Her emotions were very real. While working on this song she was notified that a good friend of hers was in the hospital and not doing well. she left the set to go to her, but sadly, her friend died before she got there. She returned to the studio to film this song, which I think shows what a real professional she is. I certainly wouldn't have been able to do that.
@DesireeFalls12028 ай бұрын
Every time I go to my parents, brother and sister-in-law’s, or sister’s houses, I’m sure to give them a kiss before leaving. I never want to have any regrets of anything! ❤
@Hal-x7l8 ай бұрын
The Streisand/Kristoferson film was a remake as well.... I believe the original was Judy Garland
@odalisuceta22518 ай бұрын
The Judy Garland one was a remake too.
@karenwalsh11438 ай бұрын
Thanks Cloty & Jim for doing this one! I agree with y'all... I didn't like the ending of the movie BUT, this song was the perfect ending for the movie. And just like you said Cloty, you don't NEED the movie to understand the song!!! Its funny cuz before the movie, i never really cared for lady gaga... but i love her now! ❤ thanks again!!!!!!!!