily, that will be a determining factor in all affairs, and that is from the great matters, [which you must hold on with all your efforts].* *(And remember) when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) to make it (the news of the coming of Prophet Muhammad SAW and the religious knowledge) known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it, but they threw it away behind their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! And indeed worst is that which they bought.* *Think not that those who rejoice in what they have done (or brought about), and love to be praised for what they have not done,- think not you that they are rescued from the torment, and for them is a painful torment.* Quran 3:186-188 *They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Right Path).* *Or like a rainstorm from the sky, wherein is darkness, thunder, and lightning. They thrust their fingers in their ears to keep out the stunning thunderclap for fear of death. But Allah ever encompasses the disbelievers (i.e. Allah will gather them all together).* *The lightning almost snatches away their sight, whenever it flashes for them, they walk therein, and when darkness covers them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Certainly, Allah has power over all things.* Qu'ran 2:18-20 The light and lightning is reffering to the truth. And you are among these people, you never return to Islam. You cannot convince me into Christianity and I cannot convince you into Islam. Your bible is man's word and our Qu'ran is god's word. You have been blinded from truth and my eyes have been opened by the truth.
@incomedaily2350 5 жыл бұрын
@@Synocra : You sound like a woman during child birth..... I know it's very painful to find out the truth about your false prophet.... I feel you man... Tell us who is the Holy Spirit. since you brought it up....You also said that your false prophet Muhammad said you can take twice the pain,,, excuse me I though it was 3 times .. Because you do everything by three's. I though you Muslims didn't believe in the Trinity... So what's that about... Please Synocra come on home to the true Jesus.. We will keep the light on for you... Jesus love you...and your Allah hates you....
@Cheffmm 2 жыл бұрын
Masallah Masallah Masallah, This is the true Muslim and teacher of the bible. This way we must follow he’s footsteps forever. As a Muslim Elhamdulillah ☝🏼 I learned to many things from him. Rest in peace Insallah, insallah in jannah
@bryanmelton5538 Жыл бұрын
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
And who is layman Deedat to make such a statement? Deedat was no scholar in classic Hebrew. Moreover he was not even officially educated at all. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat only fooled his ignorant and gullible audience.
@Cheffmm Жыл бұрын
@@reneenjohan this is only your opinion.
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
@@Cheffmm No not my opinion. Moreover, my opinion is irrelevant. But it is what all high valuated Hebrew dictionaries and lexicons say. Scholars in classic Hebrew apply high valuated Hebrew dictionaries and lexicons for analysing the Tanakh. Like the Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew and English / BDB, HALOT, DCH and Jastrow, etc. And they are very clear about the Hebrew מַחְמַד: Noun masculine Meaning: desire, desirable thing Pronounce: makh-mawd So NO 'Muhammad'. And it is clearly a masculine NOUN. So it is NOT a name. So it is IMPOSSIBLE that it refers to Muhammad.
@issahishaq357 6 жыл бұрын
Computer giant brain Jazakallah khayran
@shakamamunu5479 6 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah- I'm proud to be a Muslim
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Why are you happy to be going to hell.
@amirodincadon1974 6 жыл бұрын
shaka mamunu
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Why are you proud to be a Muslim? Please explain...
@autifmalik8742 5 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 when someone claims that a creature with an asshole is God, how can I believe anything they say? Someone who is willing to lie about God like that will make up anything about anyone.
@lifeisgood5698 2 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 but you worship idols and practice pagan holidays and rituals.. So you should never say who's going to hell. You don't keep the commandments. Ask Thee Almighty for forgiveness..
@bakeronews1 5 жыл бұрын
This humble man completely destroyed Christianity...
@absarahmed5695 6 жыл бұрын
Even with these logical replies and briefing Christians would still deny the contradictions in bible and try to sugar coat meanwhile the man was legend you can chat as much as gibberish you want but deep down you can’t deny the fact that he was on point
@muhainimaksom4144 6 жыл бұрын
Have to agree with Sheykh Ahmed Deedat ... the Christian understand the opposite of what they read.
@brimakoroma248 5 жыл бұрын
Sheik Ahmed Deedat one of the greatest Muslim crusader of the 21st century. May Allah grant him aljannatu Friday. Amen.
@ahsanullahkhan8862 5 жыл бұрын
@@brimakoroma248 one of the reality and truth speaker*
@shafiqazizi2538 5 жыл бұрын
الهم الغفره والرحمه ولا تعذبه و جعل الجنة مثوانا و مثواه
@essenceofwisdom6808 6 жыл бұрын
Our chairman is happy and gay . 😂😂 Rahmetullah Sheikh Deedat . There is no such scholar similar to his teachings these days anymore. He's the only one who had this funny side and such a kind of charisma . He was a beautiful human being.
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
He was Satan in the flesh... Muslim will believe anything .... Here's proof......
@autifmalik8742 5 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 when someone claims that a creature with an asshole is God, how can I believe anything they say? Someone who is willing to lie about God like that will make up anything about anyone.
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@rizwanpasha9265 6 жыл бұрын
ALLAH provide him Jannat (ameen)
@md.jamalsheikh4826 6 жыл бұрын
Roshini Maricar summa ameen
@RihanKhan-tl5fw 6 жыл бұрын
@mazinshwany6943 6 жыл бұрын
Salam alaikum sister Roshini.. shekh Ahmad Deedat is your uncle really?please tell me.. because i want to visit his grave to read Koran on his soul. I hope you react on my message. salam alaikum.regards. Omar
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@raheesa9896 6 жыл бұрын
@Lance Gin I hope allah guide u n u go 2heaven
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@autifmalik8742 5 жыл бұрын
@Lance Gin when someone claims that a creature with an asshole is God, how can I believe anything they say? Someone who is willing to lie about God like that will make up anything about anyone.
@thembazincume6652 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your teachings 💯
@ShahjalalHussain 6 жыл бұрын
May Allah Guide Them
@incomedaily2350 5 жыл бұрын
Who is Allah?
@kadirsapian5395 5 жыл бұрын
@Jamil1305 Жыл бұрын
A one man army and started a Muslim kick back. Non Muslims had written 60,000 books against prophet Mohammed pbuh during just 100 years
@pinkrose5132 5 жыл бұрын
May Allah grant you highest rank in Jannah just like my father
@ThatCanadianBrother 4 жыл бұрын
Imam Siraj Wahhaj remembers his role as moderator at the Sh. Deedat-Swaggart debate: @
@Shoikot-1 Жыл бұрын
Ahamed Deedat was the greatest Bible scholar too..❤❤
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
No way. Deedat was no scholar in classic Hebrew. Moreover, he was not even officially educated at all. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat just fooled his ignorant and gullible audience. And you people fall in his trap of lies and deception.
@ms-ex8em Жыл бұрын
Islam makes sense but Christianity doesnt really make sense at all............... It makes u think though.................. that Islam is the one and only true religion ................
@syafiatulkhusnah2903 6 жыл бұрын
i still can't believe that Mr Deedat already passed away peacefully 😭😭😭
@islamicrays3127 2 жыл бұрын
When Allah backs you up, no force can shake you!
@nemesis1291 2 жыл бұрын
He actually was in pain his last 9 years unable to speak, eat.
@hassanm2357 Жыл бұрын
​@@nemesis1291 and he was patient
@Hollywoodmovies404 Жыл бұрын
@@nemesis1291 the way you die have nothing to do with how you lived your life. More than 50 million people died because of Adolf Hitler, yet he went out in second with a bullet in his head.
@dienablack9258 6 жыл бұрын
shame on me n much muslim read alquran in their whole life but not understand. i really really really want to have it the translation of alquran his always showed it in his performance
@raheesa9896 6 жыл бұрын
@Lance Gin In many western christian countries still husband beat their wives..n still in dis 2days wrld females are miss treated
@raheesa9896 6 жыл бұрын
Wat ul.say abt ur people
@eyeswideopen5582 6 жыл бұрын
Lance Gin is that the most intelligent comment you were able to muster up you ignorant donkey
@Synocra 6 жыл бұрын
@Lance Gin you have no intellect. Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. Quran 4:32 Understand this stupid braindead kid
@autifmalik8742 5 жыл бұрын
@Lance Gin when someone claims that a creature with an asshole is God, how can I believe anything they say? Someone who is willing to lie about God like that will make up anything about anyone.
@ginasmith9641 9 ай бұрын
Ahmed Deedat is the most wonderful and calm under pressure speaker and lecturer.
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@saamerlailnajd5561 6 жыл бұрын
Deutronomy I will raise them up a this jesus if yes then he is not God as you say..but as a prophet. But the meant one is the seal of messengers of God prophet Mohammad peace be upon him.
@sayyedal-afghani Жыл бұрын
All praise be to Allah and to his son Ahmad Deedat(swt)!
@themastermind.9337 2 жыл бұрын
اللهم إرحمه و إغفر له و أسكنه الفردوس الاعلى يا الله
@lenchoabdulgefar 2 жыл бұрын
May Allah grant u Hannah!
@lawandahiru4064 Жыл бұрын
Amin Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
@MustaphaHamisu-gz2qh 10 ай бұрын
In sha'Allah your preaching will be continues spreading the truth of Allah to the heart 💜❤️💜 of mankind. May Almighty Allah light your grave and give you the resting place in Janna
@blkbnz 3 жыл бұрын
Any christian brothers who felt that brother Ahmed deedat is right, give to this comment like 👍
@yusifukamara3273 Жыл бұрын
This man is more than unique. May Allah Grant him Janna.
@choudharyearthmovers9774 Жыл бұрын
"It is not the eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts" : {Quran}
@blackhawk0071292 5 жыл бұрын
جزاک اللہ خیرا واحسن الجزاء.
@malakootiyusuf14 Жыл бұрын
Ahmed Deedat really open the doors to many Muslim and Christian scholars to understand what Theology is... More so the Quran. He surely passed to torch to more and more Muslim scholars eg Dr. Zakir Naik,Ustadh Suleiman Mazinge, Ustadh Habib Osman Mazinge. By only listening to him, I can tackle a Christian and staunchly stand by my Religion, AL ISLAM. Al Quran 3:19
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
Deedat opened doors to scholars? Are u kidding? Deedat was no scholar in classic Hebrew. Moreover he was not even officially educated at all. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat only fooled his ignorant and gullible audience.
@bleazertm7698 6 жыл бұрын
when i see ahmed deedat in videos and remember he's dead (may Allah give him paradise) my heart hurts me , and he's only a da'iya . when i heared the story of mohammed (sala allahou alayhi wa salam) and read his death i cried all my tears for days , and still cry when i read "houjat wadaa" idk how the sahaba and the pepole of that time felt when they saw him dead maybe it was the hardest death to accepte especially that in islam Allah and his prophète mohammed (saaws) are the most loved for the muslim even more than his own mother and father and him self . all that khowledge going back to Allah , may Allah guide us to the truth and give us a little of his khowledge . thanks for that video and peace be upon all of you .
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Dr Noha became skeptical about the Quran when she could not find any evidence of the existence of Angel Gabriel. She asserted that Quran is therefore the product of Muhammad himself. However, it is unwise to attack the existence of Angel Gabriel since he was the Messenger of Yahweh God but not the Messenger of Allah, the pagan god of the Arabians. Muhammad himself said in Quran Saba 34 : 44, Al Qasas 28 : 46 and Hud 11 : 49 that no warner and no scripture were sent to his forefathers to build the Kaaba in Mecca and hence, they were idolaters. Muhammad did not abolish Kaaba idolatry as he prayed towards the north facing Jerusalem imitating the practices of the Jews in Medinah. But when the Jews refused to recognize him as the prophet of Allah due to obeying their advice on the original qibla or prayer direction. So Muhammad reverted to his pagan qibla as narrated in Quran Al Baqarah 2 : 143 - 145.
@bleazertm7698 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 what are you talking about ? the God of ibrahem , moses and Muhammed is the same , we call him Allah in arabic , they call him Yahweh (ilohim) in hebrue , and God in english . any evidence of the existance of gabriel ? look Quran takweer 81 : 19-21
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
@@bleazertm7698 : Thank you for the introduction. Please answer my question ..If Your false Prophet tell you that Gabriel was not the spirit that spoke with Muhammad would you Believe it (YES or No)...... And later I will Prove to you that Allah is not the God of Jesus , Moses none of the true Prophet of God. But first answer my question and stop trying to run....from it...
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Muhammad and Deedat are in the same Place God is fair wouldn't you agree?.. Do not be deceived God is not mocked; for whatever a man sow, that he will also reap Galatians 6:7- He taught that God did not have a son. ,Jesus did not died on the cross, And he taught there was no god but Allah. Now guess where he is Now?
@bleazertm7698 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 where is it mentionned that gabriel is not the prophete to Muhammed (sws) ? who told you that Muhammed (sws) and deedat are in the same place ? no one can khow exept Allah . and a question for you ; are you a chrestian ?
@mwsc Жыл бұрын
Swaggart’s followers should listen to this lecture. It’s obvious who is right.
@lih.breezy360 Жыл бұрын
What a great man he was may allah make him a companion of Mohammed pbuh in jannatul firdaus ameen. Such simplicity and logic, only the deaf the dumb the blind will say he is wrong but everything he says is 100% correct ! Facts
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
What a nonsense. Deedat was no scholar in classic Hebrew. Moreover he was not even officially educated at all. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat only fooled his ignorant and gullible audience.
@brytonmasaire5542 5 жыл бұрын
Ahmeed Deedat was powerful May ALLAH grant him jannah
@islam-ui8bc 2 жыл бұрын
@AbdiWarsame-oe1ky Жыл бұрын
@geeman7032 5 жыл бұрын
My question is why he is mention in the old testament but not in the new testament to my point of view they want to hide the truth about it
@aymanclasher1591 2 жыл бұрын
May allah guide you
@ahmedbava8298 6 жыл бұрын
May allah grant him jannathul firdous...ya rabbal aalameen
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
Which God are you talking about / The idol god you call allah or Yahweh the God of the Christian and the Jews..
@dilshadhamida7400 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 Jews have only one God. They call him Eloh,Ilaha,Elohim,Allah's the same as Muslims. But Christians God is a triple's different from other Abrahamic faith.
@Synocra 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 there is no image of Allah what you cooking up? There is no idol of Allah.
@incomedaily2350 6 жыл бұрын
@@Synocra : You are right... According to the Qur'an, Allah (God) does not have eyes, nor a face, nor mouth, nor ears, nor tongue, nor any other personal features. So how can the Qur'an be the word of God? How can God speak words without having any faculties to speak words? Now you can see why Allah is a idol, This is why when Muhammad died Allah stop speaking to the Arab people.. Do you know why?.... Because Muhammad and Allah was one in the same.... Only Muhammad was talking and not your idol god Allah. Remember Jesus love you, And I'm still praying for you, So God will open your eyes to the truth........
@Synocra 6 жыл бұрын
@@incomedaily2350 OK I don't know where ur getting this from but nowhere does it mention how Allah looks. The only thing we know is allah has 2 hands(and a few other things I cannot recall). So next time when u cook something up bring proof.
@CaptainBang 6 жыл бұрын
Jimmy swaggert swag it but Ahmed deedat did it
@MehediHRakib 3 жыл бұрын
Sir between 1:15:30 -1:20:15 🔥 I love you for the sake of Allah!
@stevenrajab538 5 ай бұрын
May alright Allah grant him highest level in jannah our lion his legacy is still alive
@AlphaMaverick1111 Жыл бұрын
@salmahussain7077 11 ай бұрын
May Allha grant him Jannah. Such a knowledge person
@ekklesiabible8188 Жыл бұрын
Hebrews {1:5} For unto which of the messengers [of God] said he at any time, you are my Son, This day I have begotten you [again]? And again, I will be to him a Father, And he shall be to me a Son? 1:6} And when He [resurrects to] bring the firstborn again into the inhabitable world He said, And let all the messengers of God worship him. {1:7} And of the messengers [of God] He said, "Who makes His messengers winds, And His ministers flames of fire?: {1:8} but to the Son He [The Father] said, Your throne, [Ho Theos] "The Almighty God," is forever and ever; And the Scepter of good works is the Scepter of your kingdom. {1:9} you have agape loved [legal] works of the law, and hated works against law; Therefore God, your [Father] God, has anointed you [as The Christ] with the oil of gladness above your fellows.
@kadirsapian2698 Жыл бұрын
Try once..deeply follow this great man lectures, n u will want to do it again n again... fascinating!
@rozakir381 5 жыл бұрын
Love ❤️ you Deedat ...
@16dagtv28 5 жыл бұрын
May Allah grant brother Deedat jannah
@elharunaabubakar9234 5 жыл бұрын
masha Allah this is the great event
@alhajibukarbukar0 Жыл бұрын
May Allah reward him with jannah al pirdause
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@formetoknownotyou1724 6 жыл бұрын
Roshini Maricar shut up you idiot!!!
@roshinimaricar5219 6 жыл бұрын
@@formetoknownotyou1724 u the idiot scolding me 4 what 😫😠
@ophaid Жыл бұрын
@mariamahabibou5458 7 ай бұрын
Always flabbagasted by this great man rahmatoulah aleyhi
@jesusdeity2010 3 жыл бұрын
For sure he is the bible. "Anyone with another Gospel then Christ cruisified is not in the truth". Always remember: Muhammed came after Jesus. Unfortunately never understood God's resolve for mankind's fall, made up another story, called it the only truth, cutting of the real truth, leading you away from your godly identity in Christ. What lots of people (even pastors) don't (yet) understand. God created us according to His own image and likeness. Godly. Mankind/the first Adam fell. The image of God in man got lost. That's why there is all this predicament on earth (selfishness, greed, lust, wars, sicknesses, death, etc). We are all born into that mess. For the fall of man a perfect atoning sacrifice had to be made.... that is what God did in Christ. With His own once and for all perefect sacrifice, He paid the debt for the fall of man for us, so we can be indwelled by His Spirit again and finally receive the divine life of the ages back, the first Adam let got of in the fall of man. An amazing act of grace and love by our creator. That is what you see happening in Christ's first disciples. They too healed all and walked in unselfish love. And yes.... that is still avaible today. The holy blood is in place, the Holy Spirit is here to give us understanding, power and transform us back to origin. Not to be debated about, but to be embraced and be-come. So: The Kingdom of God already came. Through Christ, in Spiritform, in those that understand. Hence the divine healing miracles we experience. God manifested in Christ to give us back the divine life mankind lost in the fall of Adam. Christ, the exact image of the invisible God. The image we were created after in Gen 1. The image we lost in the fall of man. The image that can be freely restored by Christ's blood and Holy Spirit working IN us. What a plan. What a solution. What a love. What a God. Jesus is amazing. It is the ultimate conclusion of the word and plan of God. God came full circle. He Himself stooped down from glory to restore us back to original created value: Christlikeness. Walking in divine healing power and unselfish love. Jesus, born of the Spirit of God, filled with the spirit of God. The "Son" of God, the incarnated word, God in the flesh. For three years He healed all, raised the dead, casted out demons, controlled nature, spoke pure divine truth. He said: "Follow Me. If you see Me, you see the Father. The Father and I are one. The glory I have IN My Father, I give to you. It pleases the Father to give you His Kingdom/Holy Spirit/divine nature. I will send Holy Spirit, the same as Me, He will be IN you, guide you into truth and give you explosive power. The same miracles i do, you will do too, because you will understand that the Father is IN Me and I am IN you. Freely I give you My Kingdom/Holy Spirit/divine nature, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, freely I give, freely share" Etc, etc, etc. I have experienced thousands of beautifull healing miracles through the power of Holy Spirit IN me already. Broken bones, cancers, covid, all kinds of infirmities healed in seconds. Demons manifesting and casted out by a simple "get out, in Jesus name". Jesus. De name above all names. In Him all power and wisdom is sourced and.... He calls us one with Him. God in man and man in God again. C'mon Jesus!! So.... again: God stooped down IN Christ to restore us back to Gen 1:27 were He said: "Let us make man according to our image and likeness and let them have authority.....": walk as Christ. Christ, the exact image of the invisible God. The image we were created after and being restored to by His atoning blood for the fall of man and indwelling Holy Spirit. You are free to receive this original divine life of the ages by Holy Spirit of Christ/God. Ask Him to guide you into truth. Read the Gospel of John and fall in love with your creator. You are not made for the fall of man and its effects, but for the image/glory of God and to walk like Christ. Holy Spirit is the guide and transforming power that will get you there. Amazing grace. A big leap in faith can be made when we start realizing we are already IN Christ, IN the last Adam. Free from the fall! Loved! Growing into awareness of our new (yet old) godly identity. Changing by Holy Spirit. The most fullfilled life ever. Paul healed all on Malta. He understood and wrote: "As in the first Adam ALL died (lost the divine nature), so also ALL were made alive IN Christ to walk in Zoë (= divine life) again". "IN Christ (the last Adam) we are co-cruisified (dead to the fall and its effects), co-raised (justified/made righteousness, holy, blameless, above reproach), co-seated (one with Him)" "The fullness of deity dwells in Christ and YOU HAVE BEEN MADE COMPLETE IN HIM, who is the head of every principality and power". So.... thank you Jesus! Thank you for redeeming me from the fall of man. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that makes this new (yet old) divine life come alive in me. You are amazing! In the shadow of Peter the sick healed... He understood too and wrote: "By Gods power (Holy Spirit) and knowing Christ, we have become partakers of the divine nature and have escaped the fall of man". The divine life of the ages has been returned to us by Jesus once and for all perfect atoning sacrifice for the debt of the fall of man and His indwelling Holy Spirit in us. Jesus/God is amazing!!! Ask Him to give you revelation and change you to the way it was before the fall of man: Christlikeness. He will do so. For it is written: "the Spirit brings forth after His own kind". "I have come to give you Zoë (divine life) in abundance...."
@fathiarwina3438 Жыл бұрын
Deedat is really amazing. He puts dots on words and make everything clear.
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
Nope! Deedat was no scholar in classic Hebrew. Moreover he was not even officially educated at all. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat only fooled his ignorant and gullible audience.
@decent_kami 5 жыл бұрын
Where was this lecture delivered?
@dassretreat8547 6 жыл бұрын
Critically viewing the Bible encourages the ignorant Muslims please but the critical study of the Koran will make them leave Islam
@Sachwala571 7 ай бұрын
JESUS is the nly way ..he is light to this world …bible is the way to christ…
@teklaudikurniatisenima6274 6 жыл бұрын
So you force the Bible to fit your suit...THERE IS NONE LIKE JESUS...
@jonnyemmastephenbryan5390 5 жыл бұрын
I was proud Christian the found the it lies stop been argent and open your eyes the* priest *rahbia *people all over the world are expected the truth Quran and if you really love our prophet Jesus he tell you that fall the last messager so stop been a door mat. I was like u but more into Christian religious until I stopped been a door mat and ISLAM was never just for Asian it was for all man kind think hard before u answer open your eyes all you out there stop been lied and mad fools out of I got one thing to say it's beautiful because it's the truth the don't Want U to Know
@autifmalik8742 5 жыл бұрын
There is none like me either. What is your point? Please state plainly not in riddles. Thanks
@NJ-lv6fh 5 жыл бұрын
Seems like Jimmy Swaggart didn’t want to do the debate with Deedat jimmy look like an easy going person he respected Deedat jimmy great man of Christianity and Deedat great man of Islam both are good
@RachedNoureddine 5 жыл бұрын
you should what jimmy said about islam before meeting deedat ...
@gandalfsenpai2592 5 жыл бұрын
*Literally* going to the dog... Lol internet wasn't common then,I wonder the audience understood that he meant it *literally*
@NorthernGate777 Жыл бұрын
Muhammed and Judah are virtually the same word. Messiah is not a person
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
What a nonsense. Deedat was not even officially educated. Then who is layman Deedat to make such statements? So was Deedat also no scholar in classic Hebrew. Never did Deedat refer to a Hebrew dictionary or scholar to prove his point. The first mistake by Deedat is that he pronounced מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים as ‘muhamaddim’. But he is wrong, it is ‘ma-kha-madim’. So there is no pronunciation of Muhammad. Just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. The other mistake made by Deedat is that he said that ‘מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים’ is a name. Again he is very wrong because מַחֲּמַדִּ֑ים is a masculine plural noun, so it is not a name. Again, just check every high valuated Hebrew dictionary or lexicon. And because it is not a name it is impossible that it refers to the name of ‘Muhammad’. Deedat only fooled his ignorant and gullible audience.
@mrblue4602 5 жыл бұрын
Please not this man. We all know were Swag ends up. Deedat look better and did not watch the Videos
@eboucamara7679 5 жыл бұрын
May Allah SWT grant him Janna.
@islam-ui8bc 2 жыл бұрын
Allah tala grant dada sheikh ahmed deedat forgiveness n grant jannat alfirdous ameen ❤💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 mashallah alhumdulilallah jazkallah astagfarulialllah allhuma sal alye muhammad walhe muhammad kamasaytalaallah Ibrahim ma innah kahamid tum majid 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
@MustafaE-g8f 8 ай бұрын
There is no God except God! 🇹🇷🕋
@rashidconteh315 5 жыл бұрын
Ahmed was a brave man
@Sachwala571 7 ай бұрын
Many Muslims r cmng to Christ …thgh these false preachers raise..GOD is at work …amen
@iMshadab 6 жыл бұрын
SallAllahu wa Aalihi wa Sallam
@insan5660 5 жыл бұрын
Only one wa ,only the last brother.
@charlielucky3186 5 жыл бұрын
Ahmad deedat the greatest ever lived the lion
@bakary333 Жыл бұрын
May Allah forgive us all ameen
@mohamedameen4526 5 жыл бұрын
sheikh Ahmed deedat is lion of islaam and christianity
@zast77 5 жыл бұрын
An aethist or agnostic base on Quran..., ur nafs/desire is Indeed ur God.....
@keivinsapuro7744 Жыл бұрын
The Muslim don’t believe That John Cospel speak the truth about Jesus Christ. But they believe John said that Jesus will Send The Comforte Muhammad. They don’t Believe John but they used John Cospel to witness Muhammad. What kind of Believe is this?
@Mohammed-jf2sp Жыл бұрын
Learn before you speak, we believe that the Bible contains truth and falsehood, because it has been distorted and changed, but it still contains remnants of the original message of Jesus and some of his words. The truth we accept, and the falsehood we reject, is the issue difficult?
@aleeshamzehra8529 Жыл бұрын
We believe that the Quran is revealed as a quality control over the previous scriptures....therefore what coincides with it is afformed by us too
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
​@@Mohammed-jf2spCritisizing a book as corrupted and the same time applying it as an authority is the superlative of inconsistency.
@reneenjohan Жыл бұрын
​@@aleeshamzehra8529And we believe the Quran as book of a mix of stories derived from the Bible and later made-up fantasy stories derived from apocryphia, legends and folklore. Just a few examples of these later made-up fantasy stories: The story of the baby Isa speaking found in Suras 19:29-31 and 3:46 is a parallel of the apocryphal Arabic Infancy Gospel from beginning of the fifth century. The many times misquoted verse Surah 5:32 is originated from the Talmud Sanhedrin 37a, in which is just a commentary written by a Jewish Rabbi The raven and the burial of Abel in Surah 5:31 is based on Jewish folklore e.g. Pirke De-Rabbi Eli'ezer Isa and clay birds in Surah 3:49 is also originated from Arabic Infancy Gospel from the fifth century. The story of Mary, Isa and the palm tree in Surah 19:23-26 is originated from the Gospel of Pseudo-Mathew from the fourth century. The fantasy story that Jesus was not crucified appeared in the Second Treatise of the Great Seth from the third century. Surah 4:157 is based on this story. The author of the Quran was really confused and could not distinguish between these later fantasy stories and what was actually mentioned in the Bible.
@Mohammed-jf2sp Жыл бұрын
@@reneenjohan Who said that the entire distorted book is false? Your book contains right and wrong, and we use the Qur’an to distinguish between that.
@incomedaily2350 5 жыл бұрын
Is there any smart Muslims out there that can tell me what was that spirit in the cave with Muhammad, I have asked that question 10 times and no one could answer my question. All of the little Deedat's ran away from my question(Why)??? Ask one of your Muslim scholars to help you with this question maybe they know? So far Know one wanted to answer it... The feedback I got was expected... Trying to avoid my question Bringing things up that had nothing to do with my question, Trying very hard to change the subject......If you don't know the answer why are you still following Muhammad? Please explain...
@unknown-inss 5 жыл бұрын
It was Jibreel alaihis'salaam
@abdulrahmanelomari4396 5 жыл бұрын
Gabriel the Angel. What's your point ??
@petecaballero2254 6 жыл бұрын
Muslims always ask for proves and more intellectual proves...but that is not what the bible says...the bible teach us about abraham like the father of the faith not like the father of the proof or proves. why talk about abraham if there's no faith...
@mdmal8920 5 жыл бұрын
Because proof will lead to truth, and truth will make faith grow strongger inside us. Because what from god, cannot based on lies. Thats why god give u brain, heart, and soul. So you can use to think.
@petecaballero2254 5 жыл бұрын
@petecaballero2254 5 жыл бұрын
@@mdmal8920 don't be decieved by Islam and its deceiving teachings my friend seek the truth and the God of the bible or the holy scriptures..🤔
@richardmontonio1486 2 жыл бұрын
He is very confusing. There is no mention in the holy Bible of Muhammad or the Quran or the name Allah?
@Hidea3 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Richard Bible does not reveal in English language I thing you need research & study The original Bible was in Hebrew Language reveals on prophit Essa may peace be upon him he was born in Jewesh people who speaks Aramaic. Essa Massah you sick western denationalize him give him new name Jesus Christ never ever mention in Original Bible shame on you people he (Essa IBN Maryum MPBUH) never born on December 25th, according to historians study of Quran & Bible facts he was born in Midsummer but some mentally retarted St. Nicholas spread lied till in your veins that prophit Essa MPBUH was born in December sadly to say you mentally sick people celebrate peagons gods holidays you follows a dark path, anyways Bible is no more consider as a word of God coz it's corrupted concocted & manipulated even your own Christian scholors said that so my dear friend Mr. Deedat highlighted the truth ask this all to you church paster ask him to give you reference not by Paul what he say ask him to give you ref what master Jesus said, try to read Quran in English so you better understand also the religion.
@matayomutai7906 Жыл бұрын
True have read the bible and no mention at all
@malcolmfernandezxacts7793 4 жыл бұрын
@maritzaramirez7890 4 жыл бұрын
Why go to Jesus when you can go to Allah? And also the fact that you put Fernandez in that malcolm x user name that you have defeats the whole purpose why the real malcolm x did it . Pathetic and ignorant . Islam is the truth!
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