Рет қаралды 34
Mae Cân y Cymoedd, is-frand o Trac Cymru, sy’nymroddedig i feithrin creu cerddoriaeth werin Gymreig drwy ddod â phobl ifanc, cymunedau a cherddorion profiadol at ei gilydd.
Byddwn yn cyflawni hyn drwy ymgysylltu â gweithdai mewn ysgolion cynradd a grwpiau cymunedol, eu haddysgu am hanes eu sir, yn annog iddynt rannu eu profiadau o’u sir, a thrawsnewid eu geiriau a’u straeon i ganeuon gwerin Gymreig newydd hardd.
Ein cenhadaeth yw dathlu cerddoriaeth a chân werin Cymru, i gyfoethogi ein diwylliant trwy gerddoriaeth, ac addysgu’r genhedlaeth iau a chymunedau Cymreig am harddwch a threftadaeth eu traddodiadau cerddorol.
Ysgol Gynradd Ynysboeth -
Cynhaliwyd ein prosiect Cân y Cymoedd cyntaf yn Ysgol Gynradd Ynysboeth yn RhCT, gyda'r cerddor Gareth Bonello yn arwain y sesiynau.
Cymerodd dosbarth Mrs Piper, Blynyddoedd 4 a 5 ran mewn 8 sesiwn i greu eu cân werin newydd eu hunain gan ddefnyddio hanes a phrofiadau cyffredin eu sir, gan drawsnewid eu geiriau'n gân.
Llwyddodd y disgyblion i greu cân newydd hardd o'r enw "Ynysboeth, ni yw'r gorau".
Gwyliwch y fideo uchod i weld proses creu eu cân drwy'r sesiynau gyda Gareth, perfformio'r gân i'r ysgol a gwrando ar y recordiad terfynol o'r gân.
Can y Cymoedd, a sub-brand of Trac Cymru, is dedicated to fostering the creation of new Welsh folk music by bringing together young people, communities, and seasoned musicians.
We will achieve this through engaging workshops in primary schools and community groups, teaching them about the history of their county, encouraging them share their experiences of their county, and transforming their words and stories into beautiful new Welsh folk songs.
Our mission is to celebrate Welsh folk music and song, to collaboratively enrich our culture through music, and educate the younger generation and Welsh communities about the beauty and heritage of their musical traditions.
Ynysboeth Primary School -
Our first Cân y Cymoedd project took place in Ynysboeth Primary School in RCT, with musician Gareth Bonello leading the sessions.
Mrs Piper’s class, Years 4 & 5 participated in 8 sessions to create their own new folk song using the history and shared experiences of their county, transforming their words into a song.
The pupils successfully created a beautiful new song called “Ynysboeth, we're the best”.
Watch the video above to see the creation process of their song through the sessions with Gareth, performing the song to the school and listen to the final recording the song.