Some serve mistakes and some overhitting on balls that were easily your point, but I guess it was the pressure to get points, it happens to me in tournaments, sometimes you want the point so badly you feel like you have to rip the ball. I like watching your games, you are very dynamic, I wish I had your footwork, then my loops would be more consistent. I think short pips fit your game really well, they allow you to uncomfortable blocks for your opponent and then you can pivot and keep attacking, I have been using SP for 2 months and I am not half as good as you with them (my footwork is not good tho). By the way, when someone does a high loop (like Eric on game 4), don't wait for it to kick, try to get it not far after it bounces and from the top, you will return a no spin ball very uncomfortable for the opponent, like on my video on minute 4:23