My trip to Asian Civilisation Museum Singapore, one of the most complete museum collection for antique porcelain in south east Asian, Pigura Asian Art 2016 Music: Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod
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@navisaasianart11292 жыл бұрын
Its amazing
@junekwan81714 жыл бұрын
我是印尼华裔。定居在印度尼西亚 ‘印尼’ 西部,靠近新加坡的一个小岛上。 我这里有相当多藏品要出手的。比如:古银币、古铜钱、古邮票、旧纸钞;青花瓷盘、青花瓷碗、青花瓷花瓶、青花梅瓶、青花瓷盅、青花瓷盆、青花瓷壶、青花瓷有盖缸/无盖缸、青花花卉大罐、青白瓷;龙泉窑;唐三彩;有开片/无开片元青花瓶、青花釉里红、釉里红瓷瓶、釉里红瓷壶、釉里红瓷有盖缸/无盖缸、釉里红瓷钟、釉里红梅瓶;黑釉瓷器;青釉瓷器;珐琅彩/古月轩瓷碗;瓷器神像、瓷器鼎、瓷器钟、瓷器尊、花瓶、酒缸、瓷器尿缸、香薰炉、簋;铜神像、铜香炉、熏炉、钵式炉、铜熨斗、铜盂;金丝楠木橱柜、笔筒、笔洗、笔搁架、笔墨器、漆器、鼻烟壶、粉盒、尿壶;陶瓷;古石;书画;陈设品;杂项,汝窑、官窑、钧窑、哥窑、民窑,各朝代等,有贷款的、无贷款的,均有。 有意者可以联系:+62 821 6514 6688 或电邮 索取相关照片。 I am an Indonesian Chinese who lived on an island that very close to Singapore. I have varieties antique collections which I collected from some fishermen who picked them up from the sunken ships, including: Chinese porcelain vases, jars, pots, plates, bowls Buddha statues and many more. I also have many Chinese coins which I inherited from my grandma, and I also collected hundreds of American Lincoln coins + Washington quarter, + old banknotes, old stamps, & an England royal pewter silver mug & some gemstones waiting for a serious buyer. Any interested can reach me on my mobile: +62 821 6514 6688 or email me on: for pictures.
@hocineouadhi40623 жыл бұрын
Bonjour je souhaiterais vous envoyer des photos de ma colections, Yuan, mercie, Cordialment hocine
@nguyenviettom15 жыл бұрын
Vẻry good
@fauzibilalchanel92904 жыл бұрын
Jangan lupa mampir om #fauzibilalchanel Trimakasih. .